It’s pure concentrated kino
It’s pure concentrated kino
>Mission 13
>game let's him play as the legendary demon hunter Dante (Hijo de Sparda)
>he still picks V (Homosexualidad interior de Vergil)
Explain yourself
I actually feel like this game doesn't really need Turbo since it feels just right. I'm fine with a mode anyway
holy fuck why is dante so FUN
speaking of which, where's the DMC5 power rankings?
>Going thru human mode for orbs to unlock all abilities for higher difficulty
>fighti urizen with upgraded nero damn near kill him before i slipped up and got hit with the red orb which seems to end the macth instantly
>took ass loads of damage
>final screen comes up and have a B in style points
>Still get an S rank
NO ONE should be bragging about getting S ranks in this game casue its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lenient as fuck comapred to past games.
Urizen took away at least a good 7-8 bars ans i still got an S.
Yea Forums fucks have the nerve to act like they are doing good at this game when you can get an S for being bad as shit.
Even getting all S in DMC4 required me to replay levels many times
he's so fun he makes Nero and V boring as fuck in comparison. kind of shot themselves in the foot
I can't get into Dante after spending a ton of time with Nero, having no wire snatch feels awful
Why do they force you to play as V multiple times but they give you a choice after Dante after he gets a new DT, new sword, and the fucking Faust Hat? Who isn't going to pick Dante?
>Human mode
The cover of DMC5 is honestly great. I always smile when I see the title screen with that cool looking logo. I hope for Vergil dlc we will get a smiliar cover with Vergil replacing V.
>no wire snatch
just throw a hat and catch it
Nero fanboys
>barely can keep up with the new moves I can unlock
>Well, once I'm done with the game things will get easier
>game introduces new mechanics and moves on the last mission
Why is lady such a fucking hoe in this one, running around naked trying to fuck nero and nico?
Is there a Sparda costume and permanent DT mode?
I picked V because I correctly assumed that the game was going to give dante a shitload of mandatory levels anyway
You've watched too much porn
Do the 30 seconds of screentime she has really warrant seeing it like that, retard?
She was a hoe in 4 too and I loved it
do checkpoints count as continues?
they didn't lock all his best shit behind styles and didn't make everything feel weak to "balance" having so many tools at once like in DMC4
who needs wire snatch when you have teleports
>unironically thinking his opinion matters playing on human mode
holy shit just close your browser dude
I dont like :
Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
No rolling guard
DSD fucking up Swordmaster
Sin DT pretty much gives Dante a no effort I WIN button
My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
Vergil cop out boss
No vergil theme remix for boss vergil
I like:
All the guns
I enjoyed it.
3>4>5 >1>2
5 would top 4 if it had turbo.
M13 is pretty much my bloody palace for now.
There's Super costumes but no cool alternate ones yet. Just recolors of the default outfits. I hope they do fuckloads of alternate costumes later on.
no sparda costume but there are super costumes once you beat DMD
I don't like playing Dante
How do you teleport as Dante? Sky star?
>30 seconds of screentime
>spends it flashing nico and making bedroom eyes at nero
>constantly taking showers in the menu peaking at nico
Well Dante isn't putting out. May as well go for married man at least
4 was the only game where she acted slutty.
What's the super costumes? Just Dante/Vergil in their Sin forms?
Looks like some of your criticisms have been omitted. Warmed up to them?
I like how people memed dante into being a boomer but Vergil really looks like one, more than Dante.
Where do you guys put Neros gun? All his buttons are taken and I don't know what to swap around
pfff enjoy you cringy japanise antics, this game will never have the emotional depth of DmC
Infinite DT.
level up trickster until you get the "trick" moves
Leon costume for Dante when
Nero would just give her Sweet Surrender, modified to run without him.
you don't really need roll guarding in this game because both guarding AND rolling are buffed and it was already a busted ass move in DMC3 that they removed from 4 on purpose
This is the order of quality
How many reviews are booty blasted over 5?
Thanks senpai
>it's 7/10 now
What changed user?
DMC5 has some of the worst world design since DMC2 to be honest. If the actual act of playing it weren't so damn fun I'd probably hate how boring the world looks.
>break away next to melee and jump
nico will kill you for destroying merchandise
Why user?
Whoever had the idea to let you choose how many weapons to take into missions with you needs a god damn raise.
3>=5>1 >>> 4> DmC > 2
5 has the potential to be better than 3 depending on if it gets post launch updates, there's already BP down the line
that's because dante is for patty who is CUTE and CANON
So according to Morrison's reports, Book 1 is vaguely canon? Especially since we're getting something Gilver related?
Nero (even though he could arguably be the first)
I don't want to start a new thread, is the HD collection on steam a good way to get into dmc?
>break away on X
im gonna kill myself from even thinking about that
So when does 2 take place? After 4?
it's a little wack that you have to unlock being able to leave the sword and pistols on the shelf when that was a baseline feature in DMC3 but at least it exists
I said going thru human mode to unlock all remaining abilities
I also said fighintg Urizen with upgraded abilities which means i have beaten the game already on devil hunter you stupid sacks of shit.
Game still gives you easy ass S ranks so quit talking like you are good when this game doesnt require you to be any sort of good at all untill the last 4-5 boss fights
Dante literally begged Morrison to give him that job so he can get away from Patty and her party.
Games are shit.
No, I mean the REAL power rankings
yeah, play 1 and 3, then play 4, then go onto 5
skip 2 and DmC
What is the best Devil Arm and why is it King Cerberus?
She's so fucking bad in this game,and Trish did way more in DMC4. There's no way Cavaliere is stronger than Trish, who is actually way stronger than people think. Stronger than some random mook anyway.
He's all the best parts of 3 & 4, with the weakest parts trimmed out and more satisfying new crab-claw combos.
did they data mine something on that?
