You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1

You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Soviet_War

Boer War

Cold war

Post Civil War Appalachia


WW1 is based. Stormtroopers, artillery barrages, gasmasks, bayonets, stylish aces and /fa/ uniforms

WW2 is the boring one

>he wouldn't play an MGSV clone set in the Boer war where you play as a Commando sneaking around murdering the evil Anglo invaders

American civil war.

Anglo-Zulu mod on Mountain Blade Warband is really good though

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Or that's what you think it would be, in reality only BF1 did that and it sucked balls.
WW1 is mostly just sitting in a trench and then getting hit by a grenade, the end.
WW2 is where the stormtroopers got some real action

>wild west
literally a horse riding simulator through the desert


>oh wow, stalingrad! I get to fight germans!
>oh wow, D-day! I get to fight germans!
>oh wow, Berlin! I get to fight Germans!
>oh wow, random tank battle somewhere in belarussia etc.! I get to fight germans!
>oh wow, el-alamein! I get to fight germans!

There is so much potential but no

There's the Pacific too, especially Pre 1942 Pacific where the Americans and evryone else got absolutely demolished by the japs

>not knowing your history
>not wanting a good game in one of most surreal, brutal wars in history

Are you fucking retarded?

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>Yea Forums pretends it knows anything about history

Y'all have a median age of 15 and are a bunch of paint huffing retards. Your definition of excitement is jacking off to 2D pictures of women who will never exist



Yea Forums's knowledge of history is pretty bare in most cases, but
immediately invalidates any point you could've made.

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How was WW1 Surreal?

It was literally just trenches with millions of people dying in them and moving forward inch by inch.

Compared to WW2 where the weapons, stakes, theaters and technology were all much more diverse and advanced. The pure scale of WW2 will never be matched in any war ever

BF1 was a WW2 shooter with a WW1 skin. There was plenty of movement on the western front in 1918 and the Eastern and Balkan fronts were mostly non trench warfare.

Also meat grinders are baller.

Thats objectively wrong.

>constant trench raids, particularly at night. Combat involved a bizarre mix of short range fire arms, grenades and melee weapons
>Liberal use of chemical warfare, includiong flamethrowers
>artillery all day, every day. Creeping Barrages that terrify both friend and enemy
>numerous new weapons including automatic rifles, submachine guns, and the occasional shotgun
>monsterous multi-gun tanks
>armored trains

This is just in europe. Combat in Russia and the Middle east was much different and saw alot of more movement using lighter vehicles like armored cars.

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Accept for WW3.
Then it becomes higher steaks and a war to end all wars.
Also, your thinking of WW1 in a pretty narrow sense. It had an African theater, Russian theater, Arab and Asian theater.
WW1 was global and far reaching in what happened and it changed the course of history forever. WW2 solidified America as a world power and kept the Soviet Union artificially propped up for decades. It was very destructive and ultimately achieved an undesirable outcome.

anything that has big robots or mecha suits are automatically the boringest shite ever
see anthem, titanfall

>Hurr WW1 was just sitting in trenches

This is how you know you are dealing with a pleb and should cease all further communication with it.

True, some of them sat in comfy offices

Why are trench knives so fucking sexy?

Why was BF1 so fucking shit?

>Accept for WW3
>higher steaks
>your thinking of
god damn, dude

Anything with sandniggers

I'll just wait for WW3 IRL

>excited to see the Anzacs being in the DLC on the shores of Gallipoli after having enjoyed the Runner warstory
>lol nope we royal marines now
well fuck you too then.

WW1 with full auto.

The trash you see in BFV.

Titanfall failed because of EA's stupid decisions though.

Any time a map came up with the Ottomans I would instantly switch sides regardless of whether I was in a squad or not. About the only time I would ever play as a Turkroach in vidya desu.

Because it was a reskin of Battlefront.

>You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1.
OP’s life

Respawn got their revenge in the end with Apex dabbing hard on BF Firestorm.

>Opium War
>You're a Qing soldier who smokes opium and tries to escape

2019, your basement

Verdun is amazing as far as unique fps's go

>You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1.
OP's sexlife lmao

I get to play as Russians and fill Nazis full of 7.62×54mmR!
I get to fight the Nazis on Omaha Beach and fight my way through barbed wire and watchtowers!
Potential alternate history where I get to kill Hitler!
And so on...
WWII is anything BUT boring.

Hahah I get it.

Yea sure Tojo

yawn done to death

>WW1 is just trenches
It really wasn't. Trench warfare was there but there was a lot more to WW1 than just sitting in a trench.
Everyone thinks WW1 is boring as shit because they know nothing of the actual war and just think of trenches.

>it was JUST every country in Europe feeding every last scrap of its healthy adult male population into a neverending military campaign with casualties that completely dwarfed any conflict that had ever happened in a way that shattered Europe's perception of itself and destroyed two of its once most powerful countries, going for a length of time believed impossible to sustain described as "Europe having gone mad", with strategic doctrine for most of the war essentially boiling down to a 40k-esque Imperial Guard mentality of "charge that machinegun next until you bury it in dead bodies" with mounds of dead men being used as fortifications for the second wave of infantry to hide behind when advanced. And the second serving as cover for the third after THEY were shot down themselves.

Fucking hell, the description of the german new-caliber artillery being used to flatten the extremely sophisticaded fortifications of Liège like it was bread straight up sound like any scene in media where the Empire first reveals its great superweapon.

But yeah, it was JUST that.

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The fuck are you talking about? The Battle of Midway was one of America's greatest victories in history.

Zulu war

It's a stretch to call those knives since a few have triangular blades

Yeah, in the most general sense. The whole point of creativity is you add your own touches to it. That's why the most cliché "Save the Princess" story is so timeless.

The great thing about fiction is you can make even the most hackneyed ideas seem fresh.

no thanks dice, your game is fucking trash


He said pre-1942, the battle of Midway happened sometime around mid-1942 IIRC.
Up until then, the Japs steamrolled their way through almost all of Southeast Asia due to the powers in control of those parts being completely fucking unprepared and/or expecting the war to go a completely different way.

Attached: Japanese-Empire-1942[1].gif (530x441, 25K)


Fuck off, WW1 is a fine setting if you have a functioning brain and can think about it for more than 2 seconds.


WW2 easily
>rolling Russian hills
>fucking deserts

2nd Sino-Japanese war game when?

you're right they might have been standing in the trenches instead of sitting

Better then OP being hunched over his keyboard in his mothers basement like the sexless incel he is desu.

This is false. China had turned to a stalemate by 42 and the Japs weren't winning in Burma.

ww2 has superior Tanks fights,dog fights, navel battles

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The Battle of Singapore and the Battle of the Philippines were two of the worst defeats in British and American history

Let the weeb have his fun user its not like he has anything of value going for him in life right now.

>nippon setting with samurai

It would work good as a multiplayer game

You got to agree the brits losing Singapore was fucking embarrassing.

You've got a point there. I was thinking more of the stupid decisions the Japanese made in that time that Butterfly Effected their way to defeat.

>China had turned to a stalemate
Yeah, China was mess. I was mainly refering to the Phillipines, Malaya, Dutch East-Indies, New Guinea and so on. Maybe I should have mentioned that.
>and the Japs weren't winning in Burma.
Yes, but while they weren't winning, they made some good advances into Burma by the time Midway happened. Even after that, it took the Allies some more time to start pushing them back.

