Other urls found in this thread:
Pedogate isn't real it is a fake to distract you.
This Pedogate isn't real it is a fake to distract you
Pedogate isn't real it is a fake to distract you
Welcome to the velvet room.
I liked the story more than the game play in the first game, the actual game play was pretty dull outside of a few cool scenes like the gas station.
rent frree
Nothing I hate more than seeing girls kiss
I need cocks or it's gay
please, PLEASE have sex
Lesbians are easy mode
Try having two men kiss
Naughty Dog = Pussies
based and red pilled
ouch, hit a nerve?
And what then?
You think I'm ever gonna stop shitposting just because I got my dick wet?
Fuck off
It true tho Pedogate isn't real it is a fake to distract you
It true tho Pedogate isn't real it is a fake to distract you
But I've already had sex and some chick was actually begging me to rape her just yesterday.
Igor stop making out with your gf and fuse me some personas.
We can't all be Chad Thundercock like you
Oh wait
This user is right, I have a big ass nose but I'm not a Jew (that I'm aware of). My family came to America from Italy or so they say. Maybe they are jewing me.
So triggered and buttmad.
You lost the culture war
Time to give up
Shitposting is way better
>You think I'm ever gonna stop shitposting just because I got my dick wet?
Yes, because you wouldn't be an incel anymore and therefore have no reason to get triggered by women
She's actually wearing a traditional Jewish bracelet if you look at her wrist while she's dancing. At least 8ts not unfounded
*honk honk*
Women are RETARDED, haha!
I couldn't fit in an over I'm like 300 pounds
have sex
why can't we have cute teenage lesbians without all the political bullshit
>She's actually wearing a traditional Jewish bracelet
It's called a Ariv'shalla and it's a fertility bracelet made from foreskins that Jewish women wear after their 17th year but only on days they are ovulating.
Sorry that you're coping poorly with your uggo Jew face.
>oh cool a sequel to that one zombie game
>wait where are the zombies
>why are they showing me 2 girls kissing
>where are the zombies
Oh my sweet summer child
You see if you aren't dabbing on the triggered libtards, you're a cuck!
Sure, get over here and bend over.
Remember if you have any critical thoughts about this game you’re literally a nazi manbaby who’s incapable of having sex with women. There’s no other possibility.
>no scale
dont consume this type of information
>*desire to fuse intensifies*
You don’t want to fuck a tranny user. Never stick your dick into crazy.
>you’re literally a nazi manbaby who’s incapable of having sex with women
Honestly, this is statistically very highly probable.
>tfw lost my virginity yesterday
>immediately gained a newdfound respect for women and people of color
>just saw captain marvel today
>was really good!
Bros... I think I kind of like not being an incel!
It doesn't happen often, but this shit board has it's moments.
Moishe, they're onto us!
*Igor intensifies*
I’m glad Gargamel’s actor is still finding work.
>So you feel it's insane to believe videogames can influence you to become more violent or sexist... but also you strongly believe there is an agenda being pushed in videogames that risks brainwashing the players? Would you care to expand on that?
Put your dilator in before the wound heals itself!!
Speaking of statistics did you know that 40% of transsexuals commit suicide? That blacks make up 13% of the American population and are responsible for 50% of all violent crime. That Jews make up less than 2% of global population and yet are vastly over represented in the entertainment and media industries?
He looks more like a terrorist or cult leader than a soja dude.
There are no suicide bomber VR games.
It's OK, I'm mentally ill too
Too bad she's gonna have to mate with a guy to repopulate the world.
imagine actually thinking it works like this. Must be nice being so incredibly simple minded. Or just insane idk
I'm the lower one. My butt hurt is zero, I'm just shitposting because that one image looked like Igor from the Persona games.
It was a game about all kinds of people overcoming all kinds of difficulties in a country consumed by cataclysm with the two main characters, one of them being Ellie, taking center stage. Their development and relationships were 20 times more important than collecting ammo and shooting zombie dudes in their faces.
I don't even like this garbage press X to watch a cutscene """""game""""" but calling it a zombie game is just being a brainlet.
post the non-edited version you cunt,
>Not understanding that shit only gained such traction because they were ugly, so it was easier to mock
Sorry you have shit standards
Is Joel even going to be playable in this game?
holy dsigusting moly
Not buying this shit anyway. The first one was linear movie tier shit that was a meme I may have fell for once, but not again fags
He made that up, retard.
just different types of indoctrination
One is pacified, other is radicalized
This, but unironically.
>humanity is dwindling in numbers
>be a fag
>get pregnant anyway (bet you it's a rape)
The story is going to be a revenge story for a rape is what I'm saying. It's not going to have the same "did Joel do the right thing" feeling like tlou. They'll cram a moral down your throat. #metoo
They're not fags they're fag enablers
I can't stand this level of degeneracy but that's the media peddled to our youth these days
Does anyone have the goy is IN her nose?
