Stop playing games, take care of your relationships!

Reminder that, while she watches you playing this game, she'd rather be doing something more fun with her and you will remember this post trying to warn you.

Please, user. Take care of your relationship.

She loves you now. Make sure she keeps loving you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What relationship?

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Why, so she can drain your wallet and pretend to love you while fucking Tyrone when you’re at work? Fuck that.

Who is "she"?

Who the fuck is she?

Who hurt you?

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Whats stopping her from doing whatever it is that she wants to do? What a soul sucker, get the fuck out of here woman and let me enjoy what little spare time I have away from the dredge we call life, just for one fucking moment

Fuck you asshole my gf loves playing vidya with me

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Man, that dude looks so happy. I feel sorry for him.


I havent been in a relationship since I was 18
Im 30 now
banged several other girls during the years but couldnt fall in love with any of them
my heart was already taken by the only true love of my life, who didnt know any better than to shatter it into a million pieces
I know already I will die alone
videogames are all I have left

lol fag

How do I get a relationship?

who cares. she can fuck off, have some balls and do what you want

user, some of us are meant to be alone, no matter how much it hurts.

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Their names were Tara, Lauren, and Delilah. I don’t know if the first 2 cheated but they left me hurting like fuck regardless.

>not playing games together

literally kill yourselves if you cant do this

>Pleb handed

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Some girl from high school just got re married and has been married since January. Last night she texted me because she wants to fuck. She lasted 3 months before she started cheating on husband #2. Relationships are dead play video instead

Stop talking about my hand this way, it's making me uneasy.

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My wife is too busy playing FFXIV too be worried about me playing video games.

We are the same, you and I.
Except i hold on a relationship right now. Even if i have no feelings for it.

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sure thing user

No, the escort I see every once in a while doesn't really care.

what do you have to do to get your hand into this situation?

They could have been great frens.

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I'm just fine. My fiance loves games as much as me, typically play games at the same time.

>Not getting a girl who enjoys videogames as much as you do
Imagine settling for someone who doesn't share your hobbies, how pathetic and desperate can you be.


Have my feel.
There are people in this site i would actually like to meet. Imagine that.

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>Take care of your relationship
I haven't talked to a girl my age in 11 years.

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some women have told me that I look good
I told them nothing

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We literally just fucked. She said I had retard strength. Now we are going to place monster hunter switching off eating each other's ass

Is it hard to pick up women at the circus?

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cook it

try to beat the bike/boo challenge in Mario party 1

>tfw been told I'm handsome but once I take off my hat the male pattern baldness like in pic related ruins any chances I would have had


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Y-you too

have sex

So really how does one get a woman?

get a boy and make them a girl


Shave head

be average looking and funny

ew no

Who the fuck wants me?

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Networking. It might be shitty going out to bars and attending social events, but its pretty much necessary if you actually want to attract a woman in any sense.

Katie, Savannah, Sandra, Lara, Grace, Paula, Ana.

Seems gay and only faggots would do that.

In some way you fucking deserve it.

Same. Met her at 23, absolutely shattered me at 25. Fucked other girls after to try and heal the pain, but none had the same spark. 28, and I feel like I’m incapable of loving again. Fuck women.


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No way, fag.

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I don't drink and know of any social events though? Like do I just go to my local bazaar and see if I can purchase some bush while perusing the merchants tapistries?

why doesnt she get a hobby
why are women so dull and incapable of doing anything on their own
why do they constantly need a man's help

Doesn’t do shit to mend a broken heart.

Wow, women are so brave going outside where they might have to interact with society.


And women wonder why guys think they're crazy.

the virgin tumor autist

the chad burned man

My girlfriend dumped me today. Never fall in love with a crazy girl, boys. You'll only get hurt.


I have never been complemented on my appearance on women that aren't family. I have no idea how I'd respond.

I forgot one. Brooke.

Also, how?

