ITT: vidya character redesigns

ITT: vidya character redesigns

Attached: 1552240290087.jpg (2048x1168, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Samus but it's crossdressing eminem

>A female can't be a tough character without looking like a butch dyke

Attached: DB7F401C-1453-45F1-9997-B1FB99F110DF.jpg (600x572, 92K)

Give her long hair and everyone on here would be jerking off over it.

If you get mad over this, kys. It’s fan art. There’s reason why it’s not official.

we get it, you work for bioware

There's no reason for the armor to be as big as that, it looks retarded, now fuck off

This is the only Samus redesign I'll ever care about.

Attached: 1547864707726.png (1198x1920, 976K)

but that's metroid

Except for the fact that her suit has been designed that big before and it can easily be explained by
1) She needs to fit inside it
2) Components and missiles need to fit inside it
3) That’s where the battery rests

Attached: 36C210FB-8CC4-401F-A443-883FE240FF88.jpg (210x240, 15K)


Attached: alucard.jpg (1200x1200, 154K)

Keep going and give her better eyebrows and bigger breasts. Fix the design

Plink was really nice

Attached: plink.jpg (908x1280, 249K)

The primary issue is that the face is ugly as sin.


Attached: temp.jpg (220x290, 27K)

I dont think theres a concept more disgusting then the idea that for a female character to be taken seriously she has to be turned into some ugly dyke with a chip on her shoulder. Even the retards that redesign everyone paraplegic black albino lepers are operating under the simple (if incorrect) concept of more diversity=better. But with OP's pick its like a character being attractive and feminine is incomparable with being serious and competent.

Attached: 1371618170863.jpg (646x455, 77K)

It's the face dude, she looks like a man with boobs

Why are westerners so shit at character design lol?

Yeah the long hair is from the artist's rendition of Alucard, the artist also worked on the Castlevania Netflix show

Attached: p666n9h.jpg (914x1280, 108K)

Yeah, but it’s fan art. I can understand not liking it and saying it’s bad
but it’s not like you’re talking to the original creator and if it made them happy making it and it didn’t hurt anyone
What’s the point of anonymously circle jerk shitting on it?

Not trying to defend the Samus redesign in any way because it's awful, but if you think Japanese design is superior on average you're either autistic or underage or both

>it's okay when men do it

>The design is good but it's just needs to be redesigned

Attached: 1540139516290.jpg (500x375, 43K)

Attached: samus.jpg (1350x800, 118K)

>people will fap to it if it literally looks like Samus
No shit

Why not?

short hair on a woman is as disgusting as a man cutting his dick off to have it inverted into a flesh sculpture of a vagina.

is that sminem aran

Who's mad? I'm just saying no ones jerking it off because of the manly face. The middle pic looks exactly like a man with gyno.

Also the ears are way too big

Attached: 00's remake.jpg (700x800, 267K)

>make character ugly on purpose because reasons

Attached: 245262.jpg (931x845, 168K)

>Draw a boy and call it a girl

>draw a girl and call it a boy

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Attached: 827BEEDC-A1EB-43C3-A472-D336AF08987E.jpg (828x828, 65K)

>posting it again
are you just addicted to outrage or something




>when the developers make their own joke redesign

Attached: runner_2_commandervideo-e1318111499375-ds1-670x670.jpg (300x584, 16K)

Attached: ds.jpg (1280x1280, 195K)

Yes, Liberals are mentally ILL


Attached: Ce9mXt8WwAAtUl2.jpg (1200x675, 128K)

Why do ugly women hate looking at pretty women? I am not exactly a 10/10 guy but I would rather look at Henry Cavill than Patton Oswalt.

Attached: 245893596395.jpg (500x441, 53K)

>butch Samus
Dik status: muh

Jealousy. Jealousy to the degree that they'd rather eradicate the idea of beauty as a virtue alltogether.


Attached: DukBm1dXgAcrYJQ.jpg (1200x1042, 80K)

Because women's camaraderie died when the extended family was killed so now they are like vultures fighting for food


Attached: 1535321190265.jpg (604x492, 104K)

t. autistic underage weeaboo

That's actually okay though?

now I'm mad

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Where's Niggaroth?

