How's that LR Vegeta grind?
DBZ Dokkan Battle
It's finally over, and his f2p pure saiyans team is making the LR trunks grind fun.
I'm never making another namek saga team.
Nobody gives a shit.
>threads always get 400+ replies
>nothing but discussion about the game
Sure buddy.
Also rate my incredibly shitty team that can't even make it any farther than Level 7 in the Gogeta EZA but I love all these cards so much I don't even know who I'd replace or with what.
>Grinded almost all day yesterday, even to the point where I feel asleep grinding
>Only a bit more half way there
Isn't Gogeta STR? Kale seems like a liability
Fuck that shit, I am gonna wait for the bonus units.
Oh I didn't make the team specifically for Gogeta, it's just my all-purpose team right now and the only one I really have made right now because I suck at this game
I really should make a team specifically for kicking Gogeta's teeth in, though. If not just so I can max out my Gogeta card.
Then it seems pretty good, would recommend trying to find a replacement for masked Sayian. He's good for Dokkan battles, but things like SBR will screw you over with his passive.
>Getting 20 medals in one run
How do you guys handle grinding for multiple things? I have like 3 things to grind for before the World Tournament, and the only way to even get one of them.on time is to spend stones like there's no tommorow.
I mean I can't even scratch the Dokkan Broly fight with this team, at least not once I hit phase 3, but maybe that's another fight I need to make a specific team for, really want to awaken my Paragus and Super Broly off that one of these days. Sadly didn't get the blue Broly leader, or I'd probably have grinded my ass off at the EZA to get him to be a good leader since my team is technically all Pure Saiyans.
That being said if I were to replace anyone it'd probably be Masked Saiyan, only had him for a day or two now, Caulifla has more or less the same leader ability. Maybe I'll slide my Paragus card in once he's dokkan'd, or just go for the Super Broly because he's a fucking beast.
I was grinding ribrianne for my peppy gals team, also that kid goku free future lr. I've been getting vegeta cards and medals every now and then since he is the one that takes the longest time
>grinding LR Vegeta when Transforming SS Vegeta is coming out on Saiyan Day
Don't you have any movie bosses lead? Just play that broly event to get freeiza and a decent borly. Else you are probably not getting far on it.
I have the exact same grind, but with the extra baggage for getting 100 medals from the Ribrianne event to awaken all of my units that need them. I'm prioritizing LR Vegeta though.
I don't have a drop LR yet, so getting him will make stop only events signed easier.
*drop only
I'm too deep into this to stop now
phy gotenks is still better than teq and I wonder what the new transformation vegeta is gonna be like
see ya later vigins
i will suck cock for dragon stones
Don't worry, you shouldn't have to worry about spending until 4th aneversary.
alright fagboy, how many will you give me you thirsty slut
but i want a transforming vegeta
Man why does this shit takes so long to fucking recharge stamina. I miss when they make your stamina refil after 3minutes instead of 5
Just spend stones goy
I have an LR Bojack with the bottom right path opened and I pulled another Bojack last night, do I open top left or keep this one as TUR to link with LR Bojack?
Just open the paths.
Oh shit.
Rate My f2p Pure Saiyans team
Using it to grind trunks so no kaioken goku, though i do have him rainbowed too.
Why do that when we get transforming Vegeta soon
In all honesty I may just switch to the cracked APK until the World Tournament starts, I'm getting tired of all this grinding.
I forget, was he datamined? Like it's a guarantee and not just speculation?
To be honest, I would replace INT Broly with a super attack sealer. Less synergy is worth not getting hit with six digits worth of damage.
How far do you guys usually get on that ultimate battle or whatever it is called?
I can only get up to the second boss of level 2 because i am kinda awful at making teams and i have no sub leaders.
is there any way to altomatically grind the entire story mode? i want to gems an LR vegito but fuck me there's too much shit to do.
The best you can do is get the version of the cracked APK that allows wins fights in one turn.
how do i get that exactly?
Beat every one so far. Helps if you're a long time player.
