DMC Thread

What's he thinking about?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what the fuck were they thinking with my route in dmc3

>why am I so fat

How come I never get paired anyone in mission 13?
Is it because I live in a shithole country?

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>What hole did I put it in anyway?

Sparda reveal when?

>that mission where V has to get his familiars back one by one
>has to fight Cavalier Angelo with birb alone
This shit isnt cuhrazy at all.

Taunt during combat to put Neros hood up.

Grab Shadow first.
God this is so good. Second best Vergil fight song after Vergil 2.

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At least you can damage them with the cane, I was just spamming the cane at Goliath and kept using the bird to dodge easier


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I don't understand this screen, is this supposed to imply that Dante and Vergil made it out of hell, or is it just a fun little non-canon results screen?

>Is my sword shorter than it used to be? Swear there are some missing pieces or something.

He's probably thinking in his head how fucking embarassed he is now that he's with his brother and son after going full retard and killing millions. He tried to double down by fighting Dante to the death but even then he goofed so this is an awkward situation. Furthermore he's realizing he's thinking "aloud" via his facial expressions and hand gestures so he screens the room with his eyes to make sure no one's noticed.

>Dante & Vergil need to hitch a ride in hell
>Dante puts on the Faust hat and performs vid related
>Vergil rattles with Summoned Swords
>He does this because he read a book about the ancient demons performing said ritual for said hitchhike
>turns out to be true because this is how Sparda met Mundus

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Didn't get to pre order
Is there anyway to get the costumes?

It's just a fun title screen where everyone is together. Morrison is in a few screens, too.

You can interpret it however you want until the next title comes out. I think they make it out since Vergil literally has Yamato.

did you do the ride the arm thing? and the one after that?

Vergil is sticc

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>fighting a Fury with Trickster

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>Is no one mad at me anymore? Have you looked at the city? Hello?


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>Tell me Dante, are you fucking our mother clone? I won't be mad if you tell me the truth, brother.

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So what do you get for killing hard enough during the credits? I got yelled at for not being motivated enough.

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Reminder Nero loves Kyrie every day of the month.

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>Dante still has white stubble, eyebrows and eyelashes with the Donte colors
Come on Capcom

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>replay game in SoS
>been getting straight S with full Nero and V
>first mission with Dante
>die thrice to normal encounters, B rank
Why do they keep making him harder and harder?

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What is the optimal way to beat those fuckers? I use royalguard but there must be a quicker way

I think it shows they got out of hell simply because the other menu's before it and during mission screens are all canon little extras so I can't see why this wouldn't be either.

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White beard isn't too weird for boomers

V's alt color I believe, and a bonus cutscene at the end for the second one.

They can leave at any time since Yamato is able to open portals so you can take the van scenes as canon if you want.


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>Oh God, Oh jeeze, how do I connect with my son?
>Should I ask if he's motivated for quality father-son time?
>No, that's lame, what should I say...

Yeah, I did it. I must have missed a piece somewhere. I dunno man

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Whats the trick to Malphas on DMD? V throws you Rawhide, so I'm guessing I can use it at a specific time to trigger something, like that "COME HERE LIL CHICKY" animation from the trailer.


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Perfect release really fucks them up.

I think when the chicken turns purple tou can use rawhide to drag it to the ground

>get S and SS
>keep getting hit or lose the combo to A before the battle is finished
>get A or B rank every stage

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>Should I ask if he needs a hand with his devil-hunting skills?
>Wait, no, I probably shouldn't mention hands or arms to Nero

Turbo mod is already made. It's only a matter of time until somebody mods in playable Vergil since the assets are there

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So whats the lore reason why Urizen uses all the boss abilities, like Goliaths fireball, Artemis' lasers, Geryons timestop, etc?

How bad the story is.

I think you mean playable nude Lady.

>They can leave at any time since Yamato is able to open portals
then why did nero flip his shit when they said they'd go?

>are you winning, son?

God damn it, Capcom.

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There's guides up already for all of them apparently.

am i trippin or Lady is taking fashion tips from Dante

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The Virgil fight was built for Royal Guard

They're collecting blood and making little Qliphoth trees.
And Urizen is connected to the Qliphoth
Put the dots together user, it isn't hard.

Don't you dare say it, Yea Forums!


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Does Nero even knows the extent of Yamato's powers?

Well, he did create Artemis and Geryon using Lady and Trish right? So, I'm guessing he placed some amount of his power there. Beats me about the fireball though.

>demons are all using the tree to power up
>Urizen is connected to it
He's syphoning their abilities to gain power

thinkgen of power

He's been just sitting in a chair getting demon blood goop pumped into him for weeks. Gonna gain a few pounds from that.

>[Sad violin music]
>[Devil Trigger Remix starts playing]

Final fight is pure, unadulterated coatkino.

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14% of the population get's 50% of the jackpot.


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Nope. Haha.


That has nothing to do with it.
Cameo players are pre-recorded gameplay of another person.
I know this because I've been partnered with MYSELF!
On the mission where Nero has to kill the big mech, I joined my own game with pre-recorded gameplay of the previous mission in which I played as V.
The whole cameo system is so goddamn pointless.

Ask Matt if they'll be available later

there's something extremely satisfying about blocking all of virgil's attacks with RG and then immediately switching to SM Balrog in DT and giving him the 'ol 123 uppercut, especially since Dante's magic sword keeps people locked in place now

But his human self was almost a fucking skeleton

thinken about summoned swords

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Probably a coincidence. Though if you want to make the connection look at the clasp at her chest and how it compares to Dante's 3 and 4 clasps.

>entire plot is Vergil needing more power just to fight Dante
>he doesn't actually want to kill him just sibling rough housing
Why is Vergil's pure concentrated power autism so enjoyable?

Urizen's name is ergil

I like how upon seeing Trish, V's first instinct was to cover her in a blanket yet Dante just left her buttnaked

really makes you think

Who is nero's mother?
Was Yea Forums (kylo ren) really vergil all along?

