Why don’t you ever see game developers help out their local game stores when their new video game releases?

Why don’t you ever see game developers help out their local game stores when their new video game releases?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Have sex

Because they don't want to have anything with video games?

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I'm so disinterested in the movie I didn't even know it was out


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>literal who

Spiderman has more ass than this bitch

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What movie?
Who is she? Some voice actor or something?

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i’m an adult virgin

What movie? And is that an actress I assume? No idea.

>I don't need a 40 year old white dude to tell me about what didn't work for him in a wrinkle in time, it wasn't made for him.

>becoming an actress
Not even once.

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Same thing happened with Black Panther, it was a huge flop too but they covered it up way harder so that pics like this were scrubbed from the internet. I guess they know they can't win this one and aren't even trying.

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you surely saved them though for evidence, right?

Im adult, but I'm not a virgin. Now what?

you're still a virgin if you've had gay sex btw

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Another reason why Dan Kuroto is best game dev.

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bruh finna not be finna lit squad senpai shook skrrrtt skrrrt brompo scompo

>tried being discount Avril Lavigne
>didn't work
>get into acting
>get passed around like a fucktoy for producers to end up working on the most soulless franchise in Hollywood
>end up looking like you are in your 40s before hitting your 30s

Oh no no no.

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I'd say Black Panther was more TLJ, initially raving reviews but once people went home and slept on it they realised it's a piece of shit

>earning millions for doing fun stuff you also did as a kid
>getting tons of free benefits (food, clothing, advice, car etc.)

Sure is a shitty job.

If a theater is empty like that can't you fo up to the camera guy and ask to put on his favorite movie or something since there's no one here and don't really care about that movie,
Then you become friends and years later invite him to your wedding as your best man.

What are you on about? I didn’t like Black Panther but it definitely did flop. Why do you feel the need to lie and make up a conspiracy, faggot?

Black Panther a flop? It was one of the best Marvel movies in a while. I'm not a huge fan of capeshit (but don't despise it either), but I liked that one. Also enjoyed the last Avengers movie, mainly because of Thanos.
What was wrong with Black Panther, despite it being capeshit?


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She looks dead inside.

I don't think you can do that without dilating first

Did the movie bomb?

Because they're actually working and not playing pretend on camera as their job. They need rest.


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The fuck kind of faggot name is Brie anyway?

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That's what happens when you get into Hollywood and having to suck a thousand jew dicks to make your career go somewhere.

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>Empty theater
>wasted time
I don't know what she's getting at. That sounds better than my theater experiences.

>either you die to be free from your miserable existence or you get to live in a happier one
Thanos was based and correct

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God damn Americans are ugly

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Cheese, which refers to her feet.

What did she do? Didn't even know this actress, but she must've done something pretty shitty if an entire cast is disgruntled with you. Unless the media is exaggerating, which they obviously never do.

What's funny is that Avril is 6 years older than Brie and she looks much better.

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No, it's what happens when you get into Hollywood and suck a thousand jew dicks then throw away the career you got because you drank the NPC kool-aid


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wow really? this suprised me I thought normalfags flocked to marvel movies especially with infinity war part 2 coming up.

she's a PR nightmare who can't shut the fuck up about muh white males and spouting idpol nonsense.
She's done

Was it really a flop? This makes the whole "first capeshit movie nominated as best film" crap even funnier

"who the hell is captain marvel?"

Thanos was incredibly based. Best part is that the plot still works if you assume his plan is incredibly flawed. It doesn't matter whether the plan works; he believes it's the best thing for the universe, so he sacrifices everything to achieve it.
Pretty fucking based.

She got MKUltra'd to become a feminist, and Kevin Fiege is pushing for her to become the face of the franchise.

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Black power agenda pushing during black history month. Fine if you liked it, but I would say it was the worst one by far and was just a literal ripoff of Lion King full of really dumb nig pandering. And it did flop, maybe not as bad as this, but they forced a narrative around it saying it was the most successful film of all time when it definitely wasn't anywhere close. Same sort of paid internet shill defenses as The Last Jedi had to cover it up and spin the outcome.

not really it made more than a billion.
Still a shit flick though.

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>actually watching these movies

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>it did flop
Dude, the movie made 1.2 billion.

her job is to literally entertain us, not be a patronizing cunt. Thanks to her twitter nonsense she's scared off the audience.
Dance, monkey.

Oh it's one of those. Yeah, I'd be annoyed as well in that case
>Have mainly a white male cast
>Have somebody who is openly criticising white males
Well gee, I wonder why they are upset.

>dead inside
My kind of girl.
Too bad she looks old.

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It's probably because she doesn't understand her position and she's injecting politics into Marvel movies

Do Americans really name their children after cheese?

The complete opposite, the only people that are watching the movie are men.

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She's Canadian, the French part.

after all those movies even most normalfags I know are getting tired of it and just go to watch the movies of their favorite characters. captain marvel hasn't had her own movie yet so there's no established fanbase among that crowd.

The movie industry might be one of the most oversaturated entertainment mediums right now I have never seen such stagnation.

Compared to the movie industry the video game industry is flourishing with all sorts of high and low type entries to try out and buy or play

Why are all these Marvel movies the only thing people watch? It's so fucking cancerous

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>was just a literal ripoff of Lion King full of really dumb nig pandering.
So a ripoff of a ripoff?

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Their lies and manipulation worked then, you bought the story that it was a huge success. Even though it didn't make shit. You know how China makes up over half of box office sales nowadays and how The Last Jedi flopped in China so hard that they pulled it from theaters after only 2 weeks? Yeah, Black Panther did worse than that and was pulled after one weekend. The movie was a bomb, no one but some black people up their own ass about race shit that the left keeps baiting them into and virtue signaling cucks liked it, no one else cared. It wasn't even a good movie, so defending it just means you're trying to reinforce the agenda.

men who watch feminist marvel movies may as well be called women.

Suck it, haters, we(leftists) won. You'll accept new paradigm or die.

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casual sex is wrong

what language is that?

because game devs are not celebrities. Most people don't know who the fuck even worked on their favorite games unless we talking about Miyamoto or Kojima.

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Koizumi used to go to game stores to watch people buy games he worked on.

Or just accept that there's a fuckload of stupid men out there.
Just like how there's a ton of women who can't stand feminists.

