Am I the only one hyped for Halo Infinite
Am I the only one hyped for Halo Infinite
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Explain this webm.
Also no there are plenty of 12-year-old boomers who love Halo.
what is that?
a monument to all your sins
guy is shooting air through tenderloin
>being hyped for post 343 Halo
Explain the webm instead, retard.
fresh meat, added salt i reckon?
it is fresh meat that is still contracting with whatever atp is left in it.
Its not air you dumbass, its salt on fresh meat, causing it to spasm
Fresh kill, retards. Muscles don't just immediately shut down after the animal dies.
common parasites in american beef
this is what happens when you put salt on fresh meat
Ahhhh, medium rare. The only way to eat meat.
Dont they normally do the "wire down the spinal cord" trick to prevent fish from flopping around like this? Seems like it could be pretty dangerous.
Humans are fucking monsters
It's dead, you fucking idiot. If you actually had eyes, you could clearly see it had no head.
user, Halo Reach just turned 20.
I am too but you can't have an a real discussion about halo here. Or anything really.
suck my vegan dick
Should be used on every animal we eat, if possible.
>Ikejime (活け締め) or Ikijime (活き締め) is a method of slaughtering fish to maintain the quality of its meat. The technique originated in Japan, but is now in widespread use. It involves the insertion of a spike quickly and directly into the hindbrain, usually located slightly behind and above the eye, thereby causing immediate brain death. When spiked correctly, the fish fins flare and the fish relaxes, immediately ceasing all motion. Destroying the brain and the spinal cord of the fish will prevent reflex action from happening; such muscle movements would otherwise consume adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscle, and as a result produce lactic acid, making the fish sour. Furthermore, the blood contained in the fish flesh retracts to the gut cavity, which produces a better coloured and flavoured fillet. This method is considered to be the fastest and most humane method of killing fish.
you wouldnt get it hard.
Did you guys prefer armor abilities or equipment or even neither
I liked abilities, they should bring them all back aside from armor lock
They lopped the head off already. The muscles were just trying to be muscle without a brain. Sometimes it happens, sometimes not.
We would sometimes beat the fish in the head to knock it out first
Yeah that headless body is in so much pain without its brain.
Anyone else has masturbated to this video?
It's so nice. I want to put my tongue on it.
Equipment > Nothing > Armor Skills
This chef's lookin' cute for a monster desu
haven't played a halo game since 2
>a monument to all your sins
based post
meanwhile fucking chink insectoids torture animals and even cook them alive because "fear makes the meat taste better"
Not only are you a faggot, but you're also retarded.What a surprise.
An then you have muslim barbarians just stringing up living animals and merely slitting their throat and watching them bleed to death.
Everytime, I wish Japan had exterminated them Insects.
Bro chill... they're just animals
>makes the meat taste better
I'm pretty sure this meme started on Yea Forums and has no actual basis on reality because I can never find sources for it anywhere.
Everyone tortures animals, especially the Japanese. Go screech about chinks and politics on /int/ or /pol/
Anyone else wanna play hollow knight?
That guys Korean and the fish is dead. Are you people blind and cannot see the missing head?
Reminder that The Cove is Japan, not China.
What's The Cove?
When the devs say reboot, you need to stop your hype down to a min.
I watched a video yesterday of a zebra drowning the young of a different zebra. All life on earth is like this.
Can somebody tell me why when they cut meat and shit there isn't blood flying everywhere? It's because the heart isn't beating?
What do you mean?
Ahh another /ck/ thread. I've been waiting for this.
in his last moment, he remembered his favorite joke
>le am i the only...
animals AND infidels, user
calm down /pol/. doesn't quite work that way.
They do that in several countries user, the blood is good.
>Zebra refuses to be a stepfather
Even grass eaters don't want to be a cuck.
ooooooh chirpy~~~~
Documentary about dolphin harvesting. Japs trap a bunch of dolphins in a cove and kill them all.
What's the issue with this?
What the fuck is wrong with asians?
Oh that, I thought you meant was something different. Did idiots think this was about China?
Somebody didn't see the "this kills the crab" picture.
Do you have the one where the Chinaman breaks the old lady?
Jews do the same. Fish isn't the same as a cow lol
No escape
No defense
The unstoppable force
Nope, but I have this.
I wish we were fucking monsters.
I wanna fuck a kelpie so bad.
You mean with his cock like in my taiwanese adult comics?
They should at least fuck them before killing them.
Poor birb
>small fish in tofu
>while tofu is being cooked, fish swim deeper into the tofu where it is cooler and then die in the tofu
I don't know it's pretty cool
Do you guys think traffic accidents only happen in China?
Did it die?
Fuck off, weeb. Japs are notorious for hunting whales and dolphins which is illegal. Nonwhites should all be enslaved and civilized again.
I thought horses didn't eat meat?
/ck/ thteads stoped being fun when it just became webms of that jack guy being a retarded
Fuck you for reminding me of that video.
>This kills the Pepe
fucking kek
The blood vessels in muscles are small and usually drained by the time the animal is butchered.
>Mutt speaking of ''nonwhites''
every time lol
Russia too
Talking shit like you didn't think I'd herd you?
Spasming protein
this is the crabbo equivalent of "choke on em"
>el goblino logic
Or someone can just smash some chipsticks into its throat. It works just as well.
Why can't we have a decent Halo thread. Fucking weeks destroyed this board.
I don't get this shit
Norway kills like 2k Minke whales every year but literally nobody gives a fuck
Sometimes I feel like a god damn villain from a fucking video game. I started off in life innocent and naive and just wanted to help people and make others smile. I wanted other people to be happy, perhaps for selfish reasons admittedly. But each passing year my love for people or things, animals or myself, wane. Sometimes I just want to tear it all down to my level, because I want others to feel how broken I am.
get dabbed on boomer
>Japs are notorious for hunting whales and dolphins which is illegal. Nonwhites should all be enslaved and civilized again.
There are three countries on Earth which ignore the ban on whaling and continue doing so.
Japan, Norway and Iceland.
And Japan only stopped the ban because Norway and Iceland were given free reign and no one gave a fuck.
Dunno about you, but I'm pretty sure Norwegians and Icelanders are about as white as they come.
we gonna rule the world in 10 year and nothing pig like you can stop it
Pretty sure that's hiragana on his right upper arm
Halofags deserve nothing more than mockery
This, can't have a good Halo thread, can't have a good Metroid thread, being a Halo and Metroid fan on Yea Forums sucks, too much shitposting.
man cooking sure looks fun. i should really get into it some day
That fucking hat tip of victory
Something about watching a skilled cook makes me happy.
cows and horses sometimes do
It didn't eat it.
All animals are omnivores given the chance.
i love you
t. urban basedboy
what if someone cut you in half like this while you were still alive?
Nuke #3 when
Unless there's a full video somewhere all it did was step on the bird.
It would be extremely painful.
>feels good man
That nip is enjoying that too much. Asians are weird.
>Jack managed to had a stroke that fucked up half his body
I knew he was either gonna posion himself or suffer a worse destiny like a slow killer but i still was surprised how quickly karma got his fat ass