>wub wub music starts playing


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Unfortunately you cannot unlock them. You can, however, upgrade to deluxe edition in the store for something like $10. I'm not sure if that gives the pre-order extras, but it does give you stuff like the previs cutscenes and the alt costumes.

Yeah but have you seen how fucking huge Urizen was? More than makes up for it.

It's even better if you're an Onimusha fan, cause Nero's DT is literally from Onimusha

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>why doesn't my son use superior weeb katanas?

She also has the same buckle strap thing over her chest. I think it even has the same circle thing/pattern, just a different color
>Lady has more moments with Nero and Nico in this game than with Dante
what the frick Itsuno

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Yes to both

Seems to just be a beta test for either Dragon's Dogma stuff or possibly Co-op Bloody Palace.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

I have beaten the game, and I loved it. Both story and gameplay were what I was expecting and I even managed to get way better stylish ranks than ever before. This has been an amazingly fun time coming to DMC threads since September and posting the pasta every day, I don't think I missed a single one. The meme grew so much, so many great edits were made, the original author made a Vergil version and this pasta was even translated to Spanish and Russian Thank you everyone for making the waiting for and release of DMC5 so great. I'll be posting the pasta for maybe about a week, until the hype dies. Until then, I suppose this is a pre-emptive goodbye. Remember to never lose your motivation.

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how the fuck do i get good with dante?
this is my first DMC game, and he's got so much more going on than the others, or at least it feels like it

Obviously he just dyed his hair for Halloween.

There's so little of a motif going on, it's a bit disappointing. Maybe I'm just not hearing it.

I still have no idea where he got that blanket.

you use balrog

This. When I started playing as V I partnered with myself who was Nero and I watched it do exactly what I had just done, entertaining but it demonstrates the online is exactly what I thought it was: ghost data.

I only got into the series recently. I just started 4 and had a good time with 1 and 3. Playing through the games within a short time span without much prior knowledge of them makes it clear to me that DMC could have gone in all kinds of directions after the original before DMC3 really cemented things. It seems like for most fans DMC3 is synonymous with DMC in general but there are things I like more about DMC1. It's a weird, idiosyncratic point of origin.

>No pizza?

are we getting lady and trish dlc? or is this just hinting at a sequel

Nah, sometimes they're ghost data, sometimes they're real people. If pic related is above their name, it's a real person, if it isn't, it's ghost data. Mission 7 & 13 have actual co-op, but you can't pick who to play with.

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SwordTrick on repeat. Cav and Balrog for easy SSS.

I played through mission 13 as each of the characters, so when I played as V, footage of me was used for both Dante and Nero, which I thought was pretty funny

OK, something has to be wrong
how the fuck can you just get SSS like nothing with Balrog, is this a bug?

that's not entirely true, i've played with people who have taunted back to me and interacted with me like that

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I think this only turned into a more subdued rival match when his human side, V, expressed regret on Vergil's behalf then became whole again and Nero's intervening at the end; without those factors it really was a death match.

Or rather, not the alt costumes, but the extra weapons.

not all the time. Mission 13 is almost always live players.

>turn DT as Nero

I really hope we get co-op bloody palace. I played Mission 13 with 2 friends and it's fun as fuck.

Seems like wasted potential if they went out of their way to have netcode but not use it a whole lot.

>but you can't pick who to play with.
If you pick "prefer friends" in the network options, start at the same time as your friends and you all pick different characters, you're most likely gonna get matched up.

I was hoping they would bring back ultra violet or one of vergil's themes in 3 but I don't mind it.

>Starring: CODEX
Do pirate fags have online too or something?

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DLC 1 Trish & Lady COOP Campaign

DLC 2 Dante & Vergil Getting out of Hell COOP Campaign

DLC 3 Crewcut Campaign with RE2 gameplay

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Sometimes you get partnered with ghost data while other times you get an actual player.

>he doesn't know

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>thinkgen of power

>god fucking damn it why am I so slow now

Will we have a Concentration meter again?

thanks, my dude. i've been reading these threads for the past few months and have laughed anytime I've seen this posted.

can't wait until the dmc5 dlc or dmc6 threads start going, even though 5 just came out.

Hopefully if they do add Trish, Lady, and Vergil campaigns, they also get added to Bloody Palace. I don't see why they wouldn't.

he picked it out of the trash

trash for Trash kek

desu I am not gay but I got a boner when I saw im in the menu

I swear many fujos is going to be fans of the series like Yakuza

Capcom really did good job as to character rendering...

I just want them to settle down together, am i asking too much ITSUNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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Faking tables is easy as shit.

I like to think that alternate colors are what characters would've been if they were hipster junkies, so all dyed.

Anyone have clean versions of the character logos yet?

I beat DMCV recently, and I really want to play Vergil in 3 because he seems fun but I have basically no idea how to do anything cool with him.

Are there any good DMC3 Vergil guides?

...Any 3 Vergil experts here?

I like the pressure of it, the tone is very aggressive then it erupts at 3.29 in this almost evil dominance that wouldn't feel out of place in Castlevania. I call it Vergil's battle theme but it's actually Dante's who fully resigned to kill an unmotivated Vergil. This song demonstrates that Dante, is the bad guy in the fight.

I expected to hear it mixed in with the last fight between Dante and the Nelo Nightmares but perhaps they're saving it for the Vergil DLC.

Yes you are, he shut your kind up at TGS 2018 yet it seems the wishful thinking goes strong with you it seems; Dante will never get together with anyone.

>lady takes Dante's old clothing, probably as a weird hobby or for dept payment
>uses it to make her own clothing despite being far more successful in the money department
I bet Lady is a bit more fucked in the head than she or others think.

