Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
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Yea Forums hates everything you fag
I like Sony
They don't, Yea Forums is literally Snoygaf & actively cries, seeths & pathetically has a victim complex over anything releated to Nintendo. They are obssessed with whining about the non existent "Nintendo Bias" Whenever someone praises a Nintendo game, but actively shitpost against Nintendo fans when their game is rated high
online is trash and people playing are mostly 13 year olds so it's to easy
No Ape Escape. That's all I want. Why am I denied this basic, fucking game?
Because they win.
shill me on this series. only shit I Yea Forums talk about it are lolis
PS3 and PSVita.
because they're winning
I must be one of the 13y/os because I keep dying in Apex and can't get any kills in shooters in general.
I own a PS4 & Switch.
Go on, ridicule me.
winning what? this gen is trash
I don't know about Yea Forums but I don't like censorship on my clearly M++17 rated games. What do they think this is? the 50s? everyone watches porn these days these what is there to protect?
Yea Forums is mostly America which has always been Nintendo central.
It’s videogame related and Yea Forums hates videogames
Nice victim complex nintendogaf
censorship, sjw shit, shitty movie games, and the worst fanbase
Their fanbase is shitty. Their games are cookie cutter, overrated "oscar" bait. They're pretentious and take themselves too seriously.
And PSP.
Yea Forums is not a hive mind you shitfuck
Cause they’re super censorship now. I’d rather buy on PC nowadays.
PS3 was $599 and it still sold over 80 million
the Switch is $299 and it has barely hit 20 million
It literally is
Success breeds jealousy
Literally proving my point, Snoy's can't accept critisim without actively crying about Nintendo at every turn. They are literally obsessed with Nintendo which is why Yea Forums voted them the worst fandom ever
>PlayStation worse than PC
>PlayStation worse than Sonic
>that early DarkSouls loss
Nah, list is shit
Except NintenGAF always deflects about Sony.
Please don't pretend this isn't true
You forgot the part where I’m an idort and laugh at you consolewarring nintenmanchildren
They are, almost all shitposting on Yea Forums is made by Sony fanboys nowadays.
no it fucking isn't
if that was true then Yea Forums wouldn't have any console war threads all the fucking time
I wonder...
This never happens.
Where was that in Labo threads?
Or the Zelda shitposting thread that is up right now?
But the DMC V threads have millions of sonyfags screaming how Nintendo invented the censorship on their system
>Create your own worst enemy
>They literally BTFO you for 3 gens and you have step out of the console competition
Toddlers will never let this eternal butthurt go.....
>literally proves why nobody likes Sonyfags
Because Sonychads are too busy actually playing videogames
Yea Forums is made up of mostly COmmitted who don't actually play games other than meme indie shit
Because they're one of the most incompetent and retarded tech companies in history. They dominate this particular industry because they compete with a software company and a toy company and they even lost the handheld race to the toy company. When they have to compete with other tech giants such as Apple or Samsung they get bullied and humiliated all the time.
I hate Sony because their products are expensive dogshit that includes the horrible pre-built PC they call the PS4. On top of that they're censoring games harming the already weak AA industry in Japan. Fuck Sony.
Out of all the boards, Yea Forums is literally the only one who's filled to the brim with pathetic, shitposting corporate cocksuckers.
I hate to say this, but DMC 5 isn't the first and won't be the last censored Playstation game we'll get here in the US.
grow a pair faggot
Yep, this is the average sonyfags.
No wonder everybody hates you
I hate modern Sony, but I don't hate PlayStation. Fuck trannies, Uncharted, The Last of Us and all the cinematic shit, where's my new Wild Arms?!
>Betrayal and revenge/underdog story
Sony going full bushido was kino
I don’t hate him. I hate faggots that assume my opinion like you though
keep crying pussy
Sold more than 80.000.000, had a lot of good exclusive games, how can that be considered a failure?
Fuck off pedo
>playing videogames
grow up sweetie :) XOXO
I have a launch PS4 that has been nearly as much as a doorstop as my XBone. Their library gets worse and worse, which has actually pushed me into becoming a mustard this gen. There was literally nothing to play on it until Bloodborne came out a YEAR after launch, and the library is still complete dogshit compared to the PS2.
