It's going to be it, isn't it bros?

It's going to be it, isn't it bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

theres no hope in this world, just buy some whiskey instead.

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Is that Sam Hyde? He looks more jewish the older he gets

Can't wait.

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Thats samuel hydesworth, first free black man in the states

That's WOTLK you retarded zoomer


a very comfy resolution

We're going back bros

it is, we are going back

we are going home

have sex

Tauren Shammy here. How strong is enhancement in PvP? Non-existing?

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cant wait to play druid, get epics and do 1/4 of the damage a rogue in blues does

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It's gonna be so good bros

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it's elemental or nothing. even without crazy gear you can spec ele mastery and crit shitters every 5 minutes.

take this:




>current year politics
No it won't.

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wow was always shit
literally ruined MMOs forever

You will be trading him your loot, won't you?

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Sharding is just in the beginning. If you played the original vanilla launch or any private server you know it's needed for the beginning levels, otherwise you're stuck on 1-10 for 20 hours

>Ruined MMO

Because Everquest and DAOC were so good right?

It's not Blizzard fault if corporation tried to make WoW clone for years.

There was still good and unique MMO such as Eve online or Dofus.

Oh no, a whole day in one zone. The absolute horror.

>Sharding is just in the beginning
Oh my sweet summer child

cry more fag

It's not good for anyone that people are bottlenecked in the beginning levels, literally noone. It wasnt intended when it was designed and is really bad game design in general

im going to gank his ass non stop

same with that cunt sodapoppin because im sure he'll play it

>people constantly say that vanilla isnt actually fun and that its all nostalgia goggles
>mfw i've played more than 1,000 hours of vanilla since 2016

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If I were Blizzard I would not implement sharding.

Sure it will crash and burn at launch. But Vanilla purist will be happy, and there will tone of news such as "WoW classic completely crash because there is too many players".

That is basically free marketing and a huge promotional ad.

It's RNG as fuck so it's better to go elemental. But elemental is still pretty good

The levelling process will take longer time, people will be frustrated from the get-go because of higher competition, toxicity will increase, there will be increased lag, legitimately new people to WoW will be put off

Warlock, infinite resources, no need to drink + don't have to feed pets

stop projecting lmao

The entire fucking appeal of vanilla is the dynamic world created by the community you zoomer piece of shit. That includes things not always going your way, and finding creative solutions to competition, such as, god forbid, socializing. The challenge is what makes it more rewarding.

Neck yourself

Reminder that this is not Vanilla, it's Classic.

nah, activi$ion is gonna fuck it up somehow

Either you didn't play vanilla launch or a private server because it is not as glamorous as you make it seem

>toxicity will increase

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friendly reminder that vanilla (and classic by default) was atrocious as an actual game, mostly because 2/3rds of specs were useless, and the ONLY thing good about it was its community, which will never come back because the playerbase of MMOs has grown vastly more cancerous as time has gone on.

additional friendly reminder that there is NOTHING wrong with patching the game to fix glaring issues like aforementioned 2/3rds of specs being useless and "purists" are retarded warrior/rogue/mage main faggots who just want their punching bags/healbots again.

It's not glamorous, it's gritty, and that's what makes it engaging and rewarding.
As expected from a sharding apologist

The only "gritty" part of WoW is the beginning levels. After that it's very easy to level and there is rarely competition for quest mobs and items. Now why you would want it to be difficult specifically for the beginning level is beyond me. If your reasoning is "muh social experience" you need a reality check

Can't wait for abloobloo players who picked the wrong class they wanted to play for just because they want to be OP in everything.

this nigger serious?

That's horseshit. After the starting zones the grit comes from having to explore to find quest objectives or even just quests, having to assess your surroundings and pull and position carefully, and having lots of quests that are genuinely hard or impossible to solo. Early competition teaches you the importance of socializing since there's no other challenge in the starting zones.

>muh social experience
Your zoomer is showing again

>yfw BFA was meant to fail in order to get literally EVERYONE to resub for classic
Then Blizzard drops one of the best WoW expansions of all time late 2019, and since everyone is already subbed, they get massive dosh from people just buying the game

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I also forgot to mention pvp, a major part of the challenge and reason to socialize.