How will a google console do?"

How will a google console do?"

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Better than the ouya but thats not saying much.

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Well, if google makes it so that if you search “video game” on their search engine all you get is ads for their streaming box, it might sell.

It's gonna bomb.

>$150 shovelware on which you must rent games you can't own for $20 a month
about as well as Glass did

As well as Google+

it all depends on what Google 1st party actually is, how much money are they going to pump into their games and what's their development philosophy towards games

unless they plan on moneyhatting a murder's row of 3rd party exclusives ready for launch no one is going to give this thing a first look without an amazing 1st party lineup.

Very nice-looking controller, but would probably give you hand cramps in less than an hour

depends on how serious they are about getting into the market. remember they are worth billions, they arent a startup company, they can make something good if they care. but they most likely are gonna release a shitty half assed console that will lose support in a year

it's a streaming device targeting casuals. DOA

google are even more woke than sony

$150 for something comparable to an X1X with streaming $40 cheaper than Game Pass

that might be enough if the games aren't just the steam version running in big picture mode

that d pad looks painful jesus

>comparable to x1x
What gave you this idea?

Here's what I'm looking for in a "Google console"

1. Google Home functionality
2. Chromecast functionality
3. Apps
4. Games - with a COMFORTABLE controller (mandatory)

I will probably put one in my bedroom and use it for casual/light gaming on the side, but it will be by NO MEANS my main gaming machine.

I personally don't care about streaming games and I don't believe we own our digital games anyway.

tl;dw 720p max settings on 8 year old laptop in a chrome browser

Attached: Streaming Ass.jpg (2560x1440, 784K)

It's about the games. There's already plenty of Android TV or whatever devices that let you plug in a TV and play your phone games. Unless Google's planning something to set themselves apart I don't see this being a game changer or even successful. Google doesn't have a 100% success record, especially with consumer hardware.

I mean, in what ways?
Pixel is doing fine, Chromecast sells boatloads, and Google Home is competitive. What other hardware is the issue?

Please don't say Google Glass because that wasn't released. People got too triggered about a fucking front facing camera.

Even less games than Xbox. Good luck.

but this much latency just wont work at all for mouse aiming i don't think
when you feel latency just moving the mouse around to aim in an fps rather than the network latency that you don't see

>microphone button
just botnet my shit up senpai

Probelm is its google product and all google products suck now days. And it doesnt even have its own personality.

I mean we have to give it a chance. Every new competitor in the console market seems a little awkward.

That controller looks like dog shit.

Good thing it's a random artists interpretation

It's one random fan artists version of the patent.

Attached: google_stream_controller_4.jpg (1050x700, 58K)

Do we? I'm more hoping that anything done by google fails as much as possible.

Too soon, man


Google makes cool tech shit. I dunno why you'd want them to outright fail. Is it because you're worried about being spied on? In all honesty that's every single corporation. Amazon is the worst of all because it's not as open or honest about what it's monitoring. With Google you know you're being monitored for ad revenue, flat out and it's an open and shut case that Microsoft monitors and logs everything you do even back to Windows Vista.

Valve/Steam tracks every website you visit and monitors everything about your hardware.

>Is it because you're worried about being spied on?
>In all honesty that's every single corporation.
It's almost impressive on how you take that corporate dick like it was nothing.

You're totally monitored and spied on just by visiting google and Yea Forums. Like everything you post and do is stored online right now.

What do you think they do with our information?

botnet on a botnet in a botnet through a botnet

sell it to other information brokers who sell it to other information brokers who sell it to other information brokers
eventually it winds up on the black market and is used by criminals

And? I'm not going to let that prevent me from using google, buying from amazon, posting on Yea Forums, etc.

enjoy your massively increased risk of identity theft because you can't stop sucking corporate dick then

Google is pretty objectively a shitty company. High contributors to censorship, working for them is apparently a mess if you're not an ultra lib, fucking up YT, tax avoidance of a ludicrous scale etc. A lot of negatives for little to no positives, other people do what they do but better.

Still not a fan of the symmetrical stick layout, assuming that stays. It's a relic of the 90s when the dpad was commonly used.

I have identity theft protection. And, again, I'm not going to skip good deals on Amazon or using google search because I'm living in fear of having my identity stolen.

or maybe you can do your duty and vote for individuals who aren't completely corrupt whores and whomst will break up obvious monopolies

Like who? Go on, I need a good laugh.

that is the question

Mostly this, the original Xbox was only able to break into the market with their great first party library. Even with that they still didn't perform well until the 360 gen. Google should expect a similar tough start.

