ITT: Games only you like but everyone else hates
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ITT: Games only you like but everyone else hates
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I like strafe though so
>I'm not the only one on this board that actually likes Strafe
i almost want to cry
Genuinely a masterpiece that's only ruined by the last 3 hours, probably would be the best RPG ever made if not for the ending
What is Strafe?
I like Doom, is it like Doom?
I could probably make a list
It's just a 90's nostalgia fest and plays nothing like the originals. There is bunny hopping however. still a fun game to shoot and blow shit up
here is another
Strafe was alright, it was just the obnoxious shills that turned people against it.
I loved this game. Super unique and inventive.
Did you play this with friends? I tried, I really tried, but I just couldn't like this game. It was boring as fuck.
I masturbated multiple times to the tutorial videos in Strafe.
and here is the other
these 3 are basically my trifecta of games I don't understand why people don't like
massive hours playing these mofos, and enjoying myself
Monaco is my most played game on steam
Man that game delivered a good 8-bit experience but the way the level was designed it was very linear. You keep replaying the level until you figure it out. It was just boring to me. I felt like only old-school fags would enjoy it. 2oldschool4me
Nothing like Doom. It's more of its own thing but it's got tons of blood and gore and lots of content (extra modes) to make your playthroughs different and the secrets in it are great.
the problem with Monaco is that the first level can be rushed, so people believe that is the way to approach the game
it is the same as in Hitman... you are lucky enough to rush your way through paris, and suddenly you believe you can go full blown FPS
Monaco gets good when the levels become huge, and you have to plan a little ahead
it is a really deep game if you try to 100% it
>Strafe was alright
Launch was horrible. But the updates made the game so much better.
yeah, it is basically that
the catch for me is that it is hard as fuck, and the double jump makes it even more tricky
fantastic game, and when you think its over, then it turns into literal hell
I think william fucked up the steam page by putting the mutiplayer battle mode as the first trailer... it makes the game look like a mario party game
Game is cool and thats why I tried to play it but its unoptimized as fuck. Yeah my PC is a fucking potato but DMC 5 works in stable 60FPS in 1080P in low-med settings for example while this game couldn't even keep 40's and was dropping to mid 20's in some areas while not looking good so I just stopped playing.
I am currently enjoying this game a lot
I thought it was going to be a hotline miami rip-off, but in terms of variety and gameplay is superb
it works the same way, but you can't see enemies other than where you are looking at, so the game becomes totally different
>Game is cool and thats why I tried to play it but its unoptimized
they fixed it and it runs well on my end
Wasn't this game universally praised and spawned several sequels? wat
whats wrong with strafe? besides the shitty second half of the game.
But how? I 100%ed it and still didn't really like it. Black Cerb set with his hammer was fucking awesome though. What did you like about it?
Kino as fuck picture/coverart.
alot of people shit on the first game in the franchise because it's "too hard" for them.
The burbs area was fine. Fuck the final area though that shit is hell and the final boss is bullshit too and this is coming from someone that's beaten it multiple times.
Meh I think I'm just averse to stealth games. Going slow and being sneaky all the time puts me to sleep. It's a good stealth game, but a shitty game game.
map maker was fucking awesome.
Tales of Zestiria
Loved it
both Styx games
It seems like they don't get any praise because people don't like stealth
the first one is quite good, and the second is fantastic
amazing visuals, and you can finish the levels in totally different ways, like Hitman
everybody shitted in the game when the mutants appeared
Here's the picture without the name if you wanted it
I like the music
I thought of adapting the missions for goldeneye but I've become a wageslave
oooo boy, my childhood, my precious childhood
Never had hopes for it after KS demo. And in the end i know it was fucked on release, but played Millennial Edition after last steam sale (Literally wanted to play somethin like this after Dusk) and it's just okay game with great potential. Core gameplay is bland, map tiles sucks and RNG dosent make it better. (Why the fuck door opens immediately aftert card pick up?) Starting weapons are meh and really and felt haf baked. But other minor or optionals stuff really shine, had blast using some secondary weapons (Bashing enemies with empy gun feels so right here) most of easter eggs literally another games integrated in the game. Music is blast too, listening that stuff sometime s. They need to make core game on Dusk level and put best parts of strafe in to it and it's gonna be some ultimate fps.
>blood dragon 2 never ever
Blood Dragon has battle royale game written all over it
It's honestly in my top 5 games if the game ironed out a few simple flaws and had more robust content it would be a 10/10. I think most people judge it for being pixelshit and multiplayer centric. damn shame.
>TFW no one is willing to play this shit with you
the awful way they sell it in different parts instantly turned me off forever
Most people immediately getting turned by any jankiness or "muh not curret graphics level". So be glad you passed "not normie" test
It was okay. But... some of the boss encounters and combat situations were pretty fucking bullshit.
still better than the shit nowadays we get, and best of all: It actually came out, unlike half-life 3
>Far Cry was hated but everybody
fucking zoomer weekend posters
it was a great game in theory, but it was just so poorly executed. I wanted to like it really badly but it let me down at every turn
On Yea Forums at least, since this place fucking hates it
I got all the trophies except the one where you had to kill Conner multiple times
what was the problem with strafe? The original test built was solid and the trailers were pure kino. Why did it receive so much hate later on?
