>tank is Lala
>healer is Roe
>ninja is Roe
this game is so fucking stupid
Tank is Lala
Other urls found in this thread:
There is nothing wrong with any of that.
You guys know any good FFXIV YouTubers?
>op is a faggot
The absolute state of this game
Fuck off we're playing DMC.
>tank is a highlander
>healer is a highlander
>ninja is a highlander
>they're all futa
Limiting classes based on race is fucking retarded and so is OP.
Sounds like my kind of party.
>healer is Roe
pretty much named the entire problem with every other MMO on the market classes locked to strictly to races/and or genders.
I've spent the week playing BDO on xbox, while the game is super janky and the community is completely shit I could forgive those things cause I like my Elf character, but wait I'm locked to the ranger class with nothing to do at max level. I better make a new character of a different race, play through the entire story campaign
oh no
>I've spent the week playing BDO
>I've spent the week playing BDO
Jesus, dude. Have some self respect
is this the ideal party?
It is for me.
Only if the fourth member is a cute trap.
what was his fucking problem
What's wrong is, they weren't all Lalafell
>OT is dpsing on the side of the boss instead of behind with everyone when there is no possible reason to do it
>always miss the Cure 3
>drop puddle mechanics in a bad place
>fucks up any tether mechanic by being on the way of the tether when he shouldn't
Why so many OTs do that? do they need some sort of validation of recognition for playing the easiest aspect of the easiest role?
He's rightfully pissed off that his achievements are totally overlooked in favor of Cid who just coasts on his father's legacy. Cid really has never done anything noteworthy, meanwhile Nero has:
>Restored the Ultima Weapon
>Restored Omega
>Invented a new type of laser now used on Garlean magitek weapons
>Invented power armor that can be summoned across the void of fucking time and space into another dimension
>Solved every problem WoL encountered in the Omegascape
>Made better tomestone armor than Cid
>load into raid
>wait a full 2 mins while the tanks argue over which of them has to MT
>any game
>not being fucking retarded
I would love to know why every single fucking fantasy game insists on including a retarded gnome race.
need to pander to pedophiles
thats why IX is the most popular for most of the people here
XI and XIV's gnome races are actually a callback to the classic 2D chibi sprites. Secondaries won't understand.
Agreed, just look at this 1:1 recreation of a sexualised human kid
Fucking pedos
Source on this? Because they don't look alike in any way whatsoever and it sounds like bullshit to cope with
They're literally chibis with the exact same proportions you blind nigger. And the FFXI concept art has them with the black skin and bright eyes of the classic BLM sprites, along with onion hair to reference the Onion Kids.
>switched off ninja as roe because i didn't like the changes to the class in sb
>switched back on because apparently it makes some people upset
i still don't like the class but now other people are also unhappy, so i win somehow
i hate them, please do not them to me again
>they don't look alike in any way whatsoever
This sounds like a massive stretch to me, man. Unless you have any actual sources, don't bother posting.
I've never seen more than one roe in a dungeon. You are making shit up.
>have the exact same chibi proportions in a game series that spent its golden years using chibi sprites
>concept art shows a clear design philosophy in referencing said chibi sprites
>"i dunno man lol"
Like I said, secondaries won't understand.
>roe healers
>not god tier
neck yourself
>roe defense force swarming the thread
go back to your discord
Since there's fuckall to do in the game now I wanna make Eureka weapons for the jobs I play, so I need five. What's the best way to go about it? Farm all five in every instance before moving on to the next instance or farm one weapon to 405 then start with Anemos again? All four maps seem pretty lively right now.
You're literally pulling shit out of your ass with zero sources and claiming it's fact. Old game sprites are not "chibi", they are just how RPGs used to look like back then. Unless you have actual proof with source that the game designers decided to add little kid race in those games as a cameo/throwback to old games, then your guess is as good as anyone's.
>Old game sprites are not "chibi"
They literally are.
>Unless you have actual proof with source that the game designers decided to add little kid race in those games as a cameo/throwback to old games
Right here, you blind retard.
Specifically for 012s, if i am ot at that point ill be tanking pretty much in middle of boss because my brain will fuck me for patches if it starts with me stacked in the group.
>Right here, you blind retard
That shit doesn't prove anything, faggot
Not that guy but I quit XIV for BDO a while back. You faggots are delusional
imagine being this much of a zoomer that you call retro FF sprites 'chibi' lmao
FF sprites are literally chibi by definition you fucking retard.
it's not a good game, user
Your brain is literally chibi
Imagine being such a zoomer that you think chibi only applies to anime
I want to make some half-half-Elezens with Hilda.
Is there still no trading? I wanted to set up a shipyard and give my guildies boats and leftover horses, but NO TRADING (except food).
If this is still true, fuck that game. The only cooperative thing you can do is fight, which why even play an mmo at that point?
>Tfw male middie
Everyone is so fucking exotic around me
Dumb mutt poster
>you'll never be her first
Did you mean IX or XI?
what race should i be going to play this first time tomorow
Play roegadyn. Most fun emotes.
Midlander Hyur
Just don't pick miqo'te or hyur. There is just too many of them and you won't stand out. Unless you want to blend in and never be noticed, then be miqo'te or hyur.
If you want random women touching you, be lalafell. You're always going to be pet.
Definitley Au Ra
>tfw want to be a lalafell but don't want to be /pet
guess i'll stay a miqo'te
Wait for Shadowbringers so you can be a cutie viera bunnygirl.
What's the most rare race for standing out?
What would be the closest race to this? Midlander?
Definitely lala
Don't touch Arenvald's woman.
whatever looks good to you, there is no difference other than aesthetics
Elezen or Roegadyn. Barely anyone uses them compard to the others.
People will make giraffe jokes though if you're elezen.
oh yeah i'm gonna wait for shadow bringers because apparently il save money when they bundle the expansions, this was more for finding out racials or if races had mounts or whatever.
but seeing as free trial caps at 35 maybe it's not even worth starting now and having to swap to the new race later, can you swap races in this game?
roes and elezen are the two smallest pop races
Come 5.0 all your party will be Viera
there's essentially no difference between races in this game, the small stat difference is meaningless at endgame
the only racial locked stuff is your starting clothes
I realized that if you set color blindness filtering to a reasonable % you don't even need reshade anymore
You can swap races but it'll cost you money.