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Attached: Ds46XWyWoAYhhKO.jpg (1080x506, 44K)

looks psychotic now

Attached: spw5zkredcssfswpzkrg.jpg (712x960, 87K)

actually better



Attached: crash_bandicoot_redesign_by_colormechelsea_da12jg9-pre.jpg (759x1053, 76K)

Really likw that one

Hi! My name is
My name is
My name is
Slim Lady.

Adam, I believe.

Attached: kid.gif (320x240, 60K)

Attached: kirby_redesign___by_statykelectricity_db8dyhu-pre.png (894x894, 547K)

This looks like a shitty Steven Universe OC

it's almost as if when an artist understands the actual design elements of the character, you can actually get a good redesign

Attached: 19248f734vas.png (1200x894, 486K)
OP's source.

yes I'm going to have to ask you to never post this image ever again

Attached: 24969446-little-blond-boy-making-scared-face.jpg (1300x866, 70K)

Attached: RedesignChar1-MegaMan copy.png (1600x1527, 1.09M)

I kinda like these except for Kirby.

Attached: tumblr_on21moGbJy1uqpfsoo1_500.png (500x674, 143K)

Other than meta night, this shit looks terrable and lazy. All they did was change his limbs into some pudding pops Makes him look clunky as hell and not cute.

>Patton Oswalt

It's not really women, just a small minority of insecure people with bad taste who happen to be women (or even guys).

Attached: Solo_mm1_DLN-003-Cut-Man.jpg (1132x900, 226K)

t. The artist
Sorry man, it looks like trash

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Cursed image

Attached: bomberman.png (751x1063, 853K)


Attached: Zl7xNio.png (902x723, 98K)

What the first user said and also, sometimes they exaggerate their own worst features in their art. That way if someone likes their art they get a confidence boost because they feel better about their own looks.
I'm a female artist. I like drawing cute but sometimes I draw parts of myself in my own art to make myself feel more attractive

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it's either one side or the other with you nerds
and the answer is actually yes - you are exactly what you look like

post tits or gtfo

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unironically like, I would genuinely play a weird as fuck bomberman action RPG with this style.

Attached: me.png (470x469, 489K)

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Because women are just looks.

this one gives me a feeling so complicated

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Those ears LOOOOL

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Gannon is making the face I do when I'm letting out an extended fart and am praying that nobody notices.

I don't mind this one. I liked the TV show host theme he had and the EX transformation dropped it over Jojo Drag Queen.

Attached: 1552220646364.jpg (1143x1080, 214K)

Female riku is superior in every way.

Attached: 25870128-fujoposter.png (907x876, 99K)

Seething western dev.

>The future is now, old man.

never ever.

Attached: 1552221522303.jpg (1920x3006, 813K)

On one hand, the design is cute.
On the other, why not just make her a tomboy (I know the real answer is "tumblr" or "sjws" but still)?

Attached: commission__link_and_model_h_fusion_by_ultimatemaverickx-daqi9wl.png (1280x1323, 615K)

Why redesign a character that's already perfect and fits the game's design philosophy perfectly?

You know... I don't hate this. I like the idea of the three being childhood friends and the designs aren't bad, it's just the shitty tumblr artstyle that's pulling this back.

Thanks, bruh. I was looking for the piece that preceded this one.

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Artist is Nikolas Draper Ivey btw

Attached: tumblr_pm0c1463Oh1rfizaeo3_1280.png (1280x960, 606K)

Attached: file.png (1280x1280, 1.14M)

These are actually pretty solid. A hell of a lot better than the trashy nuts and bolts redesigns.

Why is that suit so GODDAMN THICC?

Attached: aeb.png (300x900, 419K)

Imagine being an artist and thinking “hey, you know what would be great? Stealing an already overused drawing style instead of creating your own” as someone who really puts a lot of effort in trying to come up with a unique and appealing drawing style, these motherfuckers are the worst. A munch of lazy jackasses creating the most inoffensive shit that only sticks with you because of how bad it looks. Motherfuckers learn your fundamentals.

Attached: commission__shield_knight_x_by_ultimatemaverickx-dazdh6w.png (1024x1605, 682K)

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is this even a redesign or is this just fanart?