I miss smugman and chicken

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she would just eat all the pizza


Just keep cycling weapons

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I don't remember this scene...

swap devil trigger and gun on your controller so you can use summoned swords whenever you want

he cute

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Just open the exe in a hex editor and search for "playervergil" to confirm for yourself.

She sort of admits this when everyone is trying to stop Nero from facing Vergil, saying that no one recovers from killing their own father.

It's not happening.

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the V and Urizen thing was actually a pretty creative way to handle Vergil's return

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So is Sin Devil Trigger as useless as it seems?

I miss him too
Bring him back, Itsuno

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It's a title screen

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>I can't believe they are still bitching about that one city i destroyed. It's been like a month ago. Besides, it's not like i do it for the first time

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Where do these scenes of them in the van show up? Is it just menus and shit and not a cutscene itself? At least it confirms they get out of Hell, right?

>I call it Vergil's battle theme but it's actually Dante's who fully resigned to kill an unmotivated Vergil. This song demonstrates that Dante, is the bad guy in the fight.
Damn, you are the far end of a Vergilfag or what? Dante was perfectly justified in trying to kill Vergil there, it's the second time he opened a portal and got an ocean of people killed and this one was on a global scale.

Itsuno think he's sly huh

Did you buy a Monster Zero Ultra when the game released?
Cause I did.
It was actually pretty good, but like most zero carolie drinks I started to get the weird taste.

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Here's your Lady bro

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Kinda hope he's flat-out lying that like how Reuben answer every Vergil related question before the game come out.

>toss a few bones
So...they're friends with bennies? That's even hotter.

Vergil DLC was obvious the moment you see that DMC5 Vergil fights with DMC4SE animations.

This was planned for a long time.

No it's insanely powerful, have to stop myself from using it.

There's literally an ability that lets you delete an enemy from the fight.

shut up faggots

>Barry is on Yea Forums trying to shitpost a random DMC ""anime"" thread there
How can one man be so sad?

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>when you recruit your brother and son thinking they take down your autism but it's far stronger than you ever could've imagined.

It's useful to make certain kills on bosses if it used on the right timing, other than that there's no reason to use it on normal combat.

tip: hold Square+Triangle

>someone saved my screenshot

Feels good, meowdy

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>when you're other half gets TOO motivated
everything after vergil comes back is

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>in japan Sin Devil Trigger is SHIN DEVIL TRIGGER

why the fuck did they change it Shin sounds so much better

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What happened to Ladyfags becoming this delusional? Even Trishfags have long given up by now.

How the fuck do I beat Urizen in mission 17

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Where did Nero get his demon looks from? Doesn’t really look much like his dad

>My son loves pasta and this entire van is subsisting off 3 boxes of pizza
>Are we all fucking Italian or from the east coast?

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I found a leaked screen of DMC6!

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Get your filthy hands off of her, Nico, she's mine!

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Whoever made that, I’ll buy them all the DLC in this game and then some.

I need this but with an SSS rank instead of the D

from himself

free SSS on bosses. it's not worth using for mobs imo, better to just pop DT and style on em instead

learn to style switch
if you can keep moving to trickster when he attacks you are gold

I got partnered up with an actual V player in mission 7, he taunted back at me and followed me around as I explored the train station.



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I abused the fuck out of Trickster.

I liked it. It allowed him to get some nice character development. From V he learned that there's nothing wrong with being able to rely on others, and from Urizen he learned that becoming too obsessed with gaining power turns you into a fucking dickhead. So when he fuses back together, he chills out a bit. Especially when he realizes he has a son.

>toss a few bones his way
Yeah, we all know what kind of bones she tosses him.

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I guess "New Devil Trigger" would have been too on-the-nose.

>Dante was perfectly justified in trying to kill Vergil there
He was when he was split into Urizen but when merging Vergil had changed and didn't want to fight Dante but Dante wasn't giving Vergil a second (which is fair enough after what happened) and it took Nero to get between them and actually have the brothers drop the autism for once. It's got nothing to do with being a Vergilfag or not it's a base fact that in that fight Vergil was fighting out of obligation perhaps even to atone going by V's conversation, and Dante was fully resolved to kill.

>mfw the van scenes are canon
>mfw DMC6 will just be Dante and Virgil going on boomer adventures together and funny woohoo pizza time to make up for the lost childhood while Nero tries to keep the DMC business running

fucking fund it

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How the fuck does Twosome time work exactly with Dante? It says press X then B or B then X but shit doesnt work most of the time.

>slash some balloons tied to a car
>all those popping noises
oh yes that was satisfying

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It's her fault. She gave PTSD to him.

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I wish the "Starring The DMC Crew" instead was something like "Starring Hideaki Itsuno" or "Starring Matt Walker", like actually telling us which devs ghost data is being used

>Man, I still don't where children come from

Bind them to be next to each other, then just mash both at the same time.

>tfw finally getting used to jump on the enemies and flying high into the sky reseting with Nero
since Nero can pull the enemies to him, does Dante have a tool to keep them in the air like that?
Honestly i never bothered going to deep into this but fighting on the ground is asking for a fuck your S+ rank

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>the autistic Vergilfujo is back

Just stop responding to it.

You have to be quick, press one button and then the other, doesn't matter which order.

Shin Majin, the same name it has always been since DMC2, it is the west that never bothered to give a proper name to Dante's true form in DMC2 and stuck with "Majin" for some reason despite the fact Majin is what Devil Trigger is in the japanese terms, now that DMC5 came up with a proper name with Sin Devil Trigger it makes it seem "Majin Form" is a separate entity while it really isn't.

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I played with my brother and it really felt like they just testing it for something, I really like how in mission 7 there is a bloodclot that cover some red orb and only way to get it is other player destroy one on the other side.


>tfw lady didn't get any cuhrayzee cutscenes

come to think of it did she even fire a single bullet?

