Dark Souls:Bosses you killed on the first time?

Here is mine.Call me a liar,I don't care.

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I believe you

i literally beat all of them first try


r u saying u didnt?
ohno no o no

u better git gud

You didn't beat Midir first try. The rest I can believe. But that's bullshit

Thanks.DS2 bosses were easy.Post the bosses you killed on the first time,if you don't mind.

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The only one I remember is Sullyvan.

>u better git gud
Ohno no o no
you are funny!

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>killed Midir first time

With 3 summons while you stood and watched

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You get to believe what you want.Post your first time bosses.

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>Fume Knight first try
fuck off

hahhah thank you men!!

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I’m the summon casting Pestilent Mist.

All of them

If you're wondering why people shit on the Dark Souls fanbase all the time, this is why.

>moonlight butterfly killed me twice
>beat ornstein and smough first try

i don't have any real explanation for how i did this.

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>beat Fume Knight on my SL1
>still can't do it on my SL100+

you are a really sad individual, even if you had beaten the game without taking a single hit on your first try; gaming """achievements""" mean absolutely nothing here
the fact that you thought boasting about this would somehow feel good is depressing, but for you

How was the PVP arena after the boss?

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I killed every one of those bosses my first time, and like 3 dozen more. So, to me, you are a casual scrub. I laugh at N00BS.

I bet you love the taste of your own cum you lying faggot.

Pinwheel, moonlight butterfly and the gaping dragon. And the asylum demon if he counts as a boss.

>>beat ornstein and smough first try
You actually have to explain this.

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If you beat Taurus demon first try you must have read a guide to know about the dogs.

i recall the ai being janky, so while i was wailing on ornstein, smough kinda took too long to do the ass slam nearly every time. so it's not like i was performing perfect dodges, it's more that i was being given a second or 2 of extra leniency. mind you this was day 1, so they may have gotten fixed later on.

Moonlight killed me as I killed it, I stopped trying to dodge since I knew the spell I just cast would finish it off.

so few? no wonder zoomers think this garbage is hard

oh, and also i got demon's souls day 1 too, so i had a couple hundred hours of "souls formula" knowledge going into dark souls. still, the fact that the butterfly blew my ass out twice is retarded.

what happens if you and the boss die at the same time? do you win?

I actually got lucky and beat Taurus demon first try because the dogs didn't spawn for some reason or they clipped out of the map or something.

Taurus demon is unbeatable, even at max SL

proof: some guy on the internet

>taurus demon
>bell gargoyles (only because based solaire was helping)
>fire spider bitch queelag
>last giant
>dont remember name but basically jabba the hutt
>old iron king
>iudex gundyr
>vordt of boreal valley
>curse rotted greatwood
>crystal sage
>deacons of the deep
>high lord wolnir
>yhorm the giant
>dancer of the boreal valley
In terms of boss difficulty DS2 > DS1 > DS3

leechmonger, dirty colossus, phalanx, penetrator, armored spider
4 kings, nito, gwyn, pinwheel, demon firesage
75% of the bosses in ds2
like half the bosses in bb and ds3

I died a few seconds after the butterfly but it counted as a win for me.

pic related should have been the true canonical last boss of Dark Souls series


Only The Fire can illuminate the darkest soul.

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>asylum demon
>bell gargoyles
>ceaseless discharge
>centipede demon
>demon firesage
>gaping dragon
>iron golem
>moonlight butterfly
>stray demon

>ancient dragon
>belfry gargoyles
>covetous demon
>demon of song
>executioner's chariot
>flexile sentry
>giant lord
>guardian dragon
>looking glass knight
>lost sinner
>old dragonslayer
>old iron king
>prowling magus (lol)
>all rats
>ruin sentinels
>skeleton lords
>last giant

>abyss watchers
>dragonslayer armor
>soul of cinder
>demon prince
>old demon king
>ancient wyvern

>killed friede on my first try, SL70
Holy fuck my heart was gonna explode.

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None of them. Stopped playing that shit game after that cheap boss that instantly kills you after a transition to its area.

Was it the Dancer?

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