WW2 was much more, for lack of a better term, "epic". It was further ranging than WW1, was a major ideological clash, and the stakes were much higher. Not only is it known for it's varied and dynamic combat operations but also for it's intrigue and espionage. It was the first true modern total war where war was waged against the entire population, not just the military. The Axis powers make much better villains than the Central Powers; being associated with industrial genocide, horrifying human experimentation and even rumors of the occult. Adolf Hitler, his cronies like Goebbels and Himmler, and the Allied leaders possess a mystique and cult of personality that very few WW1 leaders had.

The history of WW2 is a story that is unmatched by any work of fiction.

Why do europeans literally send their soldiers to die in waves after waves without purpose?

Was WWI french front literally to see who could out zerg rush the other front?

At some point you will realize that zerg rush was inefective.

Or am I watching too much media and IRL both armies experimented with tactics beyond meat grinder?

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How do you think tactics turned from WW1 style to WW2? Think about it long and hard, I know you'll find the answer.

This. Also, every continent except South America, (even Antarctica!) was involved in WWII. World War II was truly a World War.

Come to think of it, even parts of South America had allegiances to the Axis Powers during the war, although none of them directly participated.

Most drafted soldiers were little more than cannon fodder. A meat shield to hold a position.

I believe like 2% of soldiers did 50% of the actual killing.

Japanese high school.

>ww1 was mostly just sitting in a trench
spotted a retard

>that one poopsocking spastic that goes 120 - 0 on a server
every time

Any Reddit-core setting like Mayan or Aztec

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>WW1 is mostly just sitting in a trench and then getting hit by a grenade, the end.

I want more BF1 war stories.

>not incel-core tier like the Edo or Meji period japan.

It was trench warfare because there was no mobility until late war when tanks came, before these cavalry would get raped so no one used them. Still it was dumb to waste so many resources and human lifes.

October 14th, 1998 Ticonderoga New York

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Why nobody make a WWI FPS on the black african fronts, I guess pol would claim the african fronts aren't historically accurate.

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>playing a bf for the single player

>sit in your trench with you mud and blood slowly dissolving your feet
>always prepared for the occasional chlorine or mustard gas cloud that wants to melt your face off
>only sleep for a few moments each night inbetween fighting the rats off that want to eat you alive
>the funniest joke is finding the hand or leg of a former comrade and playing tricks with it

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Brazil sent soldiers to fight for the allies, most famously in Italian campaign battles like Monte Cassino.

Are those clips from that one movie they made using WW1 footage?

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Anglo-Zanzibar War

It's Peter Jackson's They Shall Not Grow Old

Attached: ww1 troops on the move.webm (1280x720, 308K)

Not to be "that guy" but chlorine gas actually melts your lungs, not your face

High School.
You didn't specify that it had to be a historical setting.

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>Peter Jackson's They Shall Not Grow Old
That's it. Thanks for posting these!

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WW1 for all intents and purposes was the first "true" modern war. That's why it was considered so horrifying. Because engineering had completetly outpaced the common understanding of war, tactics and treaties.
That's why it turned into such a slaughterhouse.
Up to WW1 nobody realized what destruction modern weapons can cause.

I'm surprised you didn't post the discount nigger they tried to pass off as a Maori desu. The only good thing about that DLC was playing as a turk and shitting on the bongs from about 120m back with a mortar. Thats if the planecucks weren't stealing all the kills like they usually do.

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if you're playing up to the stereotypes of both World Wars, then WW1 works better as a slower paced and somber horror while WW2 works better as a heavy action game.

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>nobody has posted that cringy youtube vid with the shitty filter and wah wah audio.
thank fuck

World War I is boring, eh? Is dying painfully by mustard gas boring? Is getting turned into hamburger with gatling guns boring? Is getting tied up in barbed wire while getting shot through all your limbs before a shot finally enters your skull boring? Is being driven mad by the sound of falling shells boring?

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It is if you are OP. what am I saying OP abandoned this thread hours ago after he was btfo.

people were forced to rush entrenched positions enmasse because incompetent frontline commanders valued "le honor" over resource management

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Funny this thread should be here right now. Ages ago I bought Titanfall 2 and BF1 on special from PSN, both for £12. Loved Titanfall 2, found myself bored this afternoon so thought I'd give BF1 a try. Ended up more bored than when I began. Bullshit tedious game, gave up and uninstalled after second mission.

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>playing a bf for the sp

>[war X] was a [war Y] shooter with a [war X] skin

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skip to 37 seconds in and imagine hearing this all day every day

hes right tho

School/ uni life sim.
But you actually have to do the math

Anything else than WW1?


Eat shit zoomer

Iraq.Iran.Syria, every movie is the same

>it's just sand and a wrecked city

>You have 10 seconds to find a more interesting setting than WW1.
Napoleonic wars

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war is heck

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We need more games that use the Soviet-Afghan war.

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>playing MGSV just to slaughter and torment slavshits.
>tfw poyo~

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>playing as an afghan tribesman using his familie's Jezail to remove slav like his great grandfather did before him with the redcoat bongs.
I'd play it

1. Japanese-Russian war, especially battle of Port Arthur. Russian had all kinds of new tech - machine guns, concrete bunkers, barbed wire, landmines etc, yet the japs managed to overrun everything with sheer weight of numbers. Western attaches saw this, reported back, and every western high command drew the conclusion that morale and elan still triumph over technology. Will over bullets, pip pip cheerio. S' why tactics weren't updated to count for automatic weapons and other fun stuff.

2. Trench war was new stuff, and thanks to 1. no-one was prepared for it. Those dumb zerg rushes weren't even the worst part - it was that even when the rushes succeeded, there usually was no way to capitalize on this success. It took way too long to report your success back to headquarters, and even longer to get fresh units to shore up your newly claimed land. This gave the defender plenty of time to counterattack and throw you back to where you started in.

3. Shit yes there was experimenting. The concept of Stormtroopers, well equipped elites that would infiltrate ahead and storm the line with zero warning was what Germany favored. Tanks were developed to roll over trenches, that was their main purpose. Airplanes were armed with bombs. Artillery tactics were refined, what with rolling barrages and such. Especially frontline spotters with a direct line to batteries was a big improvement. Made it possible to use artillery reactively, rather than just setting up a timetable for when to pewpew. Experimental weapons like mustard gas and flamethrowers became famous. Even offensive defense strategies were developed - evacuating your frontmost trench and rigging it with remote controlled explosives so the enemy could take it and then die horribly was one way. Digging a tunnel under the enemy trench and blowing it up from below was also used, and there's a few cases of tunnels from both sides meeting each other and underground warfare ensuing.

Fuck off nip

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>no english civil war action-RPG

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This. WW1 was kino because it was human beings wading into the rocky, low-tech realm of total industrial war for the first time.

Imagine being some dirt-smeared, tree-hugging farm boy and the highest tech shit you've ever seen is the rickety old tractor that you use to thresh potatoes or whatever the fuck it is farmers do. You report for duty in rags and some months later you're cowering in a hole in some unidentifiable apocalyptic wasteland as guns the size of houses vaporize your entire sector, and all the while you have your hand on your filter so your innards don't get jellified by some mad science gas as you wait for some experimental mobile artillery to reinforce you and break the enemy's defensive lines of automatic guns that can cut down an entire platoon in seconds.
It would be like you or me being conscripted into some Warhammer shit.

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Your blank, empty mind, because you're a fucking idiot.

the inside of an M1 Garand

Bf1 is one of the greatest battlefield games. You're a faggot. It's infinitely better than V, at least.

We need more games set in the pacific. World at war did it pretty good it almost felt like a horror game because they made it so dark.

>history illiterate retarded thinks WW1 was only trenches

>You have 10 seconds to find a more kino setting than WW1.

