

Attached: vice_city_emotion_vs_flash.jpg (1906x1259, 586K)

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*blocks your path*

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Flash as it has Out of Touch

Finally I have an excuse to post this.

>The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan
>Meanwhile, his wife is lonely. She is lonely because her husband leaves her alone at home in the morning and only arrives late in the night with the stench of Sake in his breath
>and on the weekends he spends every minute on watching his animes and playing the latest Nintendo products, leaving the beautiful Japanese flower alone and sad in the kitchen to prepare meals for her husband who is a total asexual autist
>One day, a stranger comes into town. He is a dark handsome man with a daring and passionate look in his eyes
>He notices lonely Satomi staring at cherries blooming in the garden
>The charming man aproaches her and she can feel herself heating up like if she was in the mediterranean
>"Querida Satomi, te voy a dar el placer que tu esposo antisocial nunca te podera dar para que pudas vivir en paz por toda tu vida" - whispered the handsome man
>Suddenly, Japanese woman couldn't take it anymore. The passion of Andalusia, the charm of Milan and the nostalgia of Portugal were all combined in the deity that was in front of her
>She takes of her clothes and proceeds to have the most "caliente" sex she ever had in her life
>As she reaches the climax and the epithome of human pleasure she thanks the gods of the Mediterranean for sending this angel of lust
>After passing out she could hear a lonesome guitar sound fading in the distance
>When she waked up her husband was still in the bar drinking Sake with his male friends but now she had a memory of love to cherish in her lonely Japanese days
>and that memory was:
>Fernando Martinez

>choosing Emotion over Flash
It's like you hate Video Killed the Radio Star, Out Of Touch and Billie Jean

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Vice City was half-finished game and a cashgrab. This opinion might agitate you but it's true.

You're all blinded by nostalgia and flamboyant 80s Hawaiian shirts.

Truth is, after III, Rockstar simply knew they could respray the previous game and nobody would care. That's why they cut the map in half, slapped some licensed soundtrack which they're too stuck up to renew for new versions of the game, and hired celebrities to do voice-acting which is a waste of money. Remade the missions from III, and wrapped everything up after mere 3 months of work.

Then moved onto SA which is even greater piece of shit.

After that it's not GTA.

think again retard

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I've only got one thing to say to this:

VCPR is the only choice

The correct answer is KDST from SA


they didn't call it GTA 3. nobody thought it was a proper sequel. some really good games were released as expansion packs and it had nothing to do with dev laziness.

Africa > Out of Touch
Waiting for a Girl Like You > Billie Jean
More Than This > Video Killed the Radio Star

I dunno. It had some of the series' best written (and voice acted) missions.

*they didn't call it GTA 4, typo

>her interview with the theater-actor guy

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>Tfw there will never be a 70s RnB song more kino than this

Wave 103 baby

>naming one of the only stations you should skip

Vice City Stories was better just for having Phil Collins

thoughts on radio kino park?

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>hire ray liotta
>pay him 100 million dollars
>nobody gives a fuck that it's ray liotta
>not even ray liotta gives a fuck
>waste 100 million dollars that could've gone to making better gameplay, missions, map, interactivity, replayability
>all to be able to boast you have ray liotta in the game

Wow. Sperg out 10 years later and refuse to license songs from soundtrack so not even soundtrack is good anymore since it misses all the good songs. Left with utter shit. How to fix it?

Release mobile port.

What a herd of rocktards.

And SA is even better.

>how shall we make new gta better?
>i know, quadruple the size of the map but don't put anything in there
>also waste entire office to create clothes which do nothing
>and hire more celebrities to do voice acting

At least it has some memes but not even that can take it out of the trash can.

this is why I think video game voice actors getting paid a lot is a fucking meme

It's basically half the skillset of an actor, and arguably the easier half. At that point the available pool is MUCH larger. Due to supply & demand you get paid for what you're worth

GTA SA>IV with dlc>Chinatown Wars just for the drug dealing>VCS>VC>V just felt wrong after playing IV and RDR so much>III>I've played the first two but never beat them.

He actually had a dispute with rockstar because he felt he didn't get paid enough.
Which is why you'll never see or hear Tommy again.