Unless you start a new character, which you can always do. Your subscription allows you to make 40 characters.
Thanks for this.
elezen are the elves right, surprised they're the least played. really surprised.
oh there's no wow/everquest race difference?
sorry i just assumed, thanks for setting me straight.
>this game is fucking stupid
>they should all be cat and lizard niggers like me so we can all emote and talk like faggots in party chat!
Kill yourself OP
They're least played because their proportions are all fucked up, and their run animations are bad
Every race has different emotes and choices of voices though. Some funnier and cooler than others.
Yea maybe I'll mess around in the free trial to learn the game, then I'll decide on race when shadow bringers in out and they bundle all the previous expacs, that's the advice someone gave me in another thread that buying it is dumb and wait for a sale.
The male race of the rabbits are still unshown/unannounced and people said they could be lion people?
Cool thing about Ff14 is every race can be every job. In fact you can switch between jobs on the fly at any moment.
I play a miqote because they have good movement animations (jump is a lil odd, though). I don’t like how the tail clips through stuff, so I’ll move over to viera come SB. I was a midlander before, but they have such a stupid uguu~ run that it really bothered me after a while.
You do get one free phanta during the main story. I still have mine after all these years.
No official word on the new male race yet.
Be warned I found the story of A Realm Reborn to be the most boring shitfest. But the DLC stories are vastly superior. Heavensward and Stormblood are ace.
>Some funnier and cooler than others.
That's up to personal taste though, much like the race's appearance.
Two reasons.
1. People may like elves, but they like cats more. So all the thirsty elf players in other games play mi'qote here.
2. This isn't helped that elezens have far and away the worst base animations for things (mostly their run animation). So a lot of people change as soon as then run around for a second.
no one actually knows for sure, since the lion thing is based off a leak that may or may not be real, and an actual fuckup in a translation that suggests a new race besides the known ones
but yes, as of now there are no male bunnies. there's going to be more info about the game in like two weeks so we'll probably know for sure by then
I feel like the MMO genre needed to achieve peak casualization before we turn back and start craving more traditional MMOs again, XIV is kind of the peak of that, people turned to it in droves to shovel in the sweet casual juice and it made bank, now that they're satisfied and the people who enjoy it will probably stay, the people who want more will slowly drift away and start demanding a different kind of MMO, WoW Classic will be the catalyst and probably a couple years after will see the first big MMO that takes the concept to heart again and quickly blow up.
At least I think there's a good chance of that happening.
I'd go as far as saying Heavensward and its post-release content are the best FF story since FF10.
People will get bored of classic within a month. If you wanted a hardcore MMO you started Lineage 2's new classic server.
Alright nigger.
Post your FFLOGS of Omega 12 Savage and your Ultimate Ultima clear.
I bet you wont.
Look into Pantheon if you haven;t, it's the last thing I'm looking to play before I throw this shitty genre in the garbage where it belongs.
>tfw got into New World Alpha
>probably one of the most disappointing "MMO's" to date
Developers are fucking retarded these days.
Ah that's disappointing, but I guess this makes sense.
That's actually pretty cool, i thought i might have to make x free trial account characters to try them all.
Ah I see, so lions could just be a "grinch leak". I'll try to keep my eyes open for that info in two weeks. also noted on the realm reborn being a slow burn till the later expacs.
Thanks everyone.
Heavensward was the only time I actually cared about the story in this game, SB was so lackluster and the base game was a nightmare to get through.
>tfw we never got housing plots for Heavensward
I just wanted a comfy cabin, fucking travesty.
garbage character
shit-tier waifu
I'm looking forward to this.
Was also following Ashes of Creation but that seems like it went the FORTNITE RPG route, into the garbage bin I guess...
Ishgard will get housing in Shadowbringers they confirmed.
Difficult doesn't equal non-casual, with XIV you only have a very specific part of the game that requires you to group with a specific group of people at similar level of play that can work with you over an extended period to defeat a boss, everything up to that point almost exists as a seperate game, a non-casual game is an experience the envelops the entire game from beginning to end, XIV doesn't have that, you can't argue that having aspects of a non-casual game makes the whole game that way, it definitely doesn't.
Hardest fights I beat were Minstrel's Ballad of Ultima, Thordan and Twintania before Heavensward, using only PUGs cause I never made any friends, the fights you mention are literally impossible with PUGs as is a huge set of the game unless your on a Japanese server.
fuck off furfag
>Look into Pantheon
>Humans are super special and can be any class
Not even her, but kys
You are the cancer of genre, hope you leave and never return
What about Hrothgar is furry that isn't furry about miqo'te?
stupid weeaboo
those aren't hrothgar and we have no idea what they look like
and that woman has a cat nose and literal fur all over her body
fucking kill yourself you austic furry
you post this shit in every thread
Wait, really? Holy shit, I'm actually hyped for something. Thanks friend!
We've heard nothing about Hrothgar before, they've never been hinted at whatsoever, when are they even supposed to show up? In 4.56? That's a bit late considering all the other new races have been introduced at least some time beforehand and it'd be odd to just a new race out of nowhere (Yugiri appeared in 2.2). What if they're literally just male viera made to appease yoshi's bunny autism?
Find me an image closer to the way the leaks describe Hrothgar then.
They didn't actually confirm it, but heavily implied it as a reward for completing the new crafter/gatherer endgame where you restore Ishgard.
literally the only concrete thing we know is 'glorious mane'
Are you the same autistic retard that sperges out whenever someone wants something that isn't a cosplaying human, in every FF thread?
The only thing we know is that they have a 'mane'. They could be and probably will be just Highlanders with more hair.
Yeah, I agree. Lalas shouldn't be in the game at all.
Are there any 1H sword and shield glamours that have a non-particle wings motif going on? I need it for my Valkyrie tank theme
You aren't getting beast races. Everyone else has accepted it. We get what Japan wants, and Japan doesn't like things to be too inhuman.
You want beast races, play WoW.
Why is that even a problem? It's so normalfags and boring rejects have their token shit race for every class.
