He doesn't donate to his favorite streamer regularly

>he doesn't donate to his favorite streamer regularly

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>he watches streams
kys yourself

I make sure to donate at least 20 a month, I make a lot of money so it's really nothing to me. Usually I donate a little bit more but 20 is the baseline. Don't be greedy with your money


>Donating to streamers is bad because Yea Forums told me so

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Are frogposters this retarded or its just ironic?

What do you gain from giving $20 to a person who makes 100k per month playing video games?


Fucking lurk moar.

lmao not him but who said that? also why the fuck should i donate to literally whos?

>he doesn't just work and donate to his streamers to keep a streak while never actually watching the streams

For me, its Kaceytron

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>giving money to some retard just for sitting in front of a camera and playing video games

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But I do, siswet19 is a qt.

Based poorfag

nice try retard and enjoy your wasted money

Shit thread. Sage in all fields

s a g e

What if I don't have a favorite streamer?
What if streamers aren't even something I enjoy OP?

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>steals your gimmik
>steals your audience

heh, nuthin personnel

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Look at the seething poorfag

Based retard

I like to use my Prime sub on streamers with under 50 viewers who play obscure anime games. always seems to pleasantly surprise them and keeps me from killing myself for another day

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I donate once a month to streamers who actually could use the money that I enjoy watching. If they can make me laugh for a couple of hours i dont see the harm in slipping them a 10

isn't she a hybrid nigger?

Not him, but the idea of someone wasting money with zero benefit while being smug about it makes me unironically mad.

Mods, kill this shit thread already.

I'm thinking about doing streaming just as side money. Is there anyway I can make it viable if I already have a full time job?

Aside from debate if watching stream is stupid or not. Stream is free. Paying for something that is free is stupid.

>Makes me unironically mad
Yeah I already know you're seething that was completely clear

>donating to a millionaire


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>giving e-beggars money

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Oh god Im gay

I got actual friends I don't need to give 5$ to a literal who so he says my name to make me feel better.

How can you watch that boring shit?

No one in here including OP donates to streamers
I wish someone did though so I could try to figure out why the fuck they do it

Its pointless to shame other people for not donating, particularly for entertainment which you would probably actually in the end want to be paying for purely because it IS "entertainment".

If you want more of something and that thing has financial struggles then you should want to pay for its continuation. Streamers are not doing you a service that you should be subjugated into feeling guilty for not paying for, if somebody wants a job that isn't streaming then there are many out there.

And still ugly as shit. That one-drop rule was completely right, after all.

do you know how people become poor? by making dumb financial decisions like giving money to nobodies for nothing

So you live to spite people? I should feel sad, but i'm still angry. Fuck you.


>announcing sage
Yikesaroni and oof.

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I'd rather give my money to a homeless person than an online bum.

>everyone who disagrees with my shitty opinion is seething poorfag
ok retard

I'm my favorite streamer

People who don't donate are just poorfags. I'm pretty well-off now making 30k a year, so I started donating 10% of my income. Feels good to be giving to those in need, and helping their communities grow... almost like a modern day Robin Hood! (Without the stealing of course). I also have the privilege of modding some of the streamer's chats now as well, so I have something to do outside of work. Going to meet a few at the next twitch con now, and I can't wait. It's a perfect way to make some real connections with people, aka making friends, but of course Yea Forums wouldn't know anything about that. Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky and make some romantic connections as well!

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>likes streamers
checks out

might as well be on facebook

>he uses a pepe reaction


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I donate to my favorite streamers cause they entertain me and I want to support them continuing to do so : -)

Huh I wonder which side of this Quentin would strawman if he still made mspaint comics
You're right that siding with twitch enrages most boomers but he also tried to shit on video games as being a childish practice in general

Why cant you donate to real charities, like a church or a University, instead of giving it to random sluts?

random sluts need money too user

Where's the charity for gamers?

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Thought that said Die from the thumbnail
Fucking psycho subconscious calm down