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emu war

the fuck is that blundgeon thing with the spring?

The Graveyard of Empires is the greatest title given to anything ever

>complaining about killing krauts

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He's right though. Before 1942, Nips managed to surprise pretty much everyone, doing a lot of shit that westerners thought was impossible. Pearl Harbor was supposed to be impossible to use torpedoes in. Nips proved it wrong. Warships at sea were supposed to be immune to bombing. Wrong again. Singapore's an invulnerable fortress, unless someone comes through that impassable swamp. Guess which route the Nips took?

Once Amerimutts got the ball rolling the situation reversed quite fast, showing that the initial Nip successes were mostly due to everyone else acting retarded. Fix that and you get nukes dropped on the main isles.

Literally only the western front is boring but of course Ameriniggers think that this front was the entire war.

If you want to actually learn about WW1 I recommend this YT channel. It's a documentary series that was also on PBS and covers WW1 week by week, originally aired exactly 100 years after the events covered for that week.

Geezus can you imagine desperately trying to run for your life while a 30m long geyser of fire licked at your back?

What? The Battlegrounds mod for Half-Life(and HL2) are great. Flintlocks and muskets are fun to use, and I even like the strategy of the reload system(takes awhile to reload, so you have to use your shots sparingly). I'm not sure if there's any first person civil war games, but there should be.

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Trench mace

Reminder that these flightless birds beat the Aussies

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>father they have written on the point of no return

At least until the 2nd half of the Eastern front when it switches over to licking wallpaper glue and eating your shoe.

Noice after having watching that 10 part series of WWI that was in black and white this should be good to add into that. Yet despite all the info available there is yet to be a vidya that does the setting some justice. And I'm not talking about the FPS mutiplayer shit that dies off after six months because the playerbase moves on to other games.

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>I'm not sure if there's any first person civil war games, but there should be.
Well there is War of Rights notably.

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lol hes heretook him long enough

>Battlegrounds 2 on the linebattles servers
Fuck, that takes me back. That shit was so much fun when both teams had a competent commander with a mic.

I raise you having to sit in a gigantic target floating in place while every asshole on the opposite side of the battlefield is trying to shoot you down.
No parachute btw.

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Pre-colonial Australia

Well yeah, american education only covers the part of the war where the american expedition force was involved. "Covers" is also a rather generous term there. There's no mention of things like US troops being woefully underequipped and having to borrow armaments, vehicles and planes from the French. Nothing about American units getting lost on the way to the frontlines, nothing about the numerous friendly fire incidents, and nothing about how the US only entered the war because Woodrow Wilson wanted to be part of the eventual peace negotiations and the Entente had refused his offer of becoming a mediator.

>I raise you having to sit in a gigantic target floating in place while every asshole on the opposite side of the battlefield is trying to shoot you down.
BF1 did this well since anytime the Zeppelin came into play everyone would be gunning for it. Although by that point in the match the team in question would be either bleeding players or having them jump ship because muh win/lose ratio.

>america had a plan of using giant blimps as aircraft carriers

>tfw both the USS Akron and USS Macon crashed ending America's flying aircraft carriers.

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They tried that again too during the Cold War, but it didn't work.

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You're small time.

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>that fucking springloaded cosh
jesus, imagine that coming for your face

Don't forget that huge amount of fucking friendly fire.
>reading Storm of Steel
>everyone getting hit by their own mortar, grenades with or without sharpnel or people coming back from woods or whatever and getting gunned down to pieces only to be recognize as friendly seconds later
Jesus fuck that shit was scary just by reading. To make it worse a bunch were just kids

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you're kidding right?

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why not just go full protoss and use drones?

>Devil's Anvil ops as the French
Actually a PTSD simulator. Especially on the final point with the insane amount of mortars hammering your position.

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>OP still hasn't responded yet
Whats to say hes not jerking off to cuckshit on /gif/ after getting his ass promptly blown the fuck out for starting a thread with such a braindead question.

do you have the design where the planes are on the wingtips?

Because the 50s were a hell of a time. When can you design a nuclear air to air rocket to take out soviet bombers?

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Also I was impressed that Junger got shot like 21 times, survived just like his brother Fritz, and still enjoyed the war. Same goes for They Shall Not Grow Old were a bunch of vets thought the same which was a contrast as i've always read that nobody would dream of coming back.
>that letter from Fritz when he saw Ernst
>Suddenly, bespattered with mud from his boots to his helmet, a young officer burst in. It was my brother Ernst, who at regimental HQ the day before had been feared dead. We greeted one another and smiled, a little stiffly, with the emotion. He looked about him and then looked at me with concern. His eyes filled with tears. We might both be members of the same regiment, true, but even then this reunion on the battlefield had something rare and wonderful about it, and the recollection of it has remained precious to me.

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Feudal japan

Honestly WW1 would make an amazing horror game or tv series. The sheer lack of understanding on all sides about what modern conflict woudl look like leading to ordinary joes who carry old romanticized views of battle fighting these massive battles where death was so high that it was almost inevitable.

I think it was Verdun that had an 80% mortality rate for the French or something, where pretty much anybody that went into the battle was guaranteed to not make it out of the war alive. There were offensives who single days would produce hundred of thousands of casualties and as vehicles and aircraft couldn't catch up quickly enough to modern battlefield demand, you ended up with soldiers rushing at the enemy as artillery wiped them out, or you were stuck hanging out in disgusting trenches filled with dead bodies, shit, piss and mud. No man's land could be a crater filled mess with disgusting pools filled with dead bodies or in some cases gas that had crept down and diluted the waters into poisonous pools. People would sometimes get lost in the night and you'd have to listen to them scream out as they laid dying from being shot or drowning or stuck in the mud and suffocating. The scent of death was everywhere and in some cases like the Battle of the Somme, the british artillery was so ineffective that the soldiers walked straight on into a killfield and were massacred.

It was utter insanity and if it were to be truly replicated beyond "hurrdurr sit in the trench" I think most poeple would be revolted. Think of the shock the D-day scene in Saving Private Ryan had times 10000.

We indeed only really covered WW1 briefly and only the expedition force, but our teacher at least stressed how we came in late and cocky and didn't really do all that much.

>implying that wasn't the best part
Gassing the halls in the Fort Vaux on the other hand was some ballsy shit before the nerf the nade spam. Watching the kraut fucks slamming their heads against the walls was great.

Semiconductors hadn't been invented yet. Kinda hard to make a working drone AI when you're working with vacuum tubes, gears, and gyroscopes.


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I mean right now

real world settings that are set in someplace similar to america.

There's a fantastic book called Johnny Got His Gun that is similar to what you're describing. It's depressing, and I wouldn't recommend reading it if you have a weak stomach.

Then again, if you're using Yea Forums, you're probably tough enough to handle it.

Fort was a classic example of BF shit maps

Your teacher is a good person

Post-apocalyptic settings have grown real stale for me, and I used to love them.

The French Revolutionary Wars period

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Maybe someday.

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>Load up Devil's Anvil op
>French side is filled up and dug in
>germans waste two tries on the first village.
>finishes the match on the hillside because everyone jumped teams or rage quit
Every time fuck playing as the germans. I'll lay somewhere comfy while spamming airblast mortars for ezy kills

There have been attempts

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America is pretty uninterested in WW1 for this reason. Compared to WW2 you have a much better "hero" narrative to push.

It was not only "peasants" romanticizing battles, but the bigger part was a lot of the commanders were still nobles with little to no actual combat experience, coupled with little to no understanding of the new technologies their armies were employing.