Yes. Everything great about 5 will be completely lost on you if you haven't played 1-4
I hated him in DMC4 but I LOVE him here
>mfw DSD copys Red Queen's mid-air controls
Why is that a problem? I never press it accidentally.
It’s before 4 apparently now, it barely even feels canon anymore.
does anyone have a high res screenshot of Dante on the phone?
it's a little wack that you have to unlock being able to leave the sword and pistols on the shelf when that was a baseline feature in DMC3 but at least it exists
dmc1 is probably better than playing the game on the origina hardware because the US version is kinda fucked up and in the HD it's based on the jp original. dmc2 is better because you can actually see what the fuck is happening now. dmc3 is slightly worse but only in minor features that don't really matter
overall its quite solid + it has mods. go for it unless you can find the games on PS2
>semen de leon
The lineup is 31245, not sure about anime, think it's between 1 and 2.
2 isn’t necessary though is it?
>game crashes during credits
are you shitting me?
>play game on easy mode
>complain that the game is too easy
You aren't the brighest bulb, are you?
>not Balrog
fuck this enemies stupid grab attack
I cant wait till DMC fags fuck off again
the novel that explains the events before the game in more detail explains he's just being difficult and actually wants to wrap this demon tree shit up quickly so he can make it there
The prequel novel acknowledges that as him just not wanting to party with a bunch of kids
" He tells Urizen to make it quick as, while he’s a day late, he has someone’s birthday that he wants to celebrate. "
How was it removed from DMC4?
That's pretty weird what happened to Lucia then? I was kind of hoping to see her again
Why is vergil fight in this game way more like it was in DmC rather than kino fight from 3?
they should have gave all 3 new stuff at the same time
>Nero should have gotten an arm
>Dante gets faust
>V shouldve became Vergil at this point
>rest of the game is going to fight Urizen, THEN having the Vergil/Dante showdown
>lets you pick if you want to be Dante or Vergil
The urizen/vergil plot was honestly pretty disappointing. Also I wanted a V vs Vergil fight where he fights in his inner consciousness like that one boss rush mission. I know its sounds fanfictiont, but you could have a V/Vergil fight SOMEHOW. The banter would be supreme
Wait a minute....that spacing....
It's just way too easily accessible for a move you only use very situationally, devil bringer would probably be a much better fit there
i think he is talking about V alternative color, i don't recall any other hints towards Gilver
>that room where you have to fight 2 of them at once
You don't need to play it but I think you'll appreciate 3 more if you've played 2
Dante and Nero are super fun but V feels spammy as fuck
it's not that cavaliere overpowered trish, urizen did and shoved her into him
also don't you talk shit about my boy alastor like that
Because it's actually Dante
>Didn't like Dante the same way everyone else did
>Slowly start switching to Trickster to dodge then switch back to Swordmaster
>It's slowly clicking
She is in the novel, still protecting Dumary island and having hots for Dante, that's all from her for now.
What? It plays just like Vergil 3-3
She's chilling and kinda upset that she can't get Dante's dick
"He(Dante) tells her that if an incident like this happens again, she can call him. Lucia tries not to read too deeply into it and nods."
Then why did you bring up getting an s rank on human as an example you stupid bastard?
>lighthearted memeing
>Vergil DLC comes out
>it's just the entire game but as Vergil, no unique campaign
>Urizen 3 is red now though, and Vante shows up at the end
Would you clap?
Indeed, Dante can be played from the literal rock bottom lowest level to the absolute cosmic brain tier level now, we'll never see a character with this much range from skill floor to ceiling ever again.
>I know its sounds fanfiction
Don't worry, the twist is pretty fanfiction-y by itself can't cancel a roll into a guard anymore? seems pretty clear cut
can you exceed nero's forward air attack and if you can whats the timing?
What a stupid fucking question.
>rebellion looks cooler and has the swordmaster moveset on the style button but it doesn't have drive
>Dante sword does have drive but has summoned swords on style button and swordmaster moves on normal attack.
Parry them.
>lady is confirmed lesbian trying to fug nico
>dante would rather go to hell then be near patty
>lucia isn’t even in the game
>dante lovingly cradled a nude Trish, clearly used to seeing her naked
Based itsuno showing support for the true paring, trish won the dantebowl
Ah alright as long as she gets some mention
DMD in this game in unbearable. We're back to DMC3 to now. Enemies takes 10 years to kill. I'm fucking dissappointed. 4 made it much better buffing only agressivenes and poise. Now it's only 8 out of 10.
wait till you figure out royal guard
that shit was insane when I first tried it in devil hunter vergil
I just didn't know if they were fucked up like the silent hill HD collection
Has anyone found a use for enemy step on V yet? He's always too far away from the action to do anything with it
To V or not to V, that is the question
Play the HD Collection on PS3. The new HD port fucks up DMC1.
do you think she wears a paper bag during daily life when dante is just sick of her existence
His fist bump when he gets out of her party is brilliant, he's really happy.
It's because of the camera and some animation effects. I felt the same. And I don't like this
Why is switching between Balrog and Cerberus the most fun and why are swords so boring?
I did it pretty alright with Cavalier, but I can't quite time it right. I keep thinking it's instant like Bayos parry, but it isn't.
I welcome Vante's return BP mode as Vergil let's you fight Dante maxed out at the end
yeah based Itsuno made it clear that the novel is canon and therefore Lucia is in first place for winning the Dantebowl
>trish won the dantebowl
Vergil won the Dantebowl.
>hes too far from the action
so teleport then dumbass
Guarding Vergil was the tightest shit, but fuck up an RG and you're losing like half your health bar
Sure would've been a lot more interesting than M14. I really hope when Vergil is inevitably added in DLC he can replace V in his levels.
I seriously don’t know why Dante wouldn’t rather bang Lady. That hair style is pure sex and she has perfect tits and ass. Probably has a shaved innie pussy too.