Any of the winglet swords, not sure about shields.
winglets, when will they learn?
All the legit leaks say they're basically Ronso, which Pantera are literally a copy of.
So what youre saying is you never played any of the difficult content so you think the game is casual.
Okay faggot
I hate to admit it, but I backed AoC and pulled out literally the last day of the Kikestarter. Was the first and last time I'll ever support a game, even more so seeing with how it turned out. Fucking travesty.
Female Elezen. It's the only thing I play since all other races are wack. All the races I want to play are listed as a beast race for rep.
Good taste user.
>literal furfags are also the elffags
That explains a lot.
keep being delusional, dude
we are not getting a beast race
I hope you kill yourself when it's revealed they're highlanders with more hair and tails
But then what will we put in our soups?
Someone pronounce that shit.
Blufever said fucking nothing about them looking anything like Ronso, I am so sick of this retarded parroted nonsense from nowhere. The ONLY thing he implied was that they were lion-like. The discord faggot is not a legit leaker, you'd have to be insane to consider them credible after their incredibly easy guesses and riding off the success of blu's leak.
>Adamantite Winglet
Fuck, how did I miss this. Thanks mate. I looked at its accompanying same ilvl shield, but it doesn’t go with the rest of my gear unfortunately
>big, hairy, lion mommies
Literally Pantera.
>thinking females will happen at all
>thinking they'll have cat faces
>thinking they'll have fur
the state of furfags
How is a ninja turtle and bug people "furfag" I don't want to play a boring human, a tall human, a furry nor a child. In a world where all races suck, the Elves seem the most likeable. I'd also prefer a dwarf.
Don't post this shitty manga.
>instead of making a unique race lets just give them ANOTHER cat race
yeah thanks yoshi you stupid faggot
foxes when
Don't worry, Hrothgar aren't real
The level 69 dungeon shield (Ritter Shield) looks very ornate. It has 2 dove birds on the sides as well as some flowers and really decorative design. It might not match your color scheme but I can see it working if it does. It might be a bit too complex of a design though if you are using the Winglet sword, though.
Manes doesn't necessarily mean lions, they could be wolves or horses
>I play a non midlander, look how unique and cute I am haha xD
I understand that, but when comparing the beast races and tribes in game, to something like that Pantera that the other user posted, it's still strongly humanoid with a slight hint of beast to maybe satiate the people that do want something more bestial. Hell, I usually play Goblins, Ogres and Trolls and there's nothing to scratch that itch in FF, so maybe I'll even play a Hrothgar if they look different enough.
Usually it's Midlanders who have some stupid inferiority complex and act like snowflakes.
What's with the amount of relationship PFs coming up?
>Bunnyfag still in denial
Can any SCH here tell me what deployment tactics does? I know what it says but when I use it, I can't really see any noticeable effect. Does it literally just let the shields linger a bit longer? How useful can that be? Does it strengthen the shield at all? idk.
Also, how useful even is eye for an eye? a 20% chance to deal% less damage for a whopping 10secs just seems like waste to even bother casting. plz help.
Wait what the fuck, why is there a Keeper in the M tribe?
>tfw no kitsune race with fluffy tail
Even Granblue has better diversity and FF race representation.
almost none of the female characters played by men look cute or unique. They all look the fucking same, huge lips, confused air head look on their face, rosy cheeks, and dressed like a thot.
>want to play something that isn't a human with accessories
>considered a furfag
I hate how furries have ruined actually liking beast or non humanoid races from just a "that's a cool race!" standpoint. Nigger, I want to play a cool lizardman or lionman because I think they're badass, not because I want to fuck them. I know this game is filled with degenerates who create avatars to ERP and whack off, but not everyone follows that rule set.
How is that hard to say?
Feels good being one of the few that doesn't make a disgusting neon-colored slut
cast adlo on someone and deployment tactics it before raid wide damage goes out so you get a full power shield on everyone. better than using succor(who's shielding aspect is weaker than an adlo)
This is the only acceptable answer
if male veira aren't some beast like werewolves il be mad as heck i don't want MALE HUMANS WITH RABIT EARS FUCKING NO YOSHI
pop adlo on someone, get a nice fat crit shield hopefully. deploy it to the rest of the team.
if males exist they'll probably be muscular bishonen dudes with rabbit ears and you'll have to deal with it
>deployment tactics
It takes the shield on one target and copies it to every other nearby target in your party. You can cast Adloquioum on one person, then use Deployment Tactics on that person, and you end up effectively having cast Adlo on every single party member at once, meaning everyone now has a shield twice as powerful as Succor. If the original Adlo was a crit, Deployment Tactics copies that too.
BDO is a fucking shit game that only revolves around the economy, if you are the type that wants to exploit game economies and make money for no other reason than to make money, then yes BDO is a good game for that, it offers literally nothing else. It takes and improves tera's combat but applies it to nothing as the game has no meaningful content other than crafts and economy gaming.
I don't blame you for bailing on FFXIV though, as FFXI is the far superior game, but no one wants to play it because "oh no its old" reasoning. Game has literally perfected the horizontal progression form of endgame and people still claim the game died 10 years ago when they started to move away from the requirement of needing 18 hour xp parties to level up, kek.
Feels better to play a man and not be afraid of what the sweaty losers hanging out in vg say about it
Good looking fem highlanders don't exi-
eye for an eye IS a waste
when you cast a fat succ to mitigate an aoe or something, deploy off the fairy since it takes almost no damage, and give everyone a second shield
Are you seriously asking what the closest race to a human would be while referring to a picture of a human?
t. jealous au ra tranny
>posts generic waifu
>ugly outfit
>bad hair
>dead lifeless look on her face
you're right, they don't. I'm sorry candlejack got to you before you could fini-
Nigger, Male Midlanders either look like the WoL or pure basedboy, why in gods name would I play one of those.
>female avatar
No seriously why is there so many PFs right now all about looking for relationships?
>not snowflake enough
I got'chu familia
So the male Au ra?