Attached: tumblr_ort0kfbk9t1s43f3wo1_500.png (500x666, 153K)

somewhat fix'd

Attached: samus aran.jpg (1200x1200, 249K)

>Link and Ganon role-reversal
Could make for an interesting spinoff.
Good lord, I though Ganondorf was a woman at first.

gee the God of War artist really proved the idea that westerners can't make good looking characters

This is fucking sick.


Attached: file.png (1111x719, 790K)

Attached: commission__shovel_knight_x_by_ultimatemaverickx-dayssyt.png (1024x1067, 571K)

Thank god White Women can't get into Japanese development, no affirmative action to save their untalented assess


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Attached: dayja4g-43f7e3cb-df5a-4eb4-8f01-37a6a10bf06a.jpg (1331x913, 383K)

I like these

This is the best Samus redesign ITT

>More feminine face makes her look better

You don't say.

Attached: file.png (1111x719, 870K)

That's better, now give her the short hair again

Attached: file.png (1111x719, 686K)

what's this, link in overwatch?

I'm glad this guy actually kept the design of link pretty close to the original unlike that shitty retrowave redesign

Oh, this is supposed to be Lucca and Robo.

Fuck that.

This is dope, I like how it's obvious that the artist is western but is obviously influenced by the japanese futuristic style, I usually hate it when they go overboard with it but here it's just right

Attached: file.png (1111x719, 774K)

Attached: human meta knight.png (800x1195, 351K)

Can you imagine having to fight dark Samus like this?
Like you do enough heat damage to the outer armor and then the sick twisted phason beast emerges and you have to target it to do damage?

Talk about a good idea

Attached: commission__papyrus_exe_by_ultimatemaverickx-dbiq8cj.png (1024x1448, 467K)

That's because it follows the actual detail increase from the Megaman series to the Megaman X series. It's an earnest attempt to recapture Inafune's design philosophy changes.

This wouldn't be bad if it didn't ultimately miss the mark of the varia design. Making it look practical completely forgets that it was designed for Samus by the Chozo, so it would look more alien and "mystical".

Hell, If you're gonna redesign the suit, I'd do a 180° and make the suit MORE inspired by ancient Egyptian bird science magic.

Attached: 1530493865190.png (500x343, 14K)

I've seen movies made in this aesthetic. Cartoons, and stop motion.

They always fail.

Why not? The whole point is to just try something different. Not that the one you're quoting is any good, of course.

Attached: 139.jpg (780x868, 175K)

Good model. Not a good design for Samus.

I hate the whole “add bullshit to complicate a design” approach. There is nothing wrong with keeping something simple. In fact, if you can keep it simple and still make it recognizable at a glance then you did a good job.

Attached: hollowknight.jpg (1920x1920, 842K)

Can I fuck the sick twisted phason beast when it comes out

Nice. 10/10 would reignite the fire.

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I'm a woman and I don't consider myself pretty. Yeah, hate me, whatever. ANYWAY, I absolutely hate ugly women in games. Come on, everyone likes to look at pretty people, this is a truth and if someone says otherwise, they're just fooling themselves. My friend (also a girl) who's pretty thinks the same, so you're exaggerating I think. (now shit on me for being fugly gurl I don't care, because I'm simply leaving this thread)

Attached: 1sed.jpg (439x455, 8K)

I think you're beautiful, m'lady

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>that aylaqwanda
o i am laffin

>that Link

Attached: file.png (1919x1079, 2.83M)

I mean the way you think is how most people that actually play games feel. The people that complain are the people that don’t play games anyway.

This is actually a lot better than the model in the Link's Awakening remake.

Attached: samus aran2.jpg (1200x1200, 265K)

It's literally a recolored super meat boy

Attached: 1545106243256.png (768x900, 787K)

Tell me this artist did more.

>japanese futuristic style

It's actually Korean. Korean sci fi designs have this light-weight aesthetic to them, where Japan prefers Bulk.

Personally, I prefer Bulk. It's actually more versatile when dealing with 0 Gravity.

Attached: B06XZ1PT5V_6_560x560.jpg (560x560, 37K)


Black Sephiroth is neat as fuck.

Is this the new overwatch character?

>make the suit MORE inspired by ancient Egyptian bird science magic
Then she's just gonna look like that Overwatch chick

Thx bud
His twitters really good

If her facial features were just a bit softer and her body didn't look dumpy as fuck this would be fine. I like strong eyebrows.

