Have you ever played video games with a girl?

Have you ever played video games with a girl?

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i used to play guitar hero with my gf back in 2007
she'd sing id play guitar
was cute, i am alone now

Used to try to play fighting games with my GF back in high school. She would get extremely upset and salty when she loses, to the point of hitting me a bit. I broke up with her partially because of that and because I'd rather be a virgin than fuck a casual.

i've played minecraft with a surprising amount of women both online and irl
girls love minecraft


My buddy got his girl to play apex legends with us. They both dont really know how to play so they listened to me. She kept saying yes sir like I was a co. It awakened a fetish I didn't know I had. I dont want to fuck her because im not a piece of shit but I like that sir shit.

um no sweaty
have sex


hes not wrong lmao have you ever had a girl over bro?

If you guys want to know a good way to get payback against these hoes, watch a chick flick in advance and spoil literally everything as it is about to happen. She will be fuming.

Only kiddie normalfag games on split screen like Mario kart and Minecraft and smash.

Its not too different from playing with guys honestly, but its just not enjoyable because I dont enjoy those genres of games.

usually when i watch shit with my gf we just end up making out. i trued to play mario kart on her switch but she starts a fit whenever she loses so i dont like playing with her.

Sounds like she's into roleplaying ask your buddy how is she in bed


seethe about it, disgusting incel

God fucking damn it this shit every fucking time
"Oh what are you laughing at"
"There was a visual joke, look up from your phone if you want to pay attention."

Based and alonepilled

This. I never finished a single movie when I was dating my last gf. It could have been Ichi the Killer, Ricki-Oh, fucking Rosemary's Baby. It wouldn't matter.

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What is it about females and their inability to engross themselves in something that isn't social media?

>incel mad he doesn't get attention

>5 years since I break up with my gf

It still hurts, lads. I will never find another girl who is interested in sci-fi stuff.

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That's pretty good, I'll remember that one.

cry more incel

t. roastie
Why dont you go stick that cellphone up your ass or something?

>straight away insulting me with roastie
this is why nobody wants to fuck or get to know you

Seethe, roastie, seethe

Yeah whatever, meatflaps

I have watched movies with two girls, one is like the left comic, one is like the right.

It depends on the person

a couple of times a week, playing Fightan and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
she's really good at Heroes, I guess I'd lose if I played her 1v1.

>having a gf
>not going gay and having a bf
there is your mistake, mister

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How did you find the first one?

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Reeeee no girls allowed here shoooo

And you went straight for the incel insult.
That's why you're a fat whale hanging around with us losers.

I'm sorry user

>one of the dudes doesnt dress up like a girl and get fucked in the ass

are you even trying user?

Expect its true
Only thing missing is she falls asleep half way through

>Play AoE3, Terraria, Sma5h, and Pokemon with my wife
>Comfy as fuck

you could cuck your buddy if you wanted unless you are a pathetic beta outside the virtual world

>tfw you get to play WoW: Cataclysm private servers with your best friend with benefits
>tfw we're gonna play Classic WoW together when it comes out

Except on the right you get delicious cuddles and if the movie sucks you just fool around. I don't watch movies with friends that's fucking boring, I'd rather do something.

I'm not into sodomy.

Talking with people, I met her when hanging out with my friends.

Yeah, she was the only person I have met who watched Farscape. I miss her.

>playing WoW with a girl
that's pretty gay desu

only with my older sister, sarges heroes 2, nightfire, battlefront 2 multiplayer was comfy times with all my siblings
i wish I had a little sister

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it is so cute that your one and only leverage in a discussion is

woman are just pathetic

Having a gf is gay, a woman is just a guy with a negative lenght penis

Have sex.
For your own sake just please have sex.

My older sister and I used to take turns playing JRPGs, she would grind for an hour then give the controller to me for another hour.
When Hollywood video was selling PS1 games to make room for PS2 games, we searched through bins to find a copy of Xenogears. It was a deep bin too and there was at least 200 games were in there, and at the very bottom was a copy of Xenogears that they wanted 40 dollars for. We opened up the case and the discs were scratched to shit, but it was only copy in our area and nobody was selling the game online (This was around 2000-2001) so we bit the bullet and bought it.
Thankfully it did work, played the whole game over the summer, still have the discs somewhere too.

Who watches movies with another guy? You always go with at least two in a group

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chick asked me to hang out in freshman year of high school. she came over and wanted to play my NES and then we watched 3 episodes of chobits. chobits fucking sucks. but she did do projects for me in that class we had so i guess i deserved it

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a woman is just a pussyboy with tits

>how autists watch movies

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I absolutely loathed watching movies with my ex. Just glued to her phone the entire movie and then has the cheek to complain she couldn't follow the plot

i’ve never had a gf in my life

do you know how i know you're a virgin? because you think sex changes anything
sex is not a life changing experience, its very overrated

>Lets get some Xbox on at my crib
Man 2008 sucked

Have sex

>its very overrated

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>you now miss making fun of halo reach around

>insults wont get you laid incel
nobody wants to fuck them because they are ugly and poor you fucking retard

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a good fap is always better than mediocre ocxcasional sex

No.I'm scared of girls.

