Under Night

I know most fighting game stories are garbage, but how's the lore for UNIST? Everyone's getting superpowers through getting bitten by shadow creatures and forming their own factions, might be good.
Is it worth spending days watching the chronicle?

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Yes, especially Amnesia's

i heard gordeau is bro-tier. thanks, ill watch some tonight
do they tie in to the arcade stories?

Somewhat, don't expect too much tho

Is Linne best girl? That's the only question I have yet I'm too lazy to find out.

It's pretty decent. I hope the next patch brings more story.

that's extremely debatable, but never out of the question. most people like her.
all we can agree on is that nanase is the worst.

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Hilda is so much fun to play, I love her.

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the portrait art is pretty bad compared to the ingame sprites

It's pretty standard shonen but it has some really interesting aspects to it. I liked it's lore more than any other fighting game's for what it's worth

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hilda is DUMB!

Character-wise or gameplay-wise?

>entire thread is about story
The hell do you think, character wise

afaik it's kinda like Tsukihime + Persona 3

They are trash. Edgy Fate tier trash. Depending on who you chose they just kill each other.

Nanase is the worst either way
>annoying to fight
>annoying theme
>annoying story arc

I want grab her by the hair as I fuck her from behind while squeezing her tits furiously.

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>implying arcade mode canon
Retards everywhere

Nanase is a precious light in this dark world and she's the most honest shoto/gorilla hybrid ever made.

Who said arcade mode was canon retard? The actual story mode is an even bigger shit than most Arc System fighters and you know it.

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I think Chronicle Mode is pretty funny, especially a lot of the scenes with Linne, like the one where she's muttering to herself about serious stuff and her grade school friend keeps surprising her. Carmine too just because he gets annoyed at everything that happens to him. And of course there's Merkava and Londreika.

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