Well, it is free food and he's been broke for a while now.
Come on, a 40-something scruffy man with a bunch of teens? Among which are many rejected suitors of the birthday girl, that's a recipe for disaster.
How do you use Balrog properly, it doesn't really feel like a Gauntlet weapon imo, it's a good weapon but in its own right.
>3 rebellions
I appreciated the fanservice hard, but all swords are the same
to be fair theyve had the same moveset for 20 years
I took an anons suggestion of using 2 Devil arms instead of 4
Removed dmc4 bugs because autists only attacked those points.
>tfw these memes aren't aging well.
how is dante always broke
Doesn’t she get nwf’d by dante who leaves her on the island with a promise to help
>Probably has a shaved innie pussy too
Women with natural black hair shaving is a crime against humanity.
> has the swordmaster moveset on the style button
why would you want this?
>>also don't you talk shit about my boy alastor like that
Wait, what
Oh fair enough, I don't remember that but okay.
>Gerbera GP01
Holy shit you're so fucking mobile it's amazing. I fucking love this arm.
>Royal Release with a full guage
>instantly remove the last 20% of his health bar
>falling for one of (((them)))
Foolishness user, foolishness
>winning the dantebowl
give it up already shipperfags, it's not that sort of story
Similar looking arena
That gay deflect animation instead of sick sword spinning from 3
That janky looking juggle state
Blocking instead of parrying his way out of combos
That baby-tier yamato helmbreaker
Shitty looking summoned swords
Doppelganger for no reason
And his coat is black too
Mention that next time, yes the collection is pretty solid on steam. I played through 1 and 3 before and found no issues. Though if you're PC only it's not like you would've had any option.
About time someone admitted DMC3 DMD was a chore.
He is really bad with his expenses, including destroying so much during missions he gets most of it taken off his pay.
there is no better feeling than feeling dante click
Firts run is merely a tutorial
too busy buying like 800k leather trench coats, pizza and strawberry sundaes to keep his finances in check
if it has any iframes its probably a good way to avoid attacks without interrupting your pets
even if it doesnt the simple mobility would be handy
the real move that seems strangely pointless is standing on shadows spike move, it's a really cute throwback to DMC1 but he doesn't actually have any moves to attack with afterwards
V really needs a DLC to give him more stuff, I feel like they spent too much time on the other two characters and making sure Vs gimmick works at all (probably a good call after DMC4) and didn't have enough time to flesh it out properly
>set it on fire
>switch to SM
>kill everything with real impact
Seriously tho, it's ridiculously diverse and you can do so much shit with it, using jab mode is an ez parry mode, and kick mode is an excellent way to do damage in a large area
Just fuck around with it, trust me, you'll enjoy it
In DMC3 it wouldh ave been way more health
>He doesnt have Bringer on L1 and Breakaway on Square
>he doesnt FUCKING DOUBLE EXCEED two buttons with one finger and do DB tech for Balrog jabs mid combo
Dante is confirmed a mgtow in the novel
Dante has a rule where he tries to keep his focus solely on a job. Matier scolds him and says that it’s not like she’s asking Dante to marry Lucia for life, he just wants him to give her one happy memory. He says, “My bad, I have my reasons”
Nobody wins the Dante superbowl.
emulation is always an option
I stopped following vidya journalism ages ago but ever since Funhaus started doing that shit again they've been reminding me of why I hated it.
Lawrence unironically defended DmC in their review with the White Hair meme.
>tfw looking for Secret missions and blue orbs post game
Thank god for guides
Whats the difference from the regular one? I didn't use any of the DLC arms my first time through.
the only thing that keeps dante from being perfect is the stupid nerf to his guns, they do literally nothing now except being an extra juggle, unless you keep them charged constantly and then unload with gunslinger, it seems unnecessary tedium just to justify gunslinger
His coat is dark blue you dumbfuck
He's too nice, just like Spike Spiegal.
It could've been half of his bar for all I know, he only had that 20% left though.
Give me accurate guess as to when we will get DMC6
I thought it was just a skin when I preordered, the non directional input is so fucking nice, especially the air input to ground combo
can i rebind my style switching to the right stick
If you use it in the air without locking on it pushes you down
>going through Human Mode
Entire post disregarded.
>can't s-rank mission 8
Fuck me the urizen fights are annoying
Nero can launch himself up from the ground with it. He can also boost downwards in the air.
rebinds are really fucking weird and specific
>yes because you are on human
>Stick to Swordmaster
>Then start switching to Gunslinger after Hightime to use Rainstorm
>Swordmaster Prop Shredder to Gunslinger Rain Storm to Swordmaster Aerial Rave
baby steps, but it feels amazing.
>Activate Nero DT
lost my shit and spent literally half of the fight laughing
>DMC 6 is Dante and Vergil coming back to fight an even more ancient evil after spending centuries working out their issues in the underworld
Devil bringer would probably be a much better fit there
>putting the second exceed on a face button
Okay nigger, lets make it dark blue then
What about the rest?
>actually using all styles in the space of a few seconds without it being completely random
It feels so good
Can Dante and Virgil die from old age?
I hope there isn't a DMC6 this was the perfect ending
feeling acceptance yet?
>Level 4 SM
>Nero gets devil trigger
>Dante doesn't get Dark Slayer
Fuck you Itsuno
>How many reviews are booty blasted over 5?
Barely any and the only onest hat are are literallywhos,I know journalists are trash but they did right by DMC5 as much as we wanted them to cry about DmC so we could laugh at them.
Guns are way better compared to 4 tho, gunslinger is actually useful now. Kalina ann is pretty good and you also have shotgun stinger and el hat
How modable is this game?
Are we looking at RE2R levels where we could get whole different costumes?
Of your existence or your strength?
Interesting, what about the megabuster anything special too it besides shooting lemons? I'm taking a bit of a break before I jump into son of sparda.