Expansion pack was good too.
i'd probably have been upset if i had spent more on it but for $5 it was great
I hate Strafe because it could've been so much more
>Las vegas level
>set during day time
can not forgive that level of faggotry
i checked this shit out on PS+ and there were actually people still online. shocked me
I enjoyed playing battleborn.
well if you were planning on playing solo you made the right choice, for playing with a friend the two versions model is decent and the game has enough content to be the same price as any of the MMZ games
>saying normie
You failed the normalfag test
frig off randy
most masochistic thing i ever did was trying to complete this on the hardest difficulty
Good game ruined by all the open world horseshit and the dumb ass level up RPG shit.
All the actual content in the game (like the puzzle rooms, levels, etc) are all fantastic. But everything else is trash. Could have been so much better.
only Far Cry I finished (and several times). Far Cry 2&3 bored me out after few hours.
they weren't *that* hard though
monkeys - shotgun or G36, aim for head, be wary of their leaping attack
leapers with G36 - least dangerous IMO, since they fight mostly like humans.
predators with MP5SD - you can see them in night/thermal vision
fatsos with M202 - bring car with HMG, or rocket lanucher, or fullauto their heads. Sniper rifle works too, but you rarely fight them at range where G36 won't work better. Only real danger they present is that their rocket launchers usually oneshot player.
It was pretty gud if you are not gagging on every single one AC installment and its every single clone so the formula is not that beaten.
Banjo kazzoie nuts and bolts
Yeah, this one was good. Flawed, but good.
Holy fuck I’m replaying that now.
That menu music was kino.
>not muh realism
The realism of both ARMA and OFP1 is greatly overrated.
Man that brings back memories. I guess it was a little janky but it was cool and I liked it. I remember the first level had you infiltrating some kind of base in the snow and a later one had you at a party using gadget masks to blend in. Good game.
I don't think many people hate that game, it's pretty universally considered to be enjoyable. I'd like them to do a sequel one day but go all out with the car combat. The best parts were the convoys, but there wasn't enough of them. Exploring the world was pretty fun too.
The thing that bothered me about Strafe was finding the fucking card keys and heads literally are buried beneath the enemy corpses like holy fuck
nowhere near as good as the original. I don't even know why they chose to make it a complete reimagining instead of just a sequel. And as others have said, the upgrade system and open world aspects were garbage. I also thought the combat system was pretty shit. They took out guns because nobody liked how they handled guns in the first game but without them it was even worse because now you're forced to go through these long drawn out combat sections that you can't really do anything to speed up because you can't just pick up a gun and shoot everyone. I think there's actually a part where it locks you in an arena type area and forces you to fight waves of enemies that have guns. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this game. They literally just took the first one and fucked up everything that made it good.
I still think that this is the best one in the series.
I think most people don't have a problem with it so much as they do the flute sections.
Just getting into SMT. Ordered Nocturne and DDS 1 for my first games. I've seen people mostly praising it.
This is the only wrong opinion in this thread
Fuck ORC
this is on my 3x3
War of the Roses. I came into it way too late for the community to be decent, but I loved that game until the day they stopped supporting the servers. It was head and shoulders above Chivalry 2 in every respect.
why can't any indie dev makes a game that feels as good as quake/doom
you'd think with 20 years of technological progress there'd be something there
dusk came close
quake maybe but doom is showing its age
I like saints row 3 and 4. Especially 4.
Game is a fucking mess, but the world is great to explore.
I'm serious. This is bar none the best zombie survival crafting game that was out there. Of course there's nothing 'metal gear' about this game but this game was a ton of fun in co-op.
I like janky fps but this felt horrible, give me exodus and ubersolger 2 anyway.(but both those games are fairly well liked so they don't count)
Hell yeah, user. Come to think of it, I never beat Big Mouth and Tentacruel.
You might have reignited my interest. Thanks.
i will never stop loving this terrible game.
Battleborn was a funny failure to laugh at, not necessarily hated.
It's dead jim.
Well the servers are still online but no one is playing it. Maybe a handful of people on discord.
Fucking pussy game should have axed everything and focused on the car combat.
Fuck you
Haven't heard about that game in years.
Oh come on user. Plenty of people defend dark souls 2. It may be the red headed stepchild of the trilogy according to most but there are plenty of defenders.
amazing atmosphere in that game when you're out in the desert
also sound
its still better than a large majority of games desu
sorry to bust your bubble, I like it too
It's become established that this the best game in the series, although the argument can be made for the first one through people's attachment to "the first" time
Her game
Thief (2014)
>replayed played 1 and 2 remaster recently
>1 was not as good as I remembered
>2 was actually much better, but then the game completely stopped working after Mark Meltzer because they fucked up the remaster so badly and now I can't finish the game