Better camera

>better camera
>can cancel anything into anything at any moment
>literally 10 times more combos on a single weapon than in all DMC5 characters combined
>has actual level designs instead of generic demon corridors with rooms full of enemies
>manages to surprise you with regular enemy encounters and by introducing bosses as regular enemies
>epic endings that just keep on going and don't feel rushed
>character designs got better compared to last proper title, not worse
>no gayass censorship

She just keeps on winning.

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Miss me with that shit. Nobody cares about her.

There were like 4 total in 1 and that issue was completely fixed in 2.

>ZERO cancerous DLC practices

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who's the faggot that keeps trying to pit DMCfags and Bayofags against each other?


>can cancel anything into anything at any moment
This is bad an casualizes the game by giving the player no risk when executing movements

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Probably Barry

why are you pitting us against each other?
go back to console wars faggot

DMCFags and Bayofags usually likes both games, no need to make both compete.

eat shit OP, franchise wars won't be declared here

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Don't shitpost about actually good games.
That is for consolewar shitposters


He keeps commenting on my Youtube channel about how ‘Skankenetta’ can’t compete with DMC.

>DMC4 is so good because Dante can do literally enything at any moment in time! You just murderfuck your opponents while styling on them!
>Waah, being able to actually dodge attacks while keeping the flow of the combat intact is too casul!

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OP is samefagging

Did OP escape from ResetEra?

>all those people overhyped about DMC acting as if we shouldn't be allowed to compare direct competitors

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You are not allowed to pit fanbases against each other

smash secondaries that don't play bayonetta

This, as both a Bayochad and DMChad it's fucking annoying to see these threads

>a random whore making the game all about her looks
>not choosing bros over hoes
>literary bending down to a woman while neglecting the boi squad as the good obedient cuck he is
consider the rope tranny

you can stop now op we caught on to your game

god i wish bayo was my gf

Weren’t they always against each other

>Bayonetta 3 will now have to actually compete with other game in the genre
Imagine Bayonetta title with no weapon limit or trinket switching on the fly.

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no in fact there is quite a big overlap in dmc and bayo fans considering the action genre is niche as fuck and there aren't that many cuhrazy games to begin with

what games are there? want to get into it
dmc, bayo, revengeance are the only ones coming to my mind so far
maybe automata? god of war before part 4?

I also did 9/11 in case you are askong

I have my issues with Bayonetta but overall I have to agree.

>better camera
Yeah. What is going on w/ DMC5's camera and why is nobody talking about it?

>literally 10 times more combos on a single weapon than in all DMC5 characters combined
And they change those combos up with every game. DMC5 adds 1 combo for Nero but Dante's swords have had the same combos since DMC3. That's since 2005 for those of you keeping record.

>has actual level designs instead of generic demon corridors with rooms full of enemies
I have to

>manages to surprise you with regular enemy encounters and by introducing bosses as regular enemies
I have mixed feelings about this. The QTE's aren't bad in 2 but the insta damage and death in 1 have not aged well.

>character designs got better compared to last proper title, not worse
Honestly, if I had to choose between gorgeous characters or realistic graphics I'd pic the characters. RE engine is such a hit or miss and Dante scrunched his face so much in 5 it ruined that handsome face of his.

>no gayass censorship
The fucking irony. Nintendo. The safehaven from censorship....

Bayo isn't perfect, I have a lot of criticisms for those games and there are things that DMC does better, but Bayo evolves in noticeable ways while the DMC games only improve drastically in graphics. The gameplay refuses to evolve or progress.

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Are there even any cuhrazy games not made by Capcom, Platinum or Clover? Bujingai is the only one I can think of but I'm pretty sure Capcom published that or something

>not really
>that doesn't make it better, just different (prefer DMC's way of doing it)
>and most of those are generic dial-a-combos that almost every single weapon shares, DMC's weapons are way more distinct in their movesets and utility
>it varies, there's some decent level design in Bayonetta but also plenty of garbage - it's clear DMC5 took some inspiration from it though
>you mean enemies instantly attacking you after cutscenes? that's more annoying than anything, and recycling bosses is just a way to pad the game out
>that applies to 1 but not 2, and the spectacle of Jubileus comes at the expense of good gameplay
>DMC5 has mostly great character designs, only downgrade is Trish
>PS4 only

I am looking forward to Bayonetta 3 but it has a steep hill to climb. If it's just a tweaked Bayonetta 2 it won't stand up to DMC5.

