So Microsofts next big thing is literally just video game streaming? What a fucking disaster of a company. How is one brand run by so many incompetent people?
So Microsofts next big thing is literally just video game streaming? What a fucking disaster of a company...
Sony did it years ago
Did this gen actually kill the Xbox brand?
Why not. Azure infrastructure is there already. You push more people into your ecosystem. 5g and fiber is spreading.
You realize streaming is the future right?
The next generation of consoles is gonna be the last
with all the exclusivity bullshit.
Fuck consoles desu. Ms has always been a software corporation. Pc gaming is the future, Japanese market is irrelevant, chinks only play pc.
They want to push the game pass. 9,99 per month for thousands of games isn't half bad
I still cant decide if I should buy a PS3 superslim or PS4 original as a bluray player.
have a 4k tv but not sure I care about 4k bluray.
They really don't wanna make games because when they made games for the original Xbox they lost billions of dollars so they turn Xbox into a streaming division
>eh, the industry--albeit slowly, is shifting towards this, albeit it's suffering some serious growing pains
>Requires a robust Internet connection and subscription
>The people who can afford this could probably buy a console anyways
My guess is it takes over the console industry, while PC is largely un-touched, albeit Sony and Microsoft would probably prevent it from going full-retard and cannibalizing console sales.
4K is a fucking scam
You can barely tell the difference, it's a resource hog, and now they're slowly trying to push 8K, when people are still warming up to 4.
Don't even get me started with gaming
What makes you think 5g will at all be capable of streaming video games?
Sure maybe fiber could do it probably, but how much of the US (pretty much the only market the Xbox brand is relevant in) has access to fiber? Not much. The internet infrastructure in the US isnt nearly where it needs to be for this kind of stuff to be Microsofts focus.
Sony isn't betting all their chips on streaming though. PlayStation Now isn't exactly setting the world on fire.
Why people think streaming is going to be huge now is beyond me. Perhaps good old fashioned American patriotism?
Because liberals journalists are dumb as fuck, and they think that since some big companies are investing in streaming, it will automatically be the next big thing.
They just forget that Microsoft failed at Kinect, at Xbox one, that VR is already forgotten, etc.
Oh man I can just imagine 20 million people on GTA6 launch day trying to stream...
Why don't you want to play Street Fighter with input lag? Are you a casual?
>Sony isn't betting all their chips on streaming though.
Neither is MS.
Steaming isn't a thing because no one has done it right and you seriously don't expect that Sony would ever have a decent online service of any form. But if done right and if the games have an acceptable performance people will drop their physical copies for a monthly subscription.
Why? The same reason why people subscribe to netflix, because it is convenient.
Snoys better cope.
you don't need a console to show previews and ideas, just youtube
So did a million other companies and it was a failure then too.
Streaming is just opening the market to normies who can’t justify owning a console. Won’t stop them from selling consoles.
>What a fucking disaster of a company.
Microsoft is the second biggest player in Cloud computing. The trash IBM, Facebook, Google,... every company but Amazon at it.
Go figure why they might want to make use of it.
And of course, I forgot the data.
Yea no thanks. I don't want glorified DRM. I'd rather have games on my hardrive.
Does anyone even remember 3D televisions?
Enterprise IT guy here. This graph prolly does not take into consideration cloud-native apps. Instead of setting up your software on VMs, you can ask just for app alone and you are cashed in for app usage instead of io.
Best example is HDInsight (cloud native Azure Hadoop) which is very, very popular. In general MS native apps are better than those from Amazon. Still, Amazon is the king in VM business.
But then we have Google which is even better at those natives with shit like Big Query.
I'm just not sure if this graph covers it all.
Xbox cloud streaming would move their audience from 50m to 500m potential phone and tablet users and any computer running Windows 10.
When hardware isn’t a limitation, you win.
project xcloud has nothing to do with next-gen, it's just an optional app that they're going to release sometime mid-gen of the next-gen
i'm impressed people here still believe that bullshit
>I'm just not sure if this graph covers it all.
I know a guy who worked on the IBM infrastructure and the general idea matched with the graphs.
For all intents and purposes, Microsoft is not utterly late to the party on some new tech for the first time in God knows how many years and has gigantic market share in the sphere. To the annoyance of people at Google or IBM, both of which are aiming for a slice of the cake.
there is other things than "just streaming"
a while ago they was talking about streaming some of the games processes like for textures and effects and stuff but still calculating the physics and 3d world geometry on system.
that would make the lag go away.
but ya idknow. I live in isolated place so i don't care enough to look into this shit.