How's my Giant team looking? I need to Dokkan Tapion still and I have Tora in his ape form
it is looking pretty alright but i am not sure baout tha kid goku, does he even link well with everyone else besides king piccolo?
Pretty bad honestly. That team's damage will be really shitty. Even transformed.
Getting blood rubys, and peppy gal medals alongside vegeta medals is fucking bullshit.
T.could be done but refuse to stone refresh
you can replay past events now so dont sweat about it.;
So far bought 1 Blood ruby kai, got 60 pepy gal medals and 100 begeta medals.
Would this 18 be alright for Android team?
Well I have Giant blue butterfly girl so I'll Dokkan her next
I don't know honestly, I think he'll link with other sayians like Tora and Bardock.
Who should I switch out?
i played for 2 days to get 140 peppy gal medals because i got all the peppy gals from the banner besides the new chi chi.
saddly both pan and kid chichi are not peppy gals for some stupid reason.
Still got a lot of work to do. Prioritized the ribrianne grind first (still debating whether or not to go ahead and get the medals for Chi-Chi and Bulla out of the way ahead of time), and I'm barely getting started on the LR tier medal grind after getting doubles of everything else.
Also trying to get a proper team up and going so I can finish the Family Kamehameha EZB. Seeing as I barely made it past the Gogeta EZB through the skin of my teeth (no broly or turles), I want to make damn sure I can handle it before wasting muh keys.
>Who should I switch out?
The tier list should tell you that lol
Does anybody else think it's a little excessive for each Peppy Gal to require 20 medals? Anyway is this good enough for the SBR stage once awakened?
The Peppy Gals SBR is probably the easiest one. If anything I would see how that team does now. Would probably replace 18 with F2P Bulma though.
try swapping that android 18 for teq bulma, else you are good to go.
>retards on reddit spent stones to grind vegeta faster
Why are they so fucking dumb
Finished yesterday with doc's help. Now I'm gonna take a brake from Prime Battle and go grind the medals for all the peppy gals in the game.
thanks doc
>Summoning on glb before they add the coins
what are these coins anyways?
Yeah dude I don't understand that decision wt all, make no sense.
Newish feature in JP. Every few stones you use on a banner will give you coins that can be redeemed for certain units on whatever banner is up.
>Tfw you forgot to bring the flute on Boss Rush 6
5 drop after 5 drop after 5 drop
>summoning at all before they implement guaranteed 10 DFE SSR banners
There's always gonna be something in the future that will make us look retarded for doing half the shit we do now. But, doesn't mean we just need to stop playing the game because it's gonna happen.
You get 10 coins for each multi. You use the coins to choose whatever DFEs are featured on the banner besides the newest ones. The top one right now costs like 2000 coins. It's basically a failsafe for whales who spend their life savings to get one thing and commit suicide if they don't get it.
There's literally no point in summoning on anything until then. Maybe they'll add them for Vegeta? They did add the GSSR stupid early on GLB because they knew nobody would summon until that came
>There's always gonna be something in the future that will make us look retarded for doing half the shit we do now. But, doesn't mean we just need to stop playing the game because it's gonna happen.
It's a couple of months of saving for your stones' value to me infinitely increased forever. Play all you like, but it's stupid to not just wait a bit for this. It literally turns the gambling aspect into just, at worse, a purchase
forgot to reply to
French leakers said dual celebration on JP/Global for Saiyan Day (3/18) with the new unit being a transforming Super Saiyan Vegeta similar to the transforming Goku/Frieza
you knwo what, i gonna get myself some stones and try a summon, wish me luck boys
Based phyt3nks still outdamaging teqlord. still been wanting the teq one forever though
I really want to summon on the waifu banner again. Got my 5th PHY Pan. I feel like I could make up for it by doing good in the Tourney and skipping Crapgeta. Why do we need to have ANOTHER monkey before Cooler? I can't wait for him much longer.
