Will Days Gone flop?

Will Days Gone flop?

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Days Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game/

Yeah. It is right wing afterall

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yes it will. not even Yea Forums is shitposting about it, despite it being a sony exclusive. that's how much no one cares about it

most likely not

it's a playstation movie experience so no. critics will eat it up.

>straight, white, male protagonist
this is NOT okay

It will sell well and get good reviews but will be boring due to open world and crafting.

Probably not.

Everyone seems down on this game unnecessarily.

Zombies, open world, crafting. Its boring to me.

Every preview has said it was fun for about 4 hours but it was stretching thin by the time they were ending the preview. The "survival" elements were just Far Cry style crafting. The gear you pick up has Destiny style grades. Combat is "Pull Left trigger to auto-aim lock on and either mash R2 or the triangle button". Also the "Horde" mechanic they showed is a scripted event rather than something that organically occurs in the game world. It will probably be railed harder than other Sony exclusives for being so blatant in ripping everything off and being boring compared to Horizon Zero Dawn ripping off Witcher 3 hard including how fucking awful combat was but getting a pass because "STONGK FEMALE AND ROBOT DINOSAURS". 60 metacritic seems generous.

I hate gear and crafting and damage numbers and survival elements

I wanted a Daryl Dixon simulator and that's exactly what it looks like, no complains here

Nice. Might pick this up now.

Too bad people mostly want to talk about The Lesbian of Us, even if to just shit on it.

So... It's AAA State of Decay?

seems like game design by numbers. just check shit off the SONY AAA development playlist

What, a third-person cinemetic over-the-shoulder cutscene-heavy action game exclusive to Sony?

It's going to sell millions, easily.

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People wish it was. It looks like another cinematic game with barely any choices.

No. It's Third person Far Cry with Zombies. Even has enemy biker outposts and scripted hordes to tick off a checklist.

No, it will probably do as well as Horizon Zero Dawn

It will sell well, but not as well as any of Sony's other exclusives.


At least it will get shilled on Yea Forums in a couple of years then

Yeah I've heard many people talk positively on it, doesn't look so great to me. I think DS is the only Sony exclusive I want and maybe TLOU2.

Why? genuinely curious

Funny how the "white male" look syrian

I at enjoyed the first somewhat, and I'm curious to see it. I'll wait until it's $20 though.

Buying the shit out of this.

Surprised Sony is funding it. Guess they're not that shitty after all.

Is this single player?

Honestly being a small Rebell fighting against a well organist military machine is just more fun

Yeah. 100% single player.

They have to completely erase the idea that pure caucasian people exist from media

>openworld crafting survival zombie game made by the developer of bubsy 3d

I doubt it will flop, but it won't be a giant blockbuster. Bend studio missed the boat with this zombie game. Should've been released 5 years ago.

it's a litmus test for white men, either they buy this game or the SJWs win.

Might be worth checking out then.

It won't The Order flop but it'll be under $20 by the end of the year and never spoken about again underperform.

probably, atleast i wouldn't be surprised if it did, because it doesn't look all that interesting

ANOTHER gruff straight white male protagonist?!

Well i bought andromeda at full price so i'm not one to judge, have fun user

that's just how sam witwer looks

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Yep. It doesn't even matter if it's good, No one cares about it and the advertising drop from when it was announced just makes it harder to remember. Unless the reviews are steller, it won't even do OK.

I unironically pre-ordered this because the gameplay videos look pretty good

This. PEDES WE NEED TO BUY THIS GAME TO BTFO THE SJW BITCHES . THe looks on their faces will be epic when we make this game sell 20 million copies!

Nope, then Yea Forums will chimp out over it. Screencap this

Self avowed liberal here, I think it's stupid to suggest portraying the government as a force of evil somehow contradicts liberal values. Our government is just an institution, and it's as good or bad as the policies and people who make it up are.

Like I can finger ICE and say separating children from their parents, caging them, and sexually assaulting them is pretty fucking dystopian. There's no reason a liberal has to suck ICE's cock because it's a government organization. The person who wrote this piece is pants-on-head retarded.

still waiting for those reviews

it has a pretty good release date with no major competition, so if it turns out to be some sleeper hit like HZD was with 9/10 reviews then it will definitely get a lot of attention

otherwise I doubt it will sell more than maybe a few millions. Still probably won't be a flop

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Didn't this shit come out like 3 years ago? I could've sworn it was revealed at E3 forever ago.


liberal =/= leftist

alex jones is a classic liberal

you mean like metroid prime 4

No, this is a different over the shoulder, shooty PS4 exclucive

>I can finger ICE
Lefties literally can't stop being sexual deviants

or maybe they shouldn't have entered the country illegally and invalidated the due process every wishful turd worlder has to go through before entry. Why apply for a Visa when you can just hop the border?
Free money Viva la America am I right?
Maybe they deserve to get ice'd.

i still dont know what the fuck this game is supposed to be about.

illegals deserve worse

>Creative Director: The story focuses on bikers! Because let's be honest, the rough-and-tumble outdoorsy types are probably going to be the apocalypse survivors! Fighters!