And yet the console is still selling because it became a meme to buy it after Microsoft shit the bed with the Xbox one reveal. Because of that Sony gave up. People are giving them endless money, so like valve they don't need to make games anymore. They are also now doing exactly what's expected: attacking people and not giving a fuck. The censorship and barring off their online from crossplay is just the start. They have always done what they think they can get away with, and now that is anything.
Because i dislike their Cultural imperialism and the mass campaign to censor the japanese.
Pointless censorship and movie games with some virtue signaling mixed in. Fortunately more and more of the third party games i care about are going to pc and the Switch. I wont be buying a ps5 or any sony product until they change. Fuck Sony everytime they do well they shit the bed. PS3 was an over priced piece of shit.
We only have Neo-Sony.
California was a mistake.
Ape Escape has actual gameplay and they just want to make movie games so no Ape Escape or Wild Arms type games.
their consoles tend to fucking suck
And i mean that in a hardware basis because those pieces of shit NEVER work right
When a you put a game on the console, it works fine for 1 hour, you turn it off and that game NEVER works again, its just fucking bullshit
Ps1 is a piece of shit and im glad phisical cds are dying
>Because Sonychads are too busy actually playing videogames
who makes all the nintendo hate threads every day then
I love Sony and my PS4. Their 4 exclusives are great.
Cope more faggot
>suck SJW dicks
>kill their older franchises or mutilate them
>censor everything after moving from japan
>anti consumer
>give a fuck more about cinematic experience and not games
i dunno faggot, i have a ps4, but with this bullshit, i wait to see if the next generation will be worth it or sony will become worse.
Or posts all the wojaks and sales threads
ape escape 4-less
Shitch got these games?
Because they don't make any games.
Yep, this is the sonyshill we know and love
Why are you ignoring the pc?
For shilling purposes?
I don't hate Sony, they are number one and making maximum profit. They can't stop winning!
*slurp slurp slurp*
because they're on top and dominating
>Literally only get bottom of the barrel VNs and shovelware
Wait, why there’s no ape escape on ps4? Wtf
I don't hate Sony at all, even if I don't care for their games much.
Their fanboys are simply the worst.
I don't
the only company I truly hate is Microsoft
This is what happens when you make your hardware tablet tier.......
Because I'm tired of copy paste over the shoulder, cinematic 12 fps games.
i love my pc
>Literally needs to stick PC to his shitty tablet to be relevant
Just like the Wii U buddy?
What year did this come out and what's the source? Or are you just going to keep spouting bullshit without proper support?
The difference between Valve and Sony is Valve doesn't look to build a monopoly regardless if they adopted stupid policies and they barely make any games anymore, when they had a grip in the PC market they didn't adpot any anti-consumer policies in fact they were amazingly pro-consumer at some point. But all the good things come to an end.
Sony in the other hand is an old gook company that wants to recover their 90s empire and fails miserably, gaming is the only thing they have and instead of taking care of it they take a huge shit on it all the time they can. The mentality between Sony and their fans isn't all that different, Sony legit hates their competition with a burning passion, like the insecure tiny dick nips they are.
Yeah, this is the power of Sony shilling.
Nice deflection, following the stereotype to perfection
1. No Life of Black Tiger 2
2. Making PS TV, a console that allows you to play Vita and PSP games as God intended (with a controller and on TV), but for some reason they decide to block certain games on it.
3. They have this habit of buying and then destroying/killing studios. Psygnosis aka Studio Liverpool, for example, a studio that made classics such as Colony Wars and Wipeout... but that doesn't stop Sony from re-re-re-releasing HD ''remasters'' of Wipeout games instead of making new ones.
Former sonyfag here, this is what made me drop them
>Killed the Vita for no reason
>Killed their best 1st party studio in UK while leaving ND or PD do absolute bullshit ""games"" or """""simulators"""""
>Sneaked in paid online while pretending to be 4thegamer
>PSN is STILL shit and expensive
>The entire bullshit about the PS4Pro, essentially killing midlife price cuts and yet the hardware is so bad and improve practically nothing it feels like a scam, literally pay 400$ for the garentee to have 1080/30fps
Jesus Christ this C O P E.
You really Shitendo is anywhere close to Sony?