I remember when me and my ex would be arguing and I would just be playing video games not even looking at her, this really upset her. Kind of feels bad in hindsight but then again she was really just my fuckhole slut. I used her pretty good, it is what it is. That relationship was bad on account of me being an immature ass but I was addicted to the pussy shits like fucking crack once you start. I'm glad she is gone now though. I learned a lot.

What relationship? I don't even have any friends, my best friend of 10 years hasn't talked to me in 2 months for no apparent reason but has all time in the world for other friends. I have no one.

Cannot fucking wait for artificial wombs. The femicide will be the best day of all our lives, whether we realize it now or not.

It's funny when they complain about playing videogames but then when you want to go out to do something they spend the entire time glued to the phone. Social networking was a mistake.

Its not a good name. Just a hunch im italian ill never hear a name like that but if you point me to a girl and you say her name is "savannah" or the name of a state i'll know she will be trouble.

Just say you would love to eat their shit then stick your penis in their ear.

My ex dumped me after I agreed to take care of a child she had with some else the second time we dated. She said i wasn't committed. Does that count?

If the woman in your life is off doing something of her own accord whilst you play videogames, that's good.

If she's playing with you, that's good too.

If she's hanging around watching you play videogames then she is an incomplete person and she is attempting to fill the void in your life which you will always fail to do and things are doomed.

Get someone who's actually got an element of autonomy and self actualisation and experience a healthy relationship between two individuals.

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Well, tell me how to fix myself fag. How to regain trust in bitches, when the one who legit felt like “the one” and confided your entire life to, decided to absolutely shit on you.

It’s not even a question of “just find another girl” retard. I’ve literally tried everything, and other girls are legit less interesting that she was. With women you’ve only got two options: they’re either basic bitches, with absolutely nothing going on in their lives, or legit cool, and thus, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE.

That’s it.

And once you learn that, and once you’ve been broken as a man, there’s no “coming back” you got permanent scars.


Gf sat with me for 9+ hours while I boosted the entirety of Overwatch trophies with kids in Europe. She didn't say a word, just sat on my bed, and when it was dinner she went to Chick Fil A and got me food. I finished that night and she wasn't unhappy at all.

Get a girl who just enjoys being by you.

(She later dumped me but bc I didn't wanna become a pot head like she did)

>I don't drink
You don't have to drink.
>and know of any social events though?
Pick up a newspaper or check fucking Facebook or something. Local restaurants and cafes/coffee places are always doing special events. That's where most chicks congregate.


She was the least worse one desu, worst was by far ‘Katie.’

Women's natural reaction to a man having fun is jealousy and annoyance.
It does not matter what you do, if it is not making her more happy than you it will cause her to hate you.

She literally asks me what games are coming out so I can play them on the living room tv

Who are you even talking to? No one is retarded enough to be in a relationship and constantly still be playing video games when together, and single player games at that.

You were way too beta m8. You should have said no because that kid ain't your responsibility.

What is the actual appeal of drugs?

Yeah. I've got no self esteem. It probably wasn't hard for her to convince me

There is nothing more boring and soul sucking than watching someone play a video game. Maybe if it's a movie game you can both enjoy to an extent but man i learned my lesson when i watched a friend play RDR2 for like 2 hours. I wanted to gouge my eyes out it was so painful to bear. If a woman acts interested in your game for while then she is trying really fuckin hard for you.

They made her not hate her life by escapism.

Nothing. Women do it cause they wanna seem cool, and they let their emotions dictate their lives.

Ok user. How did you fuck up and why are you projecting your shortcomings on to everyone else?

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my girlfriend and I watch each other play games all the time.

What about love


That's a meme, women feel nothing. They are as hard and soulless as stone.