Attached: 1546220873141.jpg (1500x2929, 1.33M)

Is that the bitch from The Incredibles?

Attached: file.png (1920x1250, 2.72M)

>no breasts


Attached: 1519683891848.png (1613x1388, 1.59M)

her torso is the same length as a midget's

Dude's an amazing artist but he should put that talent to more than just BLACKING random characters

Attached: 1500432521006.gif (377x416, 798K)

I would be totally fine with this if this was Portal 3.

Attached: DvJvz8pXQAAwRiO.png large.png (1075x2048, 1.05M)

Also the 'turns out the wh*te male is the bad guy that the transgirl and brown guy need to team up and beat, angle.
Which is a shame because the designs are almost good enough for me to enjoy them despite the shit politics.

Attached: worms.png (537x700, 504K)

200% improvement

That's just Ness.

Based roasty.

>Yeah, hate me, whatever.

So long as we agree, there's no reason to hate anybody. It's not even a matter of inequality. I genuinely believe there should be more shirtless men and women in games, contrast with the shit-peddling California (and practicslly only them) has swallowed.

Somebody should take the car keys from them.

Attached: 1551737198859m.jpg (791x1024, 161K)

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You know what, I'd take this design over the real Sephiroth.

Attached: d8xsh3l-b5c051ed-8f04-4bda-9e41-16bebef1bee4.jpg (8690x2000, 3.69M)

I actually like Pharaoh's design.
A lot of those character designs deserve to be in a better game than Overwatch.

You sound like you unironically browse /ic/

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Attached: tumblr_pcum5bRRks1up7qw2o1_500.png (500x455, 86K)

Way better than what we got

this brows are hot

>that Cloud

Attached: 1541922445430.gif (330x316, 124K)

Attached: image.jpg (1284x642, 101K)

Dylan roof?

God I wish we had a classic 2D Sonic game with this aesthetic. It looks great.

What the fuck is that comic even.

This would be a lot sexier if the motherfucker who drew this didn't make her look like Ron from Kim Possible in the first "panel".

Attached: d92qa6b-2ff0bf98-85eb-4da9-9436-295f4cc10694.jpg (2600x1733, 586K)

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Attached: jet_sonic_radio_by_brandokay-d5cedwo.jpg (1246x641, 347K)

Nah I only go there for artbooks. It’s just people like this can’t expect to ever get better if they are just copying shit. Well thought out and unique artstyles are always better than just copying.

Pretty Gouda

>Classic 2D Sonic
>3D Low-Poly
Did you mean 2.5D style or something?

Attached: Skylanders Bowser.jpg (1600x900, 292K)

Whats the middle one supposed to be?

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I see now.

Yeah. With super meat boy. His limbs match with his body. They kept Kirby's round form and added those squares which break up the design.

They also didn't take into consideration how Kirby floats like a cloud.

0/10. Wouldn't inhale.

Attached: suapmeat.png (1000x840, 54K)

Attached: adam-baines-metroid-ultra-3-vanillagreener-1500px.jpg (1500x2066, 1.51M)

>Hideki will never do Sonic Music Again
>new Jet Set Radio game never ever

Attached: 144.png (1280x556, 378K)


but who would voice him?

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Attached: 1546230308802.png (285x339, 89K)

>tifa now has less tits and more ass


metroid 5 leak

Attached: 1528799110219.jpg (618x618, 44K)

Is there a reason you are making this shit thread yet again?

AAAAAAAA I fuggin love how the gunship looks. We need more spaceship redesigns.

Attached: 221.jpg (800x706, 117K)

>that Tifa

Attached: NORTED.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

Just get the Kratos guy.

i think your zaku has autism

Attached: ss2.png (1500x1277, 1.4M)

she seems so pissed like a fucking feminist lmao

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I know its just a bunch of palette swaps, but I like how some of them look

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Based, all women need to be replaced by dickless men. Time's up roasties

You've just described my biggest problem with Overwatch; it's too much of a design mishmash, they're all supposed to be from the same world yet many of them look like they're from completely different games or shows. There is a lack of common unity in the character designs. Also lets get some shit official redesigns

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Arm Cannon is on the wrong side.

