Who's your favorite?
Who's your favorite?
Who's your favorite?
Bulbasaur but all options are respectable
Cyndaquil but all options are respectable
Mudkip by default because the Treecko and Torchics lines are awful and Mudkip's is at least decent
Turtwig because the other two options suck but also because Turwig's line is legitimately cool
Oshawott because the other two lines suck ass but also because the line is legitimately cool
Froakie because of course I prefer that line when they intentionally made the other two options really shit to manufacture popularity for the Ninja Freg
Hard pass on every gen 7 starter. Every single one is awful past stage 1. The stage 1s are all decent.
Grookey is the best gen 8 start thus far, but Sobble is respectable too. As long as you don't pick the Yokai Rabbit. (Any of them could be ruined/salvaged by later evos though.)
Would unironically wear the pink nintenjack
Bulbasaur -> Cyndaquil -> Mudkip -> Piplup -> Oshawott -> Fennekin -> Popplio -> Sobble
Why are water types so best?
Whoever made this image is retarded, the punchline being in a larger font than the rest instantly draws your eye to it and ruins the joke.
What are you, the meme police?
Squirtle, though I always ditch my starter anyway so it doesn't matter.8
For me it's Bulbasaur -> Totodile -> Treecko -> Torterra -> Oshawott -> Froakie -> Rowlet -> Sobble
Basically a healthy balance of Grass and Water, but I think I may prefer Water a bit more.
Cool It with the anti senetism
>muh Palestine terrorists:(((((
Left can't fucking meme
If you are gonna hate isreal hate them for being kikes not killing terrorists
>chikorita is respectable
>infernape sucks in the region where the only other fire type is rapidash
>samurott good
Stopped reading there. Get out.
Say it with me guys
>chikorita bad
>infernape good
shoo shoo NPC
Shoo shoo, Jew.
Nothing wrong with the Chikorita line
Monferno is the only stage of the line that isn't eyecancer
>Reeee why is it a quadruped? I need muh furbait
Holy pleb
I literally said i hate isreal and kikes
Fucking mudslumes
>15 million Jews globally
>1.5 billion Muslims most of which want to kill Jews
How dare Jews be given a small state to live protected from the dozens of countries full of people who want them dead. Curse those oppressors.
>Only muslims want jews dead
lmoa schlomo
Jews and Muslims are bad