Really? She hates it when I make her watch me play video games. Says it reminds her of some fag

I was patient with my ex for 11 1/2 years, as she stopped and rebooted her life over and over. I thought nothing because I loved and supported her. A year before she left me she would get visibly annoyed with me. She told me I don't try hard enough, and that I'm too comfortable with everything. I put my life on hold to make sure she got to where she needed to be so we could begin our life together. I was the one working and bringing in any real money, yet she demanded we move into the city into our own place. How was she going to contribute? Her solution was to take out loans and bring us into debt along with whatever she's accumulating with school. Money isn't an awesome topic for me. I grew up pretty poor, but managed to feel successful in my own right. She just wanted to take from me and never did much in return. But I didn't try, user. Remember.

Now it's been 8 months, she moved on to some guy almost immediately because that's what our last decade meant to her. She did it publicly with zero empathy. No one who's close to her likes him. Her family still loves me, and all of them keep saying they have no idea what's going on in her head.

I wasted my 20's building something that never came. I hope other anons learn to not be as big a pushover as I was. Make sure you are getting yours, and be with someone that deserves you.

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You’re right, I shoulda said impulses.

Fuck are you on about?

Women are incapable of love, you’re being played.

damn shitty relationship desu desu

What do women smell like?

It's easy. Concentrate on you, and build your own circle of whatever. Join a gym, not for the purpose of getting /fit/, but to unwind after the day. Slowly open yourself up to people there. Be a regular at local places around you, to the point where the people there know you by name. Don't make a fool out of yourself, and be open and honest. Don't put on a fucking act. Just be.

Your goal should never be to find someone. If you just live, the right people will find you.

>Says it reminds her of some fag
I wonder who it is.

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I know you made this do one where they team up with neon evangelion theme next

This image is just asking for an edit of some kind, I just don't know what...
Drawfags, get on it.

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Still not your responsibility. I don't blame you for wanting to raise a kid, since it's hardwired for men to want to bring up children to pass on their beliefs and such. I also don't blame you for trying to help someone in need, since men are noble to a fault. But the kid is not yours, and no woman should try to guilt you into raising it.

bullshit hopium from a delusional retard who cant accept that shit sucks

A woman or delusional /fit/izen wrote this.

I don't wanna pay for a gym membership though.

>Implying I'm not a wizard

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Thanks, user.

Just think user, you're finally free of that burden. That's all someone like that is. She brought fuck all good to your life and now you don't have to worry about it. What a worthless cunt. Be glad you're no longer being dragged down by her. She'll come crawling back eventually too, and I hope you're strong enough then to tell her no.

>make my memes for me so i can post them on reddit and take all the credit

Where there any signs i mean your entire 20s and she doesn't care some people are just brats you never noticed?

But there never was a "she" in my life.

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Katharina, Mirjana, Marina, Nadja

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Yeah, that doesn’t help you trust women again idiot. Once you see their true nature, you can never unsee it. Getting bit/, making friends, focusing on my passions, that’s exactly what I’ve done, but not for a second has it made me decide to let a vapid cunt back into my life.

Sex does not equal love.

Shagging cunts on a regular, and seeing how unfaithful they are only cemented my belief that no, it wasn’t just my ex, ALL women are whores.

Be Chad. Don't be Not Chad.

Justine, Arpita, Hannah, Erica

But mainly Hannah. She's the only one I really loved and I still miss her every damn day.

>in a relationship
>only watch professional porn

>only watch amateur

>it's another incels and spineless fags who made one or two bad experiences with girls come together to cry about women

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I saw her the other weekend for the first time since July and she had the audacity to happily wave to me like I'd be happy to see her. I gave her a half as smile and nod and called it a day. Like that's the kind of thing that I think she's still mentally inept with. The fact that she somehow thinks that there's still good in whatever it is she destroyed. It's her princess complex she's always had. She burned every bridge with me. For all intents and purposes she doesn't exist. But her family has been mine for a better part of a decade. I'm still happy I have some relationship with them though. an part of me hopes she dies a bit inside whenever the little ones ask about where I am.

Got a girl coming over tonight to watch movies. We had a date the other week that went well into the night. Might not be a relationship, but i'm positive a good friendship will come out of this one.

What's a woman?