Bayonetta 2 changes/adds less than DMC5 does though. And some of the ways Bayo2 changes like a heavier focus on Witch Time is a downgrade.

bayo is better than dmc i prefer the weaving in and out of combat while maintaining your combo and witch time is satisfying as fuck

Amiibo outfits and weapons though
inb4 you can just spend halos

>tfw you get your nintendo switch

Bayo 2 adds like 6 new weapons and 5 of them have unique movesets.

kamiya > shitsuno

Ninja Gaiden too. It's more about efficiency than combo juggling compared to DMC/GoW but it's still in a similar ballpark.

As a casual I find DMC's inputs to be a lot trickier and less intuitive than Bayo's. In particular, directional inputs and targeting are weird.

>can cancel anything into anything at any moment
Imagine thinking that its a good thing

because in dmc the directional inputs change depending on where the character is located, mix that with a camera that is all over the place and shit is just badly designed

>Bayonetta 2 changes/adds less than DMC5 does though
There was over 11 years between DMC4 and 5. Between Bayo 1 and 2 there was less than 5 years.

a lot of the camera issues come from the shitty way in tries to follow your character, you can disable the camera tracking and it'll work better since you can manually reset it and lock on will make it follow an enemy

It depends on what "cuhrazy" really means, I guess.

OP, stop

Can I play all the previous missions with upgrades and abilities I get in later missions?
Is there anything at all like the Bloody Palace from DMC in it?

>trying to pit the two best action franchises against each other instead of celebrating their existence and success

What happened to this board after Tor

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>Can I play all the previous missions with upgrades and abilities I get in later missions?
>Is there anything at all like the Bloody Palace from DMC in it?
yep. Angel Slayer in Bayo1, Witch Trials in Bayo2. Though it's not as traditional in 2, as the 5 trails are split up rather than Angel Slayer/Bloody Palace being a giant gauntlet

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>>character designs got better compared to last proper title, not worse
Bayo's original design was better, though at least they didn't ugly her up like they did Trish and Lady.

bayo2 even has online co-op

dmc5 is trash

Gameplay seems fun but I want it on Switch

How well does it run compared to PC?

Since i saw an user say she looks like a tranny i cant unsee it anymore.

I'm suprised no one is comparing NMH to these two, is it just not as popular as Bayonetta or DMC?

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>None of the charisma

I guess nincels are starving on games, huh?

Who the fuck is barry

Basically this. Liking both isn't impossible.

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>Nero literally going "Y CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS, GUYS!" while screaming "fuck you"
>Dante barely even having any one-liners and when he does he sounds and looks like he doesn't give a fuck anymore (or rather gives one)
>everything about that shitty tumblrbait that is V


>And they change those combos up with every game
Yeah but those are dial-a-combos. Those are Musou-tier. Really not a point in Bayo's favor.

What the fuck does it even mean? Inputs for both DMC and Bayo combos are pretty much the same.

Cause you can faggot

Why not your mom?

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It doesn't really have the mechanical depth of DMC or Bayo, people play it more for the ridiculousness of the characters and boss battles. NMH is more of a "what you see is what you get" kind of game, it's in a completely different genre.
Bayo 1 is rock solid 60 fps, Bayo 2 is 60 for the majority of the time with some few dips in the 50-55 range in some of the really batshit insane segments like the first masked lumen fight or Loptr's meteor drop and it's aftermath.


Yeah but why does she keep giving me stone medals?

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>Mash buttons to chain combos.
>Press the dodge butten when the enemy attacks

Cool, I'll get it today on Switch thanks

I really hope 3 is good

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Bayonetta is better then dmc and everyone's remembering why

Honestly, I don't think Bayo 2 was as good as Bayo 1. It fixes the problems of the first game like getting rid of QTEs, but also is weaker in the areas the first game excelled in.