HEALTH is life

I guess Ray being dead isn't a factor into that?

Not gonna defend SA's open world but I like it just for the random shit you can see. I liked No More Heroes open world so I may be retarded.

The music is all over the place, never fitting one genre or decade. It's supposed to be a pop station but for some reason a half of the tracks are from either the 80's or are R&B.

Should I play GTA: Gay Latino or GTA: Sassy Prostitute?

Did Chantix finally kill him? Last good movie I remember seeing him in was Place Beyond The Pines.

Vice City was actually an expansion pack for III but they went overboard with the OST and cast budget, so they called it a new game to flip more copies.
Pirate 1.0 if you want the OST. It's legit one of the best games ever made period.

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V Rock

Pretty good. Just wish it had more HEALTH tracks. DARK ENOUGH from Death Magic would have fit perfectly with the radio station.


Fever 105

and Self Control


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youtube.com/watch?v=DG9_pVQaJKY BASED FAT LARRY


Fuck Vice City has such an amazing soundtrack.

Ahh, a fellow Martinez connoisseur. Here's one that I found.
>The Korean man only has one true love, and that love is Starcraft
>He can remember all the units of the game from memory, but what he can't remember is his girlfriend's birthday
>In the meantime our Korean beauty sits alone in their apartment, crying melancholic tears
>Sad that her "boyfriend" prefers the gaming cafe over her, lonely in a society that cares more for electronics than it does for women, depressed to live in a country where men think discussing the Zerg race counts as "flirting"...
>However her deep sadness was interrupted by something strange...
>The faint sound of a lonely guitar could be heard inside her apartment
>It did not take long for her to find the source
>A dark handsome man was standing in her home, playing the most beautiful song she'd ever heard
>The warmth of Spain, the passion of Italy, the melancholy of Portugal were being put into song right before her
>Looking directly into her eyes the man spoke "no llores querida Ji-hye, estoy aquí para mostrarte verdadera pasión..."
>Our Korean beauty couldn't contain herself any longer, jumping at the stranger that stood before her, she ripped off his shirt revealing his hairy chest beneath
>And this was just the start of the most passionate night of her life, as the Mediterranean angel of lust showed her immense pleasure
>She did not even know her body was capable of feeling such joy, but after achieving multiple orgasms she passed out from the sheer intensity of this encounter
>She later woke up when her so called "boyfriend" got home
>As he bored her with his latest computer game strategies, she noticed a strange handkerchief in her pocket
>In it were written these words:
>"Nunca me olvidaré de ti hermosa, Ji-hye
>- Fernando Martinez"

Overall mediocre, HEALTH was good, but they should have included Crystal Castles and groups that were at least relevant at the time. The game is now over five years old...

Basado y rojopastillado.

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Fever 105 > Flash FM > Emotion



except that III sucked and VC was actually pretty decent.

>Crystal Castles

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Post the scandi one with the fields or the beach

Based contrarian poster.

>being this buttmad about vice city
What, did Ray Liotta rape your mom?

what's rockstar's hard on for health?


Your propositions for the mid 90's themed GTA radios are...?

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We'll take any pussy!

*dabs on all GTA stations combined*

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Out of those two: Flash. But Wave is actually the best overall with Espantoso and Fever close second and third

Actually, yes.

Beat this

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That's my second cousin and even I don't like this song.

Death metal - LCHC was on the right track with the lost and the damned version but the track selection was limited for its own good.

Also known as the Frank's Adventure theme.

god damn saints row had better music
and more fun
and more interesting characters
and more plot
and more shit to do
man fuck gta, sr is the shit. gta fucking blows now. why i wanna watch some fat loser get back with his wife who cuckolds him on the regular as he robs banks, when i can watch johnny gat escape from fucking hell.

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I'll try and find it but I can only find this one at the moment.

>be me, Torbjörn Svensson

>live with my family of 3 brothers and 1 sister in a small, comfy village in northern Sweden

>life is quiet, peaceful and safe. The seasons come and go and we live as we always have

>one day a foreigner comes to town

>The dominance of Milano, the charisma of Granáda, the mysterious nature of Valencia and the power of the old imperial barracks in Lisbon, all combined in his ridiculously handsome looks

>me and the local guys greet him with contempt at first, what a douchebag he seems like, what is he even doing here?