>fem midlander
>brown hair, bangs
>height 100
>bust 0
name a more kino combination
Yea but better
Just got up to the final MSQ of patch 4.4
Holy shit guys, how could you bear the wait?
yeah because the multitude of cats and au ra who erp with actual animal dicks aren't a thing right? not to mention the horse dick futa roes/highlanders
Cat sluts and au ra trannies fear the highlander tomboy.
I DPS as an OT off to the side with the intention of being able to swap into place easier if the MT dies for whatever reason, and to prevent the boss from turning into the crowd when I provoke and re-position.
Though, thinking on it now I realize the boss will probably turn into the crowd before provoking anyway.
I'm Elezen master race actually
>the horse dick futa roes/highlanders
catshits on suicide watch
male highlander but thanks for playing
t. ugly ass fem highlander
not even the good face or hair
>playing giraffe
Big oof
>playing male characters
why are you gay, bro?
>being this homosexual
I know it's 2019 but yikes my guy
That's pretty much all of them except me, so you're spoiled for choice.
my nigger
>get WHM to 70
>get free Genesis by netflix healing MSQ roulette once per day
it's too easy
Nope I just enjoy representing my own gender, enjoy masquerading around as little girls playing pretend.
>Nope I just enjoy representing my own gender
sorry I'm not a tranny senpai
>n-no, I just enjoy looking at a man's ass- I MEAN, I just want to rep my own gender. y-yeah
sure thing, cakeboy.
Lol holy shit, go back to /pol/ and have sex. In whichever order you'd prefer
>He enjoys playing as a woman and dressing himself up in pretty dresses
What mmo would you recommend lad
>dressing himself up in pretty dresses
Hol up, do you self insert in mmos? How sad.
>all these assmad replies
Imagine getting upset over the gender of other peoples characters
>he doesn't give his mmo toon a fully fleshed out backstory and personality
continue on brother
The camera is above his shoulders looking forwards so I can see everything, why in the world would you have it positioned to look at the bottom of the screen?
>respond to you're self
oh no
>The camera is above his shoulders
lol no it's not you gaylord. nobody plays games like that.
you're crazy transmutant
>not to mention the horse dick futa roes/highlanders
Is this video supposed to mean something?
Toxic masculinity right
Wait, so playing a female character now makes you "trans"? When did this meme start?
>i want to stare at a man's ass for 100 in-game days of playtime
do fags really do this? i've watched my fem midlander's cute ass jiggle in tights for thousands of hours at this point
>pick the popular futafag race
>don't rp a futa
Yep, think real hard and maybe you'll figure it out.
When closet homos started playing mmos.
You're projecting pretty hard my dude.
Are you that gay you can't play a game without staring at the guys ass? Sounds like you need tie come out of closet
>i like looking at cute girl butts
??? did you grow up Mormon or something
Who else but self insert fags talks about their characters as if they're talking about themselves?
>be a chad miqo'te
>challenge Nuhn and beat him
>kill his children and mate with the females of the tribe
things that dont exist
>try to kill children
>get stabbed by my 20 wives and left for dead
Nice one.
Nigga, what are you even trying to say? How does liking girl ass correlate in any way to liking dick? You got BTFO so hard you went retarded.
*blocks you're path*
If you play a female character and you are a man, you have brain problems.
You literally just said you stare at a mans ass but keep moving those goals
I think he's implying that if you were playing a male character you would be staring at his ass just the same as your female character instead of looking away at the game itself instead.
>be a chad miqo'te
not an example
>Not just breeding with his children too
>wanting to look at attractive females is mental illness now
>killed two primals without the Echo
>came home and claimed his sisterwives
>his cuckold brothers know they can't compete so they resort to bickering with each other over who will take his place when he dies
Nah he's pretty chad
>Finally get a healslut of my own
>Trying to level DRK before Shadowbringers
>Healslut is more interested in erp than doing dungeon runs
A finger curls on the monkey's paw
No he didn't
>Miqo'te are disgusting inbreeding savages
Not surprised.
That design works for me, actually! I haven't done Castrum Abania in ages though. I would post my character's glamour to show the colors, but a lot of anons here don't like that.
>all these buttblasted replies
And people argue that discord trannies aren't a thing.
Go watch porn then
I actually told my Free Company that I'd be gone for a few days because DMC5 was coming out
>No he didn't
He did though. He killed Titan and Leviathan.
Yeah, it's called being attracted to women, you wouldn't understand
Two weeks until new job actions trailer!
I can't wait to see what new toys BLM will get to be even more FUN!
Yes he did.
>literal fags think they're more manly than straight men
we've gone full parody at this point. if you play as a man you definitely have a porn folder of hardcore gay porn. end of story
Ah yes. The old 'go watch porn if all you want to do is look at attractive girls!' fallacy. The calling card of every ugly roastie.
he was part of a team. still impressive nonetheless
Nothing. He's based and the best character in the game.
>2 weeks
What do you guys think about the new 5.0 game launcher?
>yeah, I play a male toon cause I'm not a faggot
>what, this glam? I'm being ironic, bro
>Two weeks until new job actions trailer!
They're not showing that until the final live letter before launch, bro. May at the earliest.
About time they fucking updated it. The launcher looks like something straight out of the early 00s. Same with mog station.
dont even give them a (you) from their picture it was obvious they were retarded
oh no shit? That launcher actually looks like something designed in the last couple years and not the 90s anymore
Roes need to be deleted
Roe was a mistake, I think we all agree on that point
This kid is getting blown out so hard he is strawmaning everything
Ah, shit, is that right? I thought the job actions trailers were on the last fanfests.
I swear glams should have to go through some process that says they're okay and not immersion breaking before they're allowed to be used.
Take your meds bro I never said that
For SB they showed it during that 3+ hour stream when they went over all the battle system changes. I don't remember when HW's was.
All that's happening at the fanfest is the lion shit getting deconfirmed and the new job getting announced
No he didn't.
>idiots falling for a fanmade concept
You fucks are really gullibe
Ah yes, you mean CONfirmed, correct?
>lion shit will be deconfirmed
No user, you see Yoshida has thought one step ahead and chosen the fusion of the lion and the rabbit.
No, I meant that they aren't happening, and you're retarded if you think they are
>He can't have sex so he spends all day literally masturbating to his miqo'te in the coliseum set.
