Can we talk about Halo? Just the first one. I'm borrowing my cousins Xbox one and playing the master chief collection.
It's the first time I've played it since launch.
Likes? Dislikes? Favorite weapon?
I personally don't mind the flood, but I hate those goddamn Lazer robots with a passion. Also shotgun is my gunfu.
Maybe it's nostalgia, but it's a fucking fantastic game. Can't wait to move on to the second. I haven't played the third or fourth.
Can we talk about Halo? Just the first one. I'm borrowing my cousins Xbox one and playing the master chief collection
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The assault rife, pistol, and shotgun never feel quite right after CE. Enjoy them while they last.
Are they nerfed or what?
Pretty much everything gets nerfed from one Halo to the next.
prepare for chapters that use the same 3 room assets through the entire level.
seriously did the level designers fall asleep halfway through every map?
Well that's gay. I played a demo or something of Halo 2 and hated that battle rifle
t. retard
Pretty much nostalgia fuels most peoples like for the game. I enjoyed playing halo but I didn't feel that attached to it as the other ones. The best thing the game did was set the stage for the future games.
The Battle Rifle was designed to replace the pistol, so the pistol was made absolutely useless in return. It lost all of its power and accuracy. The AR was cut completely and replaced with a wimpy SMG. The shotgun was given video game shotgun spread and became worthless.
>Maybe it's nostalgia, but it's a fucking fantastic game
It isn't just nostalgia, it's an amazing game. Aside from graphics it aged like fine wine, and the gameplay feels great even today.
I'm a huge Halofag but I really think CE has aged poorly relative to it's sequels.
THere's just so little enemy and weapon variety, and it's envoimrents are too limited by it's time: Outdoor spaces are all super empty fields and wide open spaces, making combat encounters all samey and straightfoward, while indoor spaces are all copy-pasted cramped hallways that get super repetitive to fight through, without much visual variety either.
In a word, it's just sort of tedious.
He's full of shit for the AR at least
The Halo 3 AR (it wasn't in 2) does more damage per shot and is slightly less inaccurate, at the cost of having half the amount of rounds. It's really not that much better, but the SMG takes the niche that the original from CE had. Meanwhile, in Reach, the AR lost some of the damage, but had hugely increased accuracy, making it more of a general, utility weapon more focused close-mid range. Halo 4 brough it back to be more exclusivelly close-close mid range like 3, but it also has a tighter spread inside that range for the first few shots and has massively upped damage.
Halo 5 is inarguably the best AR in the series: It combines 4's insane close range damage and utility, with even further distance/range and accuracy as in Reach. For the first time in the series it's actually viable as a weapon to use outside of just niche situations relative to better guns; and can actually sort of snip kills from already damaged players out to mid-mid long range if you are careful, though precision weapons are still better then it at those ranges.
For the Shotgun and pistol, he's more right: The Halo 2 shotgun had a serious range nerf, and basically won't kill things past point blank range and has hard damage falloff too past tht, in exchnage for more rounds per mag, but every game since has gradually given it it's damage and range back, though still not to the extent of the CE version
how am i a retard for noticing obvious flaws in the level design?
>so little weapon variety
Everything had its specific purpose. Better than the later games that give you 3-4 reskins of every weapon while trying to pass them off as something new.
As says The Halo 2 pistol likewise changed it into a rapid fire, but weak as shit gun with no scope that's really only useful in camapign to quickly pop grunts with headshots. 3 "tried" to be a balance between the CE pistol and the 2 version, that was more powerful and slower firing, but it didn't do nearly enough damage to justify it's sluggish rate of fire, still had no scope, and is arguably the single worst gun in the series.
ODST basically just took the Halo 2 pistol, but slapped a scope and silencer on it, which actually sort of works well in the context of how ODST plays and functions, but eh
Reach did a more successful job of trying to do a more balanced version of the CE pistol (since in CE it's sort of OP): It's zoom is back, it can fire decently fast, faster then the CE pistol, and does solid, but not quite as much damage as the CE pistol., THe downside is if you try to fire it aws fast as you can, it becomes increasingly inaccurate. THe Halo 4 pistol is basically the same: Both are solidly designed weapons.
In 5, they basically took the reach/4 pistol, gave it slightly more damage and a slightly lower rate of fire, and then made it hyper-accurate, though it takes some skill to use accurately and to get consistent headshots with. I'd go as far as to say that the 5 pistol is the most welldesoigned gun in the series: It's useful even for casual players, and is amazing for skilled players, like the CE pistol, but the skill needed to get as much utility out of it isn't as low as it is with the CE pistol and the rest of 5's sandbox in general is pretty useful, so 5's pistol isn't nearly as OP as the CE one is.