So they would casually commit huge numbers of troops to idiotic charges, because who cares, they're peasants not real people like us nobles, etc.

your mother's cunt

>WW1 is mostly just sitting in a trench
So fucking what, most wars were/are just sitting around waiting for orders
The point of a war-themed video game is it skips almost all of the waiting and gives us the exciting parts

neverending holodeck screensaver chambers ala DMC5

>finns got ptsd from mowing down waves after waves of russians ordered to zerg rush them

They had to have some version of 2000 ticket Locker. How else are you gonna keep the K/D farmers happy?

>WW1 and WW2 were just white people killing white people

Should of just joined forced and wiped out the niggers from Africa.

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Milton Keynes in the 1970s. Not that there's any games set there but that's probably more boring.
That said I'd probably play a game set then.

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honestly world wars have been done to death, and I'm sick of the right vs left dichotomy and muh ebul nazee subtext in every current fucking game that even alludes to the setting.
We need guerilla warfare and jungles.
Deserts and bombed yuro towns have been going on for decades now and I'm sick of it. Wasn't CoD so creatively barren they did a space sequel?
I mean come fucking on, of countless battles the planet has had, we always rehash the same three.
maybe I want to be a shaka zulu spearchucker, or a civil war blunderbuss sporting motherfucked.
There's so many options.

US has bases around the world now, and naval carriers filling in where needed. That plus advances in operational range for planes and UAVs means there's no need for a flying carrier anymore.

On the other hand a superheavy drone bomber raining down cruise missiles might be something the military's already working on.

It's a shame the Eastern Front in WW1 is so unexplored

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>both armies experimented with tactics beyond meat grinder?
Nope. You had machine guns and mortars pointed at enemy trenches. If gun fire came from a different direction, just point the weapons that way and start firing again.

Because most of these games are not made by people who would care about that.

but when are we getting walkers?

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drones will never be exciting to me
>learn Lockheed is making an SR72
>it's a drone

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>French decide to take guns from the fort and send them else where because fixed fortification are dumb.
>Handful of Germans capture to fort with no loses.
>French get their shit pushed in trying to retake the fort and failing and waste a shit ton of artillery shells on the fort.

>Germans inside fort start a fire trying to cook a meal with a flamethrower.
>Ammo goes up.
>Germans stumble out of the fort their clothes and skin and blackened by the smoke.
>Other Germans mistake them for the African troops the French are using.
>Shoot them.

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The world is full of WW2 games that explore other scenarios,WinSPWW2 let's you play with any nation anywhere for example,FH2 is another one and its multiplayer

nigger they had trench raids

literally why

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>We need guerilla warfare and jungles.
Seems good in concept but exceptionally hard to execute in a way that isn't just boring as shit or going to get old fast.

>maybe I want to be a shaka zulu spearchucker, or a civil war blunderbuss sporting motherfucked.
See above.

People are not interested in this garbage.

walkers make little sense, overall.

>muh ebul nazee subtext
The fuck are you talking about? It's just text. Everyone knows the Nazis were evil, why the fuck would anyone feel the need to change minds?

Big part of this was talking to the surviving soviets. Most of them were dirt farmers from the far southern parts of the Soviet Union, sent up north because the politburo was afraid soldiers from a similar climate might sympathise with the finns and defect. So you've got people who have never seen snow before, who didn't have winter gear of any kind, being sent to the middle of a forest in a -50 degrees celsius winter. Finns thought that was far worse than the whole human waves sent against machine guns thing, and treated their prisoners pretty damn well because those guys had been through some shit.

Then the soviet high command stopped being retarded and sent siberian units against the finns which really tanked their kdr.

Post-WW1 skirmishes are just as interesting as the war itself–Soviet_War

they aren't interested in WW2 either going by BFVs numbers

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>I think it was Verdun that had an 80% mortality rate for the French or something, where pretty much anybody that went into the battle was guaranteed to not make it out of the war alive.
I don't think that's the case, because the French regularly rotated units in and out of Verdun, so there'd always be a somewhat fresh force to hold the line. In turn, it turned Verdun into an almost shared experience for Frenchmen who served during the war. A fisherman from Marseille could meet up with a baker from Normandy at a Parisian cafe after the war and share stories about their time at Verdun.

middle of the fucking desert or middle of the fucking ocean

to axis countries they were heroes, besides, it's become hamfisted as shit and overdone.

Found it.

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Forgotten Hope 2 is such a gem.
>WW2 mod that immediately goes for Africa, Crete and Greece instead of the Western or Eastern Front.
I played the absolute shit out of this game back then.

Well WW2 is pretty played out.
After BF1 people were more interested in going back into fictional warfare like a cold war gone hot than WW2 or anything actually modern/futuristic.

>hitler thought russia was weak shit after they got fucked by finns and decided to attack russia
>in winter

To axis countries? Ask any current German or Japanese person what they think about their countries' behavior in World War II, and they will be offended that you'd even imply that they want anything to do with it. Germans are EXTREMELY remorseful for their actions, and the Japanese are also guilt-ridden (although it took longer for it to sink in for Japan than Germany).

Well they were weak as shit in the first year

the eastern front was necessary suicide. The supplies were dwindling and they couldn't have waited it out.
It was over by then already.

>Japanese are also guilt-ridden
nanking didn't happen

I hope you're baiting, otherwise you're genuinely retarded.

Is Antony Beevor's Stalingrad any good? Same question for his Berlin book
anything good for Vietnam and related to Balkan war?

I'm German. Most krauts agree with the nazi sentiment after a cap or two, especially since the fugee crisis.
Balkanites and other assorted slavs fucking love them and always shout their ZA DOM stuff in public.
Nips make anime about nazi lolis.
point being, the world isn't black and white and history is written by victors.

Hitlre didn't attack in the winter

>Let's go for it, we'll be in Moscow before winter sets in.
>Getting kinda chilly outside, eh Hans?

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The near future.

Emu War
>barren desert
>guns do no damage
>you can only lose

>I wouldn't recommend reading it if you have a weak stomach.
Humor me

God I love that film.

croat here can confirm. Only bugmen city people with glasses who read blogs are against the grain.
but of course the govt is shit like everywhere else.

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Victorian Era and Middle Ages put me to sleep

Ancient history (Macedonian empire - fall of ERE) and french revolution, that I can dig

People always say this, but it seems retarded. I'm pretty sure they knew what the weapons were going to die when they made them. I think the reason it was a slaughter was mainly because they didn't adapt their tactics to the new technology.

Well, Croatia's pretty right-wing. It's no surprise that there's Ustashe apologists there.
It's a well-known fact that Eastern European countries are much more right-wing.

Meant to say Western Roman Empire.

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we have nothing to apologize for.
jews instigated continent wide bolshevism and paid the price.

>Most krauts agree with the nazi sentiment after a cap or two, especially since the fugee crisis.
Nice roleplay.

And that's a good thing,at least a part of Europe that won't succumb.

which fort?

>read that as Belkan War for a second

yeah shocker they don't like rapey foreigners and being told they're racist for blinking the wrong way, Mutti.


Succumb to what? The Illuminati?
You guys are lunatics.

Tell me a time anyone has been told they're racist for blinking wrong.

eat shit and die.

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>pretending this hard

>Tell me a time anyone has been told they're racist for blinking wrong.

Well i have plenty of proof of people being told they are racist for the color of their skin.

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>people keep calling WW1 the deadliest war in history
>the killcount doesn't even compare to WW2

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WW1 trench raider FPS/action game when

okay, I was lying, we love rapey foreigners and being called racist. It's quintessential European culture.

