ITT: Your favorite game that came out the year you were born

ITT: Your favorite game that came out the year you were born

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw eternal doomer

Attached: 35062-oddworld-abe-s-oddysee-playstation-front-cover.jpg (800x796, 146K)


Mario bros

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>people born in 2001 will be 18 this year
Somebody stop time please.

Obvious bait thread, but I've only got two years on you so I'm not much better.

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>2001 isn't underage anymore
I'll fade away and classify myself as obsolete

Puzzle Bobble 1. I've never played it but i love the series and the music

Okay i thought it came out in 1995. Nvm then

>2001 isn't underage anymore
what about the guys who came out of the womb in late 2001? they still still have like 5 months left before they can legally post here

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Too many good games released that year, can't choose.

How old am I compared to Yea Forums nowadays standards?

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Attached: zombies_ate_my_neighbors.jpg (1600x1126, 385K)

Most people here are borderline zoomers. 1990-1995 millennial are starting to get up there.

obvious bait

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Attached: awakening.jpg (1280x1024, 201K)

Good taste