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Tsushima will win GOTY.

it's gonna be fucking months till anything on Nioh

I need spears which means I only have one option, because all Sekiro has is the spear prosthetic.

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Nioh 2 -literally- won't be out for another decade

Will Tsushima even come out this year? Not that interested in it myself, but it seems all Sony games take like 3 years to come out after their announcement.

Tsushima will have the better graphics,will be more historically correct but I feel like the soulslike gameplay of Nioh 2 and Sekiro will make me like those two more.

probably yeah
at the very least get more awards than the other two

Tsushima, easily. Sekiro looks dull and Nioh 2 will probably suffer the same problems as the first


For me? It's Sekino.

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You know it's funny, if this was a PS4 exclusive I bet Yea Forums would be full of goldface vore posters claiming how it's gonna be GOTD.

Funny how snoylets work.

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Being a PS4 exclusive would guarantee the highest degree of polish possible, user.

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I highly doubt Nioh 2 and GoT will come out this year.

Nioh 2 if they fix the Borderlands loot system and add a little more flair to their level design.

Then Sushima if it's actually good.

Then last is Sekiro because it looks too much like Dark Souls to me, but this time with stealth takedowns and a grappling hook you can only use at specific times. After 6 fucking games they've changed nothing and I'm burned out.

If it was Sony exclusive I would be calling it Bloodborne 2: Borne Harder and fun posting the whole of this cesspool of a board for sure.

It's okay though, I'm gonna play all 3 while most onionss here on Yea Forums will only get to play two and the biggest faggots of this board (Yea Forumsintendroness) will get to play none.

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>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)

i don't work for any company why would i chose

All 3 because I have the money to buy them.

which one has a custom character creation?


I didn't have a problem with the loot in Nioh, I actually thought it was fine, but the level design and enemy variety were so bad. Nioh 2 needs some serious work done in both those areas. You basically fight the same couple enemies the entire game, and some of them weren't fun at all.

>Year of the Samurai
I'm not choosing any. I'm buying everything. Fuck you OP.

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Why would anyone choose? Any self respecting samurai should be very interested in all three. They're not even releasing at the same time.

Nioh 2

nioh is a looter... not shooter, but action game in a different vein, where the enjoyability comes from running through missions, optimizing them, and getting better gear from them.
Ghost of tsushima seems to be an open world kind of game where you're reading between the lines of quests and dialogue to understand the world.
sekiro seems more akin to a souls game, where the combat takes priority over all else. And while it seems fun, I'm a bit sick of the souls formula and no amount of people spamming "MUH POSTURE" will change that it seems like a less variable souls game.

I'd probably go ghost of tsushima just because I think it has the most potential. I liked nioh 1 but I can't imagine a reason nioh 2 needs to exist, and I can't pinpoint any direct upgrades they could make to just make the experience better, and as such I think they'd fuck it up somehow in the pursuit of upgrades.

Of course it would.
Game looks fantastic from what we've seen so far.

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I choose all three

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as a pvpfag I have to go with nioh, hope they put some effort into multiplayer

spears are for quears

Sekiro for 2019, Nioh for hopefully 2020. Tsushima for $20 or less.

Ghost of tsushima

like fucking pottery. you mention it and the come squirming out the wood work

Sekiro obviously

Nioh. Stance changing is cool as fuck.

nioh 2 due to the gameplay changes (less looty and grindy) and a locked 60 fps

>but it seems all Sony games take like 3 years to come out after their announcement.
that's pretty standard for AAA games outside of the annualized franchises that Ubi/EA/Activison do

>Will Tsushima even come out this year?
Doubt it, Snoy isn't at E3 this year, and I'm sure that one is a PS5 launch title.

tentatively this year, but with a given delay probably early 2020.
I think they announce the ps5 this year, and tsushima ends up one of the last major titles for ps4 with a cross-release on ps5.

since we know nothing about the first 2 i say sekiro

all 3

>people start talking about a topic when you bring it up
stop the fucking presses

Patrician choice

Nioh with its combat system honestly couldve been better than dark souls if it had real character customization.

But Sekiro is too much like a video game to win GotY. It has to be "deep" and rounded to reality. Fun is not good enough anymore!

Knack exists

The fuck are you talking about?

Zelda won two years ago

NIoh 2 is the one I want to play the most and I'm the most hyped.
I preordered Sekiro as soon as it was announced.
I'm not interested on Ghost of Tsushima

>"you're just a jealous PC only guy!"
I own a PS4 (I bought it for Bloodborne, stayed for the English-translated Super Robot Wars games) and still I'm not interested on Ghost. It looks like a generic scripted game in the same vein as The Last of Us and I dislike Arkam Asylum-inspired combat system.

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Nintendo gets a free pass, everyone knows this.

Feels good being a PS4 owner and know I can play all three

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>i judge the entire game based on some early game play footage by IGN

Try being an idort so you can play everything, pleb.

Nioh 2 desu

Sekiro might be cool, Nioh doesn't do it for me and I forgot Samurai Bamham even existed until this thread.

That doesn't make any of those points any less true.
But at the same time none of those things are a negative. The Soulsborne fanbase believes that if a game isn't a 1:1 Soulsborne clone is shit instead of understanding that games are good on their own merits. That's why Soulsborne fan believe that Nioh is a shit game when the truth can't be farther from it.

Why do people say "hurr bamham combat durr" like it's a bad thing? Batman combat was fun.

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Because it is a terrible thing.

No it wasn't. it was a button smasher disguised as a deep system.

Sekiro and Nioh 2 ill be god tier, mark my words.

Who the fuck gives a shit a about Ghosts of Sushi? Literally more cinematic garbage.

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Then, how you explain Overwatch in 2016?


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>in a souls baby that has never heard of tenchu and will judge the game for not being souls enough
Truly the dark souls of shitposting.

im waiting until i see unfiltered gameplay footage

What do you think sekiro and nioh will be on?

The original Nioh was sick in the first couple hours. Then the shitty loot system and lack of enemy variety got to me and I dropped it. Hopefully 2 fixes these things cause they have a good base

They had the right politics.

PC and PS4

I wish the opposite: the less things Nioh 2 copies from Soulsborne the better.
Getting rid of the loot system would make the game worse.

Is Ghost this year or next year?

All three, but if I had to pick one it’d be Nioh2.

Nioh 2 and Sekiro of course!

Nioh 2 only needs to have more content than the first game and it'll be GOTY material for me. No need to attempt fixing what isn't broken. They've already addressed my main complaint about the first game by allowing us to create our own character this time around so we're off to a great start.
Here's hoping I can finally phase out DS3 as my current-Souls spot game, seeing how Sekiro is in an entirely different vein despite the similarities.

Speaking of Sekiro; It looks amazing so far. The more details they reveal the more I love it. I was kinda skeptical, albeit still cautiously optimistic at first, but it really seems that FROM is going to deliver once again.
The whole "Soulsborne mechanics translated into the purely action game title" formula made me think the game would be kinda stripped down at first but recent coverage showed a ton of new mechanics, scale and potential for depth.

Ghost of Tshushima is just another shitty westacuck moviegame with shallow bamham-asscreed combat from the looks of it. Irredeemable.

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It would only guarantee 20FPS with drops, downgrades, anemic amount of content, no bugfixes after the contract is up and no sequels. Bonus points for early server shut down if it were online.

I love how some of the Ghost's marketing makes a lot of a big deal about the realistic physics of the mud falling from the main character's blade.