>"Journalist": Hells Angels are bikers

>Creative Director: ... Yeah, I guess they-

>"Journalist": Have you read Hunter S. Thompson's classic book 'Hell's Angels'?

>Creative Director: No, but-

>"Journalist": Did you know that Hell's Angels eventually turned to right wing politics?

>Creative Director: Tha-

>"Journalist": Their Oakland chapter founder Sonny Barger, who is featured heavily in Hunter S. Thompson's classic book Hell's Angels which you didn't read, threw his lot behind Donald Trump.

>Creative Director: Wh-

>"Journalist": It's hard not to see white power conservative nazi politics in your game. Considering that it features bikers, of whom Sonny Barger is one.

Wow. That is some amazing journalism.

>Like I can finger ICE and say separating children from their parents.
How can you know this children aren't being kidnapped from Mexico?

not really,
it's not the type of crafting you'd see in survival games like rust, minecraft etc
it's more RE or TLoU, combined two basic resources to get a basic item
that's not enough to call it part of the crafting genre

LOL reactionaries are gonna buy a Snoy game and make it a hit when it would otherwise flop because it's being marketed like Lady Ghostbusters.
>Buy our game and show those cucks who's boss!

literally this, what the fuck did I just read

>zombie bears

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I laughed

I'm technically what you would call a socialist libertarian. Don't want the government involved in my private life, whether it's what drugs I take, who I fuck, whether I can get an abortion, ect. But I think the government has a vital role in areas such as safeguarding our living standards and maintaining and protecting shared public resources.

I happen to think that it's important to safeguard basic human rights no matter who the party being subjected might be. My position falls out of the Golden Rule to some degree, treat others like you'd like to be treated. Besides, what's the point of all our progress as a species if not to improve the human condition? What about separating children from their parents and then raping them strikes you as civilized and at all necessary?

its gonna flop but not so hard

Exactly. That was my thoughts reading this. The game is about bikers, not Hell's Angels.

probably not but will probably be the weakest in sales compared to the other ps4 exclusives.

cry more

>it's going to soft flop

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Not diverse enough like Switch or Xbox games. The time of white males and sony is over.

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Anyone else find it weird that Bend is using Unreal Engine, instead of their own proprietary tech?

it's a good book tho

It'll bomb but not as hard as Gravity Rush 2

I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this game


Don't doubt it, just the Journalist name dropping the book like that seems like a bizarre literary flex in the first place. To then shove that exchange into their article just seems excessive and egotistical by extension.

You could remove all mentions of the book from that article and you would lose absolutely no context.

it's a pretty well known book, surprised the dev hadn't read it

Lord of the Rings is a pretty well known book series too. Doesn't mean I ask everyone if they've read it when I find out they're making a fantasy game.

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why do they keep their pants?

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>the "Horde" mechanic they showed is a scripted event rather than something that organically occurs in the game world
Damn that was the only vaguely interesting thing I saw in trailers.

It lets you kill children so if Yea Forums doesn't buy it they're a bunch of lying hypocrites.

Evolution makes them keep them on else they would trip over their long dicks i presume.

Okay, follow up question

why are they all men?

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I honestly think it will, because
1. bland looking main characters - scruffy white male with forgettable face - not saying we need a poc as a protag or a female for memes, but at least make the poor fucker memorable like Frank (dead rising), Geralt, Kratos etc.
2. a couple years late with the zombie post-apocalyptic meme
3. open world meme while still going for the PS4 cinematic experience shit

Hope i'm wrong, but looks pretty bad so far

the game looks boring as fuck. only cucks care about politics in games. if the gameplay continues to look boring as fuck i wont play, simple as

where are you getting the "ICE rapes children" info from? is that an actual fact or just something you heard on CNN?

regardless, ideally everyone in the world would get along, but we don't. there are tons of people who would just love to come to the US and set of a nuke. having strong borders is essential in the current world climate. no one is stopping law abiding individuals from coming to the US, as long as they do so legally.

It looks like shit so who knows. It looks barely better than Fallout 76 or Anthem but critics are strange, sometimes they hand out 10s like candy and sometimes they don't. I think Days Gone was a doomed project from the start, just generic ideas the game

So the marketing has finally started?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Days Gone Is One AAA-Ass Video Game/

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You don't wanna mess with him!

I literally haven't heard anything bad about this game other than it being a zombie game.


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Well it is releasing soon, so obviously people are going to be talking about it.
It is nothing compared to the asscreed marketing everytime one of those drops.

when Yea Forums "cares" about a game that's usually a marketing campaign spamming social media sites to drum up hype. The fact that there are next to no threads shows that Sony doesn't have much faith in it and isn't spending a lot of money on marketing.

>not ape escape 4

Good advertisement. I'm buying it.

It's just a nuisance to me. Same with needing to get fuel for the bike. I'd rather it was a straight up action game without any resource stuff. Also does it have rpg stuff? I heard it as damage numbers. I hate that shit. I could be wrong about it having that though.