Also if anyone knows, I've got a couple bucks left on my steam account from getting a paycard. Does buying the blue orbs add extra health onto you if you already have all 20 healthslots?
What's ground trick meant to do, just run up on a nigga?
Yeah it’s like a mix of NuDmc and DMC 4 and not in a good way.
im not sure if there isn't some secret tech to guns, because I was thinking the level 3 shotgun charge shot was kind of crap but then suddenly it was completely shredding nightmare on a level noting else I was doing could keep up with
No fuck off, Im so glad im not accidentally switching to fucking darkslayer anymore
that made me not able to play dante for a long time, now im too used to fucking 4 and im trick royaling everywhere
trust me, you don't want that. you use the left stick less than you use the face buttons.
yeah i like funhaus but that bothered me too
especially when Adam didnt even play 3 for fucks sake
just what in the actual fuck
If I’m new to the series should I really be playing human mode? After playing the prologue and first level it felt way to easy.
So what happened to time stop and doppelganger? Can Dante pull those out whenever?
whoa Vergil has an Adam Jensen alt???
The post DMC3 RG nerfs were too much, it's a great flex style, to avoid any damage in the game but there's so much defensive options since DMC3 that it's pointless without the incredible power it had in 3, DMC is like the only action game where the parry window was actually tight as fuck so it was balanced by the fact that you had to be fucking goodand it was your only style at the time if you chose it.
Nero can do a megaman style slide when dodging sideways. I'm not sure of anything else it can do.
dark slayer sucks and the way its bound is fucking ridiculous
same engine so probably RE2R levels
Based Nero
Kamiya says if they aren't in DT they're aging. So yeah they could.
teleport nigga
For me, devil bringer works well as the trigger because of buster hold and it's easy to flick back both bumpers for timing instead of having to thumbslide jcs and devil knuckles. I have breakaway on square too but you're right in it being kinda useless on front, but I would rather have my buttons on the bumpers and triggers.
Right, in the past that was pretty much the only option for PC friends to play DMC. Other than the broken DMC3 port. But ever since the collection released there is no need.
Devil hunter mode was the sam thing and from what i have heard of those starting son of sparda its also just as easy to get S ranks.
This means the Style difficulty does not increase as you play higher difficulties which means it always stays the same.
So since DMD has tougher enmies that means S ranks would proabably be just as easy to obtain becasue enemies have much more health and that gives you plenty of chances to get S ranks
If it's the first video game you ever played in your life, play on human
Otherwise, don't ever do that shit
>>Fuck me the urizen fights are annoying
It's visual vomit, I fucking hate it. I'm probably just a scrub though since no one else ever says anything about it. Such a bad boss fight imo.
>Vergil fight
>tutorial pops up
>double press style to SPLIT IN TWO
>its a multiplayer cameo dante every time
>tfw he somehow clicked completely in mission 11 despite the fact that I never got good at style switching in 4
>How many reviews are booty blasted over 5?
I don't think they were as attached to DmC as you guys think they are.
so how long until someone mods RE2 to have Nero as Leon and MR X as hooded Vergil?
>no legendary dark knight mode on PC
If you play DMC5 as your fist DMC then a ton of fantastic things will be completely lost on you
Also V is great for orb farming
Wouldn't it make more sense to have Urizen as the Tyrant?
I read this as there is no better feeling than feeling dante dick
How long until someone mods those fucking extreme numbers of HP on DMD?
Sparda was a full on deon so he never aged? Because the DMC1 intro implied he died of old age, but if that's true than he must have been killed but no one ever mentions that, it makes no sense at all.
Only play on human if you want the achievement. It won't unlock if you beat it on Devil Hunter.
me to
no because Nero is running away so Vergil doesnt rip his arm off
that too
>there is no better feeling than feeling dante dick
Why the fuck is DMC3 so much harder than DMC5
>fighting 3 furies at once
I don't do it personally but I get the merit for putting devil bringer on a face button for thumbsliding, making it easier to perform devil knuckles. Same thing with jump cancelling.
Enemies are more aggressive
Man, I'm still trying to figure out how to use Promotion efficiently
Because it it was much less forgiving. New action games let you restart infinitely at checkpoints,
Dmc3 was made during a time period where devs expected of the player
Dmc5 is made during a time where devs dont expect much out of the player
We'll never get action games as hard as DMC3 and NGB ever again, and it fucking sucks.
His summons do more damage the closer they are next to v
How do I get Vergil EX?
>theres an alternate version of the death scissors cutscene if you walk in
fuckin based
Im trying to fix the habit of playing with default controls.
I played 3 and 4 without putting the gun button on a trigger and now I'm struggling with having my gun button on a trigger.
how would you rotate the camera like that?
The only thing later games took from DMC3 was the combo customisation, it's still fun but feels kinda meaningless. There's a reason beating Cerberus back in the day felt amazing.
Which one? When they come out of the tomb when you are playing as V? Or earlier?
Beat Heaven and Hell mode
>fighting 5 behemots
beat heaven or hell
you expected 4? wew lad
you dont
beating DMD I think.
What the fuck are these posts
Can someone post EMBARASOZO
>Camera fucks up
>Lose the S+ ranking for the stage
Honeymoon peroid
Dmc5 has a weak story and second half
About to start DMD you guys have any tips for me?
nah rg damage was busted in 3, its perfect as it is now, instant kills most mobs and does a good chunk on bosses, and building up meter is honestly really fucking easy in this game
What the fuck is the super taunt someone here has to have gotten it
I miss them desu
earlier as nero
"Hey V, if you can't believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!"
>bro why is easy mode so easy?
>Imagine Trish and Lady being pinned against the ground
Parry enemy attacks as often as you can.
TRICKSWORD onethowthreeforfivesixseveneightnineten DRAONGPUNCH TRICK SWORDTRICKSWORDTRICK STING! SWORD and you are set free!