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Attached: mantroid_tf_tg_by_da_fuze_by_cyber_dryad_dahhdle.png (1141x1648, 100K)

>get the death note guy to do this

Attached: 1543204825040.png (1000x1033, 367K)

>can't unsee a cartoon monkey person

Look progressives, I know you are obsessed with inserting "masculine" features into women, but masculine doesn't necessarily mean bridge troll. At least make them look human, Christ.

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getting somewhere

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>when the artist in the middle went on to become the Xenoblade 2 artist

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Attached: 5b7.png (408x399, 23K)

Attached: nega-risky.png (1683x1680, 765K)

is that jamjar"every black in a 6 foot hole" the mole?

>monkey in power armor
I'd play a game with that

Attached: bombermen.jpg (2048x917, 334K)

Attached: Baddy and Pyro Patty.png (1219x1075, 807K)

Cursed image

Attached: basilisk.jpg.png (300x336, 245K)

Attached: pik.png (1280x879, 463K)

Attached: 1473171046937.png (1000x750, 403K)

Based and Nightmarepilled
4head kills it.

Attached: tumblr_p6z74sES6H1xpcjhxo1_1280.png (842x1080, 590K)

Attached: twinbee.png (800x800, 1000K)

>Add Eric Lecarde
>Make him a shota

Attached: Eric_-_Castlevania_Judgement.png (530x970, 295K)

I really wish this artist weren't so damn shy..

Attached: 1550100203774.jpg (746x590, 69K)

How do you take a completed character and make her look like your first draft?

Who wins in a fight?

SA-X or Dark Samus?

if they got rid of the breast and made her a guy this design would be hot

I wouldn't mind a legend of zelda set in northern climates. Nintento could do some interesting stuff with that northern Island of theirs, and some inspiration from northern europe and asia.

I forgot this was real and released on the XBOX.

Attached: 1471219936628.jpg (1000x1100, 536K)

Dark Samus, Metroids are the X-Parasite's natural predator.

Dark Samus. The SA-X is a mindless zombie while Dark Samus can think and plan.

I has a Patty too

Attached: Elite Swat Patty.png (1750x2100, 490K)

why is Gaster here

Attached: heartless invisible.jpg (1149x1679, 140K)

These are surprisingly decent
I hate it when it's just
>ChAraCtEr eXcEPt rEaLLy MEcHa111

>Let's give it more hilt than blade
Thanks, I hate it.

How do her legs even work while in the suit?

It's meant to represent the forest spirits

>ChAraCtEr eXcEPt rEaLLy MEcHa111

Attached: snap.jpg (1280x720, 447K)

I especially hate it when the artist doesn't even care about actual mecha stuff, and just makes it look like an overwatch character.

Attached: 1644881520582.jpg (600x780, 148K)

Attached: succubus patty.jpg (677x622, 83K)

billie eilish looking

>Remember all past lives
>Trying to end the cycle
Is there even a way? Unless there's a triforce made of three triforces i doubt there's a way to get rid of the cycle.

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Attached: bucky.png (1000x657, 655K)

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Would the sleeves conform to an invisible shape or would they flop down like nothing was there?

Attached: samus boss.png (1473x1680, 659K)

Attached: rayman roaring laughter.jpg (560x560, 375K)

Why are his thighs showing?? This is disgusting

Well done, user.

>Acquire Triforce
>Wish for no more reincarnations of Zelda, Gannon or Link
> ???

That's cool but I don't like it. Keep my Robot Masters goofy pls

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looks like an etrian odyssey boss

This looks radical

Attached: 1e008b925343bfe7c9e90f807771e228.jpg (800x731, 79K)

You've never been inside of a gym, have you?

It's art.

Attached: lolification.png (1411x709, 421K)

Attached: Cd7sXkrUMAAPrPS.jpg large.jpg (740x558, 74K)

the only good redesign in the thread so far

That show sucks ass tho

I will never stop being mad at half of Monokuma being metal.

Play warframe and get hildryn

Everything about this comic is great.


Why is everyone british?

He looks like a fucking garden gnome.

Attached: 1457415359340.png (1468x312, 86K)

Attached: Mario.png (250x238, 43K)

This is the game cube version.