Lemme give you some quick facts so you understand WW2 just a little bit better

The Germans were on a timer. WW2 was a war of resources and the Germans had little.
The Germans invaded during summer.
The winter wasn't the biggest factor on the eastern front, the mud was. It's always the fucking mud.

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If someone is calling you racist just for your skin color, they're the racist.
Next time that happens, tell them that.

they really didn't
they had to try really hard to convince the generals to stop using cavalry
It's like your parents refusing to throw out their encyclopedia collection when wikipedia exists

WW2 because it's been done a million times.

>muh 66 gorillions

uhh sweetie, white privilege and intellectual colonialism are legitimate deflections in this day and age thanks your scummy kind

>tfw Torch and Corkscrew
I may have an infinite-ammo flamethrower, but it's not worth it trying to fight back against those fucking kamikaze bush Japs.

>not wanting an italian futurist ww1 game
>not wanting an italian futuris ww2 game

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you mean like spec ops?

They knew what kind of weapons they were making. People who say they didn't know how deadly this shit would be are retarded. The only thing the people who made those weapons didn't foresee was that the generals wouldn't adjust their tactics accordingly.

What if they are leftists? I don't think they'll listen.

No one calls it the deadliest war, but it was one of the most brutal.

Although if you count the subsequent outbreak of Spanish Flu then WWI is on par or greater thane II in total casualties depending on your estimates.

To be fair I want to have a crack at the nips too

>estimated total 70-85 million people perished
nigga u special

I mean, I consider myself to be left, and I was the one who posted that.
If they're far-left, like, Antifa left, then don't even bother talking to them.

>The last war theatre where serious guns and melee\medieval warfare coexisted


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>in winter
The offensive started in the summer you fucking moron. I bet you think the Russians only had one man a rifle and used human wave attacks without tank support too.

Well you're being a bit unclear on what "they" means here but society in general was not prepared for industrial warfare in WW1 which is why so many people died and nobody really achieved anything

please, stop trying.

what was the kinoest battle in history?
pre-guns counts too
can be naval, aerial, whatever

I miss it Yea Forumsros

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kettle war

There are ample enough recordings and and footage to make this clear. The public didn't quite understand what they were getting into.
People thought the war wouldn't even last that long.

WW1 was a meatgrinder,if you were sent to attack a trench you knew that your chances of dying were high,no iffs and buts.

It started in the summer, but the actual invasion happened in the winter because Hitler wasted time in Yugoslavia like a retard.

lazy sci-fi themed games, where the environment look copy-pasted

go fuck your mother, axewound

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Battle of Rorkes Drift

>tfw no game has winter war where you literally go against 10-1 odds in manpower and 100-1 odds in tanks etc and win

The thing with games that feature or should feature human wave tactics is that you need bots for that. Take Verdun or it's sequel for example - the attacker should have a hundred bots on top of the human players, and when a player dies, they get switched to a bot. Just like in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Not only would this fix the unbalance (generally you should always have 3:1 odds when launching an offensive) but it'd encourage players to charge as they should.

Modern Day.

Bottom text.

>war is with you neighbors for the best lawn competition
>The game consists of cutting the lawn and sabotaging others
I'd play this


>mfw reading literature on the First World War and realising how much people focus on the dull trench fighting while the non-trench campaigns were complete chaos, with hundreds of thousands of men dead within a month on the Western Front alone in July-August

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The battle of Singapore was so bad that it is literally called the 'Fall' of Singapore, heralded the end of our Empire and is considered quite possibly the worst defeat in the history of the British armed forces. The most strongly defended position east of the Suez taken a force half the size made up of non-European troops. Churchill was still triggered about it months later.

>He felt it was a disgrace. It left a scar on his mind. One evening, months later, when he was sitting in his bathroom enveloped in a towel, he stopped drying himself and gloomily surveyed the floor: ‘I cannot get over Singapore,’ he said sadly

Siege of Antioch
Battle of Waterloo
Battle of Borodino
Battle of Alesia
Battle of Zama
Siege of Vienna
Battle of Poltova

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Point me some books about the non trench campains, fbuddy

Knowing how a weapon works and being able to tell its effectiveness in actual battle are two different things. The compound effects of multiple advances are rather hard to predict, too. For example, machine guns were thought to be relatively useless most of the time. Sure they shoot a lot faster than regular rifles, but they're heavy and need to be set up before use. This greatly limits their use in mobile warfare. But since the trench war ended up becoming a thing they were very very useful there. In short, machine gun alone is just a gun, combine it with trench warfare, barbed wire, and an open no man's land (plus searchlights or flares in case of nighttime) for great effect.

Another example is the effectiveness of artillery. Lots of small advances combined to cause hell on earth. Semiautomatic breechloader howitzers improved the rate of fire, spotting and correcting became a thing, airburst grenades happened, organizational changes were made to allow focusing more tubes on the same target. Each advance was small, result was multi day drumfire barrages that would've been crazytalk before the war.

No question about it.
My argument was more referring to some of Japan's questionable campaigns in certain islands in the Pacific that used time that would be better spent in other ventures.

imagine playing an FPS where you're a fucking spearman like that

Stuff that you would think could only happen in a movie

What about the time that the Expeditionary Force fought commies during the Russian Civil War?

Actual hell

>morale and elan still triumph over technology. Will over bullets
Funny way to say "human wave tactics".

no he's not

Was like 8000 or people or so. Hardly anything to phone home about.

WW1 RTS or 4x when

A lot of this comes down to how the people returned, or didn't. The UK, as an example, would send people who joined together to roughly the same places. If you and your 29 other friends signed up had pretty good odds to all be sent to literally the same trench.
Now it's your time to climb up the walls and charge. Guess how many come home? Not a lot.
So the war ends and towns find entire generations had died.

By WW2 this had heavily stopped and people were more spread out. Although it did still occur. More people, overall, died in WW2, but the effects of the military deaths were more spread out.

How is Verdun these days? I played it in early access but it didn't run too well, love the setting though.

>send a french cavalry and men marching like Napoleon War to charge a hill where the enemy has mounted machine guns
Sounds exactly like my shitty/dumb RTS playthroughs

I think it's just going to be more drone operators operating Boston Dynamics terminators and Big Dogs with .50 cals mounted on top.

>be Italy
>Be so trash that no one ever puts you in games

>millions of men would have heard this day in day out for months at a time

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Totally would rp server WW1


Why not do Dirty War/Operation Condor shit?

Based user who can't even /his/

>Many of the Crusaders were also encouraged by the presumed visions of St. George, St. Mercurius, and Saint Demetrius among their ranks
Imagine marching there under the scorching sun, pelted by the arrows of enemy skirmishers and so certain and faithful of your cause that you start to see visions of saints and you get worked up to a frenzy among all your friends

>If they survived, they most likely had tinnitus and/or partial deafness to remind them for the rest of their lives.

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That's Mr. Burns, moron.

>Siege of Vienna

Such a kino battle, holy fuck.

>4 minutes
felt like an hour, what the fuck

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It's quite sad to read how shit the lives of most medal of honor recipient were after the war.
If they had a shit life, just imagine how a lot of others were.

You guys do know that shit is very exaggerated right? That sounds exactly like a russian missle launcher

Yeah. Well. Look at pre-world war warfare. A lot of it was "human wave tactics", only back then firearms weren't quite as deadly yet. So when the big war came, it's not that the top brass decided to suddenly be retarded and invent the human wave into the meatgrinder tactic. No, they were going with what was proven to work in previous wars. Russo-Japanese War, Crimean War, and the US Civil War were relative recent wars where marching in formation towards the enemy with no attempt to take cover was still a thing. Add to this the various colonial conflicts where small well trained western units stomped all over native hordes, and you'll see there's good reason to believe it's the man, not his equipment, that makes a soldier.