Bets on Ki+3 All Allies +120% to all stats
>SSR is Extreme - Scouter Vegeta
>TUR is Super - Family man Vegeta from Super
So don't spend a stone for a year to get one card. Sounds really terrible.
>There's literally no point in summoning on anything until then.
That's just dumb.
>hey just completely pause our progression for 5 months
Sure, you shouldn't be dumb wasting stones on shit banners, but summoning on good banners is fine.
>caring about a unit that you will never ever see the last form
I've reach golden frieza once and i had to delay super attacks. I can't even go final form 90% of the time
waitfags completely miss the point of this game
Like I said it's mostly for whale so they don't kill themselves after dropping hundreds to get nothing. And you do spend stones. We get somewhere around 200 stones a months for free if you want the top card it's just a ten month wait. I'm not sure what it is right now but last time it was LR Vegito. But either way, you don't have to get the top card, there's good cards as cheap as 200 coins. I'm F2P and can almost afford whatever's on the bottom after only a month of the coins existing.
I've been telling people since FighterZ was still in production crying about not being able to turn ss/2/3etc in-game that transforming characters is a bad idea that is only novel for a little bit and then becomes an annoyance once the novelty wears off.
Just don't come crying that you got shafted or they didn't give enough stones while I'm off buying LRs for free.
>hey just completely pause our progression for 5 months
There's plenty units still for me to grind and my box can clear Battlefield easy. I'd rather dump 2000 f2p stones on a banner and feel like Truth except not fat than just feel shafted when I don't pull the entire banner on a single
It's cumulative, you'll get a card for free eventually if you keep summoning AFTER they add this
Post LRs.
>while I'm off buying LRs for free
You're not getting shit for free because you'll have to spend actual money to have enough to get an LR that quickly buyfag
Threadly fucking reminder: If you flex with your f2p LRs I will not look at your collection
I can not get bulma to drop on looking for mr right for the life of me
How do you know if they're F2P if you don't look?
Because it's right at the top, so then I stop, and then I pop
>I'm not sure what it is right now but last time it was LR Vegito.
I think it's always:
For Dokkan Fest
>All currently featured SSR except the new ones
For LRs
>All LRs except the latest ones
For Type Banners and the like
>The 2 Main SSR or just Kais
>Lr cost 2500 stones in coins
>Yearly f2p stones give out is over 3000
>Coins carry between banners
The SBR LRs are a legit flex
Only if they're rainbowed. Anyone can beat S.INT and Peppy gals enough times for one copy.
Yea, and that's only spending on LR banners no? Which are mostly shit.
True, those are exempt, but it's also getting to the point it's not very impressive. Droppables can GTFO though.
>Don't care for anything else coming to Global
>Don't care for Prime Battles
>Potara and Fusions still able to roflstomp all content anyway
This sucks. I don't wanna go to FEH full-time.
Why do you hate him? What did he do to you?
Who the fuck are you anyway?
His event taking 27 hours to complete
i only have lik 4 lr, i got bojack last week and i am farming for lr super vegeta.
Someone who doesn't like sifting through meme LRs to see the good stuff.
>Yea, and that's only spending on LR banners no? Which are mostly shit.
You can also get Dokkan Fest Lrs. Even then, I summon on Double rate banners on occasion for the rates, no Rs and the Kais. Imagine adding coins to this. It's too much value to skip out on.
I have about 700 stones right now. The 4th year gives about 900 stones. That's just 900 more stones until I can get, let's say, an Lr Vegito dupe right on the 4th year don't even need to go beyond that. If we assume they give a pessimistic 200 stones per month, that's just 4 months of saving until I can just buy a Gacha Lr without paying anything. And that's IF I want to buy the Lr. Could also horde the stones and get some other dokkan fest I missed between celebrations. Like, Kid Goku's banner's kinda trash? Just wait until he comesback and buy him lol
It really doesn't though unless you don't have a Potara team But even then all you have to do is survive for like 5 minutes and destroy the dancing Buu.
I'm in the same boat.
