Anyone else drink when they play games? If yes, what do you play?
Course laid in
weed >>>>>> alcohol
Where do I fit in if I drink while gaming
For reasons that escape me I still play TF2 and that necessitates drinking due to the game being 50% griefing vets and 50% potatoes.
Do you play it everyday
fuck you it tastes good
I smoke weed and drink alcohol 95% of the time when i am gaming. I drink tequilla and white monsters to be healthy lol
how many times do you play games a week
About as many times a week i drink a week. 3 or 4 times. Unless i find a game that i really like
How much do you drink?
Too much lol. A little more than a handle of liquor a week. Im white and can drink a lot
Usually party games with a group of friends. We had a halo 3 lan party a few weeks back with shitloads of food, drinks and drugs. It helps when a buddy has a bar/game room with pool and darts in the basement.
I drink alone every day for about 2 years now. The ride never ends.
Getting drunk and high has pretty much ruined gaming for me, I can't play without a beer or smoke anymore.
An AA meeting. Alcohol is pointless.
user, that much sugar/caffeine is in no way healthy for your body. That's a drug induced stress test for your heart.
found the retarded americlap lmao, only you guys would need some sort of religion to get rid of booze
That image is brilliant. Capcom and Monster should cooperate for a crossover ad.
sarcasm, i know its hard to tell though plain text. I drink the dugar free ones though
I vape cannabis, which is a sinful waste of money but then again so are video games.
I don't want to play a game with either one of thee boring losers. Maybe I should find some cocaine users to game with.
max payne 3 is my go to drinking game, however nowadays when i get drunk and want to play a game i get double vision making it unplayable
Jogging stresses the heart as well.
>not mixing adderall with alcohol for the ultimate fun times
fucking zoomers
Attorney Online vidya
I pop pills, adderall when I have it, or use kratom when I play multiplayer shit. I find that these things make me less likely to rage at all the retards, including myself when I'm being a retard
>not taking speed to improve performance in games
it's like you don't even want to git gud
Sorry I don't want to fry my dopamine receptors entirely. I also want to have erections.
same here but it's been like 3
What's our end-game?
I've played drunk maybe two times in my life. It's pointless and stupid. Didn't enjoy it at all.
I hate people who show up drunk to raids and whatnot. I don't tolerate drunks in group play that much.
It could be said that I like a fact it could be said that I am an alcoholic.
A while backI stopped going to the pub anddumped all my mates in favour of virtual ones. The virtual ones have cool features like "mute" and "kick"
I have found that a few beers seems to enhance my gaming...but lots and lots of beer makes it worse...alot worse.
Whiskey on the rocks during The Witcher 3 for me.
It used to be Morrowind, but then it evolved into a shopping binge of steam games i'll never play.
>he never banged on speed
I forgot about this guy.
Amphetamine decreases sexual performance. You're not doing your libido a favor.
i think you should start experiencing more of life instead of reading about it on the internet
>Amphetamine decreases sexual performance
hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahha, no.
This, best game to drink while playing
developing a cure for cancer thats based on excessive alcohol consumption
>only one person in the thread still recognises that fag
This is both a positive and a negative.
Used to do this with my friend when we had lan parties. Sun would be well up the next day and we'd still be at it. Good times.
I've been drinking wine while playing DMC 5.
kim jung il still has an ashtray on his desk, making him the most based world leader
What is the appeal of using drugs/alcohol outside of social occasions? Why the fuck would you drink alone? Are you a vietnam vet or a detective from the 30s' or something?
How old are you?
zoomer detected
The Watchmen was very popular, what are you getting at user??
No I just take psychiatric drugs.
it's high fructose dorn dyrup
I blacked out in a case once and the next day there was a perfect circle of dead pixels taking up a third of my monitor. No idea what happened
>this infuriates Yea Forums
I'd rather be consider a zoomer than someone who gets drunk alone while playing videogames.
I like stout beer.
I like coffee though.
There are games I will only play when I'm the right amount of high, drunk and coked up. Rising Storm 2 Vietnam is one of those games.
>zoomer mad he doesnt fit in
>like the taste of a drink
>drink it
It just happens to be an alcoholic beverage.
if i couldn't drink i would probably have killed myself by know (34)
Sometimes, if I'm not going out on week ends I usually hang out with a couple of friends in voicechat and we play multiplayer games together while getting smashed.
>going out on weekends
>having friends
wrong website
I mean I understand having a beer or glass of whiskey, however a single drink isn't what OP was referring to.
You notice it less because ampethamines increase sexual desire, but you're actually ruining your dick.
What if you only go to the same apartment with the same two people because they're your only friends
Am I lame enough for the sekrit club?
I've been here for more than 10 years and I bet my nerd powerlevel is also bigger than yours.
I'm just not a complete faggot like you and people tend to like me, even if I can't stand being arround people for too long.
Best you kill yourself loser.
>desperately tries to defend himself
again, wrong website
only competitive games. I used to drink so i could play ASSFAGGOTS without giving a shit about people being assholes over stupid shit. (I still did my best to be a team player and fill out the roll we needed, just when i had a few drinks i was more willing to play roles i didn't usually play)
And occasionally i'll drink while playing Fightan games, usually to help myself calm down after a really close match has gotten my adrenaline running.
Not my fault you are not popular
I never said it was?
Can someone explain to me why i would want to use royal guard?
>Are you ... a detective from the 30s' or something?
>It was at this point that i realized he was onto me, I needed to be very careful of my next move or else my cover would be blown
What are you batty, what in the world would make you think there were any dicks on Yea Forums.