Castelkino is back on the menu

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Pic unrelated.

where is the news about kickstarter rewards you fucks

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>waifu gookshit

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Artstyle is a bit offputting.
Cool that they hired Wayforward to help them out though, Shantae a cute. (and they seem to have kind of a similar cheesecake fanservice vibe going on)

That's a good idea

not a castlevania fan but i hope it turns out good for you niggers. I'm really worried about how this and Shenmue 3 are going to turn out. I feel like both have the potential to be legit disasters.

Oh fuck yes, after MM9 anything that ends up playable at all is going to be a nice surprise.

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Worst case the only fault of Bloodstained is going to be visual issues.
As soon as they showed the ability to flip the world upside down and mentioned puzzles will revolve around that, I knew the game would be fucking awesome.

I hope Wayforward actually manages to make the game not look like shit.

is this gonna have shitty castlevania 1 controls like that other game?

I need a demo of the final game before I buy it. I was mixed about first demo we got, felt too slow and floaty.

I want a demo to let me play with the customization

The game basically is a complete disaster of development. Like real basket fire. But Iga has done his best to make the best of a bad situation. So see the game through that lense. It's still ugly, but not s much as before. It's not amzing, but it could be way worse.

Support it and we'll get better sequels.

>Shenmue 3 are going to turn out.

I thought it was made by Sega, but then I realized it's just some guys who won the rights. My god, why isn't Sega making this? Use the Yakuza engine, and re-use assets from those games!

>is this gonna have shitty castlevania 1 controls like that other game?

No, it's based on the NDS games.

Sega refused to make it.
Same situation as Bayonetta 2.

She's not a homosexual
She HATES gays

It's true. I respect IGA for trying his best instead of Inafune who says "hey it's better than nothing eat it up shit nerds"

Oh nonono

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>Sega refused to make it.

If they made it for cheap, I'm certain it'd make money.


That's why he fired Inti-Creates, which I noticed was right after MN9's release. They should have never been hired. They have no idea how to use Unreal engine.

Development sure seems like it has been rough but I don't think the game even looks that bad from the most recent trailer, and what really matters to me is that the level design, size of the map, movement and general gameplay are on par or at least close to Igavanias.