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There's always signs. But it's that blinded by love thing. You know, red flags and rose-colored glasses. Like I said though, I put her before me, so that was my biggest mistake. And my big lesson from the entire thing. Everything had to happen on her terms. Compromise did not exist. She'll be lucky if she ever finds anyone who was as patient as I was.


I haven't had sex in 8 months

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>normie advice no.1
Yeah, sure.

Damn, I know that feel.

Worst part is, is when you wanna forget about them, but even years later, they still show up in your dreams.

Worst feeling ever, you wake up feeling like shit for the rest of the day.

>She'll be lucky if she ever finds anyone who was as patient as I was.

They never fucking do. That's the funniest part.

Tell me about Hannah, user.

There are more doormats out there than you guys think. lol

And they still expect men to take initative. Also if you're good looking you can just ignore those roastie rules anyways

Women, and a lot of people in general, who have had life on easy mode and never experienced hardship think that they will always get their cake and eat it too. The dumb whore has no concept that she wronged you and ruined your life because women have no self awareness so she purely sees herself as the good guy no matter what. She thinks you still like her as a person and that it's all ok because she was probably a spoiled brat as a kid who never had to experience consequences and can't even fathom being in the wrong.

I hope you get some fresh pussy tonight user, you've earned it.

What kind of fag girlfriend doesn't have their own pc?

im literally a 28 year old virgin and i dont even give a fuck

i mean i'd like to meat a nice woman but as a bitter misanthrope who doesn't trust anyone and thinks maybe 1% of people are actually worth shit, it's pretty hard

You know, women need to consider something.

>she is on alert. She is afraid of two things

In those situations, where she is physically disadvantaged and vulnerable - if she can't get away she's fucked probably 90% of the time. 90% of the time... unless there are OTHER MEN around. Men who majority of the time would step in.

Kinda breaks the whole "toxic masculinity" thing that seems to be growing ever more popular these days.

>She thinks you still like her as a person and that it's all ok because she was probably a spoiled brat as a kid who never had to experience consequences and can't even fathom being in the wrong.
There is is.
>I hope you get some fresh pussy tonight user, you've earned it.
I'm going to make a move for sure, but we'll see.

I went out with this girl for like 3-4 months and we never fucked. The most we did was make out and that's it. She didn't even let me touch her tits, so my patience ran dry and I broke up with her. A few months later she was pregnant by some waiter. This is a true story btw

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>women benefit the most from citizens privately owning firearms and being allowed to carry them concealed
>are more likely to actively campaign against it and remove the only possible deterrent predators have when they are isolated

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I'm sure she can wait 5 minutes.

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I don't understand normie couples, at all.

How could you "love" someone who doesn't like the same things you like? Or in some cases, even hates the things you like? What are you supposed to bond over? Shitty chick flicks you have to pretend to like?

I don't get it, man

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Most feminists never seem to realize a lot of what they deem "toxic" would save their asses when shit hits the fan.

Pretty funny, desu.


animals actually are better friends than people though

Why are you millennials so autistic?
You are amazing, you are as if they took people, and they removed all their genetic memory from the past 5 million years.
You are not willing to fight for anything, you have no ambitions, you are incapable of holding relationships, you don't understand the meaning of working to earn something.

Are millennials human at all?
Is there any difference between you and a domestic pet?

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It's been so long I'm practically a born-again virgin. Hit it off with a girl at work pretty recently but the age difference would have been a little too weird. It was nice to get some signals of interest though.


>that controller
Who the fuck could stand a controller that's blinking lights everytime it receives an input.

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and yet here you are

There are a gazillion things you can bond over. I'm sure you too have more hobbies and interests than just vidya.

>but the age difference would have been a little too weird.

Just fucking go for it. Better you than some other guy.