Explain this incel)

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>marvel movie
>$150M opening weekend
yikes that's a flop

Disney aggressively markets them as they have a monopoly on the industry. They tell theatres to play only Captain Marvel and nothing else, otherwise they cannot host the film at all. This is totally legal in America.

Buzzwords like "yikes" and "oof" come from those people.

>60% of the moviegoer audience are men that means they're stupid.
user, every film is mostly watched by men.

I'm only interested in shit talking it.

>when you go "we are half the population!" but forget that the other side is also half the population

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>Worse than Iron Man 3

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Black speech

What the fuck did Black Panther have to do with black culture? Yes it was in an African FANTASY country. It's as much resembling black culture as Thor is resembling nordic culture. And I didn't even know it was black history month, we don't have that in my country.

I have a hank ass and it's still more ass than hers

Thats an ugly indian.

See that pic, most movies have a 50/50 split.
It's just theres a fuckton of betas and numales, and in fact they seem to be even more gullible than women.
That's why it's laughable when someone here starts talking about men or women as if they are all the same.

$150M sure explains the empty theaters

Mine was full.

This competition over capeshit sales to prove political points is the cringiest thing ever, how did we came to this

Yup. All the people saying it made a billion dollars are lying to defend it or bought the lie themselves and are just dupes. Disney themselves actually bought up a huge amount of tickets just to keep it in theaters for weeks and prevent people from noticing empty theater screenings like this. They also "donated" tickets to schools and forced them to take all their students to see it as a field trip to tie in with black history topics. They were told to add the movie to their history curriculum and teach it as if it were true.

This doesn't matter its already made like 420 million dollars. Its over.

fucking disgusting!
how can a female in her 20s look like a 50 year old?

150 million opening is not low.
I mean, it's not Avengers-tier, but unless there's drastic drops it should end up doing around a billion.

Hey, I have a guitly pleasure for capeshits. Only the ones considered good, though. The bad capeshits I still don't enjoy.
I know it's a shit taste, but I just like braindead superhero shit. Stop bully.

That's the kind of job she really belongs in, honestly.

why did she fuck them up like this bros

lots of jew dick

Wrong, yikes and oof come from the Twitch community

Is that why Yea Forums uses them so much, because this place is full of stupid millennials who watch endless streams?

Oh yeah I forgot about the ticket buying shit

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Yay big corporations!

Still no ass.

Black people have been sold this lie surrounding the film that they are still oppressed and that Wakanda represents how Africa would be if whites didn't exist and they didn't get enslaved and colonized or some shit. Literally, it's propaganda to whip the black lives matter people into even more of a frenzy.

critical success or not, Brie is NOT able to carry the franchise as the face of the MCU as planned.
She has the charisma of a block of cheese and couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

My theatre was almost full, and I saw it 3 days after the premiere. Though it was Saturday, which is probably the much more suitable day to visit the theatres compared to the days prior.
The movie was ok. In a lot of ways it was weird as fuck and it's obviously flawed, but there were a surprising number of things in it that still worked surprisingly well. It's far from the worst MCU movie, but that's also in no way among the better ones.

>incels still at it
You lost. Get over it.

Attached: CM saves the MCU from the white man.webm (700x290, 1.91M)

>They also "donated" tickets to schools and forced them to take all their students to see it as a field trip to tie in with black history topics. They were told to add the movie to their history curriculum and teach it as if it were true.

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I wouldn't say Yea Forums but Yea Forums definitely does seeing as twitch is more vidya than half the threads posted here.

Lack of care for her looks and man-hate.
Seems like the jew producers ended up traumatizing her.

unless you're 35+ you're a millennial too bro.

The avengers cast seems like the chillest group of friends, how can you hate them

they have to pay for this. noone should let feet look like that

Funny because when I went to see it the theatres were packed. Statistics say it also made a lot of money. These pictures are total bullshit. People are, in fact, seeing the movie. It's just that the movie is total garbage.


Empty theaters with only oyu and your bros in it are comfy as fuck. Tough watching captain marvel might not be the best way to spend that time together.

Or a zoomer, the real audience for streaming shit.

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Holy shit, the person on the top left called it. Empty screenings, movie totally flopped, yet the media are still in maximum spin saying it was "record-breaking".

>comparing it to live action remake of disney cartoon movie "barely leading it"
>then comparing it to a universally-panned DC movie also riding on nostalgia of batman/superman

>highest opening weekend/single weekend gross: 640million worldwide, 257.7mil in US/Canuckistan, 100mil more than Captain SJW

tl;dr her movie was absolutely -average- at best, box-office-wise. As this faggot said, that's a flop for a high-profile high-marketed Disney/Marvel movie.

Brie Larsson was a literal 10/10 in Scptt Pilgrim.
What happened?

Black Panther is literally the most successful films of all time. It got close to breaking the Titantic's record. I thought the movie was garbage, but you're full of shit.

This, People don't give a shit about the movie or the eperience they get from the cinema, but only about showing off their wokeness. Hell, I'm fucking glad when I go to the cinema and donÖt have fucking 400lbs neckbeards breathing down my neck and hearing them from every corner eating nachos and slurping coke.

Feminism and the wall. She rode the cock carousel right into it.

>29 year old
>could pass for 39
maybe if she relaxed playing some vidya instead of sucking cock all day she wouldn't be overaged

I just want hulk to stop being comedy relief/worf.

50 year old is a bit harsh but lots of people have incredibly shitty life styles. especially heavy drinking and smoking plays into it.

Hollywood is absolute cancer towards women.
The jews rape them, they end up dead inside, do drugs, drink, hate themselves and end up hating men.

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>as planned
Was it really planned?
I'll fully admit that I haven't been following this stuff at all. Haven't watched any trailers, read no articles, and have stayed up to date with nothing. I have just seen the movies.
But while I believe it or not, actually liked Captain Marvel, Brie is without a doubt something of a sore weak point of her own movie. And somehow I feel like they would have noticed or realized that somewhere during production.
You rarely build a giant media empire without at least a few people with a good sense when it comes to this kind of stuff. For it to go past them sounds weird.

>be me
>in my prime
>"hey can I get a movie?"
>get told no because you're not known or marketable enough
>be me
>Liz Olsen
>in my prime
>"hey can I get a movie?"
>get told no because you're not known or marketable enough
>be me
>literalwho loudmouth idpol proponent
>ugly as shit and way past my prime
>"hey can I get a movie?"
>get told yes and that I will carry the franchise after RDJs contract is up
gee I wonder why the cast dislikes her.