This data is on their business sites
>wating money on a console in games I can play even better on PC
Retarded weaboo.
Oh and of course
>Moving to cuckingFornia
>censor japanese game even worse than Treehouse
My only light criticism of Steam has drm though, that's anti-consumer
GoG doesn't but GoG doesn't allow 18+ games on their store.
So I use both.
Yep, the Sony NPCs are posting their programmed Twitter Screenshots again.
Exactly like scheduled.
I made this meme pic like 4 years ago so I need to update it with the homosexuality, then cinematic bullshit and censorship from the recent years.
They killed all the games I liked and replaced them with 3rd person templates
It hurts bros
most games on Steam don't have DRM.
>13 years vs 2
I laughed hard.
They've ditched their creativity for AAA blockbuster "games". Gone are the days of Blasto, Jersey Devil, Ape Escape, Wild 9, Wild Arms, The Mark of Kri, Jak and Daxter, the list goes on. Even recent games like the Puppeteer, Tearaway and Gravity Rush are pretty much abandoned in favor of shit like Days Gone and The Order 1886.
That's what you're doing braindead retard.
The games are not on Switch
a ton of them do:
they dont do anything but sjw bullshit anymore. its really forced. fuck snoy
samsung, the largest and most sold supplier of 4k bluray players stopped production citing only 10% of their units saw useage
Cope more. This guy has been confirmed to be legit multiple times.
More than your shitty Nintendo Soup articles.
Yep, talking about Nintendo in a Sony thread.
Still following the script.
Censored my games, I even bought a vita to support them then the shitters stabbed me in the back of my penis!!!
I don't hate their games. I hate their forced agenda and their retarded drone fanbase, just as much as nintdrones, but at least these can had their safe zones in comfy threads in some occasions. Corporated cocksuckers are retarded as a whole.
*slurp slurp*
All caps shitposting, exactly as predicted.
Sony should really add some new text to these, they are getting boring
Expecting originality from Sony or their fanbase. I laughed.
>Fortunately more and more of the third party games i care about are going to pc and the Switch.
Read the reply chain retard. I wasn't replying to the OP.
Mostly cause it has games they camt play on their pc or switch.. they're ok with xbox cuae all those games are on PC too
Worst part is no Gravity Rush crossover too.
The real question here is why is Sony so obsessed with Nintendo among all their other competitors. They sure invest a lot of money here shitposting against the small toy company.
You even ignored the post you claimed to reply to, but that is expected of a shill.
Serious question, are there really still people out there who don't own a decent PC? Why not?
There are literally zero downsides.
Cause they have no responsibilities and hate on childish things and yearn for things that are not even important
only third worlders game on pc
>Y-You're shitposting
>No argument
Deflect more then dog
niggers and poorfags
>Kills more franchises than EA
>Inserts gay propaganda and politics in literally every game
>Spams anal vote for a year
>Hey guys, why do you hate me?
They used to be all about japanese games and now it's the worst platform to play those since they're censoring everything.
But rape scenes are okay if the game is western.
My back hurts from sitting in a computer chair for more than an hour, I prefer the sofa
t. boomer
>censorship out the wazoo in niche and also M rated games
>based in California now
>games are shit; like 4 worthwhile exclusives in 6 years
Cope harder poorfag
>actually wanted to play sony exclusives
>waited for Pro model to get acceptable framerates
>it releases with no framerate improvement or with not enough improvements to get to 60fps
bravo sony bravo
plug your computer into the tv old man
or just get a better chair
More deflection, that one, you see a lot of today.
Maybe it's the default reply, generic enough to be used in all situations.
>Still makes more money than any other platform
HAHA Cope harder faggots.
Sony is making it big. I love sucking big Sony cuck.
Snoyboys are unequivocally the loudest shitposters on Yea Forums by a fucking mile, despite being a relatively small minority. On top of that, Snoy has been pushing political agendas and censoring shit harder than any of the other big 3.
I have something like this, it's not supposed to give back pains
>muh sales
Every single time with you fanboys
have you tried losing weight?
sony ALWAYS wins baby
>PS3 was $599 and it still sold over 80 million
The PS3 phat did most certainly not sell 20 million.
