20 tries and still can't beat soul master
fuck this shit game
20 tries and still can't beat soul master
fuck this shit game
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Did you upgrade your nail?
Upgrade nail, get void spells, git gud
How the fuck, might as well give up now.
That bitch is a fucking joke, hell even soul tyrant is a joke, you haven't seen nothing of what this game can throw at you
Well, I remember he killed me a few times the first time I played the game, he's considerably harder than any of the other initial bosses, other than the Mantises.
I did progression raiding in WoW so this wasn’t that bad. The time that made me give up was the trial of fools where it takes like 15 minutes per attempts to get to the part where I die on.
how are so many people on Yea Forums so fucking bad at videogames
>Take 30 minutes to defeat Soul Master
>Take 3 hours to defeat Soul Tyrant
I'm not cut out for this game
Learn the patron. Is just the same noss but faster.
Trial of fools is piss easy once you get all the power ups. The game doesn't become total bullshit till nightmare Grimm and the 4th boss rush.
Now try beating him powered up and without taking damage
Soul Master should take you three at most. Git gud.
This boss is the first one that takes most people a lot of tries to beat
>soul master
dude what
Why would she need a bra for?
I don't know.
He's one of the first bosses that you can't defeat by raw fighting and dodging alone. Namely, he has attacks that can be punished and ones that you simply have to dodge and prepare for another attack.
Essentially, you're looking for exploitable moments (his charge across the stage particularily, and once you're familiar with the pattern, both his spellcasting if he's close and his spinning spell attack), anything else it's not worth trying to risk it. Likewise it's also knowing that if you stun him, that doesn't mean keep attacking; that's when you batch heal if possible.
Also, if you have a full soul meter and decent health, never be afraid to cast your ranged spell if he is fairly far away. Any hit that doesn't comprimise your health is less time you have to spend potentially getting hit.
Do not lewd the spider girl.
Do lewd the spider girl*
Search for upgrades
Nail and health
Try different charm builds
>soul master
>not even soul tyrant
Damn nigga u bad
I’m beat them but seriously fuck this boss fight
Why doesn't Monomon get any love?
So after a few days I decided to go back and beat Radiance. I had done everything else except NKG and the Godmaster DLC.
I initially gave up on Radiance because having to redo the HK fight every time felt tedious but it just didn't feel right just stopping there.
Took me about an hour. Spamming cyclone slash on HK I could usually finish that fight in a minute or two. The 2nd phase of the Radiance fight was so much easier than the first. It was easy to spam cyclone slash to get a ton of hits in and there were plenty of opportunities to heal if I needed to.
why dont you just tell us what kills you? a bit of self analisis about your own mistakes does wonders when you are fighting "hard" bosses.
mysterious bug lesbian
lol beat him first try kill urself :D
Fags. Based traitor mantids for killing the degenerate that brought them shame.
Had loads of trouble until I explored and found the fireball upgrade, that just wrecks them
The trick is going with joni's blessing, you can kill HK by just standing there and spamming attacks if you have the right charms and since radiance is a dream fight you go in with full lifeblood health after HK
Honestly one of the tougher Radiants.
Music is great though youtu.be
>I'm shit so the game is bad
They gave me so much shit until I found the shade cloak. Being able to dash through them turns the fight ezmode.
I'm on my first playthrough and just "beat" the Beast Herrah. Then I found the infected crossroads.
I feel like I'm making a mistake
It's just an inconvenience, nothing too serious
based cockroach waifu
Most disappointing boss just because you start hoping more cool ambushes will happen after you win
not as disappointing as not getting a boss fight against the hunter
There is two, what the fuck.
Do you want him to appear out of nowhere in the middle of walking or something?
boss fight never
What a shame nobody cured her gayness with a good dicking. That's how you fix all lesbos.
Tell 'em Cletus.
lol you only tried 20 times? Granted it only took me about 5 times to beat the Soul Master since I had upgraded the nail by then but the Soul Tyrant took me about 50 tries
Fuck you nigger you know I'm right.
I think he wants hornet hiding under a giant traffic cone
What's with sudden boom of "I can't beat this shitty early/mid boss in the game!" posts in the HK threads?
Hollow Souls
I cheesed Hornet 2 with quick slash and stewarth shell
I have some regrets.
why would a bug need a vagina?
remember kids, if the game is hard and unjust you deserve to use glitches, cheese and/or bugs.
If it won't play fair you shouldn't too
>there are the people telling your that game you like is shit
>hard and unjust
The only hard and unjust thing here is your life, from being born retarded.
I was in the same position. And then I beat it. And then I realized there was a phase 2 and got rekt.
I couldn’t help but laugh, well played Team Cherry.
Just stay right dodge spells and only attack when he comes to you with a charged up swing.
My butt clenched into oblivion when suddenly phase two. Thank god I managed to beat it, I would've lost my shit if I hadn't.
take a break and have a good night's sleep. Your brain assimilates what you've learned overnight
>Spend two hours on Nightmare Grimm
>Decide to call it quits and go to bed
>Give it another go in the morning
>Beat him on my third try
Ok then
honestly soul master was the hardest boss for me. Everything after him was pretty ok.
The problem isn't the fight.
It's the walk of shame back.
To reproduce duh.
>lose to hive knight
Jellyfish bugs are really underrated in this game. I guess it's because she's the only sentient one.
How hard is path of pain if I just beat the normal White Palace path?
Will we see them in Hornet's PRE-sequel?
Very hard.
There are a lot of really long sections where you can't hit the floor, but it's not that bad.
I can't find the fucking hive
I don't actually know where to start and nobody ever mentions it in-game
The only hint (?) Is small bees in kingdom edge where I got quick slash
There's more bees in the Kingdom's Edge.
Look for breakable walls around bees
IIRC just go right from the tram in Kingdom's Edge till you get to a part with the two bees, spikes in the floor and a wall on the other side of the spike floor. That's the wall you have to hit.
You have to use the tram entry to Kingdom's Edge
Just learn how to dodge all of his moves reliably. Then he will never hit you. It's baffling that you haven't found a way to dodge each of them reliably after 20 tries.
Literally the most helpful general in Yea Forums
Thanks lads, seems I wasn't completely off
how are you people so bad at videogames?
HK isn't even high up on the difficulty scale
>he hasn't gotten to the Pantheons
I had more trouble with the latest momodora game on hard difficulty than with the entirety of HK
We playing lewd chess? Because I approve.
Sounds like a fun game.
Hyped for Silksong’s Ally moments like with Cloth.
That's cute user.