>new weapons aren't as fun
>flying is boring compared to jumping around on time stopped rocks
>the heavier stakes meant Bayo wasn't allowed to be as cheeky with the enemies

Hopefully Bayo 3 fixes these

I think Bloody Palace is gonna have Co-op desu

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Explain how varying kicks/punches for different outcomes is any different from the pause combos of DMC. Both have certain moves locked behind other attacks, Bayonetta just has more of them.

>explain how this different thing is different than this other different thing
Why? I mean, I'm already talking to a brainlet. Mincing words further won't help much. You're obviously not into the genre.

This also happens in other niche genres, like fighting games. Rather than discussing the current game, threads become bogged down with sales figures, comparisons to previous entries, and other games in the genre, some that aren't even out yet.

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if you don't think this is a divide and conquer thread, then you're an idiot

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Dial-a-combo? And how else would it work?

I know what you mean. You mean you'd rather avoid the cognitive dissonance you're feeling right now.

mgr, bayo and ninja gayden are all better than dmc

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You think hiding behind jargon will keep everyone on the planet from immediately seeing you're full of bologna



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Ah, barry, you're trying to drag Bayo into your blunderfagging now? That's cool!


Not an argument cuckboy.


>Why? I mean, I'm already talking to a brainlet. Mincing words further won't help much. You're obviously not into the genre.
>Not an argument cuckboy.

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>what is Team Ninja?

As someone who came into DMC 5 with low expectations, it was a pretty fucking good game.

I just noticed that DMC has so many cool and iconic moves but bayo has like that one big punch and kick thing I guess

wait you can use amiibos in bayo2?
switch version i pressume?

Quality > quantity
Give me directionals and delays over dial-a-combos any day.

>instead of being happy these types of games exist in more than one format let's shit on each other's bed

classic vee

Except bayonetta has pause combos too.

You're all faggets
The Wonderful 101 is where it's at

i don't know user, afterburner kick is the shit, and crow within is pretty useful. but i think her torture attacks are her most memorable for me. tetsuzanko too but that one fall on the big punch bit of your post though thanks to the wicked weave you can make with it

Also, Bayonetta could effortlessly kill Dante.

I don't understand why everyone on the web is saying Dante is stronger. She also have so much versatility it's not even fair

>not mommygf

Because if Dante got stabbed, nothing will happen to him, while Bayonetta still has a human body so of she got stabbed she will bleed to death

>What is going on w/ DMC5's camera and why is nobody talking about it?
I play on PC so the camera is a non issue for me thanks to the mouse

No, it's just barry trying to start shit. 90% of bayonetta fans that aren't nintendie loyalists are also DMC fans.

Really were they not direct competitors and the lore now probably being incompatible I think it would be cool to have a crossover game.

As long as it doesn't devolve into one side shitting on the other or anything.

You think so?

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>nincels still have a chip on their shoulders over a Death Battle

>Dante's swords have had the same combos since DMC3. That's since 2005
everytime I bring this up people shit on me relentlessly, why is it ok to rehash his moves for 20 fucking years when bayonetta has 2 games with 50 moves that were changed with the sequel for her default pistols come on

God of War is just a button masher
Automata has great gameplay but it's way simpler than games like DMC or Bayo
Vanquish is crazy in the FPS form
TW101 is pretty good
Zone of the Enders 2 is pretty good but not as trechnical as DMC or Bayo

You could also try to look into some JRPGs like maybe some Tales of games or maybe some of the Vanillaware games if you like 2D?

I adore ZoE2, it's one of my favorite mecha games ever. However it simply isn't worthy to be brought up for this subgenre. It's nowhere near as complex.
If you want a stylish action game with robots you go with Transformers Devastation.

>only gets worse with future iterations
bitch please. fotm at best.