True, but men also deal with that stuff. It's worse for women because they'll more often get raped in the process, but men also need to consider not getting murder robbed by niggers at night. Be smart, unironically learn not to get raped

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Ah, some mongoloids

What did she have that was so speshul kek

Sarah, Beth, Jamie

>In a relationship for 4 1/2 years
>No time to play videogames
>Single now
>Feel like shit,got time for videogames

What's the age difference? About to meet with a girl who's 7 years younger than me. Not much, but still.

t.projecting millenial

look man i dont want to be here either, don't blame me for this shit

frankly to me you normies seem like a bunch of insane illogical retards who can't get anything right but don't even care

Myself for being too autistic and not taking the step out of fear of being rejected.

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I'm actually the one usually watching my girlfriend playing the video games.
I've been enjoying watching her play DMC 5.

You try new experiences together and learn from each other. Open your mind, duuuude lmao

>what is multiplayer
>or taking turns
Also who cares, I hate everyone who isn't me.

You underestimate how boring most women are

Because they don't trust themselves with firearms. An angry women would kill without hesitation if they could.

Depends on what age you are. I'm almost 26 and I have a girl at campus who is 19 that is into me. It's just weird, man. I don't wanna be that guy. I'm a completely different person now than I was at 19.

I dream about her all the time. So much so that I've kept a dream journal of just those dreams the last couple years. They are always my most vivid and detailed ones. Haven't seen her irl since May 2013.

She was my best friend in college. We met my first day moving into the dorms as she was my neighbor and was also in the same major program as one of my roommates. I think I fell in love with her at first sight but didn't actually realize it until years later. We hit it off and became good friends fast. We got dinner together almost every night and talked all the time. We were like polar opposites, had almost nothing in common, yet to me at least felt like kindred spirits. She was a really religious, sheltered, homeschooled girl and I was an edgy fedora tier atheist pothead in rebellion against the world after my dad died even though I was raised religious as well. She got me to start going to Campus Crusade meetings with her and church services and helped me heal a bit. That was what really made me fall for her. We never dated though because she was literally 10/10 beautiful and I was way too shy and beta to make a move, especially because I was a fat guy back then and didn't believe for a second she would ever want me. We stayed close friends all throughout college, but drifted apart after when she moved across the country for a job. I finally told her how I felt years later. Years too late. It didn't seem to mean a thing to her. That was a little over a year ago. I dated a bunch last year to try and move on and felt nothing for any of those girls because I still just want her. I have no idea if I'll ever be able to heal or move on from her. I just don't know. I still love her and I know I shouldn't.

Have you also enjoyed watching her fuck Tyrone?

My gf and I have an agreement. She lets me play some games and I’ll sit with her and watch Say Yes To The Dress and pretend that I don’t want to kill my self.

i literally don't. no matter what i try i can't get interested in anything. i spent 4 years at my local college trying different classes and literally everything was mind-numbingly dull.

i have aspergers btw

Fifteen fucking years. She thought I was younger than I was and I thought she was older.

Because they haven't lived through anything interesting, because the world is just too safe and boring.
You actually think the average western man is interesting, when all what western people have in their lives is their boring job and entertainment media?

The actual interesting people are either too busy in places that aren't as safe as ours, or they might have mental issues.

I can't even fathom how absolutely unbearable interacting with this person must be in real life. Normal people literally do not think like this.

Take it from me, forget about age differences (as long as she's legal) The woman who took my virginity and was my first gf was 10 years older than me. Now I'm hoping to find someone 10 years younger.

Amanda and Amanda. Fuck next time I'll avoid anyone with that name

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Is Alex Jones autistic?

If you're ugly, you shouldn't be approaching women in the first place. That's sexual harassment.

They don't.
The problem is that the internet gives way too much voice to autistic people and weirdos, which is why people in Yea Forums seem to think the entire world is either SJWs or neo-nazis when most people think all of this is fucking retarded and just want everyone to shut up.

>Your goal should never be to find someone. If you just live, the right people will find you.
This is absolutely retarded and can only come from a woman.
You don't just find love by living your live not caring about it. Love and a relationship is work. If you are going around "hurr, just doing my own shit, maybe I'll find someone, maybe don't" then you will never find someone, because you are literally convincing yourself that you don't need anybody. People find love because they want to find love. And this doesn't mean some shit like "durr everybody can love everybody", that's absolutely not the case. But the difference between "liking" somebody and "loving" somebody is your own fucking attitude.