That's a valid point, CE has far less careryover from one gun to another then subsquent games. But in the context of it's campaoign, it still leads to more reptitive encounters, especiallyt combined with the other stuff I mentioned.
>asset limitations = flaws
this, especially in the multiplayer which is probably the best in the series with 3 in second
Halo has god-tier level design. You are a retard for asking for more cinematic set pieces in place of smartly designed levels
Halo's level design is shit. Linear hallways combining scripted encounters, with lots of padding and sparse enemy placement. If you could even consider Grunts as enemies due to how little threat they post and how quickly they die.
Get hyped
>Scripted encounters
>Enemies die too quickly
Because open world random encounter bullet sponge enemies sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe try Fallout 76 if that's your thing.
I absolutely love the skybox in this game.
halo is quite honestly the best video game ever made.
>everyone that dislikes my linear shooter's level design must be an open world fag
nice strawmanning lad
Is this fake? it better not be fake user.
Never played a game before Halo, huh?
Fuck off Sebby you autist, your room has always been shit
Well...yes. A game is either open or linear. Its the difference between Half Life and Wildlands
it probably isnt. i was in the earliest test phases for the mcc fixes and one day i caught a description on one of the playlists saying crossplay in it. it was deleted pretty quickly
There are a limited amount of things for MCC that could be considered newsworthy enough to announce them over a month in advance.
You can have linearity that isn't just a straight line from Fight A to Fight B to Fight C, with nothing to do in between, and you can have openness that isn't a straight open world. Halo lacks options and replayability, with only challenge runs past your initial playthrough.
While CE does have some repetitive levels later on its peak like Silent Cartographer and Halo are unmatched by the rest of the series
>implying im sebby
>implying I would ever be sebby
>Halo lacks replayability
needlers and plasma rifles are the most fun, imaginative weapons and 343i is a bunch of hacks for removing plasma rifle in favor of a generic rifle.
>Maybe it's nostalgia, but it's a fucking fantastic game.
It's objectively great.
bruh every time you play is different. every single year i have replayed all of them in timeline order even the shit ones like 4 and 5 and the wars series
It's always the same enemies spawning in the same locations, with the same weapons available to you, limited (if any) options for progression, and barely any secret areas that aren't developer in-joke "easter eggs".
Yeah, thats called level design. And is more satisfying than random encounters and loadouts.
>Yeah, thats called level design.
Shit level design with no options unless you are trying to purposely gimp yourself, and no reason to ever return to that level once completing it. Have you ever played an FPS before Halo?
Be honest here, who gives a shit about Infinite?
I think Minecraft might be up your alley
I'm unironically hyped for it
Have you ever played an FPS before Halo?
Weird that pretty much no one was one-and-done with Halo. People played the fuck out of the campaign back in the day
>Spiritual reboot
Nope. Looter shooters are trash
>pretty much no one was one-and-done with Halo
Only weirdos continued playing the campaign over and over while everyone else was having fun with multiplayer.
Halo CE predated Xbox Live retard
So you're saying Doom had randomly generated levels and shit?
People played on splitscreen and LAN before their consoles could connect to the internet, child.
don't feel bad about these fanboys, halo is my all time favorite shooter but even i can admit the reused assets is a negative.
Not even close. Doom has secrets, though. Ones that often give you weapons and powerups to change your playthrough of said level.
There's several instances where a handful of levels drag on for longer than needed and it feels kinda boring and frustrating, but I guess it's because of how long it takes for some scripted stuff to happen and how long it takes you to get to where you need to be and kill the enemies then repeat
you rn
to be honest, the maps are the only gripes i had with the game, the guns and the combat in general was relatively good.
you every day
Halo CE multiplayer on PC was peak Halo for me. Pistol fuckin rules.
Everyone fawns over the magnum in this game but the plasma pistol is also fucking ridiculous, you can pretty much clear the entire game never switching away from it.
Stop replying to that retard.
Halo CE had a nice feel but was really refined in later games. Pistol and shotgun are my gunfus. Halo 3 has my favorite campaign, I hope you enjoy it. Halo 4's campaign is meh but it has some decent moments.
Can attest. Had one of those third party controllers that didn't work quite right, would sent a repeating signal instead of a constant one when you pulled the trigger. Meant you could never charge the pistol, but also meant it fired faster than the plasma rifle and really melted down anything in your way.