>local game store


>no blonde hair anymore
A blessing.

She was fucking envy? They look nothing alike.

>3rd biggest presale
>Not even 3rd biggest opening
>Empty theatres
Who could be buying all these tickets

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>having sex makes women look old

Do you fucking listen to the words coming out of your mouth?

/pol/ is SEETHING over how incredibly successful CM is

No, it absolutely didn't. But congratulations on believing the lies like a good cuck.

Movie made 1.3 billion, and cost 200 million

jesus christ

She looks like she is 45 and she is not even 30. Do all white women age like milk?

but neither of those are correct, user

Ehh, her hair color has never stopped fluctiating.
She even went full goth once.

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Scar is getting a movie tho.

when I saw it the theater was full

No dip shit they don’t just have a vault full of movie reels. It’s not a DVD player that you can just fling whatever into. This shit is why we have theater showers.

No, just the ones that don't take care of themselves.
Why do you think white women pretty much hold a monopoly on MILF porn?

But the article says she hates them, not the other way around.

The movie was good and I think the people rating it fucking 5/10 are fucking delusional.

>Humanity still uses high heels
They are attractive, sometimes are useful, but, they fuck your back if you use for too long.

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It does. Lots of sex, and I'm talking multiple times a day every day for years here, drains your energy and increases the effects of aging. Also, if she's fucking that much she probably drinks and smokes and possibly does shit like coke a lot too which make a huge difference. She looks like a heavy smoker imo.

It doesn't change the fact that 150 millions is still a strong opening

It's a fucking child. Get over yourself.

I think people are also forgetting the massive push made in a lot of theater to make it the only movie showing.
So not only do they have to strong arm the other movies, they are renting out 10 times more screen rooms.
But dumbasses see big numbers and UNGA BUNGA IT DO GOOD

>Black Panther
>it was a huge flop
What the fuck dude. No one believes this. You're going full on tinfoil mode here.

I want to use her tummy as a pillow

they're both correct, reread the thread.

>cant act
You know she has an Oscar right? For best actress.
This is more likely a case of directors that cant properly manage their leads. The script was also a bit weak at times.


they fuck your back by fucking up your feet first. women should really only wear them during sex or something, but then they wouldn't be able to boost up their hips and ass anymore

>>and hearing them from every corner eating nachos and slurping coke.
>on top of that, the sound from the movie isn't loud enough to drown them out

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The few women that I have know in my life from their early 15 to late 20s make me think show.
I mean it depens on individual traits and habits, but 80% women start looking really bad at 23-25 years old.

>it's another "Yea Forums spams their shitty incel bait threads on Yea Forums episode then wonders why their board has surpassed /pol/ has the shittiest board on Yea Forums" episode

fuck off, isn't there a comfy simpons thread you have to get to.

and yet it did better than a lot of other MCU movies. That picture doesn't exactly help your case.

who was her competition that year lmao.
Only proves that Oscars mean little more than stupid celebs patting each other's back

>deadpool had a 58 million budget
>made 780 million
holy fuck that printed money

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Tummies can be put to better use.

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wow she is

maybe not the direct effects of it but...
>cake yourself up in 5 kilos of makeup for night out
>binge drink + drugs
>take the cock up your ass
>too tired to clean up
>go to sleep with all that collagen sucking make-up
>age 20 years in 10

Captain Marvel is pretty great. I genuinely don't understand the hate going on, because it's a good film. I dunno why Rotten Tomatoes has the viewer score at 53%. If you like Marvel movies, this is a perfect example of one.

seething tranny. Go back to your safespace axewound

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Only to people who never had it.

It had virtually 0 advertising as well, just Ryan Reynolds shitposting

Black Panther being nominated for anything, let alone winning multiple categories, proves that it is just a propaganda machine circlejerk.

even worse

hourly reminder her feet look like this

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Oh lol. Now the shitposting makes sense. I totally didn't know that was happening.

so, boring, derivative, and 10 years past their prime?
I agree.

>Excersise is bad for you.

Nah, i know a guy who's just a mindless MCU fanboy NPC that actively ignores politics even when it's shoved in his face and demonizes his own race and gender.

God shes fucking ugly.

Did you take a pic? Im looking on twitter for full theater pic and can't find any...

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so, a woman?

i'm an old man and my feet look way better than that

all of these are fake and done by pr companies and casting agencies

a couple of years ago i was involve in 1 of these "celebrity help out in the community" events

they cleared out the coffee shop i was working in so the little girl from GoT (arya stark) could "serve coffee to normal people"

everyone she "made" coffee for was an actor and they had a director telling them how to react and act surprised

Damn she was cute.

I know this is an off-topic bait thread but I did go to an Uncharted 3 midnight opening where about 10 developers from Naughty Dog were there and boy was it depressing. There were more developers there than there were people buying the game.

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>man is retarded
>t-that's just a woman

>woman is retarded
>wtf all women are whores

>incels calling marvel a flop because of fake pics being spread around
>meanwhile, it's killing it at the box office
I guess this is what trump meant by spotting fake news.

As far as i know he's asexual and only lives to play video games. He's just a typical emasculated male, not a woman.

Are you unaware that a massive subculture of American negroids unironically believe that they had Wakanda tier civilizations before muh ebul wyte man came and stole technology and science from the blacks. They also think that the ancient Egyptians were blacks.
It's a cult called Nation of Islam.

jesus christ marvel

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I really don't like this trend of having random stuff tattooed all over your body. Would be fine if there was at least some coherence to it.
I would obviously still fuck her till my pelvis is dust if given the opportunity though.

>What movie?
Captain Marvel.

Even in complete darkness I can 100% tell that theater is empty.

>Woman is retarded
No user that's just a woman.

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pretty much, yes.

>it's killing it at the box office
and where's your proof of that?
some fake news site?

>it was a huge flop
it's the 9th highest grossing movie ever

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Shut the fuck up

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Thats a nice edit.

>Marvel's first female led superhero movie
They're getting oddly specific with these characterizations. Is it even correct? I don't know enough about Marvel, but I know for sure there have been plenty of female starred superhero movies. Hell, my fucking favourite series when I was a kid was Xena. That was in the fucking 90s.