Yes, didn't work so now I just do muscle training
Based and chadpilled
None of them 10/10. Snoys are really desperate. Call me when you have BOTW and Oddysey
>snoy is now gonna have a meltdown about how these games are bad because hes jelly
>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Nintendo 26.4%
Not biased at all :^)
All of these are on Xbox
I'm almost 100% positive this guy would shit on Sony now. He made his video when the PS3 was about to come out and the PS2 was just the best.
Yes but I don't own an xbox and neither does anyone I know :)
Check his Facebook
>Nintendo continues down their warpath of "weak hardware + gimmick" yet again
>Switch is doing well but will literally look like an etch-a-sketch when the next Xbox and PlayStation come out.
>Nintendo could use more powerful parts, but it would drive the cost up substantially to the point where it's not even viable.
Can you at least try to deviate from your programming, NPC?
>This data is on their business sites
Mind linking me to those?
Says the man who bought a Switch when that shit will be emulated within a year. PC is all you need
Nice original argument nintendogaf
>Sonic make it that far
They're cringe for sure but harmless. You all are retarded
>fire emblem fans are better than halo fans
in what world is waifu posting better than people who barely post?
Sure smells like a Sony shill in here.
>sonic fans
Only one coping is you sweetie ;)
Stay seething
>Nintendo beat Valve
>Halo beat Fire Emblem
Halo has been dead for years while FE has been non-stop waifu-posting since Awakening
Sure smells like an unwashed smash tourneyfag in here
The pic pretty old, the world looked quite different
The old original comment, the bots aren't even trying to hide their simple word comparison algorithms anymore.
It’s ironic since you screech Sony shill to defend your god nintendo
Then why does every Sony defense post in this thread look like it was made from the same predictable template?
Literally like they were made by bots?
Now what other excuses will you fags make?
It’s the same exact thing as the Nintendo defense posts. Your Nintendo bias won’t let you see it though
If they stopped censorship, you would have a lot more positive posts about them here.
Censoring games that are rated mature is fucking retarded and they deserve the backlash.
Sony's x factor was always the sheer volume of third party games they had including many japanese games that would never pass the draconian censorship policies that microsoft and nintendo had, recently they have descided to through that x factor away by moving their offices to california alienating many japanese developers and enacting censorship policies even more strict than nintendo's as a result sony no longer brings anything to the table that microsoft and nintendo don't do better let alone pc.
tl;dr sony killed their own market niche.
More deflection, why can't you accept any criticism of Sony?
Their cope was """""it was made up'""" lmao
In what post was I for Sony? I’m against both
>literally posting the exact thing people expected you to post
Sony Shills are all the same, deflect deflect deflect any criticism of their god
What video games?!
Sure, makes total sense to shit on Nintendo in a Sony thread otherwise.
Stop falseflagging
What the fuck went wrong?
Some fag said he owned a switch and some user argued why the switch was underpowered and the switchfags only argument was B-BUT NINTENDO. I just called bs on it.
>pointless censorship
Fuck 'em. I've take my money elsewhere since they started that shit. Soul Calibur VI, RE2, and DMC5 all purchased on Xbone. Eat shit Sony. You've lost me as a customer. I have zero interest in your fucking movie games anyway
This. Truth pill is a tough one to swallow
console war threads are just one hivemind vs another
i liked sony until they started censor everything. and nintendo is a massive loli circle jerk like ever. xbox is like gone and pc is all thats left
You call people shills and deflecting yet that's exactly what you've doing this whole thread
I'm sure they care about you while they keep breaking sales records :^)
still cant change psn name
money grubbing ps plus
millions of defective units
no more fun games, pretentious trash only now
Your post didn't even make sense in the first place, it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread but is a standard predictable Sony shilling tactic.
And so was this post.
What games do you play now?
Why does Yea Forums claim that Sony is losing?
The censorship shit isn't a controversy outside niche sites.
The typical normalfag doesn't know about this
Nobody here even argued that, only Sony Shills claimed that to post their Screenshots.
Only the sonyfags are really hated
Poor company choices aside
It’s Sonyfags that are hated
>Nintendo thread
>fun and game discussion
>Xbox thread
>game discussion
>wojak posting and shit flinging
Yea ForumsintendoGAF hates Sony products.
Because sony behaves extremely anti consumer whenever they are in the lead. Such as now.