Just watch porn my dude.
Why do you always post reddit things here? I assume you're also the upset guy with the fashion report too.
Imagine being the incel responsible for this
The frogs already revealed it on accident. Are you fucking high?
I'll be here in two weeks, laughing at you. You can't deny the truth forever, friend.
I'm playing both.
Are you? That shit doesn't prove anything
>viangaa was never intended as a joke
absolute madmen
will the hildibrand quest finally get an encounter again?
Why not do all of that? You don't need to choose one over the other.
Someone post the evidence for this poor poor stupid bastard.
I've been told we're getting a trial but I don't know where that person got that confirmation.
If you actually think we're getting 2 races you're fucking delusional
Literally next patch. We're fighting Yojimbo. They've already previewed it at the past two fanfests if you want proof.
Nude mods are the true endgame you brainlet
>tank is an au ra
>healer is an au ra
>dps are au ra
>run take 10mins
awww I was excited
We're getting two races, but they won't have both genders.
Can we get a trance system? I want to see pink glowing roegadyn having emotion-fueled power attack outbursts
all i want is for PLD to pull some decent damage, thats it
thats all i want, well and no more skirt armor, but thats never happening
So what do you guys think the general circlejerk will be about after JP fanfest, now that male viera and hrothgar "discussions" are coming to a close?
Will we return to our roots and shitpost about diversion? Or will we find something new?
Mod your game
Absolutely based. Fuck trannies.
One side will shitpost the other constantly and it will never fucking end
FFCC crossover event when?
It's getting the Remaster, now's the chance, Yoshi!
I'll keep starting shit flinging race wars.
Which reminds me, tall women like Elzen and Roes are subhuman and deserve to be wiped out
>healing anything
While cute, I like Airy and Anne's characters too much to turn them into heal sluts
we got a better chance of Cliffy B making a good game, sorry bud.
Trannies realize they are unappealing to both straight men and gay women.
>t. manlet
>Fem midlander
>light brown skin
>Black hair, ponytail
>Height 100
>Bust 100
Elezen are honorary midlanders, they may be spared the rope. That way there'll be more for Mhiggers.
Hyur were a mistake.
tell me some stories from the cesspit known as balmung
what was the point of this character. what did Elidibus have to gain by saving him?
>hating tall women
>being this insecure
Trannies really do hate themselves.
If its any consolation the person is planning on making it a 3rd party launcher for the game from which I remember is not exactly against ToS
I will. My real gender is female.
My birth sex was a mistake.
skipping soar
>Bust 100
Imagine being this homosexual
>play femroe
>tower over all the catgirls and lalas
I gotta start taking screenshots, it's hilarious.
It's a shame they don't just get bought out by square for having a superior product. The current launcher is pure dookie
I was afk in ul'dah and apparently this lala was trying to initiate diaper ERP with me.
Elidibus is fighting for balance, not because he's an evil cackling madman. He saw someone with the Echo which means a potential Ascian and saved him. Then gave him the choice of who to fight for. Saving the Source from primals helps Elidibus just as much as provoking primals.
>Be stacey Midlander
>Walk into a suncat tribe
>Showered with lesbian cat attention while the nuhn just sits around doing nothing all day like the lazy shit he is.
I implore you to reconsider.
reee why is this on endless summer
I don't want SRS. It doesn't work right, obviously.
>Flat chest meme
Sorry. I don't like little girls. I like women. Women have fat tits.
>remember the diaper mod caused an internal rift with /xivg/ and Balmung as a whole
>causes some of the ERP fags to call on SE for the banning of client side mods
Honestly at this point I'm not sure who to root for in that battle, hopefully they just destroy each other.
Ah, a gentleman who likes their ladies unshorn.
lmao if you think i'm reading any of this
>haven't played since shinrex came out
jesus fuck. im so far behind.
This really bums me out, the fact that they were so brainwashed to go through with all of this and it took a VERY hard reality slapping them in the face to snap them out of it sucks. They'll never have their life back because of a decision influenced by outsiders.
>bust 100
>small tits mod installed
>No matter who wins, we lose
That's pretty fucking hilarious though. And more evidence that Lalafels are disgusting and make the game worse by existing.
alexa this is so sad can you play papaya
>not replacing the card with a fixed MCH
I really hope they fix MCH this time around. I've stuck by it since the early access for HW and god damn I will continue sticking by it till I give up on this game just for the love god make it god instead of waiting out another expansion for it to shine.
>that character and the hairstyle
Alright is there some correlation with that character design and short people? Little fuck reminds me of my friend and every other short dude I've met.
>hey should I turn my functional organs into an open wound that requires hours of maintenance every day?
>yeah do it
>ok I will
I feel no sympathy for these devils
Get fucked, get fucked, get fucked. I hope you are destroyed. I want you to be raped, I hate you so much. Fuck you, with every fiber of my being fuck you. Stop posting like fucking girls on this board. Stop responding with one word comments like "yikes" or "oof." This shit is fucking infuriating and it's been going on for way to fucking long.
>"b-but I was just talking like a girl ironically"
Oh yeah, and I dressed your dad up in a wig and fucked him up the ass "ironically." Wow so funny am I right? What irony! Stop ruining this fucking board with this fucking yikes bullshit. Nobody is better for having read a single word comment just saying yikes. That bandwidth could have gone to something better, the net negative value of your comment is such that it is actively destroying the internet one bit at a time. Maybe those pixels that would have been used to say "yikes" on your screen could go to a more worthy cause, like reddit or a facebook group!
No stop right fucking there. I no you're going to comment back with "yikes," I know you just can't get enough of that retarded shit. I want you to know you're disappointing everybody right now with everything you say. Get fucked. Nobody comes here so they can see the word "yikes" unaccompanied by anything else. If that were the case, they could just get a marker and some paper and write "yikes" on their own time. Leave it by their computer maybe. Fuck you and your yikes.
>"please, st-stop being mean to me"
Then fix your life. Fix how you comment. Maybe fix what sites you go to. Stop with this yikes crap that's just fucking irritating.
