HEY, can your PC run Crysis?

HEY, can your PC run Crysis?

Attached: https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Ferikkain%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F10%2Fcrysis.jpg (1280x868, 289K)

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God DAMMIT, why is everything graphics? Why not have a focus on better physics and interactivity with the environment?

You mean like in Crysis?

Attached: Crysis didn't only have graphics.webm (640x360, 2.56M)

But Crysis has this.


Were Crysis and F.E.A.R. the pinnacle of PC Gaming?

Attached: ss_55d7ed81d89d8e71f1698f892b7edf419fcdc783.1920x1080.jpg?t=1546365971.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

How are the sequels to both Crysis and Fear?

easily, in the current year of our lord it's not that impressive

FEAR 2 plays better, but I don`t remember it having better physics.

fear 2 is consolized trash
it certainly did NOT play better
at least fear 3 had the audacity of.. fuck fear, we're making a cod clone instead

Absolutely not, FEAR 2 plays like shit in comparison to the perfect original

also ghost rape

I'm sure it could run it but I found myself unable to install it from my old disc.

It's Crysis 1, not 2 or 3.

FEAR 2 has zero good weapons

ok so I'll only play FEAR 1 then. What about the Crysis sequels?

AR is better than in original. Sniper rifle is great.

The standalone crisis expansion warhead is great
Crysis 2 is awful.

2 was so bad I never messed with 3. But I heard it was a mild improvement. 2 was one of the worst games I have ever played. Badly designed from start to finish, aside from being ultra consolized.
>purchase expensive ability that only becomes available late in the game
>it only helps with a specific enemy type of which there are literally two left in the game
peak garbage design, Crytek went off a cliff

Crysis 2 is absolute dogshit, thanks to being made for consoles. They dumbed down everything, from the Nanosuit, to the plot (MUH HOLLYWOOD WRITERS!), up to the very level design. Everything that made Crysis 1 great was taken out. Hell, even the graphics look worse...

Can't say much about Crysis 3, never touched it after Crysis 2.

What`s the deal with Crysis 2 water using GPU processing even in inside areas?

Oh, before I forget it: Crysis 2 also took a shit on the multiplayer. Crysis 1 was amazing, easy to mod (hell, you could mod your server with LUA scripts to basically implement a racing mini-game), and the Power Struggle mode would still hold up today (if the mode didn't basically die with gamespy).

C2 plot is a solid improvement over 1.

FEAR slid downhill since the first one. Every expansion pack / sequel got just a tad bit worse.

Crysis 2 had the best theme: youtube.com/watch?v=1LfdbHI4oDE

Attached: EeuvJwN.jpg (1920x1200, 396K)

Yes, but the stuttering every time I get into a firefight makes it unplayable while even Crysis 3 runs buttery smooth.

something something frustum culling removing parts outside the field of view and not the ones that are invisible to the player (behind floors, walls, etc)

water is everywhere you look apparently

Sure, if you like retarded retcons, that don't make even a tiny bit of sense, then Crysis 2 was a step up. If you want a story that is actually believable in the setting it portrays, then Crysis 2 was complete garbage. Not to mention that whole subplot around Propeht was absolutely off the rails, whoever greenlit that trash should never be allowed near any kind of story writing whatsoever.

Because that's how CryEngine works. Same thing in Crysis 1, the very first thing to be added to a level by the engine is water, like a ground zero. You then build everything around that. Worked great in Crysis 1, because most levels were basically just this gigantic island, with a small part of it being the actually explorable map. That's why there's no skyboxes (apart from the Sphere on the very last map), all the scenery is actually there.

Can you make a tree fall down and crush someone below?

C1 was really poorly written. Bad villains, bad dialogue mostly with some exceptions. 2 was kinda bad too but I liked Evil Old Corporate Dude a lot.

Literally yes.
You can also dig holes into beach sand with grenades.

Kids these days think it to be a mere "graphix tech demo", but in reality the entire game was one huge next-gen experience.

Attached: 1445992914161.gif (472x272, 2.96M)

Nah, Crysis 1 was better: youtube.com/watch?v=tyvziMZXgeM

The Nanosuit Theme from Crysis 2 was good though.

Oh man, remember the logs stacked up conveniently along hills every now and then? The first level had that, after the first enemy outpost, and there was a patrol heading along the road below it...

>You can also dig holes into beach sand with grenades.
This was actually a feature in Far Cry as well.

>this was twelve (12) years ago
>modern vidya has photo-scanned scenery with no interaction

Attached: crysis nuke.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)


It's probably too taxing on the cpu, making it olw priority with today's console centric "cinematic" games

Thanks friends. I'm getting Crysis and FEAR without sequels then. Maybe Warhead if Crysis is not just technically impressive but also fun.

FEAR addons are fun and I really liked Fear 2. Crysis 2 is kind of bad but I think 3 is alright.

how the fuck do I find F.E.A.R. on torrents with its retarded name

the sniper rifle is really good
it doesn't

Get a job and pay the 2.57 or whatever old ass games cost on steam sales.


in return do something nice for someone else

it's not on Steam anymore, just in some bundle with other games for 60 usd and I'm not paying that

thank you

fanatical/bundlestars always have FEAR bundles.

There's a FEAR bundle on Fanatical right now.


I know. I was just fucking with you. I am too paranoid to use torrents but at least someone else helped you out.

sad thing about crysis is how it was a really, really solid shooter with a nice superpower twist, but everyone's still considering it a tech demo

>enemies can shoot through foliage with 100% accuracy
>helicopter sections
>powers barely last 3 seconds
the game sucked

yeah man I prefer games with absolutely no challenge aswell

>>enemies can shoot through foliage with 100% accuracy
no they can't