It's the other way around. Why do you think the majority of murders are committed by men? Women tend to control their anger way better.

I didn't lose my virginity until like a month and a half before my 29th birthday. You can do it user.

I guess 30 and 23 isn't that bad in comparison. She isn't in college afterall which would be a big no-no for me.

you don't even have to necessarily be ugly. just having bad facial hair and wearing old clothes is enough.

But you can't.
You don't just fall in love with someone, you don't choose who to fall in love with.
You can spend 10 years going to bars and not feel anything for anyone you meet or bang, but you can fall for some coworker.

Well, that sounds tough. No offense. There actually are girls who are into videogames. But in my experience very few of them are gf material. My good friend's sister is a huge geek and videogame enthusiast, for instance. She's insanely loose too, and in a "relationship" with two guys at the same time at the moment. I shit you not.

>I’ll sit with her and watch Say Yes To The Dress

She wants you to ask her to ber her husband.

Proposer her ass soon as possible if you love her.

This is obviously a very insecure woman you probably shouldn't assume all women act like that.

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I don't know, all what I do with my sister is do the same things.
We watch movies together, we play games together, we go to the cinema together.
Just try to find someone that shares your hobbies.
Isn't that why everyone here likes tomboys so much?

What is with this new meme in every thread

Wow you suck at this

how do i get over comparing myself to everyone and writing off any girl because i think they'd just be settling by dating me

Of course it's a fucking white girl.

But that's the thing, user.

You're right, men do have to deal with this stuff - the threat of violence, and they are statistically more likely to experience it. And, majority of the time, men believe as you do - that they should take precautions and personal responsibility.

But that's not what that woman thought, and it's not common among most other women either. "The future is female" and yet everything is still men's responsibility. I'm probably gonna get called an angry incel for this shit but seriously c'mon. This doesn't bother people, really???

Stop overthinking things and for once just let loose and have fun.

I know. I I already have a ring.

get a fucking grip you're barely an adult at 23 get over it and move on.

What about it?
They are your biggest allies, no matter how many cherrypicked Twitter screencaps are shown, stats speak for themselves.

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Godspeed, user.

suck my dick nigger

>Women tend to control their anger way better.
I haven't laughed this hard in a while user thank you.

Ask her out RIGHT NOW!

She`d be the most happy girl in the world if you do this right know!

I've been single for 11 years, I honestly forgot how to actually make a connection with another person.

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>mfw reading this thread and seeing all the bullshit relationships and women bring to your life and realize being a 29 KV isn't so bad

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yeah but what if youre a skinny ugly manlet (5'5)

ITT: failed normalfags.

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They dont who are you even talking about? The relationships that ive seen have had both members be intrested in the majority of things the other likes.

My gf has borderline personality disorder and now I'm trapped in an abusive relationship for the rest of my life

I know you probably think that men are masters at everything, or haven't been around women, but holy shit if you think men are better at controlling anger than women then you're deluding yourself.

Are you going to bang your sister?

I've only had 1 female friend my whole life and it's great. We are never gonna date each other but we will make out and do sexual things while playing street fighter 3 alpha
Relationships ruin friendships don't do it


we’ll yeah but that’s always what you get from these threads and it makes us become complacent and want to not try because all you see on Yea Forums is negativity against women and relationship horror stories

I'm not saying you're ugly, because I've obviously never seen you before, but go literally anywhere and look at all the dumpy ass guys who date girls way hotter than them. Most people aren't as shallow as you think, and while it's true that people generally stick with people near their level of attractiveness, there's plenty of wiggle room if you show people that you care about them and put effort into your relationships with them

I don't have any relationships, I just bang any strange girl I find, bonus points for mental issues and a priority target if she's autistic.
Please, do not stick your dick in crazy, they are all mine.