Halo CE is infamous for its copy and paste corridors and back tracking sections. It was and is the biggest complaint ever leveled against the single player campaign.
>Muh muh Halo is bad, CoD good muhh
Don’t most people like both?
Halo is Call of Duty now.
>Windows Store exclusive
>windows 10
>no server browser
>no mods
It's dead. Eldewrito is better.
Yeah, they just wanted to follow the trends. I wonder what trend they are following right now. I guess this "open-world-RPG" bullshit has infested the devs minds.
It's getting a server browser.
Citation needed
I now skip the genre completely for classic shooters and MMOs like old school RuneScape. I don’t need a half assed mix of the two.
>The team is also still hard at work with the Custom Game Browser that was announced last year. We look forward to sharing more details (and eventual hands-on flighting) once we get it all wrapped up and ready to go in the months to come. We are looking forward to to sharing this feature with everyone once it is good to go.
Yeah no, I already have Halo 3 and still play it, I'm ready for Infinite.
Shut the fuck up, it will have multiple missions in one level.
AoS Baby!
>game isn't even announced to be coming to PC
You anons do realize they removed the loadouts, perks, killstreaks, etc shit that 4 had in 5, right?
But they left sprint in, added ADS and the game was designed with esports in mind instead of fun.
That campaign was literally a soap opera with the least interesting characters ever conceived.
Fuck Halo 5, and fuck you.
Loadouts are fine. Sprint and ADS aren't.
B-B-But enhanced mobilities, that's what they will say next.
>Loadouts are fine
Kill yourself
Oh yeah, ripping off from Destiny 1, TitanFall 1 and, CoD (Ghost) was okay.
it doesn't have ADS. ADS in other shooters lowers your movement speed, is needed to shoot accurately, and you don't get knocked out of it when damaged, wheras in Halo, including in 5, you can shoot accurately without it (thougfh it might increase accuracy further), movement is unaffected, and you are knocked out of it when damaged.
Smart scope in 5 behaves identically to how Zoom always has, it's just made to look like ADS
>Loadouts are fine
Bullshit. The one fucking consistent element CE, 2, and 3 had was that you had even starts with weapons and powerups on the map, which meant that players were on even footing and skill was about managing map control
>Sprint/advanced mobility
I've honestly never understood the complaints with them. Unlike in Reach and in 4, they don't break even starts, which is what the problem with armor abilities was, and Halo had traditionally always struggled with having complex movement systems and mechanics compared to other arena shooter anyways.
It seems like people are more angry at the mere idea of them being in the game just because they are different rather then any actual crticisism of them making the gameplay worse. There's also the issue that "classic halo" doesn't even really exist, if you actually were around in the community during the 2 and 3 days, you'd know a ton of people hated 2's changes at first and a ton of people hated 3's. That's not to say that I like EVERY movement mechanic in 5, Spartan Charge is stupid busted, for instance, but I think most of them are fine and work fine with Halo's arena shooter roots.
To me it feels like the Halo community (such as ) is still stuck in 2007 when Halo 3 and CoD4 were rivals and that we see any sort of new mechanic or borrowed mechanic from other shooters as "giving in" even though that was over a fucking decade ago and there's nothing wrong with using mechanics from other shooters if they work well in the context of halo's gameplay
This sums up the largest problem with halo 5, visual and control clutter.
If something isn't needed, why is it there at all? It confuses players and slows down the game because we've been trained for the last 10 years to use ADS, in the other Halo games you could only zoom with the sniper rifle, BR and pistol because it was just a zoom.
The fact that it has any bearing on accuracy is stupid, because I'll always be incentivized to use it because of that little difference.
What the fuck has it even brought to the game besides dividing the already divided fanbase? get rid of it, same with sprint.
Is the inside xbox thing is at the 3/13 for eurofags? i can't think when I'm sleepy as fuck
To be clear, I am not defending how zoom looks in Halo 5, I prefer how it looked in the older games: I agree in 5 it's too visually busy
I'm just pointing out that in terms of actual gameplay it's unchanged from how it always was.
>The fact that it has any bearing on accuracy is stupid, because I'll always be incentivized to use it because of that little difference.
Zoom always increased accuracy, see webm
So why bring that to the other weapons? If it makes the AR more accurate, even by 5% I'm forced to use it 100% of the time.
>To me it feels like the Halo community is still stuck in 2007
That's what it is but this group is actually smaller than you might think.
>modern shooters
Well, I'd argue the AR and autos in general really benefit from having more range then normal.
And the AR is accuratye enough in 5 to where even without the zoom you can still hit shit from a pretty far distance.