Is it true that FemShep is cannon and true shep compared to male shep?
Mass Effect
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Yes, Bioware outright stated that Shepard was originally designed as a female before they came up with the concept of adding a Male protagonist to appeal to a wider demographic
No one cares. Go back.
Yeah most likely. They're idiotic cucks that appeal to a market that simply does not exist.
Wouldn't shock me if they made Femshep canon despite the fact the majority of people played as the male one, and even then the majority of Femsheps were male players.
You know, "that guy" who plays as female characters due to repressed homosexuality. They make up the majority of Femshep players. Without doubt.
TV series or bust desu. Something with the budget of Star Trek Discovery without the awful writing and characters.
You could have the overarching plot and have filler episodes like monster of the week series do. Shep and crew traveling around helping people out. You could base some of them on actual missions from the game. Would be kino.
Don't expect anyone could pull it off though. Plus it would be riddled with SJW and lbgtbbq content most likely. But what isn't these days.
fuck off resetera
No female actor that would look or act the part would be hired
Femshep unironically has better voice acting than Mark "As emotive as a stone" Meer
>no krogan romance
lmao no
> "Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman" - Jonathon Cooper (Animator at Bioware)
You must have autism, or a lesion on your temporal lobe m8. Mark Meer is absolute trash the first two games. He's a background VA who can't fill a main role.
There is no canon Shepard.
ah yes, because Jennifer "i came for the money and the free coffee" Hale is so much better
she sounds bored most of the time
Update: Cooper noted in a follow-up tweet that the motion capture itself was repurposed from BioWare's previous game, Jade Empire. He added that, as we assumed, BioWare was always going to allow the player to choose the gender of their Commander Shepard in Mass Effect.
>actively choosing to spend hours staring at a masculine man instead of a hot woman
The faggotry is way to high.
Mediocre is better than non-existent.
Sounds more like virtue signalling that gives you free points for any game.
>In Pokenon Red you were originally supposed to be a girl!
>In Skyrim you were originally female only
>In Divinity Original Sin the main character was Lohse! We added the others later in development
>In Spiderman you were originally a woman taking the motif of Spiderman to avoid being identified by your tits
fuck off, Meer carried the franchise
>You must have autism
you're the one who got immediately butthurt over an opinion
Some of us are secure in our sexuality.
Please kill yourself already resetranny.
You're high my dude.
there wasn't until manhunter
As am I and I know that I prefer looking at women over men when given a choice.
How braindead you have to be to think jewwood would actually go with a female main character for an action tier movie
No matter how much they want to shill degeneracy they still need money
2 words
If you think that being called autistic means that people are butthurt, you must think most people you know are constantly butthurt.
But the first words you said you were calling others "faggots". Why?
Because only faggots would prefer watching a man.
Ah yes that's why they paid for the likeness of a male model for Shepard and femshep didn't have a unique model until ME3.
Also something like 90% of people played male Shepard. Making a movie with a character nobody played would be kinda fucked, but nuBioWare are SJWs so they'd probably push that feminist agenda regardless.
>FemShep is cannon
Let's trigger ResetGAF with a single pic instead.
if you get called an autist by most people you're an austist,now get some cream for your ass
Wow phoneposter, those 760 mentally ill trannies with that splendid topic surely will have an impact on the videogame community!
Why do you assume we'll be only staring our own character the whole time?
He's right though.
Mark Meer actually has a personality behind his voice, Hale is boring as fuck.
You won't "only" be staring at your own character but you will do it for a considerable amount of the time.
I'm willing to bet you haven't touched ME1 in years. Meer is more wooden than a fucking tree.
I think canon in a game that is so heavily based in player choice and what the player wants is a stupid concept
People self-insert in power fantasies to fuck Yvonne Strahowski. I don't want to insert into a woman to be fucked by a Nigerian.
Exactly, you're an autist. Glad we agree on this point, even if you're retarded everywhere else.
Bullshit.Changing Shepard default face is like changing names of characters in old Final Fantasy. Nobody does that.
>not going the lesbian alien route
The faggotry continues.
Majority of people picked Male Shep.
Who cares what Resetera think?
Why do faggots keep trying to push this le strong female when it's biologically impossible for a woman to do even half the shit an alpha man can do? And before retardedera tranny cucks call me an incel how many female Captains/Admirals and Generals can you name off the top of your head without googling?
>you're an autist
sorry buddy,it's just you
Why are you staring at his ass, faggot?
Yeah, lets just ignore all the countless cutscenes and remember that it is impossible to see anything outside the exact place were your eyes are focused.
I wasn't since I didn't pick him. I was staring at her ass, though.
Because society coddles women in a way their weakness is hardly noticeable. Look at silicon valley, 99% of women is dead weight, and there's still people who argue what happened to Anthem is EA's fault.
>I only watch maleshep's ass in cutscenes
>manipulative formulation of questions
off to a good start.
Son, you are the text-book example sexual insecurity.
It is cool that you are so secure in being a faggot, but it doesn't make you less of one.
There’s your problem.
Shepard is and always has been a man and the actual statistics from gameplay prove it
sure he was a bit flat in the first one but in the following games he steps up big time
Hale is consistently underwhelming.
He really came into his own in 2
ive had enough of your internet forum promoting
So even resetera had over 50% indifferent or preferring maleshep.
How do I reconcile this with my need for a booigeman?