Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

How jank will it be?

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I want to fuck a power ranger so bad

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Me too dude

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Rule 1 about female Rangers
Always make sure there's actually a female underneath

Have you seen the live stream? It will be jank enough. I'm actually looking forward to this budget title now. & Kats in it so I'm excited.

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Will our girl be in it?

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Live stream really sold me on this. Especially if its 20bucks. Im always down for Mahvel baybee.

just keep the helmet on

Why is to helmet always so cute to me? What the fuck.

The playavle character we deserve

I only want a playable Malshina, but that will never become a reality.

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Not before Lord Zedd, him being the first fully-American Power Rangers villain. She'll likely be second, though.

Too bad it's American stuff only. I really wanted to play as Enter.

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Me too.

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At least we can get Titanium Ranger

Enjoy your Chroma Squad because that is the closest you'll get to a half-way decent Sentai game.
Or hope Bamco licenses the game for JP

If Carter's not in, I swear I'll walk into nWay & smack a bitch.

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Give me Jack or give me death

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if they don't dramatically yell their icon/persona or whatever at some point I am not interested.

The fuck are you talking about? You mean when they transform? Not all of them even have some kind of animal or dinosaur. Even the best seasons don't.

When does this even come out? Haven't they only shown off like 4 fighters and it's a 3v3?

Why are female rangers so cute?


Yes, Mighty Morphin did it and it's pure kino.

Reminder that Tommy vs. Zeo-5, White, and Green Rangers in Dino Thunder is the best fight in the series

its really jank the animations are really bad and the hit stop is bad, but it looks fun even if every character only has 2 specials.

But I am really disappointed is that you can not make a full team, I do not mean give me all the mmpr cast, or megaforce, I mean the roster so far is a red ranger, a yellow ranger, and a pink ranger, everyone else is a special ranger or goldar

Reminder that if your main doesn't wasn't in the mobile game they're not getting in unless they're a Shittered Grid or Beast Morphers character

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Mighty Morphin isn't even the best season. Take those nostalgia glasses off & watch some In Space, or Timeforce. Maybe even some RPM.

So you're saying there's a chance?

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reminder the game is using the lionsgate logo so be ready for a movie character.