Bayonetta is literally just smugger and cockier Dante that can summon Urizen and five other bosses at will.
Niggers are shitting themselves over Dante being able to barely handle two bazookas in 5 when Bayo could have four 9 years ago.

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>literally 10 times more combos on a single weapon than in all DMC5 characters combined
So "more = better"?

Yeah if only they made ZOE3 with a more advanced combat system
Thanks Konami


>Shitty air combat in both Bayonetta titles

How is this even an argument in your head? There is absolutely nothing special or magical about combo strings in DMC5. Some move you closet to the enemy, some launch them, some hit wider. There is no "quality" aspect to them that is not present in Bayonetta. You just get 50 times more options to mix them up in any way you want before you even consider switching a weapon.

>he doesn't enjoy both games

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>talking about power level
>brings up smug and cockiness of a character
>they're personalities aren't even the same, where Dante is someone that's lazy and doesnt care about how his shop is a mess, Bayonetta would act like a mother and clean the place
>Bayonetta needs outside forced to compete with Dante's powers, and even then he still could beat them since it's his job to do so
>"heh, if my character could carry this heavy thing it means their stronger"
Nice try cuckboi

Why is a BLACKED pornstar taking pictures with Kamiya?

>yfw Kamiya for the first time ever returns as director for Bayo 3

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Bayonetta does not have QTEs...

1 had near precise QTEs that could fuck your score
2 turned them into button mashing segments, but they still disrupt gameplay.

>Bayonetta needs outside forced to compete with Dante's powers
Said no one. It's that her default combat setup involves those demons which would obviously be an overkill against a bitchboy Dante.

Hell, Bayonetta doesn't even need weapons. She would Bash Dante's head in with punches and kicks alone and then pee on his dead body while standing. Wouldn't need to cheat with magic power gloves too.

Friendly reminder that DMC4 alone has outsold the entire bayoneta franchise. And that kamiya is a ragging faggot.

>This game we have just released managed to become the best selling title in our history despite being an unfinished mess. Quick! What shall we do?
>Shit on everything it stood for and kill the main series for 11 years!

Fucking boomer capcom.

Never played an action game before, would Bayonetta 1 be a good place to start?

Didnt Kamiya compliment a tranny cosplaying once? Which is pathetic.

Blame inafune

No one in this thread is a actual fan of either. Just shitposters trying to start shit like XVkun did

Blame Inafune

Start with literally any action game and you'll be fine

Why the fuck does it always have to be a fucking contest with you people
Why can't both things have their positive aspects. Why can you faggots not be satisfied unless everyone knows "MY THING GOOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE SHIT"

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Natalie Mars, yeah. Chill user.

You mean to tell me Yea Forums is actually used for shitposting and not actual vidya discussion?

I'm not going to listen to some faggot knowing tranny names telling me to chill


>I's that her default combat setup involves those demons which would obviously be an overkill against a bitchboy Dante.
Dante defeated Mundus, and later on gotten even stronger, especially in DMC5 with his Sin DT, and without weapons Bayonetta could barely do shit against Dante because all she relays on is her demon summons where Dante could obviously easily defeat her with his raw power,even if we say Bayonetta could bash Dante, he could just get up again like it's nothing, the same could not be said about Bayonneta

Both versions of Bayo 2, since Bayo 2's goodies are all ported from the original. Touchscreen features like knocking on a door with the screen to access secrets in Bayo 2 was also ported to handheld mode.

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Imagine if Bayo and Dante were childhood friends and Dante grew up to fuck, marry, and have kids with her.

Its a shame that people would rather fling shit at each other over good vidya instead of cancerous EA rubbish, I'm loving DMC 5 and I can't wait for Bayo 3 either way

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>Bayonetta should not be allowed to use her demon powers, that's cheating!
Ok she will still beat his ass with her transformations, time powers, superior close combat abilities etc.
>Nuh-uh! She won't if Dante will use his demon powers!

This is the level of intelligence of an average DMCuck.

