What is the most patrician gaming experience out there?

What is the most patrician gaming experience out there?

Attached: homm3.jpg (220x279, 35K)

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Not that one, but it's among the ones that share the top spot for it.

0.000000001 seconds in and you can already get eargasm from the music in HoMM.


when i was a kid i thought the concept of the necromancers was cool even though necromancer teams generally suck at the game competitively compared to the other classes

It's an old casual TBS that literally every single kid, no matter how retarded he was, had played at some point in their life. Where I live it used be as popular as cawadoody with younger millennials and fortnite with zoomers which indicates just how basic and accessible it is.
It's a cool game but ain't nothing particularly patrician about it.

I didn't even have to click play on the Main Menu theme.
I could just HEAR it. I still love the combat music in that game.

>it's accessible therefore there's nothing patrician about it

Just a side note, can you run Heroes 3 Complete on Windows 10? I still have the CD.

yes. Shit, I run it on win 7.

Who else /fortress/ here?

I don't think so

Google "GOG Heroes 3 complete download"
It just works.

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Yeah man I have it installed on win 10

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>that literally every single kid, no matter how retarded he was, had played at some point in their life


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Had just to update the graphics, add more units/towns, spells and voice lines in the following sequels instead they just made it worse with every iteration.



>It's an old casual TBS that literally every single kid, no matter how retarded he was, had played at some point in their life.
no way. youre thinking of some shit like goldeneye for the n64. this isnt the case for any fucking pc game

*tips fedora*

starting a new game was usually better than finishing one. great times. borderline weird. but good times

Are there any addons that make First Aid not useless?

I remember that I've seen a dance show with that music. It was pretty neat, the dancers and choreography were had tribal vibes and everything was really professional. It kinda surprised me back then that they've decided to use music from HoMM

WoG makes it resurrect a few units after combat.

Pharaoh (1999)

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Yep, at least in slavlands. Nobody had N64 and only rich kids had PS1


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