Each character gets a unique dance that takes ten seconds. It gives a huge style ranking.
I cannot for the life of me understand how to play V. Any tips?
why does everybody neglect god hand
Haha frick you mundus I stole your shitpost picture to proclaim my secret gay thoughts, no bullying trish for you
Almost as bad as that guy in /cgg/ who thinks enemies being smart is bad game design
I'd show you but I don't know how to make webm's and I'm to lazy to learn.
>Get DSD
>Dante’s spinning slash attack gets replaced by summoned swords
Give it fucking back
[Spoiler]SLICE 'EM[/spoiler]
>t. any other shipperfag who got triggered
sorry fag.
DT, then either taunt or read the book while holding bird button so you charge his lightning attack and let loose at wil meanwhile smash attack and switch the combos around. then after 5 minutes do the Cane Trick and enjoy your SSS every fight
You have to be close to the enemies
It's integrated into his basic moveset now.
Does nero do IT??
It's now a combo that goes YY pause Y pause Y
Put Griffon to one of the triggers of your choice, only use charge attacks with him. Shadow is your bread and butter. The closer you are to your summons the more damage they do. Nightmare is great but spend your DT on Griffon and Shadow.
I picked nero everytime without hesitation.
just pin em to the wall
>Playing Human
>Surprised the ranks are lenient
why is no music playing between mission 6 and 8 ?
Can we all agree DMC5 is the best in the series?
Me. I find Nero way more fun, personally.
I fucking love these destruction physics.
>The closer you are to your summons the more damage they do
Didn't know that.
Why are kids so hyped at a franchise that wasn't even that good to begin with?
>nah rg damage was busted in 3
Like I said, it was busted because you gave up other styles for it and the timing was actually hard as fuck. You can use other styles now but you can dodge every attack and do OP damage with every otherstyle now, it's still fun and has the best sound effects ever but it's kinda pointless now.
But not as weak as 4, which is literally playing the game again. It also has better gameplay than 4, so it beats it out in every way.
Nope. Here is a video of them skip to 0:24
just gouge 'em
someone post that clip of the japanese dude just teleporting + enemy stepping everywhere at the start of mission 4 and decimating the fucking screen
I really want to get good as V but the control scheme is terrible
>quality of a new game = quality of the old games
DSD is fucking sick and if you don't like it just use fucking sparda or rebellion.
none of these exceeded my expectation
My bad, I love God Hand. I'd include Shinobi but that's probably just an arcade game. Either way, point still stands.
Dante+Trish confirmed, lads.
>hard as fuck
bro roll guarding was a thing, it was honestly way too good, and theres nothing in this game that does as much instant damage and builds rank as fast as royal release, royal guard saved my ass many times when i was stuck with no trickster or double jump left in the air too
>tfw I have cavaliere angelo theme as my alarm ringtone
>not using the Nero version
>revived once because the boss was at so little health on DMD
what the fuck
That's from Nero's file.
3 is too kino.
>no option to just play every level as Dante after beating the game
Just don't die bro
>style meter starts out cringing at the dance, calling it dismal then warms up to it
DMC5 most likely will get DLC going til the end of the year, maybe a little longer if it's new characters/mini campaign.
Dragon's Dogma 2 will be made next by Itsuno for sure. That'll take two, three years.
>At this point we're at 2022/2023
DMC6 will probably be started around that time, two to three years
My money's on 2024-2026. If each of these games take one year to make, obviously it'll be a lot different.
Quality of new game = beta0 + beta1*quality of old games + beta2*studio's track record + random shit
A bit disappointing but these are great too, Nero has the best one and V is a big homo but it fits
It's DMD, not stupid baby time
Dante feels so overwhelming boys, I finished the game and I feel like I've used maybe 0.5% of dantes potential, there's so much shit you can do all the time
>bro roll guarding was a thing,
True but it's a bit disingenuous to say suggest you can do that to everything and not need to time any attack though.
HAH I never even thought of it like that. I've only managed to pull it off during the three fighters mission as Nero and having a dante player do that clap taunt when I finished.
>That's from Nero's file.
If that's true then why does he talk about Gloria like he wasn't literally there?
>fun stops
Fuck, I'm retarded.
>tfw Itsuno will always be too polite to Kamiya to dump Trish in the fucking garbage and give Lady a 1/4 demon babby
Who else loves using the phone just to guess where Nico comes out of next. The first V mission where she comes from underground had me in stitches. I was 100% expecting her from above. Her reaction to almost hitting Nero with the car had me giggle. Am i just easily amused?
>I finished the game and I feel like I've used maybe 0.5% of dantes potential
This is 99% of DMC4 players who said Dante was better than Nero. At least this time you can literally cut out some weapons from your roattion until you git gud.
Is there any point in using Coyote or E&I after you get double kalina ann?
I've beaten the game in Demon Hunter mode and for some reason I'm still missing skills for V and Dante but I've gotten an achievement for all of Nero's skills. Did I miss an unlockable or something? I've got the dual ann's.
>me nero, me like y,yyy
Story and cutscenes are cringe as fuck unless you're 6 years old.
>Don't like Balrog at first
>Seem weird and weak
>Transforms into a completely different weapon
>Those punch Swordmaster moves
>Chaining together the two movesets while on fire
Holy shit.
>wasn't really feeling crimson cloud or V before the game came out
>game comes out
>actually get to play as V with crimson cloud in the background
>now constantly listening to it when not playing the game
No idea how it took me this long to end up loving it.
I call her every time even if I don't need her, they are just to great.
roll guarding makes it a lot easier , i'll admit that it still takes some practice, but not enough to justify the thermonuclear damage from royal release
>had to restart the game and play without streak and stinger because i'm literally incapable of not holding forward
how long until Yea Forums does a complete 180 and says this is the worst DMC game ever made? i'm already putting it under 3 and 4. V's gameplay fucking blows my dick off, hearing Devil Trigger for every single encounter has gotten stale, and if I ever replay the game fresh, I'm going to use a trainer for instant kills on V so I don't have to waste my time on his awful parts.