Being obtuse is not an argument.
It's a fact that, if it wasn't for men, Captain Marvel would have actually flopped, because even women are not eating this shit up.

Wasted opportunity to spell the n word

I might see it eventually just because I like skrulls. The kinoplex here doubles as a restaurant so watching a movie is usually just an excuse to go there to eat

Wouldn't surprise me if these cinemas are out in no where.

Nice shoop

PR stunt by Disney to make her seem more likeable

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Im gonna marry her hips, waist and tummy!

wow that's depressing.
our society is dead.

/pol/ desperately wants this film to bomb and the fact that it isn't pisses them off so much they make all these fake propaganda images of empty theaters.

Stay mad, incels. The movie is a hit.

what's wrong with it?

The feminist "don't have kids, stay independent and strong" propaganda machine at work folks.

Genuinely curious where you're getting this from because I'd be very happy if it was true. I'm seeing that it made over a billion dollars.

No they don't. Yikes does but oof is negro twitter slang.

>box office website has reasons to lie
>random twitter people don't
the absolute state of incels

She has tattoos mostly because she had to, her entire persona was the whole skatergirl thing.
In reality what she really liked was country music.

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What lies? Literally, every source has shown that Black Panther was a financial success. You're the one who's in delusion, dumbass.

Attached: Black PAnther success.png (728x450, 189K)

the fact that some oogabooga black power sci-fi flick done by white jews is lauded as some cultural masterpiece, and people eat that shit up.

Vast majority of people who watch streams are like 25-30 years old, so people who have been on Yea Forums since they were in high school.

yeah, that face is 100% my type.
not sure how she managed to age that quickly though, all of the cuteness is gone.


I saw it and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't all that good either. I preferred Dr. Strange over this.
I had to watch it considering I'm playing to watch the next Avengers, and I did the mistake of not seeing Ragnarok before seeing the last one.

Mouse shills spreading disinfo or assmad blacks

>They also think that the ancient Egyptians were blacks
Weren't they? I mean, not Nigerian or Kenian black, but where I come from, northern Africans are still considered 'black'. Although I do agree they're more brownish than black, but it kinda depends on your interpretation.

Im a foot guy and I must say I don't think I will be attending this movie based on these pics.

I know, but my point still stands.

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yeah, I'm sure /pol/ right wing feet squads are clearing out theaters worldwide

It is. Black Widow was supposed to get one but it was moved time and time again and now CM is the first one.

Did anyone want to see this shit? I saw they were trying to spin it as a "female empowerment" movie like Wonder Woman, but the trailers made it look terrible. The Skrull look retarded, the plot seems like a retread of the terrible Green Lantern movie, and Brie Larson was a terrible choice for Carol.

>be basedboy quarterbrain who lives for identity politics nonsense
>see edit
>immediately assume it's real and affirms your world view
Big yikes

I never understood the point of using high heels in public, you can easily fall, they will destroy your feet and back, I guess they enjoys the attention from random people.

I'm probably going to skip Captain Marvel to see the last Avengers. Chances are she's just going to be a literal God and fix everything herself

Lol, This feminist 'strong confident women' shit is getting out of control.

oh god...

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The Director was black user

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Black Panther did have the best minor villain up to date at least.
Rest of the movie was so-so.

yeah I'm sure /pol/cels edited a fucking lunch trailer where she punches a baby.
Disgusting show.

Keep posting Empty theaters pics my dudes.
going to update it.

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nah, it'll be Tony who fixes everything. This is the Iron Man Cinematic Universe

Speaking of Marvel,I know I'm late, but was Spider Verse good?
The visuals are pretty awesome and the characters look cool and charming. It looks like a good movie.

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It's technically not when you consider that films like Elektra existed beforehand. But CM is the first one in the MCU.

I like that T'Challa isn't a quippy jokey guy like the other MCU heroes, but his sister was annoying

I'm sure Kevin Feige is black, user.

>Chances are she's just going to be a literal God and fix everything herself
That's the reason for her being.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10 Captain Marvel More Powerful Than Thanos Confirms Feige.png (831x1222, 975K)

That happens in the movie...

>lauded as some cultural masterpiece
user, no one has ever said such a thing about black panther. it's just an entertaining film, juts like jurassic park and die hard. these films aren't masterpieces, just fun movies to watch at the cinema.

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>production budget: N/A

you were saying?

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nigger just write on google "Last Jedi China" or "Black Panther China".

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Yeah, she has one of the most lickable tummies out there.

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The baby punch is from a Will Ferrel movie. In the actual trailer she punches some kindly old woman

I would unironically wear that trackie set.

Why is it that the hot chicks are always country hicks. I don't like country, but I can't deny the sheet amount of "HOT DAMN" at a country concert. my friend loves country and dragged me along once

Yeah and it's also why she's boring as fuck

Do you have a single fact to disprove it wasn't a success? Because the numbers don't lie.

It's being used to launder money

That's pretty much what she will do. There is a reason why Captain Marvel never really took of compared to the others, but mostly because people saw her as Marvel's Superman.
I mean, her name is fucking Car-ell while Superman's name is Kal-el.


god this is such an asspull fuckup.
I really really hope they ditch this space shit and go back to doing X-Men.

>the absolute state of incels

As much as I enjoy jumping on the bandwagon to laugh at this agenda-pushing pos movie...that one with the ticket is retarded.
>Movie starts at 6:30pm
>Posted: 3:53pm
nigga's 2.5 hrs early, of course it's fucking empty. Hell, there might even be time for a whole other fucking -movie- to be played in that theatre before it comes on.

RT rates it as the best movie of all time.

>no phone screens lit up while the movie still hasn't begun even

Goth Avril best Avril.

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Elektra was the first female marvel hero to get her own standalone movie.” First female lead MCU film” would be more correct.

Holy fuck. I thought you were rusing, but she is 29. I'm fucking older than her, yet she unironically does look like she's in her 40s.

Best capeshit movie

>lol you are so mad that Black Panther didn't bomb!

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>he thinks thor won't go for the head in end game and finish thanos
story is too predictable

But on the other hand I never found T'Challa very memorable either, even if he is the most "leveled" one out of the movie marvel heroes for now.

>dem titties

I hate the bitch but that ain't her fault she got a movie and they didn't. Bitches need a better agent or to start sucking the right dick.