>Day ~710
>Have both 3rd anni LRs to bitchmode all Dokkan Events
>Have a complete godlead/neogodlead collection besides SSJ4 Vegeta so Battlefield is trivial
>Modded SBR and Punch machine a long time ago
>Now I'm just twiddling my thumbs until 4th anniversary
It feels weird to have to soft-quit after such a long time. Should I make an alt to fill the void or would that be a bad idea since the ongoing banners suck?
new jobgeta next week
I've been running a similar team and it sweeps the Peppy Gals SBR. Just gotta get 4 more wins for an extra dupe of Goku. 20 wins shouldn't be required it's bullshit.
is there any way to get past world tournament related LR?
But can you do Battlefield and SBR? 2 teams can't clear all that by themselves
>Have both 3rd anni LRs to bitchmode all Dokkan Events
Dokkan Events get bitchmoded by even the Ginyu team
>Modded SBR and Punch machine a long time ago
Well that's just you're fault, not the game's
>Now I'm just twiddling my thumbs until 4th anniversary
It's kinda dry right now, true. Maybe Vegeta next week will spice things up a bit?
Piccolo has been on the GSSR ticket banner for a while now. Tien is on it on JP I think but not yet on Global, he'll probably be on it starting this WT or the next. Yamcha is still pretty new so not sure when he'll be on it on JP but he's not even out yet on Global so.
What do you guys think they're going to do for the 30th anniversary late next month?
hopefully a transforming ss1 kid gohan, i need a non shit hybrid leader.
I think that's what all this DB related shit on JP is about right now. So maybe another Dragon Ball unit or Saiyan saga unit. Global will get 3+0 stones.
turning Planet Namek Saga into an actual category is what jumps to mind
LR Goku + Piccolo would be nice
Fuck prime battles
Come into me Cooler please. Fill my empty slot.
SS4 Vegeta himself describes me looking at his banner pretty well
Forgot pic
oh wow nice catch
that's legit embarrassing his eza event is the weakest one
Also Hercule
Maybe you shouldn't have modded SBR so you wouldn't feel a void.
This is what keys were made for. I didn't feel like doing it back then because I don't think Cooler was out yet.
The weakest one is Kid Gohan or Piccolo. I don't remember because I didn't farm Piccolo because I don't like him.
What do you mean? It is a category, or do you mean a high level one.
>The weakest one is Kid Gohan or Piccolo. I don't remember because I didn't farm Piccolo because I don't like him.
f2p EZBs don't count. Like the nubroly one, they're pseudoEZBs.
It's as much a category as Namekians
It needs a strong leader to be on par with the other. It has so many units I love but never get a chance to use like Str FF Frieza, Phy Kaioken Goku and f2p Agl Piccolo
Nah nigga, NOTHING is like Namekians. Does that even have enough characters to run a full TUR team? lol
Why don't they count? They are weakest and they are EZAs. EZBs are the ones that are just raids like topless Jiren, the original NuBroly, and Omega. Even those are nothing to to sneeze at because Omega can get pretty difficult for those that cannot rainbow the GTku or make a team around him.
File not called Doc n Battle
Because they are f2p EZBs, they are much easier for a reason. They shouldn't be compared to gacha EZBs.
It does now.
>EZA Piccolo
>TEQ King Piccolo
>STR King Piccolo
>STR Piccolo Jr.
>PHY Slug
>PHY Kami
And once the U6 Namekians and something like Piccolo(Fused) or Piccolo(Angel) (GT) comes out it might actually be decent to run.
>Does that even have enough characters to run a full TUR team?
Yeah just barely.
>Agl Piccolo
>Phy Slug (Giant)
>Phy Kami
>Demon King
>Demon King (Old)
>Piccolo (Giant)
I'll never not be salty Agl Piccolo got added to Ressurected Warriors but didn't get (Nail) added to his name
INT Black please come soon. Or I might have to pleasure myself with the LR banner tonight.
I wish INT Black was better. I have him on JP and he's meh tier.