Then when trench warfare happened, lots of folks died, and units went on strike when ordered to attack, the generals were furious because none of this matched their observed reality. They'd seen human waves work and didn't understand why it wouldn't work again. It often took a trip to the front lines to witness the conditions themselves, and/or being replaced completely, to get the higher ups to unfuck their ideas.

The whizz of artillery only happens when they go past you. The sound of fragments is a different thing of course, but it happens after the explosion.
>just look at all that displaced earth raining down

In terms of devastation to Europe, the 30 years' war was worse than both world wars combined. It's impossible to set a game in that era because the characters would be born, fight and then grow old before it came to an end.

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That first battle in the Austrian-Prussian War, where the needlegewehr would prove itself superior over the Austrians.

Most kino modern naval battle

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The fucking desert

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shit wrong one


Pretty much anything involving Khalid. He would demand to challenge the enemy commander to a sword duel and then kill him before every battle. That's got to be great for morale.

>Weather today fine but high waves
I don't get the significance, but it sure sounds cool.

The Great Emu War

So the Napoleonic Wars?

Battle off Samar

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>muh /pol/
But yeah, surely /pol/ is the boogeyman. Stop bringing up politics if you don't want to get called a dumb nigger, you dumb nigger.

>/pol/baby throws tantrum when called out
Might as well be jewish

>muh western front.

>*French horns intensifies*

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unusually on point

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Because the meat and potatoes of WW1 were in Europe.

>literally at the gates of Moscow by winter
>"the actual invasion happened in the winter"

Have this (You).

>making a historically accurate game on the african fronts is bringing up politics.

yeah, but how many more games do u need to be about the french front?

Literally make it about the north african scenarios, make it about anything that is yet another generic french front yet.

Even the easter germany fronts with the comunists.
Or the Finland fronts.

>implying they don’t know about based Lettow-Vorbeck

There needs to be more exposure about the Pacific War.
I'm so fucking let down that we have so many WW2 and games that feature Imperial Japan is so fucking tiny. Where is my Company of Heroes 3 in Asia, Relic? This your chance to include fucking melee combat in CoH with insane banzai charges with katana.

>African scenarios
>Germany front witth the communists

You don't even know what WW1 was about

>that guy with the Lewis Gun getting absolutely BTFO

Oh man I remember asking for this game when I was a kid from the bargain bin and playing it for fucking ever

germany lost their african colonies in WWI.
and there was some russian fronts with germans.

otherwise I'm mixing both WW.

but there was shit like the otoman empire fronts versus australians.

I think two things doomed them: Had they been able to mobilize a month earlier, they probably would have been able to capture Moscow before winter, or at least knock out the government facilities there and pull back.

The other was the German general that disobeyed orders to push towards Moscow in the first place instead of focusing on taking Stalingrad and securing the oil supply like originally planned.

Instead they weren't able to reach Moscow before winter, didn't have the manpower to take Stalingrad as planned, and gave Stalin time to pull his troops from Siberia back.

>Company of Heroes 3 in Asia
>Finally save up enough resources to produce a Sherman
>Haha, git fucked, nips
>Suddenly a squad of fuckers with anti-tank mines on sticks charge from the bushes and blow up themselves along with your Sherman

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Not him but WW1 was significant because it was the war that killed all the old empires that used to rule the world for centuries. It was the one war that finally killed the Ottoman empire after all.

yeah, but all games are muh trench warfare meme.

Explosives? Pfft, real men use logs to disable tanks.

>Where is my Company of Heroes 3 in Asia, Relic?


look at DOW3. do you know they're doing AOE4 now?

godwilling, if there is one, the studio will die before AOE 4 gets released and COH3 ruined

always wondered if it could have just worked as a javelin instead of blowing up with the tank

Because WW1 was pretty much trench welfare,just like WW2 was mostly about the European theatre.

Got you, breh.

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this doesn't mean it can't be a game about non european fronts, unless you're a dumb poltard who thinks there wasn't non european battles.

Playing as China will be even more hilarious. The National Revolutinary Army was even worse off than the Soviets at the beginning of 1940 where they couldnt afford to buy guns for their troops at all, so you saw entire squads of men armed with nothing but swords and improvised weapons.
The Chinese theater of WW2 was basically WW1 - Asia in how backwards the technology used in warfare was.

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>tfw no winter war game

>but all games are muh trench warfare meme.
BF1 isnt, and everyone threw a hissy fit that there werent enough trenches

The shaped charge required to penetrate the armor would be far too heavy to throw a distance with the available tech during that time.

Dunno, not sure if the weight of the wooden stick would have been enough to make the striker hit the detonator.

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On the other hand nationalist chinese had a couple of divisions equipped with german gear, including early tanks, and trained by germans too. Those were wiped out pretty damn quick while the sword-commies survived.

Yeah they already exist,the problem is that you retards want AAA games about them which will never happen.

I also like how the Chinese used suicide bombs to deal with tanks, just like the Japanese would years later.

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My dick is confused. Is that a boy or a girl?

I still don't get how religion/brainwashing gets people so far to blow themselves up. I mean sure it all sounds good and you're hyped as fuck. But in the end, when shit is about to go down, woulnd't your primal survival instinct just kick in?

That's what zeal does to you. Or in the case with Russians, they're too drunk on vodka to give a damn.

Yeah fine, but HOW. In the end humans are just smart monkeys and your instinct will kick wether you like it or not. Adrenaline, fight or flight all that shit. But somehow they ignore all their instincts and do it anyway.

I always knew Yea Forums was full of underageb& who don't know a lick of history, but at least use simple logic, you mongoloids.

>normalfags don't know about the kino that was the East African theater and Lettow-Vorbeck's frolicking in the jungle that bogged down South African, Belgian, Portuguese, and British troops throughout the entire war

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>But in the end, when shit is about to go down, woulnd't your primal survival instinct just kick in?

That's actually why soldiers in desperate situation instead of escaping might try something heroic

People commit suicide all the time. It's not hard to see how a war would increase the number that do.

That instinct kicks in when your leg is torn open and you are bleeding from your anus, not when you are pumped up and full of opium and nationalism. Monkey brains werent designed to instinctively react to inanimate bombjects, especially uneducated chinese peasant monkey brains.
Also military training in general is designed to suppress natural instincts, such as running like a bitch when loud noises happen around you, which is why they make you crawl in the dirt and fire machine guns over you so you get used to it and dont panic.

>In the end humans are just smart monkeys and your instinct will kick wether you like it or not.
They simply do not value living that much given their living conditions. It's easy for westerners who have tasted the good life to want a desire to live, especially the folks in the western theater where some soldiers joining the ranks were from well off families (even Americans straight from the Depression still at least experienced the roaring 20s). But in the eastern front and pacific theater, people have been enduring miserable lives for decades there that killing yourself might be an easy way out.

>They simply do not value living that much given their living conditions
Bullshit propaganda used to make people feel ok about mass slaughter.

>doesn't provide a single argument
simply epic

The pastry war

You're not going to pretend all suicide bombers are suicidal, are you?

It's not propaganda when that's how bad living there is. Are you telling me you'd rather live in Russia with their nonstop commie revolutions than sip tea and nibble on crumpets in comfy ol' England?

People seem to forget what would happen to a soldiers in WW1 (and why not also WW2) if he tried to escape.

