Rank their power levels

Rank their power levels

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what happened to lucia?

>Lady is human

Throw her into trash can

Why is Trish so ugly

To make her look like Ashley Fires.

She's still on that island.

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is any dlc planned for the game?

Dante > vergil > nero > trish > Lucia > v > lady

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Who knows, but even if there is DLC, they'll bring Lucia back.

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This is her face model. How did they fuck it up?!

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she got stuck in a shit game

Yeah, there's a secret ending scene with Morrison hiring Trish and Lady for something. Clearly they'll get a DLC.

My erection > Dante = Vergil > Nero > V=Trish > Lucia > Lady

Hold on. Dante and Vergil are identical twins, so why are played by two different actors?

Nero < Vergil = Dante < V < Trish < Lucia < Lady

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Lady is the strongest?

Nero > Dante > Vergil > V > Trish > Lucia > Lady

The girls are the weakest but that's just how it is. The series is sexist.

>Vergil stronger than anyone.

Niqqa was literally just falling apart the entire game.

Not that I think they’d ever do it but I wonder how people would feel if Dante had a daughter in a future game

She is once when she drops the blanket, it can make anyone forget what they were doing.

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Fuck yes, this is what I wanted

Would be an interesting counterbalance to Vergil having a son.

Problem with Dante having a kid is that you need to choose which of the 3 main girls are going to bear it. And it's super weird if it's Trish.

Can Trish even have children considering she's a demon?

nero looks like that dmc devil may cry dante
virgins face is fucked
trishs face is fucked
kylo rens face is of course fucked

frustration is getting bigger

Pretty sure Dante knows more women than what we are shown. It's just that she might suffer the same fate as Nero's mother, not even a name to call her by.

Being a demon doesn't really hinder one from procreating, or Hell would be quite empty. The only problem she might have is that she is an artificial demon. Or that she lays eggs.

In order from strongest to weakest
Nero is stronger at the end of 5 than Vergil or Dante
Dante has beated Virgil twice
Dante beat Mundus, and Mundus can overpower Trish, making Dante stronger
V is a lesser form of Virgil's power
Lucia is just a random demon bodyguard
Lady is a powerless human

Still think Virgil is stronger than Nero and Dante

all nero did was beat back a exhausted and wounded dante and vergil.
arkham did the same thing in 3
full power dante and vergil would 1 shot nero

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If its with Trish then the kid would be what like 3/4th’s demon and predumably have a bit of Dante and Mundus’s power?

If its Lady kid would be a quarter demon like Nero

Why do people say Lady is the weakest?

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Shes a straight up human in a cast full of demons

Because she's just a human.
Best girl though.

>Trish gets carried by Sparda, and even then she still has lightning demon powers
>V would probably lose to Lady unless shadow can intercept bullets but he's got her beat in terms of pure power
>Lucia is a demon and has a devil trigger
Lady is cool but shes a badass normal

I would put V below most of the females, honestly.
At the end of the day, he himsel is fairly weak. Take away his pets and he's borderline useless.

100% human lmao
Basically its the same shit as with DBZ. You might be the most powerful human in the world but it doesn't matter because there's a bunch of ridiculously bullshit super powered aliens / half-aliens running around that increase the powergap so much that you're relegated to comedy relief if you're lucky enough to even get any screen time.

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Exec only mentions already announced Bloody Palace DLC and in general there are references to Vergil being playable.

Do you think the sons have past Sparda yet? Still like to think daddy would slap their shit.

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V could barely fucking lift Sparda while Trish is able swing it around like its nothing.

Trish > V

she's a crack addict

Yeah, but he summons monsters to fight for him.

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Dante surpassed Sparda in DMC1 user