Time for some ridiculous theorycrafting. Dante and Vergil both took up fighting when they were young, were entirely alone in their growth, and came into conflict with each other around the same time their devil triggers awoke born from conflict and trauma. Nero on the other hand didn't have that rough of an upbringing since he was member of the Order and it wasn't until later that he partially got his DT in 4 but he still had a relatively serene life before his inner turmoil in 5 brings out his DT to save others. It's inherently different from the carapace armor that the twins have after years of rejecting everything else.

Should've combined helter skelter and rawhide into one breaker
>drill whip

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she always wears something similar in concept to what dante was wearing in the previous game. here they both did the coat on but topless thing

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Can we all agree that Griffon is the sleeper hit of this game?

He is so fucking great.

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>Me and a V player match up in M13
>Both do a taunt that makes us turn around

Can you fight the mission 7 boss with someone together as well? I've only done it once and got an AI V.

My only complain withthus game is the Exceed system.
Why the fuck didn't thay make it where you Exceed right after an attack as opposed to after an attack lands.
This shit is janky as fuck as it is and requires robot tier reflexes only the best DMC players can be consistent with.
I excell at everything else besides the Exceed system. Thanks Capcom.

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Why is Lady taking so many showers there? Is she homeless?


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enemies on DMD seem absurdly tanky

once you get bored of easy S's the fun comes from trying to S without resorting from the typical aircombo ladders that everyone does. DMC is the kind of game where you make your own fun, the fun doesn't come from just beating it because it's not a very difficult game to just beat.

anyone has the chad Nero walking pic?

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No matter how you try to twist it, Urizen is a part of Vergil and was born out of Vergil's actions, a whole Vergil doesn't suddenly makes exempt of anything Urizen did.

>no one is allowed to like Vergil
Man DMC5 must have pissed you off massively.

what did he mean by this?

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V's character design is embarassing to look at. He looks like he'd hang out around Hot Topics to hit on high school girls.

Why do they insist on putting fucking anti-fun garbage enemies in these games? The red lizards just make me not want to play anymore, what's the fucking point of playing a DMC game when there's enemies like this in the game?

Took me until beating SoS to realize that I can extend my airtable as Nero by taunting. Holy fuck, I'm retarded. That would have been so useful so much earlier.


Dante's ultimate endgame is being gay with his brother in Hell forever, shipperfags need to stop with their delusions. I don't thin Itsuno could've given them a bigger "fuck you" if he tried.

>trish and lady btfo left to rot in his house while he called them both crazy bitches
>fucked off to Hell with his brother

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I haven't seen any enemies use DT on DMD

They don't have DT, do they?

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Like it has always been, enemies on DMD were always sponges that deal greater damage.

you jump, double jump, devil jump, gerbera jump then taunt

He's too busy trying to get Phantom in his summoning entourage


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She's on the top of a demon tree and she does not want to be smelling like hot garbage

Yes, you just had to stick reaaally close to eachother, works everytimes.

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>calls others shipperfags
>ships Dante and Vergil

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>shit story
>shit music
>shit level design
>shit visual design
>great gameplay saves the game
What other games are known for this?

>I wonder what my grandkids are like
>I do have grandkids, right nero?

I'm still baffled by people who are saying that he is fat and ugly. I don't know if they are just shitposting or if they genuinely think that at this point.

If I pull that arm off, will you die?

He looks the best out of everyone. Even your husbando Vergil.

She jobbed to Urizen and then Dante stole both her rocket launchers. Not exactly sure how Lady will get them back for her DLC considering they're in hell with Dante.

Of course not. Urizen existed because of Vergil's actions and he has to atone for that but at the same time it wasn't Vergil, it was the mindless beast of Vergil's lust for power and the actions it took just couldn't be predicted by anyone. I already stated Dante is justified but it seems to have wounded you that I dare say Dante was the bad guy in the fight, because he was. He was only seeing red and it took Nero to calm him down and save both of them.

>he doesn't perfect guard every enemies attack

She also wanted to move into Devil May Cry. Which begs the question where the hell does she sleep? She said "its finally time for me to settle down somewhere" ss she like Travis Touchdown where she lives in some shitty motel?

You can get live multiplayer. I had dudes join up in both mission 7 and 13, I noticed it was a real person because one ran up to look at Nero when I did the hood taunt during a fight.

This was one of the most disappointing aspects of the game for me. I just wanted Lady and/or Trish to actually do something. Even if it was offscreen, just have them help Dante, Nero, and V in some small way, like opening a path or whatever. The title screen after the 3 guys leave is Lady and Trish literally just standing around the van looking bored.

Make a Kallina ann 3

Maybe someday we will see Lady with Dante fellas? Trish is discarded because she looks like his mom and that would be fucking weird. Fuck you Kamiya, if it wasn't for your retarded mom fetish, Dante would be with Lady already

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I'll tell you what didn't save it

>hood on

I like Vergil a lot, I'm just not an insufferable, delusional autist that tries to excuse his every autistic asshole action like you kek

Only fujos with brain damage like you would try and do that.

Oh I'm having fun, the issue is when I get suddenly hit by a weak little shit and my SSS is ruined, I'm trying to keep weak enemies in the air, deal with them then go for the armored or annoying fuckers.
I'm on SoS and the sudden gangbangs aren't something I like when I want to combo.

other thread died while I was making this, if the user who requested it is here, have fun

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I find, save for Trish, everyone in the game looks great. For some reason the characters often look weird in screencaps, but not in motion.

It's a rare B rank taunt

he puts in up with one of his taunts

Cry harder, waifufag.

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In the novel, Morrison meets with her on a motel, so probably.


I wouldnt complain if the next DMC was just a bunch of short stories, featuring various missions and such

It has the fewest annoying enemies of any DMC. Fury is still much less tedious than Blitz.

But I wanted Nero to get double-teamed by the Sparda twins :(

Posting superior version.

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Shouldn't be possible

Vergin BTFO

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>block your S rank

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oh, I didn't realize lady was a coal burner

t. 15 year old girl at Hot Topic

any tips on killing prolouge Urizen on SoS? I'm trying to unlock DMD fast

>Why did my human half choose such clothing choices
>And why do I like his style?