It's Californian culture

There are enough marvel fanboys that will watch whatever garbage they pump out.
The guys I used to work with freaked out over new marvel trailers. They also all watched big bang theory...

Feige is a fan of her. These are clickbaits. The post credit scene basically confirm she won't be some Deus Ex.

imagine cumming inside of brie,imagine how good it must feel

Dunno, maybe city life fucks people up.

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I liked his character arc in Civil War better than the one in his own movie

I thought It wasn't going to be anythimg special and ended up liking it

Then your ears are clogged, because for at least the first month following black panther's release, nig nogs would NOT stop talking about how black panther was an important part of black culture and celebrated black culture and empowered them and all that bullshit.

>bigger opening than avengers
>bigger opening than any standalone MCU flick
>literalwho franchise making no sales and empty theaters becoming a meme
yeah this is money launder

What the fuck, Avril was a fit tomboy? My dick is fucking dimonds

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imagine spending your free time making posts like this

I haven’t been on Yea Forums in like a month because I spend all my time on Yea Forums and this bull shit is over here is well lmao

user the directors and writers were black just check imdb

Based Princess Sparklefists!!!!

Also, fuck calling her Captain Marvel instead of Ms. Marvel, and giving that moniker to a muslim.

>suddenly that 13% speaks for everyone
loving every laugh

>the numbers that Disney has desperately paid and forced all outlets to pass off as true with no basis in fact don't lie
>even though there's a massive vested interest in spreading the narrative that it was a huge success and would literally cripple the brand and Hollywood if it came out that it wasn't


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Holy shit shes perfect.
Literally cant find a single flaw.

yeah i'm sure they have no reason to lie
dont tell me you're this naive

I would make a parody about this movie and the villain's name would be called The White Male.

How fucking young are you that you didn't already know this? Avril was peak 00s waifu

>better than the one in his own movie
Not exactly hard considering how boring and annoying the other characters are. Warmonger was pretty based and I love how the general went all "I SERVE THE THRONE" to "Fuck the throne" in two-three scenes.

Yeah, that's the reason she got popular, she was a hot tomboy.

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What do you gain out of falseflagging like this? making someone mad for 5 minutes and then getting over it and moving on? Pathetic.

just imagine being the homosexual jew who cast Crypt Keeper McHaggard over here instead of our beautiful mommy

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Can't wait for the first female directed, crippled black transwoman starred nature documentary.
I agree that first female starred superhero movie would be a relative big deal, but they're really grasping at straws to show how "underrepresented" women are here.

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because natural > fake
the natural might still be fake but a fake that's aiming to look natural. if that makes any sense.

Her ass didn't fit in the suit.

>Black Panther did worse than that and was pulled after one weekend
It made $105,062,459 in China alone the total foreign box office was $646,853,595

The person who screencapped it might be in a different time zone from the person who took the pic

13% is pretty significant, and blacks are VERY loud.

Why do so many people have a grudeg against this movie? Don't follow capeshit.

In the early 2000's being a fit tomboy with your stomach showing was a thing for a little while. Just look at Kim Possible.

Starring Anna Faris

just imagine...

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It was good, but the best part are the visuals.

I'm falseflagging for saying the movie didn't bomb?

>It had virtually 0 advertising as well
What the fuck are you talking about? They utilized guerrilla and viral marketing with such efficiency that it should be taught in advertising schools.

If anyone thought this movie would actually bomb, they’re delusional. The MCU films have such a high attachment rate now after over a decade of buildup by Marvel, it’s probably impossible for one to bomb now. Of course, there will be ones that don’t do as well as the others, like Ant-Man and the Wasp, but even that movie made substantial profit. Captain Marvel has the fucking name of the company as her name, has been hyped up as the strongest character, and is a female lead. The movie is literally bomb-proof.

Poor user cant accept his bubble is wrong.

Source: Your ass. Show me actual evidence of your claim or else everyone will think you're just a dumbass in delusion. Plenty of people have shown evidence it's a success, you're here in denial making up conspiracy theories like someone who believes 9/11 was an inside job.

People don't like Brie Larson, thats about it. The movie is standard capeshit schlock but Brie is insufferable

it is mainly for aesthetic purposes only, don't think about it too much.

The PR provoked it

She's aging pretty fine, too.

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that's a nipple

Do people really get triggered when a fictional white male antagonist gets beaten up by a wom-

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Brie Larson and Jimmy Kimmel made a shitty joke about Trump and Jimmy said some shitty joke and Brie just went along with it.

Watched it today online. It's the only capeshit I've seen in years and it was very enjoyable. The visuals make it pretty great.

How do you go from this... well everyone already posted "to this"

Attached: brie-larson-1.jpg (500x580, 68K)

why you people posting this shit from like 15 years ago? She got fat after getting the lyme disease and dresses like a milf/cougar now.

Why didn't they do this with Wreck it Ralph or Increadbles 2 or Cars 2? They just decided to do this once and never again?

yeah, that looks like maybe 5 years difference, not 17

no, I'm sayibg that the numbers don't add up.
How can pre-established installments and teamup movies make less than this when it's laughably bad?

Yea Forums memes constantly get posted on Yea Forums because, for the last few years at least, both boards just complain about popular media 90% of the time.

The lame feminist marketing and tone plus Brie Larson is a hag who can't act and it seems the character is suddenly being shoved to the forefront of a huge cinematic universe. If she plays a big role in endgame it could trash the entire series.

>They utilized guerrilla and viral marketing with such efficiency that it should be taught in advertising schools.
This. Or rather, the memes marketed it for free which would make even Disney jealous.

>Black Panther
>Story about African king
>Ruling over his seclude country
I'm not American, so, why American black people think this is a good representation, 99% of them would be blocked from entering Wakanda, Blade is a superior representation, he is American.

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if 9/11 wasn't an inside job why did Larry Silverstein make billions off the attacks, but coincidentally had a dentist appointment at the time?

i forgot she even played her

Brie larson said she hates men on twitter

Why does the movie quality even matter? People decided to pay money to see it and that's that.

I think the name of the position you're looking for is "Human Resources" or "Diversity Officer". "Game Developers" have penises and do actual work.

wtf I want to suck cocks for the rest of my life now

it really doesn't matter. Endgame is the end of the current phase. It's all Captain Marvel and new Avengers from now on.