>character designs got better
Fuck off.

why do people try to claim bayo 1 has better combat/is more fair than bayo 2
bayo 1 is absolutely overflowing with horseshit besides the retarded qtes
I haven't even bothered to beat it on anything except normal whereas I beat every difficulty in bayo 2 and everything except the last witch trial

If you're talking about no more heroes, it's because it was for wii.

>Miss me with that shit
>unironic niggerspeak on Yea Forums

2 casualized witchtime, dodge/taunt offset and removed some other features.

Bayo and DMC are like brother and sister. If you like one, you should be able to learn to appreciate the other. Makes no sense to pit them against each other when both series went through rocky times where fans weren't sure if the series was still around.

>Calling out EA's faggotry while defending DMC5
How are those EX taunts that conveniently cost exact same amount they sell at the cash shop treating you?
>Don't want to restart level and keep your score? Just buy some orbs, bro!

You have the entire site using "Based" for like a decade now, newfag.

I like both series

You change Dante's signature sword moveset and he's not much of a Dante.
You change Bayonetta's bloated fluff-filled moveset all you want and nobody cares because the moves have no important function; they're all doing the exact same job and end with a Monty Python foot.

but it's way more fun
going back to 1 there's literally nothing you can do against some enemies except play like a complete fucking faggot and hope your dodge actually registered when one of the 20 enemies hits you with their .1 second startup attack from a mile away

The FFXV autist.

Yeah, ironically, you dumb nigger.

Calm down fuccboi.

Because it's natural. When you talk about how something in a critical way you will compare it to its competition and, naturally, this being Yea Forums, when someone disagrees they do so by shitting on that other thing you just mentioned, calling you a fag and telling you to shut the fuck up. It's the natural way of things.

I never said she isn't allowed to use her powers,just that on her own she's nothing powerful,she could use her demon pact summons anytime she likes it's a whatever since Dante already defeated demons above their power level
and nice try thinking I'm DMCuck when I love both DMC and Bayonetta equally

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Why don’t you make like a tranny and go kill yourself?

>no gayass censorship
is there even nudity?

>facebookfag calling anyone a newfag

Ive played bayonetta, all the dmc games, all the n8nja gaiden games and mgr. Combat wise bayonetta is on par with mgr. Its a one button gimick. Instead of parrying you just dodge and memorization is key to beating bayonetta. What elevates it above being a average game is its spectacle. The combat isnt as deep as dmc or ninja gaiden. All you need to learn is when to dodge at the right time.

>15 fucking years later Dante STILL knocks enemies away for no fucking reason and benefit with the move that is specifically designed as a gap closer

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I honestly believe that playing Bayo 2 on Wii U stopped me from fully appreciating that game. The resolution and controls were just too poor. I really fucking wish they'd do a PC port like with the first game, but I know it's impossible.
Also, Bayo always felt like a button masher to me. You don't really have to plan your positioning and combos like in DMC, you just have to push attack buttons and dodge. It's a lot like DMC1 - just punch things hard and your rating will go up. There's no real intensive for being stylish and creative, and that's kind of a letdown for someone who played a lot of DMC.
And holy fuck that game was short. DMC5 has a lot more stuff to do.

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About as much as there is in DMC5.

Oh no... Not... Taunts...
And tbqh, if you don't have either the red orbs or gold orbs with the massive amount of both that the game gives you, then I have no words for your sheer incompetence.

everything is censored in a classy way with hair not shitty lens flare

i see

so there is censoring technically

it's okay they fixed that for Vergil fight specifically.

Yes, taunts. What about costumes? And by costumes I mean fucking lazy ass colors. Or that ovcious character DLC bait ending

But I guess it's ok when DMC is the one selling it's currency and visuals and not being actualyl fucking finished at launch.

I love bayo. Got a wii u from a friend to play 2, but coming into it after bayo 1 on PC the resolution hurts my eyes. Do you guys know if it can be emulated?

>muh nostalgia

Why the fuck would fans of Bayo and DMC hate each other? Fuck off with this shitty bait. We're friends.

