>get extremely excited for a game
>it never comes out
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Get extremely excited for a game
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Still no news of TGT?I thought the dude wanted to continue this shit
See you soon.
The Underside.
Dungeon Keeper 3
i don't think that's ever happened to me
Minecraft 2.0
Starcraft Ghost
>He abandoned Underside for Wasted
warcraft 4
Not quite, because he actually posted some Underside Unity port tests after he published Wasted.
And then last week he announced that he got hired to work on Stardew Valley, hence the tweet in
Barkley 2. The few snippets shown and shit like the wizard at pax were fucking excellent and I pray it actually comes out some day.
Mother 4 fangame
Was supposed to come out in late 2015-16 and im pretty sure they were trying to constantly polish the game and it just made more issues. Then they got chickenshit that it would get DMCA'd so they said they were going to rebrand. Turns out the rebrand is still ongoing to this day, or its most likely just been silently cancelled
FF7 remake. It's been half a decade, I expect it to be the next P5, without the quality.
I know that fucking feel bro, last update was in like 2017.
Close Enough
Rayman 4
I get it, rayman legends is a cool game but I want a proper 3D rayman game, I fell in love with 2 and 3
Also Beyond good & evil 2, the way it was on the first trailers, not this prequel shit whatever it is
Silent Hills
Cyberpunk 2077
Legends 3 I guess, never played a ton of the original Legends or a huge Megaman fan but Legends 3 always filled me with hype
For me it’s Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remake.
Though these indie games probably will be released sometime, but Witchmarsh and Undungeon are one hell of waiting.
>get extremely excited for a game
>play it
>it fucking sucks
What's her name, Yea Forumsros?
I-i-it'll be release.
T-t-they are just working on it.
Prototype 2
versus xiii
Fable 3
I abstained from watching anything other than the first trailer to not spoil myself considering fable 1 was one of my favourite games
I'm still sad
Wasn't that just announced?
I tried
I seriously really really tried
But I just can't like it
I wouldn't say EXTREMELY excited because it's an indie game but That Which Sleeps had an interesting premise.
Dissidia NT
>loved Dissidia and Duodecim. Played both for hundreds of hours of playtime
>watch trailers and it looks awesome
>start to hear more about it
>*worry intensifies*
>play the demo
>it blows ass
>don't even bother buying it
>apparently it's turning into some F2P cash grab thing now
I'm just glad I didn't waste my money on that turd. What a fucking waste
It still hurts.
I have not purchased a Capcom game since.
the wolf among us s2
>Omori maybe releasing in 2019
>Radio The Universe releasing soon(tm) in 2019
Please let it happen
Galaxy in Turmoil
Americana Dawn
It took a while for me to accept it
>Republic Commandos 2
>Spore 2
>M&B Bannerlord
Fucking hate my life
Was it? I wouldn’t think so, it was a relatively poor selling game.
FF Versus 13
>He doesn't know