>perfect guards you

I just can't stand the rolling ones and the one that teleports away every two seconds but stabs you across the map from offscreen when you're busy fighting other things. These kill the SSS.

I did too

You get a few extra title screens if you continue playing after beating the story once

>comes in and extorts dante out of money with his jobs
>wants to steal his office the moment he fucks off to hell again
Makes you wonder

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>playing claw
Im learning but im trying to get combos down first.

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Name a better feeling than getting a parry AND a clash from the same whacky teleporty lizard attack

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>tfw this game shipped V with Lady and Trish more than with Dante

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>My brother shares home with a demon that looks like our mom

Why is his hair half black and half white?

It's how Dante manages to get by. Tells Trish and Lady to get BLACKed so he can get more pizza.

>that tries to excuse his every autistic asshole action like you
Where have I done this? read my posts on the matter user I haven't made any excuses for his actions I've said he needs to atone for them however I'm not dismissing plot points either. Vergil did bad but he still changed thanks to his experience as V, he still responsible for the deaths of thousands but he also didn't want to fight Dante. You've seem to have gone off the deep end because I dared to speak about plot points instead of going HUR VERGIL BAD which is just sad user.

It's really not unless I'm misunderstanding how they work, Blitz was extremely consistent to kill and nowhere near as much of a style drain as these enemies.

There were a few awkward shots of him when he was first leaked but I think he's really handsome in general. The only thing that bugs me is his hair really.
>make his hair less high up at the top
>give him a few loose strands hanging from his forehead like in 3 and 4
and he'd be perfect

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>ah, you were at my side, all along

>Nero literally just wanted his Dad and his Uncle to stop fighting each other and for his Dad to respect him

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>someone using my gif

what are Virgil's opinion on trish

V is not better looking than Vergil.

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Kek, thanks famalam.

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V's belly button

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I wonder, does Vergil being fully human make him feel a little bit of gratitude and sympathy towards his partners? Or was it all just his epic prank

Could the van be considered a devil arm at this point? I mean that shit survived more than it should.


>"I'm not your mommy, V"
>literally fucking is his mother's image

He sort of did.

I was wondering why I was seeing online handles despite not having PS+. Makes sense I was seeing ghost data and got no partners for Mission 13.

Exactly my thought. Trish model is pretty irl so I don't what happened there. Back to Vergil, there are like two screencaps where he looks weird but on the rest and in motion I find him handsome. I guess everyone as their own taste in the matter but to say that he is ugly is going too far.

Blitzes are only bad with Nero, they're nowhere near as bad as DMC3's bad enemies

Does anyone know how stylish points work for Dante? I'm on Mission 10 on SoS and can only get an A rank, just barely below S rank. I'm doing well in the fights and getting SSS ranks all the time but I just can't seem to get enough points on the results screen. I'm constantly switching weapons and styles, I start out at 6000 on the first fight and they just keep getting lower and lower, fight after fight until the end.

only works during B style ranking

also how the fuck do you change costumes with deluxe upgrade? I can't find it

>Where the fuck is my route?

>Dante player keeps taunting me as I read poetry
>Nero player keeps ZOOM ZOOMing around
Uncivilised plebs.

they're much worse than a blitz because those actually gave you a chance to get a shit ton of style points. fury's don't.

thank you kind user

have you tried royal guard?

Was Vergil datamined yet?

I think that’s why she said that. She wants V to be able to think about his choices and not rely on others to tell him what he did was right or wrong.

Vergil looks really good now, but V still looks better. If we are talking about faces alone. I like Vergil's overall design, but V is still more attractive face/hair-wise.

>you can get a red orb bonus for popping all the balloons at the start of mission 3

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Assuming his attacks don't change difficulty to difficulty:
>equip nothing but punchline
>chaarge shot 3 constantly while using punchline to deal constant damage
>when shield falls DT buster him, combo, buster, complete

V isn't Vergil

>Due to possessing Vergil's memories and fully aware of his origins, V often reflected over his "past self", such as remembering how prideful Vergil in the past and was the type to be irritated at being called a "dead weight". Despite acknowledging himself to be a part of Vergil, V also seemed to disassociate himself from Vergil and deeming him to be full of "delusions" and expressed a deal of regret towards Vergil's actions.

At least it's not Blitz cancer

Howdy, birdy.

Reminder Dante loves pizza every day of the month

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He got fisted at the wrong end

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Just don't get hit and you will get x2 at the end.


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Man how the fuck do you get this color, i just manned up and beat Vergil without continues with Dante.

Also is it weird to limit Dante to 2 weapons and 2 guns. i like that play-style alot better.

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Go to bed, Itsuno.

I haven't on this mission, though I am good at using it.

How come all Nero players I get matched with are Dead Weight, and all V players are high IQ chads?
Dante player btw

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But when they remerged, did some of those feelings carry back into Vergil?

He definitely looks really handsome.
>Trish model is pretty irl so I don't what happened there.
I thought the same thing about Claire in RE2 remake. No idea.

>Enemies in DMC are just punching bag-

then use it

someone said S rank the last mission

You can pick pretty much any setup you want and get by, all the weapons are fleshed out.

reminder if you use trickster over royal guard you are a disgusting philistine

Based responsible big brother, Vergil.

>mission 2
>been a long time since ive played a dmc game
>still getting the feel for it again
>try to be a smart ass and taunt a monster
>the floor crumbles away directly under me mid taunt
>theres a blue orb fragment
what are the fucking chances

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Yeah I understand for the hair. People are used to see him kinda "perfect" in is former shonen like features. For my part, I really like the way he is now.

Sure but calling V Vergil is kind of autistic and missing the point. V is just a piece of him.

Lads help, the battle of the ages achievment is not unlocking


where is the nude mod?!?

