Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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"""""Henry""""" was right
you can't half-press a button, and no matter how many times you explain it as it is within the context of a challenge run, it's still a press

>It's been over 3 years

pannenkoek is currently trying to beat the game without using joystick while """""henry""""" is still seething about simple technicality

you cant press a digital button 0.5x . you can press, hold, and/or release

and you're still wrong

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its literally just hold and release

he was wrong in the context of that single star it was an half a press

Pannenkoek was right, the terminology is just misleading.

wait what



It's just a name. What would you call it? Holding the a button before entering the level isn't exactly an easy concept to name in the context of an ABC run.

pre held A button

Can't you faggots just my game normally!!

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Pannen has done so much with Mario 64 that even if he's wrong he can probably create Wing Cap Over Heaven and rewrite that he's right.
Mario can
-Gain limitless speed
-Travel to other universes
-Send other people to a parallel universe by forcing them between two objects
-Teleport past a solid boundary
-Create duplicate objects
-Freeze and conserve his horizontal and vertical momentum
-Erase time

I think this speed running horseshit is the most asinine retardation in gaming today and even I understand that you can't half-press a button.

holy shit
what a fucking legend

is even possible to beat the whole game like that?

you can call it what you want, but you cant make up your own term and pretend it's fact. it was conceited and rude for Pannen to correct TJ like that

does anyone have the screen of his reply by the way?

>autistic savant with an incredible ability in physics and math
>ends up using his talents for meme SM64 runs
What a world.

I think it has value as a description of how he does it. Sure it is technically one press, but how did he pull it off in one press? Seeing a .5 somewhere gives it a better description of how he pulled it off.

it's basically hold or tap
learn your shit, faggots

go climb a tree gramps

>"An A press actually has three parts to it: When A is pressed, when A is held and when A is released."
Just take it in how dumb that sounds.
Pannen is retarded and "Henry" was right.

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Could these video game exploits be utilized in designing a game with heavy emphasis on such exploits? Or would that game be too time consuming to be reasonably marketed?

Henry was wrong because he happily admitted he was wrong and said the only reason he had that opinion in the first place was because he didn't think the half A press was in the context of a full run

The terminology is wrong but you can't deny that an a-press also involves letting go of the button

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Its objectively true because the press, hold and release all have different mechanics. There's three stages to the ingame effect, thus there are three stages to the press itself.

Henry. Pannen explains how the mechanics of a "half-A press" work, but Henry being the retard he is took it to mean literally pressing the button half-way.

Considering that Pannen already had the half A press explanation in the description of all his videos, I assume more people than just TJ were complaining about his naming in the comments.

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It probably wouldn't work- the average player would just think the game has way too many mechanics they have to learn. And games like dustforce that are built to be speedran don't sell very well, but sales aren't always the goal

>press a on keyboard
>only one a shows up
>hold down aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Fuck off, Henry.

"half A press" just means holding the A button down instead of pressing it normally.

Henry was right, so right that pancake never made a commentated video again

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Currently no, you need the joystick to open doors in Peach's castle

I think he's just too autistic and didn't like the attention he's received since

Why is henry such a big meme anyway

maybe I shouldn't look at it literally then

Pannen's meme magic is so powerful just him merely uttering your name makes you a meme.
Realizing he had too much power he stopped commentating altogether.

yes you need to press a button to have the button pressed, but whenever you start the stage what happened before start of the level doesn't count. while press itself didn't occur in the level, you still have button pressed and can be released for desired effect. the game engine allows him to do so and it's a legit strat under his own rules.

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But within the context of Super Mario 64, holding down the A button as opposed to pressing it normally, actually does have specific effects.

So if you press down the A button before you start the game and continue to hold it throughout the game, that is "half an A press", so to speak.

"0.5 A presses" is just a shorter way of saying "holding down the A button the entire time but not pressing it normally".