Nero post-M20 is a god-tier character imo.
The bringer knuckle adds a completely new layer of depth to Nero because of the momentum stop property. The bringer knuckle adds so much utility and so many more ways to combo as Nero it's insane.
You know how trick leaves you airborne? Ground trick doesn't.
To be fair you have to have a fairly high iq to understand dante x trish
wat do?
I love the Nico calls.
The underground was also my favorite. Also the one where Nero was just chilling in the tree waiting for her.
some of the best bait i've ever seen.
What's the problem with enemy agression staring with 4? Does Itsuno try to cater to broader audience this way? DmC being shit actually had decent aggression on enemies. Platinum games get away with having extremely aggressive enemies (yeah and they constantly go almost bankrupt)
Yeah I'm only using DSD/Cerberus and KA/E&I right now
You are autism-tier. we've all seen your post multiple times now. Get your head out of your ass and fuck off.
delete system32
okay retard.
3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2
I was really afraid Subhuman would be complete garbage but in-game with the dynamic music and extra sound effects it sounds really good.
>get to S rank
update your win 7 faggot
>Also the one where Nero was just chilling in the tree waiting for her.
When he's reading that magazine and falls off trying to get rid of it?
Only a small number of reviews are assmad over 5, and the reasons why is all because of retardshit. Just got me to add more journos to my blacklist.
You can deselect moves from the customization menu, I believe. Not really any issue for me but happened to me all the time with V.
literal facts
I love Dante for being an absolute fucking shitstomper but Nero's mobility is just too fun.
For me:
5 > 3 = 1 > 4 > DmC > 2
I laughed at that, also appreciated DMC5 giving zero fucks in why Nico managed to even get there in the first place.
For me, it's 3=5>1>4>2
reminder you're shooting yourself in the foot trying to run a full loadout with dante.
>tfw have to replay V missions for orbs
Enemies are pretty aggressive in 5, the bugs are the only ones who are pure punching bags and they get switched out pretty fast for scythes
i tried to like the DMC games
but the combat sucks and the battles are boring and too few
no desire to purchase DMC 5 , sorry
only correct answer is who is me.
What's you favorite boss?
k i n o
What kind of action games do you like?
That glass breaking effect is the fucking coolest
>The combat sucks
Looks like someone didn't care about rankings
These are the only right answers
Thanks for the blog post.
>Switch to gunslinger and don't use the fuck you laser beam.
You dun fucked up.
You're wrong but ok
New Cerberus was dope.
Which have you played?
I've never played the previous dmcs, is it easy to get into? Or are the controls difficult?
He'd be the best boss by far if he didn't keep running off to Africa.
I only just beat the game. What makes V's missions good for orbs?
They're all really fucking good. It's actually incredible how every boss in DMC5 is great and fun to fight - even DMC3 had a few rough ones. Even the Qlippoth Parasite, probably the weakest, fulfills its purpose as a fun tutorial boss (and feels like a mini-Cerberus to boot).
I think Cavaliere Angelo is probably my favorite.
i like to roleplay as V who constantly gets his orb statues smashed by shadow immediately before trying to break them with his cane
its good for a laugh
Yes and yes for first timers. Play through on human if it's your first time through and you will understand how to play your second time through.
You can disable skills in customization menu
I imagine some jumping into 5 would find tremendous trouble with how much depth there is to Dante's combat. Nero is pretty easy to get used to.
Can we all agree that V is fucking incredible and possibly a better addition than Nero was originally?
Anyone else not digging the new Blue Rose? I prefer the way it worked in 4 to be honest, charging it and blowing enemies up was too much fun. It's not as satisfying in 5.
Royal guarding cavalier was the most fun.Is there a mission mode after finishing haven't played since
Just beat the game once and you get the 4 version back
>played the shit out of the demo and thought I knew Mission 2 inside out
>my fucking face when the floor broke beneath my feet when heading towards the Qlipoth root
I hadn't unlocked that at the time. This was my first run.
Juggling Vergil with a fuckload of rockets was a lot funnier anyways.
It's great that they kept Judgement Cut End as his super fuck off move.
It can definitely be hard to get into. Nero's pretty easy to play but Dante is extremely complex. Also, the story has tons of callbacks and references to longtime fans of the series - you might wanna go through the other games first to familiarize yourself.
You will miss out on everything great about 5 if if it's your first
I took Cavalier off of my rotation, 4 weapons is a lot to cycle through
I think he means fragments, and he doesn't want to play V again to get them
Yes, gameplay makes it the best.
Fuck all the faggots who say "muh 3 is still best because it's more kino" At least say 3 is better because you prefer how the gameplay feels instead of using the "but the story" argument.
You can get charged shots again post game.
Personally I kinda liked the new way Blue Rose works
Not better than Nero but I like him.
>ok this game has been pretty bor-
>suddenly Balrog Dante with Swordmaster
Alright thanks, it looks pretty fun at least
You posted it.
But I have Windows 10...
There's a mission select, but only on difficulties you finished the mission on.
3 wasn't even that hard, especially compared to NGB.
>first death on SoS is to geyron
How do you hit this nigga with V? he keeps moving.
You actually had to pay for checkpoints in that game. And if you didn't, you had to restart a level from the start. Imagine fighting Vergil for the first time, shit was infuriating.
>unlock Real Impact
>SSS becomes the norm
Three headed lady riding chicken. She's just fun to fight, and Nero fucking drowns her in her own cauldron for a DT, which is fucking great.