Unused link model for wreck it ralph

They really ruined the character. I can't believe that they shrunk her titties and ass. What the hell?
It's completely ruined!

I love it when they manage to practically flip the design and make it turn out amazing.

biological imperative to compete with other women for male attention, even if it's over something outrageously minor and petty like trying to convince men that pretty women aren't actually pretty or shame them for not liking "real" women


>they're all supposed to be from the same world yet many of them look like they're from completely different games or shows.
Because the world is a big place and there are plenty of different countries with different design teams and design philosophies?

>I'm gonna KILL Ganon to end the cycle
That's not how that works

Dark Samus IS the suit
Her insides coming out would be just like you or me. /ded

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Attached: 1543737595176.png (650x866, 318K)

post some of your art

A misguided/evil-without-knowing-it Link is a pretty boss idea. Had a DM use the idea as our running big bad in a campaign. Not-Link was in the middle of a reincarnation cycle, so he didn't realize the gods and stopped favouring elves and started favouring humans.

Cut to our group constantly running into some weirdo elf who only spoke in ancient elvish, knew the locations of and collected ancient fey weapons of deadly power, and was CONVINCED that humanity's pope was a villain was would kill every human if it meant "saving the world".

Attached: table of contents.jpg (919x617, 149K)

Is this what peak performance looks like?

Attached: 1452453544819.png (1600x1172, 1.26M)

Typical retarded SJW lgbt garbage with a desperate need to make everything look like an ugly modern cartoon

Attached: lolification2.png (1170x736, 599K)

That or when they just make the same character except really buff/skinny etc. It's like just slapping an ez polar opposite onto it.

Why does she get to have two faces?

Attached: this.png (444x566, 12K)

how many vbux is this parpnite skin

Attached: mega_man_x__w__samus_power_suit__by_v_a_a_n-db3z1b9.png.jpg (719x1112, 109K)

>that rouge

Attached: 335693590.jpg (660x433, 38K)

They already did at one point, user, but unfortunately her series is dead

Attached: okay.png (471x562, 61K)

holdup, Judgment!Maria is fine

Attached: 1452195104430.jpg (628x800, 156K)

>there will never ever be a metroid DRED where samus is slowly being corrupted by all the different things in her body(chozo dna, metroid dna, x-virus infestation)

Attached: 1542492997885.jpg (741x1199, 97K)

There is no way any Kirby character could be redesigned to look better

Act Zero was 360, m8.

unironically think the original mercy would have been cool as hell
how did they manage to fuck up literally everything?

Attached: 1547895954343.jpg (2264x1024, 347K)

>black gloves

Attached: 1546905328631.jpg (388x372, 64K)

Why have people made so many different versions of Samus? I don't think I've seen as much alt art for any other franchise.

Attached: 1543735533986.jpg (1100x1366, 306K)

Attached: tumblr_npupmvsVz71sccgsyo1_400.png (340x305, 85K)

Is this samus in a MMX style or is this X in the varia suit?

Attached: 1448639175367.jpg (2592x1936, 1.8M)

Attached: Untitled.png (1257x896, 480K)

It's X with a Varia suit style armor.

oh shit nigga is that some nick knacks

Attached: dcbqwvx-0ceb07f2-6e12-49dc-b514-ed0da5366e5e.png (323x419, 15K)

>Here's your bounty hunter bro!

Attached: SAMUSS.jpg (512x654, 79K)

Look at those bags
She needs some melatonin

Attached: 1541526966708.png (1024x854, 529K)

>easiest support character to play is a buff black dude
Would've made healsluts not play the game or learn to play a better character, 10/10

Pic related is Samus in a MMX style

Attached: samus_in_mega_man__by_glee_chan-dbjprqw.png (1280x1594, 528K)

Attached: skullchaps_by_emlan-d4s7ykw.png (900x855, 710K)

>Why can't metroid crawl on the corner

Alright but where's beowolf

Attached: 1549618320494.png (1063x529, 764K)

Must be the love of armor designs + her generally changing designs each entry
Too bad a lot of them miss out what makes most of the offical designs so good.
That said that one you posted looks cool

Attached: 1541604798316.png (1024x1729, 813K)

Aayyy I get it.

