Anyone know any good FFXIV YouTubers?

Anyone know any good FFXIV YouTubers?

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ecelebs are shit. just play the game

Meoni is good for news and the gold saucer minigame since he keeps his videos short.

and the Mr. Happy podcast is good ONLY WHEN Ethus is on since he's a pretty good lore guy

also you did pick Ulala for Little Ladies Day right? right!

Not Mr. Happy. Listen to any other attention seeking faggots and whores you want. Just not that piece of shit.

Cvnka is best girl

MTQcapture (Mistec or whatever) is pretty great for her quick guide videos

I'm looking for guides and stuff but most FFXIV YouTubers are a bit....skit friendly. It wouldn't be bad if most of their jokes land (it doesn't)

>also you did pick Ulala for Little Ladies Day right?

No. Ulala is a little self centered diva brat.
I alternate between Narumi and Masha, because the former is a sweetheart and the later is a good girl and Nashu's sister which instantly makes me want to protect her.

I just go for text guides.

learn by doing

Speaker's Network if he's not doing his retarded skits that reek of autism.

self-important faggot who considers himself the definitive voice of the community
A stupid nigger who can't even play the game well but somehow is considered a big voice in the community?
Based at times, genuinely funny at others, and ACTUALLY GOOD AT THE GAME, but his ego has gotten pretty big nowadays and he can be annoying from time to time.
nice enough person, teaches scrubs how to raid and stuff but her raid guides are usually subpar because she relies on others' footage and notes so she can upload them ASAP for those Youtube bucks
Unironically based and the only genuine and funny FFXIV streamer out there. Also he's good at the game.
a completely unfunny faggot who talks like he has severe autism and somehow managed to gain a big fanbase of similarly autistic players
>Very Merri
low-tier memester who used to make decent videos, but is now chronically depressed and bitches about it on Twitter way too much
Good at video editing. Also Mr. Face is the only halfway decent FFXIV machinima series out there, so props to him.
short & informational videos, no bullshit, but his voice sounds like the narrator of the Stanley Parable
>Any of the Elysium Crowd (Momo, Fold, Sfia, etc.)
Attention-whoring raid trannies who constantly circlejerk each other and value their """social status""" in an MMO above real life. Disregard all of their opinions. The only tolerable one is Layla

Did I miss any?

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Ngl my guilty pleasure is lastorderfilms

wait are the idols back i thought they weren't showing up again this year?

Graehl gaming

Pick only one.. if your watching faggots play games your part of the problem

I played with Xenos in a11s learning. He joined and bitched about everyone actually learning. He was buds with the party leader and slowly replaced everyone with his friends. Fuck him and fuck me

> Meoni
You mean the shitter who steals content from literally everyone?

there's a repeatable quest after the main one where the npcs show up to get flower crowns, I don't know if it's random but I got the Songbirds 1st


yeah and cuts their shit down from 20 minutes to 3, making it actually watchable.

user can you show me on the doll where you were touched.

As a gay man, I love Mr Happy.


>Greahl Gaming
Haven't watched too much of his stuff, but seems like a nice enough guy who does guides and videos for entry-level players
Genuine lore-nerd who makes good videos and decent speculation about the game's story and characters. Unfortunately, he's extremely >>>/reddit/
Unfunny sjw-tier atteionwhore. Nothing really else to say.
>GoldenTate (or whatever his name is)
never watched any of his streams/videos. I've only seen pics of him with other people at the FanFests. He looks like a numale hambeast, so I'm guessing his content is probably equally as shit.
Keeps track of the world-first Savage/Ultimate races and is one of like 500 people who actually care about the PVP in this game. His passion is commendable but that doesn't make Feast, Frontlines, and Rival Wings suck any less.

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XIV is weird in the sense there are almost no good youtubers, streamers, general information websites or any of that shit. There isn't even close to an equivalent to MMO Champ Or WoWhead.

Don't need them. The game is fucking simple.

>no good youtubers/streamers
there are a few but they're all flawed in some way
>no good general information websites
>There isn't even close to an equivalent to MMO Champ Or WoWhead.

Yeah that's the weird part. I came from other MMOs but there's no legit guides other than one's ones on Google docs which I really don't like using

The NEST gang.

I don't know who they are.

Damn Mr. Happy must have shit all in your cereal.

Fuck off meowie.

Anyone go into these LF> relationship party finders just to see how desperate people are?

This is advertisment

>WoW friend starts playing XIV
>Picks Lancer
>Suddenly starts playing MRD after only a day or two
>"Hey, why did you switch classes so soon?"
>"I read online that I need to be Lv 15 as MRD to get DRG"
Like, holy shit, it's amazing how outdated some of the info online is.

NEST are just for watching a punch of semi-casual goofballs get dunked on by bosses and kill each other

For what LMAO?

I leveled up WHM to 15 so I could unlock PLD when I was starting out.
Turns out that I was just leveling up too fast via sidequests without doing MSQ so the guy wouldn't show up when I hit 30.

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Here is the real question, which content creators were autistic enough to clear UCoB? That’s how you know they’re worth watching.

cnj but you know what i mean

Nothing wrong with that to be honest.

Granted I've also gone through a few statics in the course of this past raid tier alone, so I tend to equivocate how good I am in terms of clearing fights with when Drak uploads his group's clears, so of course they only get through M/F the day after I finally got my Final Omega clear.

Plus they're the only reason people remember Lamia is a server.