>do I wanna buster or do I wanna unleash the DT forwar + Y+B combo
Yeah how dare they make me play the game longer
i really like him (have a massive biased toward summoners) but he's missing some form of further customisation
feels out of place that dante has weapons and styles nero now has new arms and V just has what he has from start to end
when they give his moveset to nero's daughter in DMC6 i hope we can swap in some new pets
>actually using gold orbs
>getting SSS left and right
>no battle music for half the fucking missions
Can anyone explain this?
DMC6 will come before 2024. Itsuno will not be making it.
my biggest problem with the base game was how quickly everything died so i may enjoy this
It's not an arena fight and you can skip those enemies.
I love the boomer bros Dante and Vergil so much.
>tfw slowly adding a third and fourth weapon tomy Dante arsenal while TRICKSWORDing
god it feels good getting gud and stylin on nibbas
I disagree, the DT mechanic in DMC3 is extremely tough and bosses aren't casual as fuck like they are in this. I've no objection to saying NGB is harder though. I think NG2 washarder than both games, although it was straight up BS in terms of balance which is why beating it was more satisfying.
They'll make young Dante adventures again in a couple of years. Screen this. And it will be somewhat mediocre in terms of gameplay, but the story will be good
>skip enemies
What's the song for Vergil vs Nero
I'm talking about the fact that DMC5 has inherent checkpoints now (what DMC4 used to call Gold Orbs) but okay.
>all levels are empty hallways with low detail and a grey color palette
thanks homie
I suspect people who say 5 plays better than 4 are retards who were unable to master dante
1. see 2. Doesn't happen with arena fights either. There's literally no music at all for the whole mission besides background music, mostly happens with Nero levels.
I just want a full game where they're not trying to kill each other, their bants is so good
royal guardbros, is it just me or is jump guarding weaker in 5?
i can get perfect guards more consistently if i don't try to abuse the i-frames
Did you find the hidden blue orb in the hotel?
explain pls? isnt Dante the best one with Faust?
I only really noticed it in mission 8 with Nero like you said. Really bothered me as well.
There are too many. 5 fixed the issues I had with 3 and 4 with those games having a bunch of bad enemies and bosses.
My favorites in 5 (can't pick one, need more time to play):
>Cavalier Angelo
>Elder Geryon Knight
>Urizen M17 (based kung fu karate man)
>Vergil 1
>Vergil 2
>King Cerberus
>Standing Urizen (Dante)
>Standing Urizen (Nero)
>Sitting Urizen (Dante)
>Sitting Urizen (Nero)
Story might not be as important as gameplay, but it still has its share of significance.
what's the unit of measurement for quality of old games and developer track record
> "I'll be the King of the Underworld, not him!"
> "I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, that made my love so high and me so low."
> V basically insults Goliath for having a huge ambition while being a weakling fucking idiot
Kino poetry
Has anyone made a wallpaper of the ending shot of Dante & Vergil?
Didn't Vergil want to become more powerful to protect stuff? That is not exactly in line with annihilating cities
I've never had a problem with music not happening in arena's. Are you running custom songs or anything? Or are you getting a D rank through every fight?
I never want to see Urizen ever again, and yet I have to, fuck.
5 has the superior Blue Rose in my opinion.
Especially after M20.
It's okay, but I swapped to
It feels so great when you get to S rank with it, especially if you do it when you summon Nightmare
The jackpot one? I could could jump in the game and do it quick at 4k if no one else has done it.
I never understood this
I've done a total 180 on subhuman after having played the game. Hearing that shit blaring while SSS styling is 11/10.
Human mode or not getting hit till you have 6 bars left agaisnt a boss when i had 14 at full means that this games style skill level is low as fuck.
Even in DMC 3 and DMC 4 getting hit on human mode an losing less than minimum 15-20% of your health meant no S rank.
God you autist need to kill yourselves and its no wonder most of you end up spending your lives alone you insufferable man abaies who feel the need to be superior at a game becasue they never get anywhere in real life
Thank you
Someone isnt a dumbass who thinks any criticism is a troll or just bait.
Game is leniant as fuck even on human mode when no other DMC was this forgiving aside from Dmc by Tamieen
I have the deluxe edition on PS4. Haven't tried any custom songs, and theres no music no matter what style rating I get. Even with D rank the music still kicks in when I'm playing certain levels, even on non-mandatory fights. It has to be a glitch.
Fuck mission 17 Urizen, fucking zoner with projectiles that do so much damage
his demon half that became urizen has no need for protecting others he wants only power and to be the emperor of both the human and demon world.
Perfect ending would be Dante, Vergil, and Nero doing a triple jackpot against moondust.
What a scene to end on. I still haven't fully processed that DMC5 is actually real.
I think I read somewhere if you no damage Vergil
i thought that was referring to his own thirst for power
Your not missing out.
Only played a bit cause I got it for free with my graphics card.
The battles just seem tedious and not satisfying.
And even after that there's nothing to look forward to, since the story could've been written by a 7th grader.
Based and boomerpilled
Yea, that one. I haven’t seen anyone post it yet so please do.
Shotgun has always been among the strongest weapons in the games. Dmc1 had broken tier shotgun jump canceling, shotgun gunslinger was super powerful in 3, 4 made it weaker, but it seems to me that it's back to nearly 3 levels with certain enemies
DMC3 has best gameplay and story, people can say it doesn't matter but deep down we all appreciated Dante learning to care and his relationship with his brother.
Learn 2 air trick, baby brains
In the end, we are all satisfied, and you are set free.
I'm sick of playing as dante
The truth however, is this
5 = 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC > 2
>Devil Trigger barely plays in the game
what the fuck man
Must be dude. I mean I'm playing on PC. Unless there is specific issues for the console release maybe it's your speakers or something? I had some sync issues with my headphones for a bit until I switched to my SS system.
Opinion discarded
How it can have the best gameplay when half the enemies and bosses are shit?
Happened to me as well.
Very annoying.
Devil Trigger actually plays the most
>Didn't Vergil want to become more powerful to protect stuff?
