What videogames do Mexicans enjoy?

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Splatoon 2

KoF, FIFA and DBZ games.

Pato box

>what vidya do mexicans like to play
anything that's dbz

Gears of war, most of its fan base are Mexicans, we really like blood and people shouting insults, that happens everyday here

Gears of war, fifa, halo, Nintendo games but now that Microsoft did not shit anything good must of them moved to ps4.


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>still spouting 10 year old memes

From what I've heard every Mexican loves KOF 2002

Weeab games and Mario games:



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games of course

dota 2

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I know beaners in their 40s that still play Tibia

I'd say people don't here don't care too much about the Sony vs Microsoft feud, they pick whatever console is the most popular last gen most people owned the 360 however Nintendo is very popular here.

we love videogames, is out only escape from the depressing wolrd we live in

Shin Megami Tensei and Miku games.

Typing DOTA and posting a muscly dude.
>doesn't post ricardo
Why are you like this?

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Fighting games, sports games, and weeb games.

Regular people plays fightan, FIFA and Clash Royale

Kids play Fortnite, Apex, Mobile games, Smash and Nintendo games

Doomers play weeb games and lol

Do Mexicans dream of Goku killing their drug cartels and saving the country or something

The anime was big in this country and because of how the national channel had re-runs of the Frieza, Cell and Buu arcs for almost 15 years, it's just in the culture now.

Donkey Show
Doom IRL
Stealing gas
Secret Hitler
Mafia Wars IRL

Im pretty sure some do.
Especially if they got a relative that got killed by Cartels.

How we cure Latin america of DBZ autismo?

What's up with the exact same thread being posted every few weeks? It's like the Super Best Friends Play thread or the "Why can't South America make videogames, it's a lotta countries" thread. You're kinda creepy, OP

I am a 28 year old Boomer Mexican that plays weeab games and PUBG

PUBG has a Mexican map, rate.

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KOF, FIFA, DBZ fighting games, weeb shit.

Dig Dug for practice getting under the wall

>No carnicería

>Be mexican
>Get fucked by the goverment
>Get fucked by the cartel
>Get fucked by the neighbor
>Get flayed alive
>Get dismembered alive
>Can't defend himself cause nogunz
Is there a more cucked country? Lmao

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Mexican videogame industry is growing bigger and faster than the rest of Latin America


Also, most games are dubbed in Mexico, which is nice, I hate Spaniard dub

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>Spaniard dub
God damn swollen tongue speak and lisps fucking everywhere

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Total Overdose

Literally playing as a mexican in mexico killing drug dealers

I loved the game as a kid

I personally play capeshit games on my PS4, but most mexicans nowdays play Fortnite and FIFA. The console of preference is Xbox, then Switch, then PS4 and at the bottom PC (latin americans on PC games are mostly brazilians, here in Mexico PC gaming is almost unknown).

I dare a fellow mexican to disprove this.

ignore the faggot above me, this is a pure japanese gaming country, literally no one has a cuckbox

Amen for that, i hate that japanese devs like Capcom still don't put mexican voice acting, i played RE2 in english. Most first party games from the three companies (BoTW, Spider-Man, Halo as examples) and a lot of western games (WB) are getting mexidubs.

Samba De Amigo, of course. Also, GTA: San Andreas.

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Don't tell me what to do. Matter of fact, just to spite you, I'm going to read every word of what he wrote and take it as 100% true.

And then you wake up, jotolon.



Also, my anecdotical evidence confirms it: "cybercafes" rent only Xbox 360's, "unofficial" game stores sell mostly Xbox related products.

gee, I sure was btfo

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Mexico is probably the first or second biggest market for PC gaming in Latin America


PC gaming has been growing a lot specially because Mexican twitch thots like pic related

Oops, forgot pic

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Bros, why are gamer girls becoming more common in Mexico? Women shouldn't be.playing games

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I play shmups, platformers and dungeon crawlers.
Fighting games too of course.

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Mexican here. I want to get into KoF, where should I start?

you don't, it's too late already, 8 year olds that go for tortillas are going to kick your ass

As if trends changed that easily.


>Entre todas las posibles opciones, la consola más popular es la Xbox, que consiguió el 60.6 % del total de las ventas en 2017, mientras que Sony registró un 28.7 %.

Maybe in "el ario norte" they play on PC more (doubt), but in Huachicoland (central Mexico), which represents most of the country's population, Xbox is king.

I like platformers.

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I feel like it's a national duty to play KoF, but i was a MK/SFII kid. I'm going to start with XIV.

>no ganadería


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mexican here
anything Mario, Pokemon, MOBAshit and anime related

LOADS of FIFA and GTA as well

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Reminder that Mexicans leaked Super Smash Bros. Ultimate two or three weeks before release.


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Who gives a fuck what lowest common denominator filth enjoys, get this trash off the board.

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Don't forget sports games

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>lowest common denominator

Kek, we are pretty much the owners of the world by proxy. Getting back muh Aztlan piece by piece.

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That game was so popular in Japan that got a physical release

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Er, user, it doesn't matter how many of you there are

You heard right.
Also Metal Slug

I don't know anyone that hates cartels, only the government and the police.

>get a girl from the north
>delicious brown
>go to Reynosa, where her family lives
>almost no one is white or good looking, actually the same kind of people as everywhere else in Mexico

It's all a lie

That's brazil retard.

We need more Mariachis in games

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Tell that to Sega, the main character is clearly mexican.

who's this fat bitch?

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they love xbox for some reason

How do I get a cute weeb mexican gf to play weebshit and VNs with?

that's weird since most cartels pays money to the police and the president campaign


Part of the Police and part of the politicians, there are many cartels and they have their own preferred politicians.

Go to anime conventions

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KoF and Zelda


learn to ride the tiger user. mexico is the modern wild west. you can reach heaven or hell depending on how you play your cards.

no. mexicans dream of goku running his own cartel and hiring them