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>my nightmarish pets died for nothing

From what I've heard people just kind of unlocked it after beating it on their 2nd or 3rd playthrough. Nobody has a solid answer on how. I think you just have to beat a certain amount of missions.

Based on how he seems a bit more human this time around I’d say yeah, V’s influence is within Vergil.

I can do it but I'd rather avoid doing a no damage run.

Does Exceed require analog triggers? Trying to play with a Switch Pro controller and I can't tell if it's actually working unless I do it after an attack.

I do that too. I've got combos of weapons I like just like in DMC3. Rebellion/Cerberus, Sparda/Balrog, Dante/Cavaliere then a selection of just fucking everything if I'm feelin' extra crazy.

Fucking Chromafags.

Dante really looks like Gabriel from Lord of Shadows.

>what you mean I'm not playable

Just got an Xbone controller a the flea market for cheap. Was planning on reselling but god damn, these triggers feel godlike on it and the sticks seem easier to keep a grip on, even better than 360. Been using a Logitech F710 forever and the triggers always felt to stiff. Gonna give it the DMC5 test in a bit.

Coyote A send them flying around so you can dish out some damage with your other weapons before they teleport again.
litteraly THAT ennemy on SoS

you will literally always have SSS as Dante if all you use is Balrog and Royal Guard

>V is still more attractive face/hair-wise.

Yeah, I'm not into it. Vergil has a better face imho. Pretty eyes too.

>TUNZ TUNZ zoomer shit

>turns out to be true because this is how Sparda met Mundus
Your post didn't have me until this line, at which point I actually choked on my monster zero ultra.
Good shit user.

It's his human side, so it's literally Vergil but without demon powers. Isn't distancing himself from Vergil's 'delusions' just cognitive dissonance cause he's a skinny shit who can't lift a sword? The characters are so similar, notice when V turns to slowly walk away from gilgamesh just like Vergil would, but then gets BTFO by the shockwaves and has to run away like a bitch.

I dunno, got it on my first run. The only clues I could think of is doing every mission with V if given the choice and beating 19 and 20 without continues.

>on a DS4
>analog triggers
>you can lightly press it for a gentle constant rev
>walk around like a fucking maniac with my sword sounding like a motorbike in neutral

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Yfw Dante & Vergil co-op horde mode DLC (separate from Blood palace)

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I'll miss nelo birb

I gotta admit the blue and purple orb frags and even secret missions are pretty well hidden in this game. I legitimately had to use a guide to get all of them.

Fuck trying for this platinum trophy though having to get S rank on literally every single mission on every difficulty is exhausting.

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rape horse?

V's not "literally Vergil", he's a version of what he thought humanity was and a "softer" side, but V retains many of Vergil's memories so he struggles with his own agency. V and Urizen are their own characters, just with fragments of Vergil's influence.

was it Nelo Angelo?
or is it secretly Nero Angelo

V is a casual filter, that's why.

Hopefully she'll get it one day, when Dante comes back from hell and Vergil has to go awkwardly have dinner with Nero and Kyrie

Anime had the best music though.

just watched a streamer S rank mission 7 on DMD despite reviving

Your posts are embarrassing to look at

Nero is correct.

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>Exactly my thought. Trish model is pretty irl so I don't what happened there.
Trish looks like her model, it's mainly a combination of lighting + angles and makeup that makes the model look better. I think it also has to do with the fact that the model has better hair and is more tan . trish's hair style in 5 makes her forehead look all fucked up

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>he doesn't always pick Yea Forums in the COOP missions
>he thinks V is bad

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Also V clearly has demon powers.... he controls demons. He just can't fight them directly.

The writing is a mess but it's a fairly simple yet not well-thought-out concept.

V is also in the van you retard.

I dunno, it thought it was made pretty clear in game that Vergil split apart his demon and human halves. V isn't some random other character that just has Vergil's memories.

Vergil's hair could be a lot better, he's lucky his face looks so good so I'm distracted away from the hair mos of the time. V's hair and face is perfect.

Nero. Translation error that they just ran with.

I'm not talking about attractiveness. I'm not a fujo so I don't give a shit. I just think V's character design is dreadful.

It's both of those things. Vergil split himself and created two other characters who have his influence.
If you don't get that then I don't know how else to explain it to you since the novel went over this.

Imagine being a Vergilfag

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How does Sin Trigger Demolition work on bosses? Just does a chunk?

just because they aren't romantic doesn't mean they don't fugg

romance is for women and trannies

V is if Vergil was only human, but he's not. Therefore V is not "literally Vergil but without powers". V still has demonic power and the rest is just your headcanon.

>oh, you woke up
>i-i was just watching you sleep
>you don't think this is weird, r-right user

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he needs more
the animal's moveset needs to work better with each other

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I dunno why people say Vergil's hair could be better.
Nigger is like 40+ now. he doesn't need to have his strands over his foreheads.

V is Vergil's "human side", all though this isn't strictly true because he still has some demonic power; it's more like his good side. There's a journal entry that talks about how Vergil liked poetry and William Blake as a kid,which is why V likes it; it's the side of him that wasn't just a power hungry asshole.

When V and Urizen merges Vergil is essentially born into a new person. Which is why he seems nicer than before.

>pick V on co-op mission
>styling SSS effortlessly as I sit back reading poetry and the other player never hits S
so it is written

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Nelo is a mispelling as Nero Angelo was meant to mean Black Angel.

They kept Nelo though because of continuity and Nero now exists so they probably wanted to avoid confusion.

Imagine arguing every single thread that V is literally Vergil because you're butthurt that you can't play Vergil himself yet

>V is not literally Vergil
>He is just Vergil human side with all his memory but without his power autism!

So, Uh, Literally emo Vergil?

According to MVC he thinks she's disgusting.

>post yfw you kill a monster with your dropkick on nero

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Whats he thinking about fellas?