Are you telling me all those millions of russian peasants fighting for their country only did it because they hated their peasant life in the cold and didnt mind dying?
It's the same propaganda Burgers used against Vietcong
"Ohhhh their lives are so shit they have nothing to live for"

Russians and sometimes the chinks got by with sheer hate. Demonizing the enemy works wonders when the enemy's the nazis and imperial japs.

Another powerful thing is camaraderie. You know the people you've been living and sharing meals with for the past who knows how long will be screwed if you don't do your part. Japs extended this to protecting their emperor and civilians too. I'm sure others tried something similar but for the japs that shit worked a bit too well, with civilians volunteering for all kinds of suicide shit. Which isn't that surprising, given that their enemy was a country which literally refused to acknowledge them as humans.

People kill themselves because they think things will be better after. Feeling worthless and saving your mother can be equally motivating

They didn't hate it, but they literally had nothing to live for. The Russians were some of the zealous soldiers in the entire damn war.
Imagine being a German and suddenly you hear a dozen cries of ZA RODINA ZA STALINA.
Thats the time you piss your pants because you have a bunch of angry drunk russians that dont fucking care anymore and just wants your kraut ass out of the motherland.

They’re both pretty grim desu

If they didnt care why even fight? Let the Germans come, couldnt be any worse, right?


Seriously, everything is about muh race and gender politics and muh Trump and the world is too secure.

pike and shot

>he needs to be spoonfed basic logic
Fucking retard, let me jold your hand then.
When being sent to war, especially pre and during WW2 you were pretty much destined to die. Most men didn't expect to return. Secondly, a lot of times people were sent on suicide missions when an enemy was advancing, but would need to be stalled for long enough.
>have to hold point A for as long as posdible
>few men and no weaponry
>you either get surrounded and get killed or put up a fight and take out as many as possible

Trump and his supporters are retards.

>>have to hold point A for as long as posdible
Just disconnect from the server dumbass


>If they didnt care why even fight?
They didn't care about dying I mean.
>Let the Germans come, couldnt be any worse, right?
Because despite all the shit theyre happening, they still love their country no matter what. Same shit with China and even Japan towards the end of the war. This is what nationalism does to you.

Dagoth Ur welcomes you Nerevar my old friend. But to this place where destiny is made, why have you come unprepared?

Beevor's book? But are they accurate? May sound stupid since i'm looking at the last pages of the book with all those long ass list of sources and people he interviewed

Im not convinced. You don't understand how simple biology and survival instinct works. Do not reply unless you show me some cold hard facts.

experiencing I mean

>he doesn't DDOS the server
What a fucking casual.

Thats a fucking warcrime, user. DisCusting.

>You don't understand how simple biology and survival instinct works
Humans regularly ignore their human instincts. You have no fucking idea how powerful the human mind is over our bodies. A person thats convinced that dying is honorable or ticket out of this miserable life wont mind suicide at all. Just ask the thousands of indians, koreans and japanese that killed themselves over having bad grades. oh wait

See Now fuck off back to school and pick up a history book, you tard. If fear would've been that strong of an emotion to every man, like it is to you, then no one would even go to wars to begin with.


bless communism
now I can enjoy eating my wallpaper with vodka while killing evil Nazis in my dystopian shithole commiblock

They were wiped out because they were committed to important battles and actually fought hard.

>be german on night patrol
>all of a sudden you start hearing loud drunken shouts of UUUUURRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH coming towards you

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I see the brain scooper in the top left.

If people knew what they were getting into, they would absolutely NOT go to war you absolute brainlet lmao. War propganda is a strong thing, especially effective on young boys.

Nice strawman.
I despise communism. That doesn't mean that it can't be fun to play as Soviets in a fictional FPS though.

Yes, that is exactly what happened. Just goes to show that not fighting is the best way to win.

>WW1 is mostly just sitting in a trench and then getting hit by a grenade, the end.
Stop being this retarded, please. People talk about it behind your back, stop it. That's some extremely low IQ reasoning

Battle of Castle Itter

>there have never been wars before for people to find out about what wars are
>implying most men didn't know that they were going to die and just hoped for a miracle until the end
Ironic of you to call someone a brainlet when you can't even understand why some people are willing to die in a war. Especially if they're on the defensive

Berlin is one of the most depressing things I've ever read. I'm no germaboo but it's criminal that what happened to their civilians is so little talked about.

I can't get over how good They shall not grow old is, I need to watch it again


>World War 1 becomes one of the bloodiest conflicts at the turn of the century, one that should've scared people from the concept of warfare in general
>a generation later europe starts another one

you people are literal barbarians

opening level of mafia 2 took place in Italy

Edo Japan

>europe starts another one

Since we're talking history, someone remind me of this one battle.

It's a WWI Era battle in which some african or arabian prince get's cocky and tries to leave the British Empire to help some germans, and also turns his personal yatch into a gunboat, only for him and his harem to get BTFO by the Brits.

I can't remember it but it's hilarious.

Attached: Shocked Cat.png (303x305, 101K)

Fuck your pun sir.

You are retarded,every respectable WW2 game includes italians.

WW2 was essentially revenge for WW1, the bad blood between nations died with the fall of the soviet union (mostly)

>he thinks young impressionable boys understand what war is actually like
Are you pretending to be retarded?

Sandnigger war.

Thanks user, gonna buy it too. I finished Storm of Steel couple of days ago so I'm trying to read something different for the time being finished The Plague yesterday and plan on read The Stranger than some Murakami shit to diversify

This one?

Modern days
Can't play GTA because i think it's the epitome of boring and ugly, the game looks like what you can see outside if you just step out of your home, and stories are always about delinquants scums.

>Playing Verdun
>About to pop my head out of a trench
>Some dude behind does and his head implodes
>For some reason it startles me when I hear the shot and turn around to see his lifeless corpse on the floor shaking

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>only underages and younglings went to war
>no WWI vets fought in WWII or any other similar cases
Based retard.


>tfw no guns of august game

Attached: The_Battle_of_Frontiers,_August-september_1914_Q70232.jpg (800x601, 79K)

Imagine being Germany

>"well, the leader of a country we happened to be allied with got killed, so now our country will be completely ruined for the next 30 years"

Maybe if you're into alternative history and don't like actual documentation.

Holy fuck that revolver with the dagger. Is that a spatula in the middle?

Austria ruined everything twice.

However if anyone should blame anyone, it's the world should realize the Serbs are a menace to humanity.

Britain and Frances unwillingness to start another war was what made them too afraid to stand up to Hitler and prevent ww2.


Beevor had some degree of mainstream success so BAAAAADDD

Even further how about civilizations throughout history were men would fight multiple wars in the same generations like the Greeks or Romans? Shit man napoleon fought absolutely endless wars, and when he returned from exile his men couldn't wait to march back to the battlefield.

Crappy sources and could never respond to historics criticisms. Mainstream was a great defensive shield for him.

Sengoku Japan

Mgs3??? Fucking newfag

thay are like that because they were meant to stab quick and not get stuck since they were used in trenches so u had to be quick at dealing with an enemy.

>Is that a spatula in the middle?
Either a sharpened spatula on a spring or lightning's being fucky and it's a metal cylinder on a spring.
Pretty brutal either way.

>war world record any %

>fought so many wars that war has become the meaning of your life
It's a vicious cicle when you think about it.


Attached: punished_aethelwold.png (1233x772, 1.31M)


I think it's a slinky toy with a heavy weight on the end.

More just that some people have things they think are worth going to war over. Patriotism, loot, prestige/glory have all called people to war. To many people fighting for God, King and country was worth going to war with Germany twice in a generation.