>box office website that reports on movie sales has an agenda and list false numbers to ensure that only left leaning films look good to the public

Attached: alex-jones-tinfoil.jpg (642x428, 35K)

>people laughing at how empty the theaters are
>still made 153 million domestic
>another 302 million international

So all this empty theater shit means nothing apparently. Took me two seconds to look up box office numbers too. I'm not even cheering for this movie but I can't stand people thinking they know how things really are and it takes two seconds to dismantle their entire mind.

I saw it. It's not good. You're wrong. But I'd like to know why you think it is.

I don't get why people here meme about women hitting the wall at 30 when women like her exist.
I'm convinced it's just the gay loud minority.

not really considering the theaters are empty, the reviews are fucking awful, and even critics giving it a 'boring' at best.
Money. Laundering.

1999 Avril was still best Avril.
Not gonna she's ugly now, but just saying.
>That mouth curl
Fucking cute

So let's check some facts here:
I went on my twitter and found a post from someone I follow. It says it was posted "10:00 AM - 10 Mar 2019" on the actual post. When I see it in their feed, it says Posted: 5hr ago.
My local time: Mar 10, 11:45am. - 10am was 1.45hrs ago, so clearly it's not based on my local time.
My PC's time: Mar 11, 3:45am (JP time due to mobile game emulation) - 10am Mar 10 was 18hrs ago, so clearly it's not based on my PC's time either.

In short: The time posted on a Tweet is the poster's local time. Checkmate, faggot.

the same reason /pol/tards celebrate nazi culture as if 99% of them wouldn't burn in the ovens next to the jews they despise

Probably the same way european whites thinks american movies are awesome.

Who is this literal who?

>the exception is now the rule

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if you play those roles when you are younger, you can expect the worst, desu

Cars 2 had no agenda, it was just shit. They did pull the agenda stuff with Wreck-It-Ralph 2. And Incredibles 2 they didn't have to because people actually wanted to see it regardless and it was actually a redpilled movie anyway.

lmao no, they bought the x men.
Nobody wants nuvengers without the og cast, and ESPECIALLY not cheese larson.

They're fun

>tfw I didn't looked this bitch in years
what the fuck is this illuminati shit?
how is she not falling apart?

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Americans believe there is some unity among every single person of a given race, especially if they aren’t white

Wow, now I know without a doubt you're legitimately retarded. I suppose the Earth is flat and that vaccinations cause autism too?

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Killmonger and because T'Challa admitted his people were wrong. Also because many anons wanted this moive to to bomb simply because "lol niggers"

Just ignorant virgins. People like to assume they're tapped into the secrets of life and that there's absolute rules. X can't do this, they're not built to. Y is only able to do this because of their brain. Statistically Z can't do this. And every time it's shit.

I just saw Ragnarok in preparation for Infinity War. Endgame is next month. Some people does this, others are legitimately interested. I was for example because i knew nothing about her.

>ywn have early 00s Avril shit talk you and step on your crotch in an urban skate area

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I'd take a Nazi over some commie bitch woth ugly feet any day.

I'm pretty interested considering I like MCU movies for their theater spectacle aspect and Brie is cute.

Your 30s reflect how you lived in your 20s.
If you take care of yourself, without living with too much stress, avoid drugs, and do a minimum amount of excercise, you'll age fine.

It's just a lot of people nowadays don't give a shit about that.
Specially among actors, who are constantly stressed, drink and get drugged like mad and due to their different acting gigs, they need to be constantly gaining muscle, losing it, getting fat... which just fucks you up even more.

Avril is one of those few 2000s celebs who are aging fine probably because she didn't get into acting.

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And yet people are still seeing it in record numbers.

I literally went to see it in theatres myself and it was packed.

your pilpul is weak, Larry.
How many billions have you pocketed off the backs of dead New Yorkers, larry?

She JUSTed Nickelback and probably used his fortune to eat stem cells.

Incredibles two litterally had pro feminist agenda but it's ok because niggers

Who doesnt?

Another! Please provide links to your YT videos so I have some entertainment while playing vidya. The last guy (maybe it was you) got so angry he resorted to smileyposting.


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Yeah but you didn't post it on twitter so um, fuck you. We all box office numbers are lies because....YEAH! So fuck women and especially fuck niggers.

>Brie is cute
lol She was cuter as a blue haired home wrecker in Scott Pilgrim.

>10+ years of building up these characters
>unite them all against a galactic threat
>1/2 a movie from the conclusion
>wait we need to show you this person existed all along
>person we only knew for 1 movie comes in and gets the kill steal on thanos
Im already 100% dropping this series either way after this 2nd round of thanos but id like to not be pointlessly annoyed at least.

I'm glad your teeth are fine, Larry.
You luckily escaped a grave fate.

i want that jacket.

Brie played Envy, not Ramona. The actress that played Ramona is actually 5 years older than Brie, but looks much better.

Can confirm. Lazy 30s boomer faggot who lived relatively stress-free, did no drugs/drinking in my 20s, still look like a fucking babyface if I shave and people are fucking surprised when I tell them how old I am and guess way lower.

Despite spending way too much time over the last decade+ of lurking this shithole

On the surface? Sure. But then the movie ends up being "the nuclear family is better off when both parents work together and mom needs to be at home instead of dad". Also, the kids save the day again anyway since their parents are both naive jobbers who trust every villain they meet.

because a lot of them do. especially when they don't go overboard with the partying and shit but do it with some moderation it takes a bit for the results to add up, and that point is usually hit somewhere in the late 20s. putting on weight destroys your looks like nothing else. even my 60yo hairdresser looks better than most of my female coworkers, just because she kept herself in shape.
the wall is mostly avoidable by living a healthier life style though

Who the fuck is Larry? Just link me to your YT 'research' videos that zoom in on clouds to see Bush's face and shit. Fucking show me your research user, I need a giggle.

Proves my point even more.
Tbh I didn't really think much of it, just remember someone telling me she was in Scott Pilgrim. Just made the assumption.

It's not memes, it's understanding of the demographics you are advertising to, hence why the marketing campaign could be so cheap and effective since unlike a lot of advertisement campaigns that just spam their movie everywhere for 100 million dollar ad budget, Deadpool went specifically after fans of the comic which helped build hype as they spread it around themselves. Hence viral marketing. It's hard to say if it would have been as successful without Reynolds since he clear enjoyed it.