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>tfw the nude model is already there and just needs to be model swapped

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I don't want to play as V, I want to play as Yamato


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>v and urizen
>not verizon

>Vergil on SoS
This is what my Royalguard boner needed

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More like Gothic. Nigga doesn't have emotional issues.
Fucking kids these days saying shit they don't understand, I swear.

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awww is the wittle baby gonna cry?

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Arkham was fully human and used demonic power too, in DMC universe someone with as much knowledge of the underworld as Vergil would definitely be able to muster it up as a human.

What's wrong with Trish is her hair, Eva looks way better and it's the same face. Trish should've keep her DMC 4 hair

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Dante is thicc!

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Blitz are FAR more fun than these garbage enemies.

>My feet hurt
>Where's V ?
>Can Griffon be quiet for a moment ?
>I wish i was in hell

>V isn't Vergil, he's part of Vergil!!!
V is Vergil. Every part of Vergil is Vergil. Urizen is Vergil. V is Vergil. They're just incomplete Vergils. The Vergil at the end is Vergil too. This isn't a difficult concept.
V is Vergil's human-half. I don't understand the confusion. V is literally Vergil, just not all of him. If you eat half of an apple, is it no longer an apple? If you wreck your car, is it no longer a car because its missing parts? It's a car, just not all of it. Don't be stupid on purpose.

So why didn't Dante just agree to go to Patty's birthday party?


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>ever losing as Dante when he has double kalina ann, strongest melee weapons in series and SDT

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What exactly is my headcanon? That V is Vergil?

>finally spends quality family time with Dante and is stronger than every
It's a good day

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Can't wait until I finish SoS so that I can get rid of E&I and Dante. Balrog & Cerberus, Coyote & Faust is my go to loadout


Ok but if you read Nico's files on Shadow, it says that a beast like Shadow would never "play nice with a human".
Don't really know what you're arguing anymore but again, V is not "literally Vergil", he's a part of him.

>does not have an emotional issue
>felt guilty and responsible of Urizen cluster fuck the whole game


>pick nero during M7
>No one ever comes
>swap to V
>instantly with a player
Why do we love unga lad so much

Cope with what? Are you okay user?

Yeah, it's amazing how the DMC fanbase has managed to stay so good for all these years in spite of how hard some shitposters try to stir up arguments. These threads have been a lot of fun and I'm glad 5 turned out so great.

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>tfw finger hurts just from holding lock on for hours on end
Sucks being a boomer. never a problem before

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What happens when you beat SoS?

>blocking when you can dodge
only homosexual people do this

Why does Royal Guard keep releasing the charge despite me just wanting to block and collect more charge? I know forward+block releases it but I am not even pressing that shit

This is the last time I'm posting this:

>Due to possessing Vergil's memories and fully aware of his origins, V often reflected over his "past self", such as remembering how prideful Vergil in the past and was the type to be irritated at being called a "dead weight". Despite acknowledging himself to be a part of Vergil, V also seemed to disassociate himself from Vergil and deeming him to be full of "delusions" and expressed a deal of regret towards Vergil's actions.
>Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare

Canon itself wants to make it clear they are separate characters, now come off it. Sorry you didn't get to play Vergil in the game but he's coming soon probably.

Man you could tell she reeeeally wanted to.

The strands are one thing but that's not the real problem, it's that his hair is too poofy on top. It looks like he actually styled it up with gel or some shit instead of just slicking it back. But it looks okay in some shots, mainly if you're looking at him dead-on from the front.

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Blocking attacks is the most chad thing you can do faggot.

>it took them 3 decades and killing each other multiple times to realize they can simply spar and count how many times they fall instead of literally killing each other

are they autistic?

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this, she looks like she just stepped out of the shower or something

You don't have to carry E&I and a sword on Dante if you beat SoS

>there are "people" in this thread that don't use Royal Guard

He isn't cutting himself over it though. It's normal human shit to feel regret.

I want more Sparda family hijinks

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post photos

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i think its to do with how many demons you kill in the credits. i S-ranked the final two missions as well as not using continues and yet i didn't unlock this skin

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buckets of hair gel.
i always wondered why it only took Vergil in DMC3 to just fucking whip it over his head with a little bit of water to look fine.

Someone asked in the other thread why are Dante and Vergil still fighting, I swear some people played this this game blind and deaf

This is that artist that draws porn of them!

everybody uses royalguard

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He's pretty clearly Vergil. They even show you in the game in a cutscene the part where Vergil separates V from Urizen. How delusional are you?

tf you talking about, bird was easy af to fight cavaliere with. his dive bomb is great, and you can just quick charge lightning wave to keep steady damage up

Jeers aside.
V has a strong aestethic, you think it sucks that fine but you can't deny it's effective and doesn't make the mistake of contradicting itself. It's good design. If i imagine a pretentious teenager brooding and reading classical literature at uni acting cooler than he is, V fits the bill perfectly, it's just how i would envision him.


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Looking good there, Beavis

t. autistic braindead Vergilfujo

Can you stop posting, you ruin every thread. Can't wait till Vergil DLC so you'll play that instead of posting here.

Are you stupid Sin Devil Trigger sounds way more badass and pure to the whole demon motif. Just calling it New Devil Trigger is fucking stupid.

>Trying to make Vfags understand anything
Good luck with that.

>no argument

Does he have a bigger dick than Dante though?

Just like you block every cock coming your way with your asshole, right, fag?

No one is saying he's not Vergil but he's also not "literally Vergil" and I have no idea how you don't get that he's a fragment of him unless we're not communicating properly, because it's very simple.

Again, get your panties out of a knot, you'll be able to play him soon.

Stop responding to it. She is clearly has stage-4 autism. Probably terminal.

>tfw too many options for Nero and Dante that I ended up liking V cause he barely gets anything

I hate having to make decisions. Also Nero is so fucking ungabunga tier once you have DT it's not even funny anymore.