I sincerely hope you guys have all read Storm of Steel.
The quintessential WW1 book

emu war

I've only read All Quiet on the Western Front. Would it be likely to find a copy of Storm of Steel at a book reseller?

>ctrl + f
>"korean war"
>no results found
It's so boring it was forgotten by everyone except North Korea, who had almost a quarter of their population genocided by US bombings. The game would mostly be a static wave shooter as you defend your position from hordes of untrained peasants. It'd only be fun as a F-86 vs MiG-15 simulator.

Attached: execution.jpg (480x325, 33K)

It's a fantastic film, if you haven't seen it yet you 100% should

>read AQotWF
>end up with PTSD
>read SoS
>wanna join Ernst despite all the friendly fire, sharpnel, screams of pain and body pieces flying around all while smoking a pipe

>read AQOTWF
>get an exhilarating journey of one man as he tries to stay sane and comfy during the last months of the war

>It'd only be fun as a F-86 vs MiG-15 simulator.
That reminded me of that fecently shot down F-16 by a MiG-21. Now I want a WWIII game where the cause is India vs. Pakistan.

If WW2 taught anyone anything it was not to invade other countries if you don't want to be bombed back to the stone age.

I don't know how most soldiers managed to stay sane

Humans are pretty resilient to stress. And units didn't just sit in the trenches endlessly like in the memes. They were rotated in and out and may have spent weeks or even months without being shot at.

>Because WW1 was pretty much trench welfare
Mostly only in West Europe and some on the Russian border, but even by the late period it started to become much more mobile as people learned ways to circumvent the extreme advantage defense had.

Would have been good air combat material if that went hot. Most air combat since Vietnam (and maybe the Falklands) has been enormously one-sided, with high tech American planes and well trained pilots blowing up untrained pilots in Russian/French cold war scrap from 20 miles away. Seeing squadrons of F-16s/JF-17s going up against Mirage 2000s/Su-30s would've been cool as fuck.

Unless you're Israel and the US. They invade other countries literally every day.

Yes, that's all WW1 was about. No opportunism, global markets, colonial supremacy, balance of power conflicts, violent terrorism in the balkans, arms race, ethnic tensions and shifting global ideologies, no it was just one guy got shot then lol chain of alliances :^)

Protip: The true villain is T.E.A.

>I don't know how most soldiers managed to stay sane
they didn't

Your sex life.

>AQOTWF written by some fag who did nothing and just chilled at a hospital all war
>tells of the absolute horrors of war
>SoS written by stormtrooper extraordinaire who got as much lead in his chest as he got brass on it and witness all the worst of the war
>thinks it was a good time with the lads
The motherfucking duality of man

Also, the part with the German officers using the cabin as HQ is dosnright hilarious. Ends up being hit by artillery because the owner of the cabin is the artillery commander bombarding them

>battle of Crete
>Cretan civilians joined the battle with whatever weapons were at hand. Most civilians went into action armed only with what they could gather from their kitchens or barns and several German parachutists were knifed or clubbed to death in olive groves. In one recorded incident, an elderly Cretan man clubbed a parachutist to death with his walking cane, before the German could disentangle himself from his parachute.In another recorded incident, a local priest and his son broke into a village museum and took two rifles from the era of the Balkan Wars and sniped at German paratroops at landing zones. The Cretans also used captured German small arms. The Crete civilian actions against the Germans were not limited to harassment; mobs of armed civilians joined in the Greek counter-attacks at Kastelli Hill and Paleochora.
Too brutal, plus the Germans did a lot of reprisals (aka razing whole villages to the ground and killing a lot of civilians that had nothing to do with the resistance) it would play out like a Tarantino movie...

Attached: brad pit battle of crete.jpg (1151x1617, 270K)

>get close brush with death
>reflect on the fucked up shit you've had to deal with and repress

>be a total chad hugging and giving death high fives
>reflect that being a total chad can make you into an uberchad if you're resilient in a war like WW1

Yup, certainly the duality of things. But now I'm trying to recall that German officer cabin story. Is that a Storm of Steel detail?

>believing leftist bullshit
Oh dear

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The one part that really stuck out to me in SoS is when an artillery shell plows right into the room with the stove, doesn't explode because it's a dud and soon after someone draws a little caricature of an artillery shell glaring at several soldiers onto the stove.

Tea tastes pretty good you mother fucker.

WW1 and WW2 combined castrated all of Western Europe.

Depends on the person and their worldview a lot. Look at CS Lewis who's best friend died and was wounded at the Somme and later wrote of a citizens duty to fight in war and how he thought the positives of war were equal to its negatives, even during the Blitz.

Arguably, nukes castrated everyone. High-yield bombs for Operation Unthinkable when

What caused both WW?

was european autism?

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It's from the first chapter of SoSI recall. It's especially funny because Junger keeps mentioning how nice of a cabin it was

When black people chimp out, they steal bikes.
When white people chimp out, they commit genocide.

>American Psycho

Now I really have to pick up SoS.

The first one was European autism, the second one was because of European bullying .

>every major Israeli military action is purely defensive and most American military actions are either as UN resolutions and/or to defend a country that is itself being invaded
>period of American hegemony has experienced a smaller percentage of the world's population dying in war than just about any other in human history
Please tell me more about all this evil American and Jewish warmongering commie.

>every major Israili military action is purely defensive

>we dindu nuffin
>this is what mutts believe

Attached: Chaika_on_the_front_page!.jpg (487x460, 86K)

US is bombing 9 nations.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Niger, Nigeria. I will find you sources if you don't believe me on any of them.

Turks comfirmed white?

>Unless you're Israel and the US. They invade other countries literally every day.

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Tell me about all those offensive isreali Wars. And anti Semitic mossad conspiracy bullshit about 9/11 doesn't count.
I'm curious what you think the last war was of American conquest was.

>bit about people using grenades to fish
>talks about how he should tell them to stop this shit
>wake up every morning with some fish as gift from his soldiers
>have nice breakfast

Wherever you are OP,

>none of those countries did anything to deserve it.

Let me guess, you think colonialism is a good thing.

Not really, Were you even alive when 9-11 happened

the fuck did nigeria do

What did they do?

Let me guess, your knowledge of the matter is entirely based off Lenins Imperialism and you're so indoctrinated you don't even know it.

>I'm curious what you think the last war was of American conquest was.
Better question, which one wasn't? Most recent ones were Syria and some middle African ones.

Pakistan in in coordination with US
Somalia is a global effort to stop piracy and it's civil war
Nigeria, Niger is in coordination with US
Libya was an EU effort that America contributed to reluctantly.
Afghanistan was justified
Iraq wasn't granted.
Yemen has a rebellion thats taking over so it's a Yemen-saudi-US effort

You are either a brainlet or some dumb faggot /pol/tard

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"hurr durr we built a road from a mine we own to a port we own in another mans country. We so helpful."

Had a lot of princes

Many of the governments that coordinate with the US are not supported by the people, which is why there is fighting in the first place. The Irony of an America built on a rebellion, smashing rebellions, is always lost.

Man, those governments sure are very legit.

>Many of the governments that coordinate with the US are not supported by the people, which is why there is fighting in the first place. The Irony of an America built on a rebellion, smashing rebellions, is always lost.
You are a fucking idiot you know that?
>insurrection by minorities is the will of the people!
>The US are bombing all deez poor innocent countries.
>The irony of an America built on on a rebellion is always lost.
So every single country should have rebellions all the time?

>Governments don't count when it's convenient for my argument.

Every country should have sovereignty. Even Afghanistan, where hundreds of thousands if not millions have died because Burgers got angry at 20-100 of them for flying/organizing flying a plane into a building.