Post your favorite Mario games for Mario day

Post your favorite Mario games for Mario day.

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>"lole haha hihi mar 10 is mario XDXD"
Fuck off to Reddit already, Jesus christ

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Holy fuck lmao unironically seething.

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You know. For the black sheep of the series, it's ok. I enjoyed it when it came out. Will I ever play it again, fuck no. Did I find enjoyment in it, yes. One of my favorites.

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most fun guy at parties: the post

If you don't want to play it again how can it be one of your favorites?
I'd get it if you said color splash but sticker star is broken

Finished replaying a few days ago. Still loved it

Both of these. I love both equally and both are in my top games of all time.

This is my favorite Nintendo game even if a lot of the magic is gone.

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>implying anyone in Yea Forums socializes at all

>the magic is gone.

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I do, i'm still at college despite being 26

World, Sunshine, Odyssey, NSMBU, SMO, PM64, TTYD, BiS, to name a few.

Would games from DK, Wario, and Yoshi count, too?

Everything okay home user?

I'd count Yoshi's Island, but future Yoshi games not really. But if they did, what would yours be?


someone's not a happy camper

Sticker Star is broken. It also lacks in many other areas. However I felt enjoyment in a game that is considered bad. I never felt that feeling beforehand.

I wouldn't play it again since Color Splash is a step up compaired to SS but SS still has a place in my heart. Probably Nostalgia?

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