Remember this: nobody wants, nobody likes, yikes yikes yikes
>letting (((bezos))) into your (((house)))
you fool
I do. They're mentally unsound and got encouraged to mutilate themselves by their "friends".
SE is probably going to make it so modded shit doesn't work period if people dont quit posting modded stuff on twitter
What exactly went wrong with Ashes? I haven't exactly been following it but I did keep it in the back of my mind.
Whoa there bud, just relax.
>thinking it was Lalafells
I'm sure there are some fucking degenerate Lalafells who do it for sure user but the majority of the posts I've seen using that mod were never Lalafells.
>pretty fucking hilarious though
I agree, especially so when you consider that they're getting contained in their own DC soon enough. That day can't come soon enough.
fRoe is patrician taste
>tfw male roe
>tfw no armors are ever suited to it
I've grown used to it, but damn.
also i'm still mad paladin sucks, my main class in xi and it's total shite.
I can't blame you for not feeling bad for them, because it's fucking stupid but I feel bad that they probably wouldn't have done it if the boom of tranny "culture" didn't explode.
I hope for the same. Mained it after I cleared HW with BRD. Dropped it around the whole 5 heat "buff". Just make it fun dammit, not this RNG counting simulator.
Better than DRK
>tfw no highlander tomboy gf
Seriously. Not all trans want SRS.
>all these butthurt replies
t. esl highlander faggot
I don't even like futas but this is embarrassing
the curse of female aura is fucking shoulder pads ruining everything
I macroed my limit break to yell out 'Burn baby burn, Disco Inferno!'
drink more aryan blood, angl*
Diaper trannies everywhere in this game
Everything until
>"please, st-stop being mean to me"
had me cackling like a retard, but then you had to go on and ruin it
>this mod is higher quality than the official bravely default crossover fairy glamour will be
so glad I lurk this general. This is quality entertainment.
>dq event screenshot
wow old picture.
>plastic dishes and cutlery
>blow dryer
They released some half assed BR version of the game with flying mounts and other shit but they're still supposedly working on the real "MMO" version.
Basically just another means to milk the community, plus, their constant additions to the cash shop. Just seems like another cash grab.
youve earned ONE yike
>blow dryer
So I can heat the food back up when it gets cold on my desk.
Emergency fan?
what the fuck kind of slav shit is that? Just get a usb hotplate or something
Warms up her dilator. It sucks having to put it in cold. No idea why she didn't just put her dilators in the photo too, since she's obviously baiting
t. tranny
Go outside fattie
user stop that immediately.
I love Yugiri. Shame she's going to die.
Discord was a mistake
I don't think she'll die, I just think and hope they get left behind like aymeric did
Why should I care about what a bunch mental defectives are doing?
>Shame she's going to die.
My dick is big, but it's not big enough to kill her. Relax, she'll live
>Falling for mere hours old copy pasta.
Ya'll niggas should be ahsamed.
>WoW in the year of our lord 2019
Don't worry were laughing right back
It's a female.
Yeah because their game is too shit to hold their attention
It will be another "Character gets clearly cleaved in half but gets up after the fight with no wounds" episode.
Just like every other episode of this season.
Because nobody actually dies in FFXIV unless they are elezen.
lmao if you think i can feel shame
>they are elezen.
>higher quality than something that will never happen
I think a lot of that honestly has to do with the writing staff for stormblood, there's a reason the lead writer was replaced with the based as hell writer for the DRK quests for shadowfingers
lol I totally forgot about her
what's the blowdryer for?
>Literally-who character that gets introduced and killed off in the same shitty filler episode.
literally a character thrown in to die because they were too pussy to touch the scions at that point. then they kill papalymo even more pointlessly.
What's the best datacenter for NA?
>Complain that they won't touch the scions.
>Immediately complain that they touched a scion right after.
Eat a donkey dick.
I was so happy when this poochie died
>show up from nowhere, is friend with everyone and has the solution to everything
It's okay everyone did.
Primal to avoid /vg/ spergs
Fuck off, retard. Papalymo's death was just retarded. Oh no, we'll contain the primal that busts out immediately. Oh and we'll unleash this robot on it. Should have just fought it and killed it. Just another shit part of SB
Crystal, so you can get your dick wet to that tranny e-boissy
>tfw I discover modding exists
>think “oh cool I hope people make texture packs to fix the ugly low resolution bodies and faces and hair and eyes and armor and weapons”
>tfw it’s just endless waves of people literally porting shitty erp armor from other games like tera, blade and soul, archeage etc, Au Ra scale removal that makes them look like ayy lmaos and MUH THICCC body mods that make the characters look like oily, greasy sims 3 abominations with fucked up six packs that belong on a male bodybuilder
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Femroes fucking worship Skrillex Shrek because she's the only femroe of note in the story besides Mutton Chop Tranny Grandma.
I'm gonna throw up
>Oh no, we'll contain the primal that busts out immediately
So you had time to prepare.
>Oh and we'll unleash this robot on it.
Which you could not have done if you had no time to prepare.
>Should have just fought it and killed it.
And you would have fucking died because Shinryu was too powerful. You jobbed to Zenos at that same power level.
But user the PC is the real poochie
>noooooo ur not strong enough!!!!
lamest bullshit in this game, since apparently we can solo every other primal also including nidhogg as an elder wyrm, story wise. so no it's really fucking gay.
>[Vote Dismiss]
If you took a random FFXIV mod and compared it to something from Sims or Second Life there would be no difference I swear.
>As many are no doubt aware, I, Kuwabara Valefor am a class player. In a sea of Job players I stand out like a sore thumb. Often I have been granted various titles as "troll", "carry-on", and others not appropriate to write. But that is the burden one must bare when staying true to one's class. The day will come when I, TOO, must take upon the mantle of the Soul Crystal and be transformed into many of the nameless jobs before, but as one legend put it: "Mayhap one day, but not yet." There is still work to be done that can only be done as a class. Again, that is the yoke of burden that a class player must bare. Thus I shall continue to bare this burden until we reach the final end of the journey. Then, at long last, will I know what a class player's true potential is capable of.
>Mfw I had to google all of these except Moenbryda, Papalymo and Yotsuyu to even remember who they were.