Protect the stuff he cares about, and himself.
Not him but I don't feel bad if I run by a couple of Empusas, those dudes are just punching bags
5 has better gameplay than 3 in my opinion.
Yeah it's a bug. It's happening on PC too.
With how amazing the game was I can't help but be disappointed with how bland and boring Urizen was.
>The power autist in his natural state
I'll post it in next thread if I don't get it in here in time. Do you want subtitles on for the screencap because I typically play without.
Virgil was pretty fucked up after 1
Nice trips bud. It's a bug for the game tho. I've only heard of it not happening to Xbros.
Mission 2 is better than all of DMC4, come at me.
>SSS tier
Nero (Gatillo Diablo Activado)
>SS tier
Vergilio (Pecado Gatillo Activado)
Dante (Pecado Gatillo Activado)
>S tier
Vergilio (Autismo Maximo Modo)
Dante Espada del Demonio Dante
>A tier
Nero Blanco Manco
>B tier
V el Homosexualidad del Vergirlio
>C tier
Lady la Culo de Lente Bengala
Trish la Rostro de Goblino
it's piss easy to get and maintain SSS with V so he gets fat clear bonuses
I actually like playing as V a lot; I just wish he had more moves
where is le dead weighto
Yeah but it's also for runnin up on a nigga
>tmw you realize ground trick cancels into ground trick
It's hard to ignore how easy DMC5 is though, most people will never be able to beat DMC3 on DMD, even if it's getting up to Cerberus whereas anyone can beat DMD in 5 eventually.
It doesn't though, it takes rebellion's air sword master attack and makes it the default air attack.
and that's a good thing
picking Dante or Vergil for M19 then fighting the winner as Nero for M20 would've tipped the game into GOAT territory
DMC does Gundam references now?
I've completely finished it but I can't believe that it actually came out and I've played it from start to finish
I think you're just being purposely antagonist for (You)s
Enemies with 1 attack, and mini-boss with 2 attacks. Great action game
That's because your style points suck
about to do nidhogg on DMD, any tips?
>Dancing in the rain
Zoomers are a mistake
why is vergil coat black?
>F tier
Donté (el prom date)
look at me mum i'm hating stuff before it's cool to hate it
Remember how in DMC1's DMD the enemies actually had less health than they did on Hard Mode? Then they got more hp after DTing but not the ridiculous bloat they got in DMC3 and you could offset the tankiness of a DT enemy by going DT yourself since DMC1 had a DTworth a damn? What happened to that kind of design philosophy?
I like his banter on nidhogg
>ridiculous bloat they got in DMC3
It's back again
In dmc4 Dted enemies didn't get buffed health
I take it you haven't played past Devil Hunter then
not the dynamic music fag, the song was only in like the first couple missions
i'm only like halfway through though
V looks very gay.
Explain this.
t. scrub
Say what you want but It spawned the combo video culture as we know it. DMC3 was the fans making the game.
Imagine being this autistic
HUr, Dur, Nice Story
Fuck You Dad!
Dante can farm like 100,000 orbs in five minutes with the second to last faust upgrade by doing mission 13 and spamming the gunslinger AoE spin.
So what happens when Dante and Virgil die? Do they just come back into the underworld?
Funhaus can be funny and I enjoy them for that but holy shit they can have pretty terrible opinions about games
i wouldn't know ive never played human mode
Great. There's always Bayonetta 3 I guess. (which will suck ass if B2 is anything to go by)
It isn't
The writing for Vergil is all over the place.
>Destroys a city and kills millions
>But ok, let's say it was his "demon" side doing it and not Vergil as himself
>He still stabbed himself with Yamato to separate himself
>He still did it to get more power and beat Dante, to bring a reason to his existence-- whatever the fuck that even means
>All he does in the end is pick fights with Dante and Nero, makes a contest out of it because ????
>When he first appears, he thanks Nero, maybe hinting that he remembers Nero from the memories of him being V
>But then also he fights Nero after learning he's his son
>But then he gives Nero a book and hints that he's ok with Nero being his son
>In the end we can maybe see that Vergil is a changed man, but he still picks fights with Dante for the hell of it
I think Vergil is actually just schizophrenic and his trauma from Eva dying just fucked him up way more than we thought, but the writing is too poor to give it proper context. I'm not saying it's the worst shit ever, but damn if it isn't cohesive at all sometimes.
I'm glad we got the iconic FUCK YOU that all dmc games must have
Its only value is historical, accept it
Bug, does this happen everytime you start the game?
Pretty sure that one was designed by a Gundam artist
What's the reason you don't like damage spongy enemies?
Literally designed by Kawamori.
You obviously don't understand him
So uh, I never saw this scene while fighting him. The only contextual scene I saw during their fight was when I grabbed Vergil and stabbed his own sword through him.
Nothing can be bad as a DT Sloth which got four (4) times as much health and had l vid fodder, awful design imo.ike, 2 attacks i barely did. A pretty blatant punch dummy for combo
>You feeling accepting yet?
>Of your existence? Or your strength?
>Both you fuckin asshole!
Maybe work on your horrific English first, sperg.
Been doing this but not mindlessly, if you time the hat catches and throw in air taunts you can SSS rank while farming 500k orbs every few minutes
It's okay to a degree, but DMC3 took it way too far.
Vergil is a fight autist, he needs to fight things to see if he likes them. So he fights Nero, and it's a good fight, so he likes Nero.
See also: Goku
He's just happy fighting Dante in his own way. And at the end they can finally have fights without it being to the death again.
>>Destroys a city and kills millions
This has never mattered in any DMC game, just let it go already.
In my headcanon humans go to heaven when dying same way demons go to hell, that's why no one in the main cast cares that much.
the absolute state of you lmao
I think it happens when you activate DT for the first time on your own. You didn't activate DT during the fight?