Oh shit, a strawman comic, looks like you've won at everything forever!

My girlfriend and I just beat New Super Mario Bros U deluxe and holy shit that game becomes hard with more than one person playing

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But good sex will always be better than a good fap

>cucking your buddy

You are a piece of shit,and not a real man.

Listen negro. If the girl you're watching with does this, kick her ass to the curb. Lots of good women out there, no reason to stick around with garbage.

If you have a small dick maybe but that's still cope

a good fap is easier achieved than good sex mind you

This isn’t really a guy vs girl thing. It’s a person that likes movies vs person that doesn’t like movies thing. I know plenty of dudes that don’t watch anything but the office on loop and girls that have movie collections full of obscure shit like “Crippled Avengers”. People are a mixed bag. Just avoid the boring ones.

Yeah, she had the tastes of the most basic gamer grrrl imaginable but she actually enjoyed video games so it was alright. It was around the time soul calibur 4 released so we played quite a bit of that one, she mained Astaroth and made me irrationally angry as a result. Now I'm irrationnally angry at myself because I never fucked her and I'm still thinking about those legs 10 years later, god damn

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Not him, but i have a small dick, how do i cope? Besides fapping i mean

I had sex with my boyfriend and I STILL hate women, what the fuck?

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>trying to watch a goddamn movie
>bf keeps trying to hop on my dick

If I wanted to fuck right now, I'd tell you, fuck off

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Cope is delusion so either telling yourself you don't want to stretch a girl out or that it doesn't matter to them, that sort of thing

This image is also accurate to watching films with zoomers. The part I don't fucking get is some of the films I've seen girls actually put their phones down to watch and enjoy were the Underworld movies and fucking A Million Ways to Die in the West.

Are girls just plebs?

I've watched Star Wars with two different black girls. The first one, I ended up making out with by Episode VI. The second one left before Alderaan blew up. I don't know what to think of women.

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Your picture is the most authentic description of women I have ever come across.

>OMG Sarah we have to watch this!!... there's this guy and all the girls are in love with him, but he's shy and they are actually vampires and the story is so deep like Shakespare and you'll love the humor I swear!! XD

I wonder why someone would rather watch their phone

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This. I don't really like movies or TV in general, so I don't generally pay much attention to them.

Shut up, Sarah, cunt.

>tfw a girl likes you

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you must be fun at parties

How do you know she likes you?

I showed my gf monogatari and she loved it so much she's now binging every season.
Your fault that you surround yourself with boring girls

I used to play Paladins with a friend but now she hates me...
Shitty game but I had fun

>implying I've ever been to a party

She probably doesn't know you that well.

You feel it
You notice that she's been staring at you for a while and you hear her friends laugh when you pass by and she's there.

But in general it's just something that you figure out by the way she's acting.
At least this was how it was in high school

good for you for finding the japanese equivalent of CAD interesting

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Do my sisters count? If so, plenty.

My buddy brought over his blu-ray copy of Robocop with the original x rated cut and we watched that together, and I occasionally go to a friends place and he puts on shit like Blade Runner or The Departed. Shit's pretty good.

I most certainly did, it was entertaining and had a good soundtrack. Unlike CAD.

Also had cute girls, also unlike CAD.

I used to play Tropical Freeze and Smash with my girlfriend when I had a Wii U

im playing games with my kid every chance i get, gotta teach her the ropes
i aint having a filthy casual on my home

How do you handle this situation, Yea Forums?

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>desperate enough for sex that you would burn relationships in order to get it
>intelligence genes low enough that you genuinely can’t tell who the beta here is

Ok buddy.

It's not as good as it sounds, trust me.

and i know why

It's a vocal misstep. Happens all the time, especially when someone is nervous or flustered.
Plus, Dragon Quest is enough to make up for liking Gears of War.

Ask about her Smash main.

Instant loss mating press

Which Smash Brothers? If she says anything other than Melee then I walk.

agreed. I cucked my buddy once and shit was not cash. thankfully we both learned from it and moved on

>Losing a friend over a woman
Even a tranny would spit on you

>N-no it's quite alright to call it Gears at War
>I mean it's not as if I didn't understand what you said, rather, I understood it just fine
>You know there's not a lot of games on the market with 'Gears' and 'War' in the title, so I just applied a bit of common sense and were able to understand you just fine
>That's the good thing about the English language, it doesn't have to be 100% precise, screwing up a bit is okay I guess
>Not that you should screw up, just like you did, you should try to avoid screwing up next time when speaking about titles of games.

how did I do?

I played some coop games with my ex on my ps4. Was kinda fun, she was bad at most and I teased her. Unless she's a GAYMER girl don't even bother. Stick to Mario kart and the likes. Better off just playing board games

Honestly not as bad as most girls. I've dated girls who talk about loving video games, but can't keep up in even basic co-op shit.

Rape and then murder
Melt the body in acid but keep a small bit as a keepsake of true love.

nice try incel

Smile, nod, and count the minutes until we can fuck.

No. I'm the girl that guys play games with. ;_; I'm too fucking bro.