Games needs to be number one on their list. Just look what happened to the Xbox brand if you neglect that primary function

That looks really uncomfortable

ITT: children who have no idea how anything works or why literally every game streaming service has already failed and disappeared.

it will do poorly. Its impossible for it to not fail. Really goes to show only dumb shitskins and brainlet californians work at Google though.

Just play/buy a PC

I can't imagine Google would do anything positive for the industry being part of the Californian clique

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literally nobody defends this pile of shit except maybe googlel shills.

If it's an inexpensive streaming device with decent third party support I could see it doing okay.

I hope it doesn't have many exclusives though because fuck streaming.

Remember Google TV?

Remember Google Play Games?

The average household has shit internet based solely on the fact that decently fast internet costs more. Even just a relatively high bandwidth connection costs a hefty premium, let alone one that's actually constant and low-latency. Who here actually has neat stuff like fiber and unlimited LTE? Not me. Companies like Google spent decades gimping the internet as much as possible and keeping the end consumer dependent, their greatest crime being harsh brakes on upload speed so you don't get any funny ideas about streaming stuff from your own home server. They specifically made it so that you can't have nice internet without paying seven times as much as everyone else. It's an open secret nowadays that corporations can have multiple personality disorder, and Google is one of them. Keeping the internet from growing with one hand, and trying to gape its markets open with the other. This is profoundly stupid.

Attached: drumpf.jpg (256x256, 15K)

>trash ps4 joystick layout

>implying google will ever make a console

How's that rock you've been living under

wait a minute...

They aren't making a console, they are making a streaming device.

you're living under a rock if you think this thing isn't a flop

that controller is just a mockup, it does look similar but the patent looks better imo

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that is also just a mockup.

It absolutely blows my mind that hundreds/thousands of people on Yea Forums think google would release a controller that looks like that.

Don't forget PS4

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Who thought google would try to do a game streaming service given every other streaming service has failed for obvious reasons?

If the topic is "crazy retarded shit you wont believe is real" then whats a dumb controller to a dumb service.

There's a wrinkle in the method here, whic his why Google is doing this.

If that is not obvious to you, it's better to just not type opinions into a website.

If thats a mockup too then why cant I find the patent? Is this all just bullshit?

Gaming is a huge market and even if they arent gonna be top dog its worth investing in. The reward outweighs the risk

Its only purpose is to collect your data.


If they do more than just making it a TV Android machine then it could be breddy gud.

I remember when everybody thought Microsoft was stupid for the first Xbox and thought it was gonna flop.

Look at them now. Google's basically in the same niche M$ was during the late 90s-early 2000s so I think they can pull it off as long as they don't make any pants-on-head retarded design or marketing choices.

i dont think this will go far, i imagine the Xbox gamepass streaming, assuming microsoft wants to distribute the service there too, will help them sell boxes. but i cant see any of googles first parties (whatever they might be) be any close to good, not to mention, what kind of games would the 3rd parties would provide to this?

>I can't find something, so it doesn't exist

Why do people like you exist? I can't find a reason for you to.

>you cant google as good as me so you dont deserve to exist
Well fuck you and ya mutha!

Even if the method is paying $20 a month to stream from a machine only as powerful as a $300 laptop completely incapable of actually playing modern games at premium quality graphical settings, at which point most people wouldn't bite anyway and is inherently destined for failure by default.

You mighy be retarded if you think this is a smart idea regardless of who is doing it. It has failed every time its been done.
Every. Time. Google isn't pushing forward and pioneering. Google is just one of the many lemmings running off the cliff into the sea.

Who's this? Image search doesn't yield anything.

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>giving google money
I'm not retarded. EA, and Sony and Activision are fucking saints compared to them.

>You mighy be retarded if you think this is a smart idea regardless of who is doing it. It has failed every time its been done.

You are smarter than the entire company of Google.

Protip: It's a 5g device, dumbfuck.

google and facebook should not be supported

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5G has literally nothing to do with why its going to fail. 5G has nothing to do with anything.

You are insanely retarded.

Ouya manages to be better just because it's not stream shit.