Attached: bonus_chaps_by_emlan-d4t65ob.png.jpg (764x1046, 125K)

Attached: armored roll.jpg (753x1060, 87K)

Well, since you asked.

Attached: girlwulf_by_emlan-d8od1qe.png (857x796, 512K)

Cere and Val are pretty nice but Parasoul didn't translate well at all. Why is his pants white when the skirt is black originally?

What's wrong with /ic/? I don't browse it.

Is that the artist name?

I'm convinced some people in the world have some sort of mental illness that doesn't allow them to see beauty in anything, and that's how they can end up spending hours drawing just to make something like this.

Attached: 1541787963216.jpg (762x1200, 129K)


She was watching too much Gurren Lagann

Get Sega to collapse, Hideki is on good terms with everyone he's ever made a game with and will probably be able to get back onto whatever team retains JSR's rights.

Attached: 1538891662792.png (512x847, 253K)

Attached: 1550984391244.jpg (1024x964, 171K)

>angel character is a nigger

no thanks

Samus the third

It's just the sex negative feminists that act as a loud minority, mostly due to how much influence they have over the media. Most women I know in real life wouldn't be intimidated by attractive pixels.

Why do people always redesign Samus to be ugly?


Attached: file.png (661x296, 253K)

>Planet of the SR38Apes

Attached: 1437332216649.jpg (481x650, 313K)

>three of the support characters are black
What did Blizzard mean by this?


I like this one

would explain a lot about his robo aids


Attached: 1521483268654.gif (290x189, 1.24M)

Blizzard x Metroid
As long as it's just the aesthetic design

this one would be cool if shadow didn't have those dumb leg scarves


reminds me of the girl in the snowglobe from that one pixar short

Attached: 1537986382375.png (768x960, 1.06M)

This reminds me; does anyone have the classic Disney Sonic redesigns? Those ones are great.

Attached: 1435263119592.png (1024x1024, 740K)


>samus but cute and funny
metroid is saved

A good example of if something is really good, Yea Forums will accept it.
Also this

Attached: 1435120215483.jpg (975x1350, 157K)

>changing the long falls into generic heels
>giving chell random shit that she wouldn't fucking have like a jacket and something other than the jumpsuit and tank top
and worst of all
>giving her styled hair instead of a bedraggled ponytail

She has one. Visors aren't a face

These are pretty nice.
I want to protect Fem Silver's smile

If it wasn't for the fact every low self-esteem black teenager following that faggot hair dye trend, I would unironically love Cloud's design.

Captain Marvel?

Attached: 1426730279951.png (573x1180, 189K)

im interested in this

>SD/chibi is loli
i hate tourists

Attached: 1435118355725.jpg (989x807, 189K)

Attached: 1548696718019.png (900x706, 394K)

>Samson is dumb Johnny bravo hair

Attached: 1374035649221.jpg (691x800, 502K)

>flat chested, tiny, and looks like a child

Shit im a mediocre looking guy and I don't really care what a girl looks like as long as the game's good.
The redhead from Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty ugly, but I can't deny her game is fun.

It’s the brow.
Not just a female but also males. The original brow makes anyone look like the generic depiction of neanderthal


Attached: 1374036018374.jpg (700x900, 455K)

we want the Anniefag audence

Attached: 1532266707598.jpg (1280x1059, 127K)

>if they don't have soccer ball-sized tats they are children

Attached: 1545260389512.jpg (1080x1081, 69K)

>"Looks cu-"
>Boom designs
What a waste

Attached: 1433367429756.jpg (810x1080, 662K)

Attached: 1438566949367.jpg (630x891, 268K)

Yo, is that Joeadok’s art?

Attached: 1374035951299.jpg (764x600, 103K)

>a character that notably has moderately big tits now is flat

Attached: 1435107065996.jpg (972x822, 284K)

Attached: 1374035846425.jpg (1128x858, 195K)

Oh, you are Australian I see.


I can accept the race swap because it's honest about being a race swap, it's obvious that the concept is "what if the cast of FF7 was race swapped" which is completely fine, like staging a Shakespeare play with only black actors but acknowledging that it was originally about white people. If it was trying to pull dumb shit like killing off non-black characters and replacing them with black clones, or casting black actors in a show about fantasy Poland claiming they were always "diverse" it would've been ripped apart like it would deserve to.