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desu that stops stinger from being a spam attack

someone didn't unlock million stab

>The fucking irony. Nintendo. The safehaven from censorship....
It's not censorship if you jet to Japan regularly and keep those gross slanteyes in check

no it doesn't because it can close the gap it creates

>why do people compare games?
Are you guys serious?
>>trying to pit the two best action franchises against each other instead of celebrating their existence and success
Are you underage?

After playing tons of bayonetta, playing DMC5 on Normal felt like enemies just don't attack in the game. Still a great game, and I'm playing on Hard right now.

oh yeah i guess thats true, but either way it makes sense that it throws small enemies due to the force. you have other ways to close gaps too.

Nigga. It does exact opposite and turns it into a fucking spam move because it kicks the enemy away from the crowd and then proceeds to move you towards it only to kick it even further etc.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

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DMC is a much slower game because you have to keep track of more shit. In Bayo, your only concern is dodging.
I think they're planning on adding the Turbo mode later, that'll speed the game up.

I like the way you didn't address what I said and instead moved on to something else, but ok, you do you mate.

It's especially hard on those of us that are both.

What is there to address in that bitch ass excuse?
Those taunts provide you with real advantage and capcom has made them borderline impossible to buy them without hours of Orb grind on purpose just so that you would buy that convenient 3kk orb pack.
>Waaah, Just don't use it!
And that "something else" stuff is still valid. Your bitch asses are literally defending cancerous DLC bullshit just because circle-jerking each other in those DMC5 threads is way too fun for you to notice.

DMCfags and Bayofags are literally the same people for the most part.

Just use a trainer or something.

That and both first entries were made by similar people.

There joke taunts at best , not needed at all

>DMCfags and Bayofags are literally the same people for the most part.
That's kinda my point. They're both games in the same genre so of course people would compare them to each other and other games. It was done a shitload of times so I really don't get this "hurr we friends" faggotry.

You realize both Bayonetta 1&2 have both of those as well, right?

People don't want this whole "one is better than the other" bullshit. Both series are great for their own reason, trying to find a "better" one is retarded.

Because franchise war faggotry is worse?

I agree but that's just Yea Forums in a nutshell when it comes to comparing anything

Welcome to
Keep in mind that blue boards are SFW and red ones are NSFW

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4channel only has blue boards though, tard.

sorry but no

Most people don't but since the DMC5 announcement there has been a whole bunch of fags who get super defensive about the game. You can't say shit about the game if you don't have its dick in your mouth and say nothing but how great it tastes and some of those fuckers go out of their way to shit on other game threads to talk about what garbage other games are compared to DMC5.

Combos in bayo are shit because theyre not freeform

Bayonetta has both of those you uncultured retard.

Can you clarify what exactly you mean by that? DMC has exactly the same combos.

But that's every fucking game.
Fucking hell, it's going to be such a great year for action games including those from and akin to these series.
I just want to enjoy video games.

How in the fuck did you not know that it had both? It's literally the same inputs as DMC.

Don't forget Astral Chain.

That's why I said akin as well, has a lot of Bayo in it.

That shitty Death Battle plagued people's perception

>it's ok when Yea Forums initiates a franchise war faggotry
Hiro shouldn't have bought this website

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I literally could not finish the original Bayonetta because she got me so fucking hard, I would need to jerk off every 20 minutes

>epic endings that just keep on going and don't feel rushed
Oh boy, someone did not play 2

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Too bad bayonetta is made to appeal to desperate virgins

Don't do that, user.

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Itsuno is a hack
FUCK CRAPCOM, kamiya knows how to make games

I agree! We DMCfags and Bayofags must live in peace! After all we are mostly the same! And deep inside we all know Bayonetta is superior anyway so there's not much point in debating this!

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Irony considering DMC promotes the stylish title character being a literal virgin.

I'm really curious how Bayo 3 will switch things up.
In the teaser, Bayo actually looked like she was getting her shit pushed in for once

Nintendo don't need to do DLC cancer when they just don't lower the price of their years old games. Their RRP is already cancer. Bayo 2 is still £50 on Switch.


You don't need an argument when the logic is clearly, fundamentally flawed.

superior at being worse, yes.