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Just cut her off asap, and find someone who doesn't make you life hell.

but I just play videogames with my boyfriend instead

Fags are gay.

Lucky. Mine has lupus and the looming threat of breast cancer.

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Let's be honest though, places like these or rather threads like these will always focus on the negative aspects of relationships. Anons that are happy in them will either be a minority or just skip past this thread. Confirmation bias is a thing for a good reason. It's like going to some forum for relationship advice and saying "Wow, relationships sure have a lot of issues, I better not get involved with anyone" when the fact is you're just looking at the part of the forum that's all about dealing with those issues, rather than highlighting the good times.

>you will always be too ugly to get a gf

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I wish I could. I need her to help pay rent and bills. Plus, after being with her for five years (during which her mentally illness has become progressively worse), I've become close with her family, and I know they're relieved that there's at least one person alive who can be near my gf for over an hour

>not having a gf that's as autistic about vidya as you

Serves you right for settling

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Me. I ruin every relationship i have because i reject people who love me out of fear they'll leave.
I am my worst enemy.

You think these girls think about you as hard as you think about them?

You are the inferior male, you couldn't compete and just realized this.


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Faggot where did you get picture of my hand?

She's just describing your average city dweller though. Thanks multiculturalism!

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Reminder that attractiveness stems a lot from NOT being fat.
If you are fat, get off your ass and lose your belly before claiming that the end is neigh.

my ex, first she left, then came back, cheated on the new guy with me, then left and sued me

Looks like you got roped into a beta bux relationship ,cuck.

Leave her duh.
>b-but what will o-our friends think?
If you want to keep them tell them what's up ASAP, since your GF will long lie to keep them them against you. If not then tell them to fuck off too, simple. Are they gonna take care of you once she goes suoernova on you? Fuck them then. Sack up, you're a man, not a battered wife.

I don't play games on a regular basis. I go weeks or months without playing anything but when I do buy a game I sit down all day or all weekend long and marathon through it. For example Devil May Cry 5 I sat down all day Friday and Saturday and did nothing else but play it. Same with RE2 remake. Now I won't play anything until a new game comes out that I like. Anyone else like this?

Only by your own hand. You have the power to choose to end that shit user. I dated a girl like that too and freeing myself from her was hard but necessary.


Weak males with mental issues (insecurity and constant fear are a sign of mental problems) will never be appealing as men.

You were never even competitive. All human males are not meant to succeed.

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>tfw fat and still got girls all over my jock
Helps to groom yourself tight.

I'm nearly 29 and never had sex or gf. A new girl at work asked me for my number last week. She said she wanted my number so she could text me if she was doing anything fun in the evenings. Does she like me? She's kinda cute but she's religious. She goes to church every Sunday. So I dunno if thats a red flag.

she's on the fence, don't get your hopes up

But I'm not fat.

Ask her out.

Only if you let it be.

>Shitting where you eat.

DON'T DATE CO-WORKERS, Don't be friends with them either, anything you say will be reported to management if it benefits them.

Gimme the cliffnotes

Not really, go ahead, see what happens.

this is fucking great please do more user



Excellent projection and assumptions based on me laughing at you for saying that women are better at controlling their anger.

Women exist for the benefit of an incredibly small amount of males.

The whole "there is a woman for every man" concept is and has always been a fallacy. 99% of women will catch the dick of the Chad. They belong to the Chad. If you are one of the Chad tribe, congrats. Otherwise.....

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I had a nerd gf once, only problem was she was her self destructive personality, still friends but she's scared of relationships now and still needs help.

>Women exist for the benefit of an incredibly small amount of males.
What are you talking about?
Most men nowadays have a relationship.
Virgins are a minority.

You want a girlfriend or a debate partner, dummy?

Gimme those religious chicks any day, I'd rather play along than deal with some new age craziness.

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Yea Forums meme where cm supports spam it whenever people pose criticism in any shape of form just to tick people off.