It will fail. Look at how many Sony first party and major third party titles are failing because of SJW elements. We've seen what EA did with Battlefield V. Google would take the same game and make it 100x worse.

Google getting into the gaming market just makes it easier for the CIA to collect your data and spy on you.

Also, how do you get a patent for a controller that has basically existed for two decades now? Sony's IP lawyers must be licking their chops.

I don't think they would be the game developers, theyre probably just hosting the game. And microsoft tried to launch a console with an always on camera so I dont think they could do worse than that

>5G has literally nothing to do with why its going to fail. 5G has nothing to do with anything.

Ah, so you don't understand anything about the technology, nor do you understand that the device being 5G is what makes it categorically different from everything else and capable of succeeding.

This isn't a hard thing to figure out, y'all are honestly just not that intelligent or knowledgable.

I don't believe for a second that you even know what 5G is or how it's relevant to this topic. You could easily pass as a google employee or stockholder.

Okay, have fun not being a part of the conversation I guess.

I wish there weren't so many children on this board. There's actually nowhere good on the internet to talk about video games.

Didnt a few companies try this? Even apple?

It's a 5G device, the technological capabilities were not there to do this before 2020. People tried anyway because establishing a known name in the market segment was their intent, not making money.


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Shit. The Netflix model won't work the same for video games as it does for movies due to first party exclusives. So the console itself is just gonna be a shovel ware machine. It's the same thing that happened to the ouya and the amazon fire gaming system. Ubisoft and Sega are the only companies that could pull off entering the console race. Even atari makes more sense than Google.


From what I've heard, Chromebooks and their Android tablets kind of suck ass. Not to mention Google has a long track record of creating apps which fail and get dropped (i.e. Google Buzz, Allo, Google Video, Picasa, etc).

I'd rather wait to see what kind of support it will have (really hoping for some industry-shaking exclusives), whether it's gonna use fucking Android or if it's streaming only or as rumor said, being able to download games to play locally and/or offline.

Not afraid of botnet too, I bet almost all people in this thread either use Chrome, have an Android phone or frequently visit Google search or Youtube.


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Chromebooks are good if you use them exactly as what they are, cheap laptops that run web browsing multitudes faster than a comparable windows laptop and have better battery

It's when you get the expensive ones that pretend to be more that they suck, but still a better tablet than Windows

Google has a long history of just dropping support for shit immediately. It's their MO. They rush to release new products because that's the best way for someone to get promoted, even at the cost of the company.

No one gets a raise for taking their time and re-evaluating if we really need Google+ or some other bad idea. They get raises by making big launches.

No android. Google has been planning on replacing android for a while now.

They made the button colors wrong. The red one is in the right place byt green should be on bottom, blue on the left and yellow on top.

We've only got 9 days to wait until we see the actual controller and console anyway.

I also hope people will be able to buy games separately and play online games without any subscription. That would kind of shake the market since all the current console manufacturers became greedy with paid online services.

Word is that, although the games will still be streamed, you can buy individual games and load them up from the cloud anytime, separate from the streaming subscription.

By canceling it

>Okay, have fun not being a part of the conversation I guess.
I actually thought you were trolling with this.

but you actually believe the bullshit you're talking about. I want to play a game. The game is called you lose all your money. We can play it together. All you need to do is buy into this shit. Surely, it's absolutely foolproof, right? How could you not win, afterall.

But you just do you and stay with it. And then when your loss was predicted and explained to you, you'll only have yourself to blame and only have yourself to hate.

>How will a Google console do

>By canceling it


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Or I can buy it, try it, take it back if I don't like it.

If I like it, its' fine. It's video games. It's all a waste of money.

Hmmmm, this guy sounds fun at parties!

It all depends on the games.

more fun than a google game device lmao

Oh cmon thats a low bar

gtfo google shill

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Can't wait for the next xbox clone

>Vidya is a waste of money regardless



Well, their goal is to put one more device in your home that will have mics and camera to spy on you so i'd say it will do great for it's purpose.

True, it'll be able to do [nothing] more than current Windows/Mac and Youtube does.

that's a man's ass, it doesn't count

>How will a google console do?"
>play a Google Console Exclusive Horror Game
>the setting is your IRL home

Attached: [!!![!!!PANIC!!!]!!!].gif (269x270, 387K)

>the real SUicide Squad
>want to watch it, but don't want to cringe

wat doeth?