>/pol/ being wrong and in full damage control.
It's not like they other side is full of saints, but this is some glorious butthurt I'm reading. And it's all for free.

Oh okay, I don’t use Twitter so I didn’t know

>>person we only knew for 1 movie comes in and gets the kill steal on thanos
why do you people keep saying this as if it's going to be true? the kill will go to someone like star lord, thor or strange. just because brave becky shows up to do damage doesn't mean she'll get the killing blow.

>that dyke suit


Empty theaters are pretty great.

I still like how she looks in her Captain Marvel role.

I think you're well informed on your own wrongdoings, murderer.

Comfy as fuck and you can put your feets on the seat in front of you.

I can't know everything about everything, mate.

Basically same here. I rarely drink. I do no drugs. I don't exercise or diet that well but I'm making a good effort to change that before I hit 30, which is getting fairly close.
Either way people assume I'm 19 or 20 most of the time.

Yeah I really don't think they should be introducing new heroes at this point. This supposed to be the victory lap/celebration of the MCU, having a huge cunt like Brie Larson show up at the end and take up screentime is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth.

>On the surface? Sure.
So then you admit it has this and pro family agenda but they apparently didn't push these?

That thing lives in my country.

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Don't listen to all the pseudo-science, it's all lifestyle.
Pic related, they are the Olsen sisters.
The ones on the sides are the Olsen twins, the one in the middle is the younger sister.
The younger one didn't get into acting until she was already an adult, and never had any incidents related to drugs or alcohol.

Meanwhile the twins spent all their developing years working, full of stress, tired, snorting coke and getting drunk, which is why they went full JUST in their early 20s, while the younger one is approaching her 30s and still looks completely fine.

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It'll be Cap and Iron Man killing him together and sacrificing themselves. Neither actor is contracted to return after this movie after all.

Learn to spell.

AHHHHHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fuck the MCU.
Marvel bought X-Men recently.
Who do you want to see as the new Huge Jackedman?

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I think you might have completely lost it user. That's what happens when you get high on conspiracy. You either wake up to reality, or completely snap.

>a white male in the image

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can someone sum this up for an eurofag here?

>2011 + 8
>Using the word “dyke”



Old Man Logan with Danny Devito

I'd be okay with this

Dude, it's the coke and booze, all the stress and training don't turn you into a fucking ghoul.

you will die.

At least you're man or woman enough to admit it. We need moar of that shit these days instead of blind shitpost-defending orbiters

>Spouts 9/11 conspiracy theories
>Refuses to even show his laughable sources for them

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Training doesn't, as long as you are not pushing yourself too much.
But stress does contribute to accelerated aging.

Tom Cruise!

She was her cutest in the newest King Kong movie.

you're the only guy ITT who thinks it was an actual terrorist attack lmao

>without living with too much stress
I'm dead

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Nobody because he's a straight white male. They could (and should) continue with X-23 though. Logan was pretty fucking fantastic and there is no need to rez Wolverine.

>younger sister
>towers over her siblings by like a foot

Holy shit

So will you. I think I'll be happier in life, though. Being mentally sane does that to people.

Yeah, the younger one is the one that plays Scarlet Witch in Marvel movies.

Stunted growth.

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no eat shit with your spic goblina knockoff wolverine, thanks

She literally has a :3 face what the fuck

Movie is genuinely good
Despite its title, it's actually all about nick fury

>store release

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You’re miserable

The twins were also probably molested. They were the biggest child stars of the 90's besides McCauley Caulken. And they both have definitely had plastic surgeries done.

What's wrong, Gosling poster?

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Yeah it was amazing.
I hope they'll make more movies like this one.

Wait what? Scarlet Witch is the younger sister of the Olsen twins?

>she will never ride your dick in a Tharja cosplay

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I think you need to go back to Yea Forums, you faggot

Except his ancestors were right, they opened themselves and a some random tried to mine their metal, and its not like the random civilian would give a shit about some poor child in Asia or north america, the king should first and foremost protect his country and his people, not the others.

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>must finna be slaw
Can somebody translate this?

Yes, it was 10/10.

I hope you can sleep sound with all that weight on your conscience, Larry.

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I dunno man, I'm always stressed and tired and people still guess me as 10 years younger than I am.
I never had anything to do with drugs though and I can count the amount of beers I drink in a year on one hand.
Maybe I'm just an exception though.

But I'm not? I'm not the only one replying to you and most people (who are sane) view 9/11 conspiracies as a joke. That's why we're making fun of you.

this scene wasn't even in the movie wth

lmao crybaby


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I'm pretty sure she said yes during the interview, ironically.

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Why is that baseball glove wearing a track suit?

Underage drinking can prevent their physical growth.

She is only 29, yet they have to smooth out her face so much she looks like an entirely different person in an undoctored photo or video.
She looks like the fucking mother of whoever they have in the movie.

You really think some kind of grand schemer (according to your glorious conspiracy) would waste time on Yea Forums? How far gone are you exactly?

Forgive me, but isn't hating Avengers and capeshit extremely based?

yeah conspiracies are a joke and everything is fine. Move on.

It's fake user
You can clearly she is in inserted into the shot

Guess I never realised because the twins look like fucking corpses.

Muslim Ms.Marvel is the one diversity hire that doesn't suck complete ass to the point where she has eclipsed Captain Marvel it terms of likability. Literally no one fucking likes Captain Marvel to the point where she keeps getting rebooted like twice a year

No idea why.
She is a literal waste of space.

no, but I think low IQ lapdogs like you are cheap.

cute belly, ugly face.

I'm the guy who started it.

Imagine being this invested in how a movie does just because of your political opinion

Black panther was dogshit dude fuck off lol

her powers are based on the thing used to contain the power of the gems. The Avengers name comes from her. Fury's eye patch was due to her cat.

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oof sound effect is literally from roblox

They looked more alike when they were younger.

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Attached: endgame ending leaked.webm (640x266, 745K)

Please tell me this isn't the climatic fight or the climax of the climatic fight. Just shooting overpowered laser beams at the bad guy without breaking a sweat isn't exciting at all.

>Working in a high stress jobs ages you.
No shit, compare people who are president when they start to when they finish, and actually have to deal with the consequences of the office.