>his charm and charisma takes us with storm, and he becomes our friend quickly

>my sister Astrid is the most beautiful girl in town and highly sought after, they somehow get introduced to each other

>a month later she comes to me and my brothers to tell us she is pregnant


>she wants to keep it

>the Mediterranean stranger is the father

>oh hell no

>gather up the local Nordic Resistance Movement members and all my brothers+father, we have to confront this motherfucker right now

>20+ guys all 6´3 roided up nordics ready to murder this medshit

>go to his apartment

>it is completely empty, cleared out, only a note of paper left on the desk

>it's a fucking poem

>Todos callados,
>bajo la luna;
>el bosque, el lago,
>el cerro, el monte,
>bajo la luna,
>todos callados.
>the wind is blowing and the curtains reveal the moonlight in the cold, Scandinavian winter night

>a distant sound of a guitar is heard, sounded kind of like this: youtube.com/watch?v=SiJ-GRwTubo

Alright /int/ so I need to find this asshole. My sister is absolutely devastated, and no other man in our town wants her now. All I know is he is from either Spain or Portugal and his name is Fernando Martinez ( spelling?).

oh they got mah JAAAAAAAM


Nothing. The 90s was a musical apocalypse and nothing of value came out of it except, indirectly, the Foo Fighters.

Wave 103.


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>this is your brain on Yea Forums
Eat shit faggot

Could this be the one you're talking about?
>Sven left his wife, Ingrid, in order to attend another pro-immigrant rally
>Once again, the poor Ingird was left alone while her husband contributed to the decay of her country and culture
>She usually would go to the forest and write poetry of her own, it was in a forest that she had the most astonishing encounter of her life
>After a while, she started to feel warm and heated up, it seemed impossible since everything was covered in snow...
>"What's happening" - tought Ingrid
>Suddenly a lascive Em chord echoed troughout the pinetrees
>A dark handsome man appeared in front of her holding a rose in his teeth and in a exquisite and gracious way he offered her his most precious flower
>"Como tu, esta flor es la inspiracion para mis canciones de amor, dolor y pasion, querida Ingrid" - said the luxurious man
>Ingrid was mesmerized... Never she witnessed such demonstration of "amor ardente" in the frozen cucked lands of Sweden
>The man, filled with lust and pasion embraced Ingrid like a passionate, strong and gracious bull from the warm plains of the mediterranean
>Ingrid just let herself be possessed by the angel of luxury and her orgasms became a perfect simbyose with the pro-immigration rally portests
>Ingrid passed out after such pleasure and was now riding with the valkyries in the chariot of joy
>As the immigrants raped inocent swedish women a single girl was left pleased and satisfied in the snows of Sweden
>Her name was Ingrid and her lover was
>Fernando Martinez

they put in incredible work on the MP3 soundtrack

The best music in the 90s was produced by bands from the 80s.

Prove me wrong.

You can't.

Name five.

have you seen her feet

SR2 understood what made GTA fun without going to ofar off the deep end. From that point rockstar a volition took their games in different directions and both directions are shit. GTA tries to be a super cereal story despite the fact you are running around with a small armour and SR decided to be reddit incarnate.

I'd pose the claim that the last good GTA-esque game was sleeping dogs though I hold out hopes for shakedown hawaii with the caveat it is nowhere near the triple A funded project the previously mentioned games are.

Close one but Flash takes it.

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Not quite, but still funny, thanks

Backstreet Boys and NSYNC would like a word with you.


>Backstreet Boys

while I agree that moving further into the zany reddit shit was a bad play, it's far superior to GTA's bizarre and completely obtuse criticisms of culture. rather have a shot at fun embracing retarded 80/90's pop culture references than have a big finger wagged in my face for enjoying fucking anything in that vein.

Vrock desu

I downloaded the entire VRock 85 min thing and listen to it when I drive

Also based young Lazlow

Holy shit how wrong can one person be?