Attached: images[1].jpg (237x213, 6K)

Is is bad that I recognized that this design was genderbent before I noticed the eyelashes?

Attached: 1374035552336.jpg (659x900, 123K)

Now its just fucking Cam from streetfighter

Attached: 1433360370570.jpg (750x813, 250K)

This is some pretzel bending logic.

These make me realize that FFX would have been better if all genders were swapped. save for because the design is retarded.

Attached: gay duck.webm (640x800, 1.01M)

Attached: 1374035735632.jpg (785x600, 99K)

Attached: Sonic_redesign.jpg (649x611, 144K)

>like when people are honest
>dislike when people are dishonest
Sure is confounding logic

so unimaginative. On first glance- your typical mechanic girl. Very poor design.

What would X-2 look like though?

I hate it, but give a cute hairstyle and i'd fuck it

Attached: 1374035787451.jpg (802x600, 104K)


Attached: MUH.jpg (698x768, 66K)

Off topic: But who do you guys think are the best vidya characters?

No... it wouldn't? I mean they're cute designs, but aside from maybe Wakka's hawaiian ass they all don't really need a gender swap and do well with the genders they already are.

>but acknowledging that it was originally about white people

Let me see if I understand user's logic:

I'll use comics as an example. Seems like that user doesn't like when characters are replaced in lieu of a minority replacement when the original character did just fine and was quite well received just as a pandering tool.

He is fine with what if scenarios or even alternate continuities where said minority characters get to be their own characters without taking away the spot of the previous characters.

As I understood, at least.



Attached: Final Ayyyy lmao 15.png (1280x633, 806K)

and more hair, but you know

>I think sonic should focus on a keep moving ahead approach
>but also let's make it a puzzle game
what the fuck was he thinking?

Attached: Angry-Video-Game-Nerd-6-700x387.png (700x387, 312K)

Tifa Lockhart & Sephiroth

Attached: bulbasaur__revisited_by_cobaltplasma-d8q4aad.jpg (1000x1571, 1.04M)

Yeah, it's not saying "Hamlet wuz actually a brotha n shiet", it's saying we cast Hamlet but with black actors

isnt the point of this fetish turning something ugly into something "hot"

>We'll never get a grape hero that looks like a perverted megaman character

Attached: 51d87487bf4a611c82111468bb6287b3.jpg (604x453, 42K)

>XV with a job system
How would you feel?

>Japan prefers Bulk.
I have folders of images to prove that assumption wrong.
Mecha designers in Japan don't follow a set trend.
there is a lot of variance in that field.

Attached: Nagano red frame.jpg (2448x3264, 806K)

Attached: 1273044642084.jpg (500x641, 77K)


Attached: How+About+No.jpg (599x358, 64K)

But Samus is already hot.
If she's drawn well, that is.

Attached: earthworm_jim_revisited_by_cobaltplasma-d8np333.jpg (1000x1514, 463K)

Attached: 1549495269757.jpg (424x604, 48K)

There are some merits to ugly female character design in western media, shame the effect was countered by the female liberation movement

Attached: JEm2FDsjg.png (929x514, 53K)

look like a man

That Cloud design reaks of token black


Butches are overweight 9 out of 10 times

I swear every time I see this it reminds me of Akihiko.

>not wanting to fuck granny auron

Attached: 97261e022ea3930226328e72e10fe8f5.jpg (700x479, 43K)

Attached: 1449437780957.jpg (776x823, 105K)

>How would you feel?
closer to a real final fantasy game.

just had to slap that in there didntcha tumbler?

The fact that they all have a shirt is kind of a giveaway.

So, basically:

Team Rocket in general has great designs/motif
>tfw they used red for Giovanni's suit instead of white in Let's Go, like in old promo art/the TCG

Attached: VSGiovanni_PE.png (700x700, 133K)

Attached: 299245_1.jpg (630x630, 67K)

Attached: s.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

who would be Jigen and Goemon?

NIgga I just like cute things. Fuck off.

Attached: nigga thats kawaii.jpg (249x498, 28K)

Needs more Dark Samus alts
>official concept art

Attached: 1544829303654.png (839x553, 213K)

Attached: earthworm_jim_by_owl_robot-d66zx5m.jpg (923x1000, 249K)