Remembered Ilberd but legit couldn't place his name, and I'm pretty sure the only reason I even remember Moenbryda was because I fucking hated that entire part of the game so much.
You could fight those primals because you were at their level. Shinryu was incredibly powerful due to how it was summoned. You obviously can't beat a level 70 primal at level 60.
>he thinks WoL solos primals
Stop skipping cutscenes. Also Nidhogg was beatable because you used Hraesvelgr's eye temporarily. But the biggest issue here is that you think characters should just shrug and sit on the sidelines because WoL can "probably" handle it. That's a shitty way to write characters, especially characters who have spent the last 15 years of their lives trying to save the world. Haurchefant died for the same reason, because he wasn't the kind of person to just sit there and let you take the hit.
Cog suits and laff?
Anyone who worships her is a retard, she was literally added to the story for the sole purpose of dying. If nobody saw that coming, they were retarded. You literally cannot get attached to a character that's sole purpose is to die.
Wasn't there a player back during HW that would post here saying Puglist was completely viable in Savage raid content? And then show how he got carried by the rest of his """Static"""?
So, the power of fetch quests increases WoL's power, eh?
Yes, and after SB he switched to trying to prove that melee RDM was viable.
where the fuck is this from. Please don't tell me he wrote this
>Giving a damn about a vegetable
>After they make you go through the single worst dungeon in the game
>Giving a damn about literal who from a 2.0 quest that has to explain where exactly have we met him before
>Giving a damn about Babylons preferred female after she survived doma castle and hogged 2 content patches
No but going through dungeons and gaining experience does.
It's a shitty way to write a character who has previously been much more intelligent about their actions. Arbitrary sacrifice doesn't fit the guy either, but I knew it was coming the nanosecond he asked for the rod after killing nabriales. And yeah, when you've got a primal slaying force of nature, you do come to count on it in some regard, or they wouldn't keep sending you in to bust some skulls.
Not him, but unironically:
110 (Don't do extra stuff)
Lvl 8 Hollywood
Max Baron
Max Big Wig
Lvl 10 Headhunter
Did he really write that out
>Skrillex Shrek
Ive got a spicy contribution, what if I play a character based on which animations I like the best? How bouddat?
It was the most powerful primal since Bahamut you fucking retard. The intelligent thing to do is to seal it and buy some fucking time rather than just throw your most powerful warrior at it and hope they win.
>xiv trannies don't get BDO because it's a PvP game while all they know is PvE autism
i think he stopped being serious about it at some point but for a while he genuinely believed that pugilist did more damage than monk, and only stopped when someone actually parsed him and he was like 2k below his monk on like faust or something
he was an absolute legend
Sounds very redpilled user.
>do levelling queue today
>everyone but me is a potato
>say at the end "good job potatoes"
>they all circle me and give me a hug
>Trying to learn AST
>Everyone does shit DPS so I don't know who to give cards to
>Co-healers do fuck all for healing and still manage to do less damage than I did
>Nobody stands in the fucking star
I don't know how anyone can stand to play this job with pugs. I feel like it'd be enjoyable in a static but SCH just seems to much better at carrying shit groups.
>He doesn't think WoL solos primals
With very rare exceptions (Those being entirely reserved for 24-mans and first Steps of Faith) most content is done solo, if anything then because it isn't physically possible for more people to be there at the time.
Pretty much everytime game brings up WoL conveniently pulling out 3-7 adventurers with echo out of his ass, it's done as a tounge in check joke.
Yes. This rabbit hole goes deep, he even complained about the recent rules revision further discriminating against class players.
Can't make this shit up
>>Great. Further discrimination on Class Players and Blue Mages. As if we don't have ENOUGH problems from the Raider community at large...so much for unique gameplay experiences. I blame Yoshi-P.
He goes into dev request threads asking for more class quests because this fucked WONT USE A JOB
Xiv is one of the most utterly linear and devoid of gameplay customization and player choice MMOs on the market, why the fuck do these mongoloids pretend it's UO or somewhere with actual freedom
mmo pvp is dogshit, play a real competitive genre
>Now that I look down upon the mountaintop of leveling done for each individual class, I take pause to reflect upon my journey. Coming to the realm of Eorzea from that fateful Chocobo Coach to Uldah, achieving level 60 for Gladiator for the first time, learning of how to efficiently gain experience while undergoing mastery of each class; a struggle I still work to this day.
>A small sense of pride wells inside me knowing how far I've come. The friends gained...and lost, the battles fought, the strategies learned, and the understanding of my skills as a Class Player. With each new Class reaching the top, a sense of understanding how they play their part in the grand scheme of things. And yet, the journey is not over.
>There are other tasks that must be done. First and foremost, is the updating of gear so that they can achieve the maximum potential capable for each Class. This will be the most time-consuming portion and must be handled with greater care. Another task is getting the Crafting disciplines that I have neglected back in order. No small feat to say the least. Finally there is the matter of establishing the Free Company: the Rolanberry Order Of Knights In Eorzea (aka R.O.O.K.I.E.s), and to focus on recruitment along with a proper Mansion for Training and Respite, creating and adhering to a Free Company Budget, a standard of Principles and Disciplinary action taken when said Principles are compromised. The list grows onward, as does the demands.
>Knowing this, my climb is not ended. Not yet. I must continue pursuing the Potential that Class can provide, just as my predecessors/senpai chartered before me. As one that followed their path, I share their burden as well as my own. Some achieved greater notoriety, others faded to obscurity. Only the Twelve can determine how I will fare...
>more powerful than bahamut
>gets captured by the empire with no effort
>zenos controls it with ease
I'm sure you'll mention the omega fight but again, why didn't it break out? Apparently Zenos could simply put it in a electric cage and dominate it. More powerful than bahamut though huh?
>Though I should have expected this from Yoshi-P, as he has no respect for the game itself; unlike Mr. Naoki Yoshida, but that means little when Yoshi-P can push him around with little effort.
You're blatantly fucking wrong because the NPCs frequently mention your "gifted friends".
>it's just a le joke xD
It's canon, nigger.
>Two Lv70 crafters
>No full cross skills
dude this guy is a fucking mess. Look at his other posts like this one
is this a prime example of someone who takes a game over reality?