>launch pasta breaker
>start using rawhide w/ DT, max-acting and using buster punches after attacks
>instant SSS when I'm literally just mashing shit

Bird bitch's cute

Vergil doesn't look so great either, but his character design isn't the fundamental blunder V's is. I'm not super fond of DMC5's art direction/character models in general, to be honest, but V would look stupid even if he were translated to a less realistic looking game. He looks like he'd be friends with Isaac from Curse of Darkness.

go dash into more dicks, faggot

I got it while trying to get the post credits cutscene
I was on normal mode and got an S rank (but I also got an S rank before and didnt unlock it). So I guess you have to win in the 2 post credit cutscene to unlock it

Bless her

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>fight shadow in M18
>psycho sirens starts playing

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He's literally Vergil though. Is half of an apple not literally an apple?

>If you take the engine out of a car the engine is still a car
Yeah, great analogy there

That's tricky since you can only activate it once per save file, at least until cheat tables become more advanced.

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>if he doesn't think Vergil is the best he must hate him

Why does Vergil have the most autistic annoying fans?

calling back the hat deals way more dmg than i thought

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I've actually bruised my left finger from hitting exceed too violently and repeatedly.

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>talks about ungabunga when his fav is V


Vergil and V both look great though.

Nero is pure brute force. he just hits things really hard and never figured out how OP yamato is. its set of powers are better than Sparda imo

Ok you're just trolling now. Have fun pretending not to understand basic Japanese video game trope writing.

If you stabbed a car with a yamato and the result was 2 cars they're still both cars

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>Capcom will remake older DMCs so they can milk on DMC hype and normalfags can get into the history
>they will remake it on chronological order, so 3 then 1 then 2
>they will retcon Dante and Vergil to not being identical twins, just twins

Post possible facemodels.

Attached: vergil and dante circa 2000.jpg (960x521, 57K)

>human right hand
One job


you wouldn't stab a car

>hurr durr I can't refute so i stop talk
Yeah I wouldn't want to talk to smart people either if I was as stupid as you lmao

You DO know that you can counter him by timing your attack, right?

This is what a mid-life crisis looks like

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short answer yes

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Can Vergilfujos be range-banned already?

this nigga and his face

Attached: 20190308002005_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.35M)

Freakin' idiots.

Attached: son of motivation.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Try not to fuck up your timings on the next aids rush, fruitcake


Attached: ladysue2.jpg (1030x1030, 184K)

>fighting Vergil with Trickster

no photo, but a video

Attached: 1552147446114.webm (642x614, 2.87M)

time to bring this out

Attached: thistriggersthefujos.png (916x770, 280K)

in UMVC3 when you win with vergil against a theme with Trish his winning quote is "Disgusting"

Yes but if you stabbed a Lamborghini with a Yamato and the result was was a Nissan and a Ford they're still not two Lamborghinis.

>all-caps greentext yelling at nobody in particular
ye boi u triggered lol

I got it for beating both credits fights.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190310221508.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

>using Trickster

>Literally a human half of Vergil
>He has all of Vergil's memory
>He even has some of Vergil's personality trait
>The game show that he is literally Vergil
>But he is not Vergil! You FOOLS!


I can't believe that DMC 5 Vergil looks even worse than DmC Vergil.

Lady is getting up there in age, when is Dante gotta put his evil inside of her?

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Oh yeah we never saw any Lucia. She is still alive right?

Nero's DT looks great in white

what's with the goggles?

>getting this mad at people liking a character

V and Urizen are more like you stabbed a Lamborghini with yamato and get 2 different models of Lamborghini

Anyone noticed weird audio issues like static in cutscenes? I'm on PS4.

Attached: 1546211816482.jpg (800x648, 197K)

>Vergilfujo autist shows up
>thread quality goes down

Every time.

>Nero always wears the shitty sweater Kyrie knit for him.

Attached: 1657473847362.jpg (399x428, 29K)

howdy, buddy

My bad, thought he was born with it.

That's a guy, right?

It's a trap, isn't it?

Go now.

I just finished missions 19 and 20 without continuities, than got 2 extra scenes after credits and got that colour.

is there an advantage to the buster arm over the regular devil bringer you unlock for subsequent playthroughs?

Nightmare is the cutest, Griffon is overrated desu

They're from Cavaliere, if you're not in DT they hang around your neck.

I think your TV is dying.

>trying to replicate DMC 3 Vergil's Trick up + Helm splitter spam with the new rebellion/DSD controls

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yeah but she's fucking useless so she might as well be dead

I know people who didnt and still got it after like 25 missions or something. i wonder if its linked to how many S ranks you get?

>Did you take 10000 of my Red Orbs and sell them to Nico just so you could buy energy drinks and pizza, Dante?

I'm playing it on PC and the biggest issue is sound lag when the FPS in cutscene drop a bit.
Is it just me though?

But he is? The man himself even regret it.
So, literally Vergil?

You Vfags can stop trying to shift the blame to Vergilfags, it was so obvious it's cringe.

These two are adult woman and they still act like school girls.

>can't stand smoking like nero
>says DIE REST IN PEACE BEGONE like vergil
>kinda scummy and secretive like vergil

>Not using Ground Trick

As if this is bad


Yes. We know that. We know V is Vergil's "humanity".
He is still a separate character. You weren't playing Vergil himself in the game.

>just redid mission 7 for fun
>get matched with a V
>meet up around the subway area and start moving through the rest of the level together
>doing breddy gud
>beat the absolute fuck out of the boss, we both get SSS rank until I get hit by the last knight and drop down to B

No worse feeling than thinking you're styling hard, only to make a fool out of yourself.

Attached: 1542994152702.jpg (339x419, 11K)

V can just mash shit and get SSS.

considering im playing through headphones i dont think that's the case. my headphones are completely fine too.
I found a post *over there* about it happening on xbone too.

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Attached: nero.jpg (1920x1080, 343K)