>game forces you to play a straight white male protagonist
Game forces you to play a straight white male protagonist
>game forces you to play
>game forces you to play a Male
>Game panders to stupid agendas of faggots that will never touch it
>playing games
Quit looking to video games to validate your sexual lifestyles.
>game forces you to git gud
Just play a different game you fucking faggot, I don't go out of my way to play The Last of Shit because I know it has gay shit. Wise up, become more dimissive and you to will someday be the perfect apathetic and counter cultural piece of shit there ever was
>forces you to play with a straight white male protagonist
no games do this.
im actually from /int/ not /pol/ thanks
>no games do this
ohh my god sweaty are you ok?
error: no argument detected
>non white/tolkienshit setting
>forced to play white male anyway
>game forces you to play a slutty girl
>game is set in the future
>white people still exist
>game forces you to play as a muscular beastman with hardly any clothing
>game is set in the future
>men still exist
>game forces you to play as anything but a BLACK BULL who slays wh*Tes
>game forces you
Gfy racist trash.
>Game set in the future
>Currency isn't gold bullion
>game forces you to play a male character that slowly gets feminized
>game has no cutscenes