Being religious is hardly a bad thing, unless they're the type to talk it up like crazy. At which point they might be overcompensating for being a shitty person.

Its a bit of a meme that religious chicks end up being the sluttiest.

Fuck it you only got one more year till your a wizard anyways


I’ve often contemplated breaking up with my gf so I could play more vidya.

Although this claim is completely baseless, you'll see people agree and pat each other in the back because, even if it's not true, it makes them feel better.
Kojima was right and millennials are smothering the world.

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who let the robots out of their containment zone?

based and vidyapilled

So did I.
Then I realized there's almost no videogames worth playing nowadays and that most Triple As are just glorified smartphone games.

>be outside of relationship forever
>feel lonely and desperate
>get gf
>eventually just become complacent
>want to play vidya but have to respond to messages i dont want to respond to
>break up

>video games

Denise, Lauren, Jessica, Dulce, Tess

Anons how do I get a girl with autism and likes video games like me?

NIGGER I went to xatholic school for 12 years. Girls were hooking up with everything from freshmen to fat old men, yes, just like your animu. Can't tell you how many times I found someone having sex on the stairwells or the library.

I have two hobbies. Playing fighting games and listening to music. I can barely even relate to people who play normal vidya.

Women are hardwired to not only be more emotional but they also have less of a filter on those emotions. You probably just don't recognize violent actions women do to vent their anger.


>gets close to the truth

>hurr durrrr millenials DURRRRR

fucking retard

>Take care of your relationship.
I do

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I haven't had sex ever since I banged my sister on New Years Eve 2 years ago.

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The world.

>women are told to have high standards
>must settle down with god or some ultra chad
>men are told to have no standards
>must settle for a post wall woman with 3 mixed raced kids
fuck women and fuck the west

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Stop falling for this meme. Women have zero emotions, they are unfeeling machines.

But it is you, exclusively you.
Only millennials are in their 30s and still stuck in boy vs girl slapfights.
They are a disfunctional generation that has zero achievements and can't even reach the level of of mediocre, average civilian.

I never said it was unfounded. But there's a difference between having to go to a catholic school, and just going to church every now and then.

Story now please!

>people listing multiple exes
>i haven't even had a real relationship

>it's you
whew lad you're really reaching. keep searching for that bogeyman to blame everything on amigo. never stop to think about why the millenials might be the way they are, just keep being outraged.


>fucking sister
God amongst men

I use to think that was bullshit, until i entered a workplace where i get to see my coworkers in action quite often.

>woman at work get pissed off when male co-workers are on their phones during a smoke break
>same women literally sit on phones browsing facebook and instagram during company hours
>go out for drinks with a group of coworkers every once in a while
>guys are laughing and talking about various topics and being engaged
>women are glued to their phones texting and updating profiles almost the entire time
>have to either completely blow them off or repeat yourself multiple times before they snap into reality


Lisa. Jenny

How do normalfags date a girl knowing she's sucked and fucked at least 20 dicks before him? How do they handle knowing they'll always have a lower "partner count" than their girlfriend, and there's literally hundreds of men she could sleep with just by opening Tinder and he's totally disposable?

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Most of the girls I listed in my post like that weren't relationships, just ones that almost were but then never got there. And that kind of unresolved hurt can stick with you far more anyway.

normalfags don't think about those things.

two girls tortured me in kindergarten by painting me with pencils and ruined my pencil case by leaking ink on it, they never got told for that episode, I was just the little loser trolled by the two kindergarten queens, they probably forgot about it and are living a happy life

You realize we had church in school, right?

Been there. Lived with the bitch too. Wasted a year of my life living together before she just decided to move in with her ex. For the love of god end it instead of hoping for an excuse to.

Because they’ve also fucked a lot and aren’t incels

My wife is paying half my bills and fucking three other dudes while i play games. I never knew life could be this good

men are thought in western society to ignore it while the women must have ultra chads as their partners

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What relationship? I can't trust anyone and especially not women.