>more powerful than bahamut
Read again. I said the most powerful SINCE Bahamut.
>gets captured by the empire with no effort
He was sealed by Omega. Rewatch the cutscene before the fight and see the design on those shield generators.
>zenos controls it with ease
Because he learned how to use the Echo to reverse-temper. WoL has never bothered to learn how to use the Echo properly.
>play femroe
>tank roulette
>other players all lalas
>they start calling me mommy
>3 commends
if i don't see them dissipate into aether or see their bodies, nor have the echo, its safe to assume they might still be alive
Don't play Roe if you don't want stupid comments
Where is this from?
i like being a hyur. my problem with the other races are:
have strange neck posture and look like they're always looking down towards the ground
same issue i have with ne in wow; they have very strange proportions
same issue i have with gnomes in wow: proportions are too small and as such they look really rediculous in most gear.
i'd make one of these but their tails are too short and i don't like many of their horn options
Does he have a fucking brain parasite or something?
Jobs in XIV aren't even an alternate path as much as a fucking straight upgrade. If you play a class without a job stone you're literally playing the same shit with three quarters of the mechanics missing. What the fuck.
just like change which item it replaces my dude.
>"Gifted friends" who on a fly appear in places they have no right to be in and then disappear into thin fucking air without a way out or die because you are the only one to escape
>"Gifted friends" when echo is apparently so fucking rare that beside WoL, only Arenwald leading the summoner group is going about and taking out primals
>This is why everytime you gathering a group of people is mentioned, it comes with an addendum stating how ridiculous the idea is.
I would tell you to stop skipping cutscenes, but it's clear that you can't actually read.
>"Worse still, once mounted, the Soul Crystal cannot be removed. Just ask RDM, SAM, AST, and MCH. They have no class, and thus, no past. I cannot help but pity them. They know nothing of mastery, and yet are expected to master aspects of this world that those who TRULY put in the effort, Class Players of yore, spent years perfecting. But all that means nothing now. Death has that way of things."
sounds like you haven't played a good pvp mmo
>"Gifted friends" who on a fly appear in places they have no right to be in and then disappear into thin fucking air without a way out or die because you are the only one to escape
They don't appear in cutscenes for obvious reasons. They still exist and are acknowledged by story NPCs.
>"Gifted friends" when echo is apparently so fucking rare
It's not. Again, stop skipping fucking cutscenes. Minfilia once had a large guild entirely of Echo users, until most of them were killed by Livia. The Echo is not that rare.
>This is why everytime you gathering a group of people is mentioned, it comes with an addendum stating how ridiculous the idea is.
The only time that happened was right before Susano. Stop talking out of your ass.
>mfw I’m a female miqote but I’m a dude irl
>mfw not even a gay dude I just fucking love catgirls and big tiddies
>mfw get complimented by strangers everyday for how my character looks and they all talk in this weird way assuming I’m a real life girl
Maybe it’s just me being a jaded old fuck but haven’t people realized that most players by far are other dudes like themselves?
> Lalafells
user you dodged a bullet using your brain, wouldn’t want you being labeled a Pedo
>My name is Kuwabara Valefor, Former Rolanberry Archon of the Former Class Free Company: The Rolanberry Order Of Knights In Eorzea, or R.O.O.K.I.E. for short. Sadly, due to the heinous cowardice of Yoshi-P, the Rolanberry is dead. May his efforts, both in game and in life, suffer a similar fate...
What the fuck?
>good pvp mmo
no such thing
You’re a tranny user, you just haven’t accepted it yet
What is this nigga on? Only MCH and BLU are extremely new jobs with "no past" because their job stones aren't worn yet.
just make the tail longer??
>play black hair midlander
>never have erp or rpfags ruin the game for me
It's your own fault that you play degenerate races like cancer skin and tranny cat.
Based on the fucked up messages and love confessions I have gotten despite always saying I'm a dude, talking in discord, not leading anyone on or pretending to be a girl, ect.
There is just a lot of lonely, retarded dudes out there.
This dude is a goldmine
all the girls I know have the most basic catgirls, yours is probably boring too
midlanders are some of the biggest degenerates around
He's gotta be taking the piss, right?
>Second, you can't set up that NIER is in the past; there is nothing to tie-in
Well, he was right about the Nier raid.
You are what Yea Forums calls a tranny and now you know.
Basic girls are better to ruin and corrupt user, I don’t want some succubuss slut that’s already damaged
So when is BLM getting Indignation and SAM getting Dragon Swarm?
>fc is still dead
>friend's list is still dead
>party finder is still dead
well that was 10€ well spent
that happened tier post
Why the flying fuck doesn't he just unsubscribe and play Seventh Umbral Project or something since 1.0 is clearly the superior XIV in his eyes.
Are there any leotards in this game? Asking for a friend.
>Square-Enix must fire Yoshi-P; he's not Mr. Naoki Yoshida, so this is an acceptable loss
It was a believeable troll but he just had to out himself just like that
>Eorzea is where magic of Drakengard/Nier came from
>been a lalafell for two years
>Only ten people have pet me and three have "fed me a cookie"
Female Viera on the left
Male Hrothgar on the right
Look forward to it~
based yuropoor
I choose to believe he's an elaborate troll
>I'm just a normal dude
>I like playing catgirls that's all!
okay tranny
When the fuck are we getting Yotsuyu's hair?
>Shadowbringers Pending will be the expansion that kills the game...if the game even knows what it IS anymore.
But Nier's magic comes from the Queen Beast and Angelus. And Drakengard's magic comes from Nier after history wraps back around.
probably never. there's already a hime cut
Lalafells on average are better skilled players than all other races.
join the modder master race
Either it will come with her outfit in the cash shop or never. We never got Ysayles hair despite requests for it
I mean, I'd like another short male race besides Lala, but we're not getting that.
He has an FC too
>As of 06/19/2017, a job was unlocked, terminally illing the company. On 06/27/2017, the R.O.O.K.I.E. died. No recruitment will take place.
>Either it will come with her outfit in the cash shop or never.
Both options are never. They went over why Yotsuyu's outfit will never be available at the art panel.