Seeing violence desensitizes you to it. However games don't try to feed you ideologies about how killing is good and should be done, it might desensitize at least for some time, but that's it. In fact i think being a bit insensitive is good.
How does Atlus get away with this? This is clearly a Jewish-European banker stereotype.
Nah he is just (((russian))). His name is Igor
I have had sex and I like to shitpost and make jokes about everything
Not everyone has to follow your book of comedy
Can you fuck off back to /pol/? Submerging video games with your shitty jew meme is only going to make this place worse than it already is.
Fuck Jews
>everyone who is indoctrinated looks the same
I've been to catholic church a lot as a kid. They didn't look similar to terrorists.
Though american christians often do have that creepy mindless smile.
>this thread
>game makes you violent because you kill people
>game makes you sexist because women wear bikinis
>games like any other media can be used as vehicles for the propaganda of literally any ideology using tried and true easily recognized methods
Really made me think the big thonk.
What the fuck is foramen
>So you feel it's insane to believe videogames can influence you to become more violent or sexist... but also you strongly believe there is an agenda being pushed in videogames that risks brainwashing the players? Would you care to expand on that?
People with shitty noses should either get surgery or a bullet
t. a guy with a shitty jew-lite nose
Remember, Jews are superior to your. They are your masters. They control militaries, politicians, corporations, countries, movies, television, and videogames. Everything you do is in service to the Jew. You were born for their sake. You will die for their sake. No matter your skin color, you are an inferior race.
Already posted in this thread half an hour ago fuck off back to the other one slowpoke.
oy vey
Of course video games don't make anyone violent. SJWs want everyone to believe otherwise, but have NO PROOF of that, just stupid gender study memes.
We must keep out children away from tranny agenda. If they see characters crossdressing, they will imitate them. Once I have a white 8/10+ girlfriend, we'll make children and keep them away from degeneracy.
>those ears
>seeing a female psychiatrist
Why would you want inferior health care?
She's actually argentinian you discriminating cunt
>this bad at math
I don't think anyone believes the progressive signalling/censoring will have any effect at all, it's rather just a retarded practice people usually point out as being stupid and distracting.
No I just believe that the agenda is turning games into shitty pretentious pieces of crap that act as a smokescreen for ever an increasing decline in quality of gameplay.
Lesbian here.
Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.
>lol u mad?
>you're the problem
damn dude it's a paradox
Nice pasta. Gonna have to use this.
U forgot le cuck poster
Damn, she could fuck good with those nostrils, fucking sexual woodpecker
>Lesbian here.
>Get the machete
what is dialation
This but unironically.
It's pasta but I just know that this was really posted by some nasty roasty cunt on jewbook or twatter for real the first time.
Based dyke.
have sex
Yeah sure keep pretending anyone not into your disgusting ass is lying
Ew no, trannies can fuck off too
Italians generally have humongous noses
t. 50%
Friendly reminder that Burning jews is the perfect Offer to god
italians dont have hook kike noses unless they're the brown arab/semite rape babies from southern italy
Change your ways and convert yourself to our lord and savior Jesus Christ
>44% of the Jews of America are among the 1%
>literally every Jew you meet is either bill-gates level rich, or a close relative of one
wew this is new levels of autism. I knew pol were retarded but come on man..
gonna screencap this
>we are taking over
Thought I had that jpg of the male and female tribe survivor series saved but no such luck.
Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha thats a good goyim
I don't understand why you care
so just to be sure, you actually believe that 44% of American Jews, almost half of them, are among the 1% richest? don't meme or shitpost just answer this question.
>SJWs use gender study memes to make people believe videogames make people violent!
But this isn't true
Liberals don't even try to argue that games make you violent, and certainly not by using "gender study memes"
Because we are going to be cucked if we ignore it
He is going to fuck my gf with that disgusting nigger shit dick
He's right you know.
if there's one thing that's true about this world it's that all women fucking hate other women and all men unironically love each other
we fight each other in wars for the fun of it and tell the women back home it was for "economics" and "big picture stuff" when really we wanted to play the best game ever with the boys
we literally let you have all the power and you fuck it up
>tfw gamer
not sure who you're referring to.
imagine the smell
irrelevant men will keep other men in line because they dont want to be socially ostracized from all the potential pussy theyll never have anyway
shut up anne frank
Last time I had sex this bitch was crazy and insecure talking about how her sisters husband threw her when he was naked and grabbed her ass once. Women are fucking crazy and many are bad as any incel here.
>1990's to 2004
>left moves from center to the left
>right moves from right to center
>2004 to 2017
>right mostly moves back to 1990's position
>left moves hard to the left
so I like this meme cause it fucks with /pol/cels but could it maybe not have the misogynistic undertones? kthnxbye
I hate Yea Forums so fucking much.
Fuck borders and laws and shit too, because I just remembered I saw an african kid.
>getting fucked by a tranny
This but unironically. I'm a jew and there's a pretty good chance my nose is smaller than the incels who spread that shitty, unfunny meme.