>Spice Girls
>Smash Mouth
>Eiffel 65

The only one that talks about a field is the Irish one and as for the beach you're probably thinking of the Norwegian oil platform one. I'll post the Irish one after this.

>The norwegian man is out for 6 months because he works in an oil platform in the middle of the ocean (among other men)
>Meanwhile, his wife is bored. She is bored of hiking the same mountains and all the men around her are boorish autists
>One day, a stranger comes into town. He is a dark handsome man with a daring and passionate look in his eyes
>He notices lonely Bertha staring at dead trees covered by snow
>The charming man aproaches her and she can feel herself heating up like if she was in the mediterranean
>"Te encuentras sola pobrecita" - said the mysterious man
>Suddenly, Bertha couldn't take it anymore. The passion of Andalusia, the charm of Milan and the nostalgia of Portugal were all combined in the deity that was in front of her
>She takes of her clothes and proceeds to have the most "caliente" sex she ever had at an old Fryja shrine
>As she reaches the climax and the epithome of human pleasure she thanks the gods of the south for sending this angel of lust
>After passing out she could hear a lonesome guitar sound fading in the distance
>When she waked up her husband was still in the ocean but now she had a memory to warm her in those cold Norwegian nights
>and that memory was:
>Fernando Martinez

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El Huervo's art for Hotline Miami 2 makes my dick hard.

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>Mary, a jolly irish gal was wandering trough the fields of athenry longing for love
>She was really tired of all the anoretic famine ridden irish men as well as their constant cucking from the brits
>Suddenly, among the flight of the small birds a gallant man appears surrounded by waves of lust and passion
>Mary falls down on her knees, could Epona have sent him the man of her lifelong dreams?
>He gives her is hand, kisses it and whispers in her ear:
>"Tu eres la mas bela flor de Irlanda, Junta-te a mi en este rito de amor"
>She quickly embraces the man as they roll down trough the green fields of Ireland, destroying the potato plantations with a lustful demonstration of passion
>As she reaches the climax she launches a powerful cry of joy that even the banshees were scared of it
>She passes out and the man departs with his guitar swaying on his back
>In the guitar you could see these words engraved in the wood of Toledo:
>Fernando Martinez

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>only listening to game and movie OSTs

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he's the reason they'll probably never release this game

You were saying?

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>name five
Not counting acts that actually started in the 70s:
Prince. Whitney. Sinead. Public Enemy. Beastie Boys.

If you count acts that started in the 70s it gets even more dire for the 90s.

gibs music pls

>Heavy Metal 2000
I think wehat user was trying to say is you are a man of taste.

Finally someone without 90s nostalgia bs.
The 90s suck and were not the last great decade... it was the first shit decade.

nowadays GTA has become Saints Row 4: extreme jewing edition
it'll be interesting to see what direction Saints Row will take from this point

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Unironically Espantoso

Mary, that's the one, holy shit my sides, thanks user.

i seriously hate what Rockstar did to Lazlow in GTA V
he became total fucking cringe

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is that the game ost or the movie ost?

What app is that? Seems really handy for categorization.


>What app is that?
>Seems really handy for categorization.
Very. Be it for editing tags in bulk, ripping, transcoding, searching... doesn't really matter.

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neither. i choose VCPR, hosted by /ourguy/ Maurice Chavez, that was the best radio in the game and you literally cant refute it.

absolutely based

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>tfw no one mentions Wildstyle

mah nigga

It took too long for people in this thread to PRESS THE ISSUE.

>Africa >Out of Touch

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Lazlow writes his own material (and all the other radio stuff), bud

Just because it's a shitpost doesn't mean it can't be a good shitpost. Ferrrnando deserves better.

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wave 103 obviously
>Frankie Goes To Hollywood
>Gary Numan
>Flock of Seagulls
>the human league
>Animotion: Obsession
>New Order in the PSP game

I love fernando but honestly toto and jan hammer are the only ones I really like
and the song on flash are great but you hear them enough on actual radio already, even today

That's hot


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I really wish they coulda just realesed the gud drum n bass without the brit rapping over it

I love talk shows in GTA games period