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>Thinks 9/11 was an inside job
>Thinks he has high IQ
Let me guess, education is governmental indoctrination and should be shunned? Have finished college? I find the vast majority of conspiracy tards have never finished college, yet always claim "people" are stupid.
It's so beautifully ironic.

no wonder Obama's hair turned white after bombing all those kids

what the fuck is going on in that gif

>they made jude law evil

Probably not too far from the truth.

The main problem of the movie is that it fucking sucks. They're just using the feminism issue as an excuse. It's fucking Ghostbusters all over again.

>20 years later
>still has racoon face on 24/7
what a shame. there's a few pics of her with out so much shit in here eyes and she looked amazing.

>empty theaters all over the country on opening weekend while they say how successful it is, again

why did you get so worked up, user?
It's just a conspiracy.

Because they aren't as shallow and have some minor amount of dignity I presume.

Marvel's been trying so hard to have a Wonder Woman counterpart

It's not as bad as Ghostbusters, but even by MCU standards it's lacking.

By beaten up you mean gets his patriarchal ass wiped, right?

You can just say that about any amoral or immoral activity as an attempt to put yourself above the accuser.
>you only say killing is wrong because you don't have the balls to do it yourself

This, but I wouldn't call it good. And Brie is wooden as fuck whyd they hire that flat assed bitch lmfao

is that theatre like 20 seats

You don't like eyeliner?
I think it looks nice, it helps highlight the eyes.

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Oh I'm not getting worked up, I'm literally laughing right now. You realise the vast majority of the world makes fun of you right? Even random niggers in Africa are laughing at people like you.

>"they ordered from everyone involved to prepare for two cuts: one with the original CM plan, another cutting down the character’s participation in case Captain Marvel flops.”"

Jesus Christ. They just don't even give a fuck about the real canon story. They're literally playing it by ear based on profits. Holy shit. How incredibly disrespectful to such a legacy franchise.

Not the guy, but a lot of conspiracy theories has been proven right throughout the years.
I don't think 9/11 was an insider job, but it's pretty fun to read those theories.

From what I understand is pretty much like Superman except the girl is not only boring, but she's a cunt as well and an even bigger Mary Sue.

>Dine-In Theater
Mother fucker, nobody wants to go to those theaters. They're uncomfortable, a pain in the ass, tickets and food are even more expensive (which is already mother fucking expensive for the theater), and this is in the middle of bullshit fucking Kansas.

Because they aren't being paid by Disney to wear a tracksuit and walk around making a spectacle of themselves.

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better face, but covered in makeup, so lots of money and daily routines to make it not look shit.

G-force stand exercises.

Captain marvel was watchable at least.
The skrull dude and SLJ carried it hard for me.

yet here you are typing

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She is Marvel's Superman.

>A lot of conspiracy theories were proven right
Uh-hu. Like the moonlanding was a hoax, or that there were alien landings in Roswell and Area 51. Stuff like that.

>blatantly off topic thread hits bump limit

Found the incel

What gets me is that no one poses a threat to CM. Even in other MCU movies the villains at least have some upper hand over the heroes. Not in this film.

Yes, it's entertaining. Please tell me more about the topic. Learn me the secrets the gubment is holding from me.

you truly are a CIAnigger or some shit.
Ever heard of the EU army conspiracy a few years ago?
Haha shocker, it's real

eyeliner is the one piece of makeup I like despite it being visible.
for everything else, the moment I can tell it's there it becomes a huge turnoff. but eyes become much more interesting with eyeliner

No, but national and international monitoring for example.
Today it is a given, but 20-30 years ago when people started making these theories, people thought they were just as crazy.

>*type type type*
he mad

Truly a massive conspiracy you got there. Wanna let me in on the details, or is that too dangerous?

>me in the back

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It was good, trust me. And I'm not just saying it because of Peni.

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Lol is that actually her?

just thought it was some random woman dresssed up, she's so bland

She doesn't even have a "Kryptonite", does she? The only thing limiting her is some chip oppressing her, which is fucking retarded in so many levels.

Her answer was,"Great question, duh."
Fucking hivemind.

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the NSA isn't real either nor does Israel have nukes
oh wait my bad x)

Yes, please tell me more. This is fucking comedy gold.

>have no idea what the fuck this thread is about
>image search op
>first hit is a movie imdb page for Girl (2018)
>Lara is a 15-year-old girl, born in the body of a boy, who dreams of becoming a ballerina.
>read thread a little more and find out you're all actually complaining about capefaggotry
it's all so tiresome
video games

The field trip thing is true because I'm actually black and I have a younger brother who had the chance to go but didn't because of no interest. Who knows about it being taught though.

Irrelevant. Just because one thing may be true doesn't mean most conspiracy theories have any truth to them at all. I'm sure in a few decades we'll all accept that the Earth is flat, vaccinations cause autism, the NWO exists and 9/11 was an inside job.

No one said they were dangerous. Just that some conspiracy theories have been proven true.

I wonder if she's that OP in the comics as well?

Does that mean you're mad as well? I mean you're also typing. The only play is to not play it seems user. So what's it going to be? Respond and show you are mad or stop responding?

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[SPOILER] Ant-Man > Video Games > Iron Man > Homecoming > Redditors of the Galaxy > Thor > Civil War > Avengers > Age of Ultron >Captain America > The Reddit Soldier > Incredible Hulk > Iron Man 3 > Iron Man 2

haven't seen the rest

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>*type type type*

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>Irrelevant. Just because one thing may be true doesn't mean most conspiracy theories have any truth to them at all.
I never said that, or at least meant it to sound like that. I'm not a believer, I just find it fun to read the theories. And I also just added some was proven true.

comic power levels are retarded and vary dramatically from comic to comic.
Literal whos have beaten basically everyone powerful.

Why do they have this middle aged woman pretending to not even be 30 yet?

Oh sure. Not 'many' though. And not even close to 'a lot'.

>best film

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>or at least meant it to sound like that
never meant it to sound like that*

Shes 29,I think.

this fucking thread is a clash between TMZ and infowars

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No I mean does she have no weaknesses in her own comic against her villains or how does it work?

>just because we are actually monitored 24/7 doesn't mean it was a conspiracy
>here's some concocted lunacy we peddle every post to negate what you've said and make you seem crazy
Ted K was right and you people need to fucking go. Holy shit.