Hmmm, things like this really make me worried for today's youth...
Hmmm, things like this really make me worried for today's youth
Other urls found in this thread:
i hope theres water under the bed
Pails of water!
Kids these days wouldn't be able to survive a week without their water.
Have any comic strips whined about Fortnite yet?
>born 84
>fuck yeah best cartoons
>see Ghostbusters
>Season1 Episode 6
Nightmares for days. I think i even taped my wardrobe and shit with some duct tape or something similar.
gas lead-poisoned boomers
A crummy pail of water? He should be fetching Pokemon Creatures!
her nose fell off :c
Get creature
We live in a society
why can't there be comics about girls being cute instead of bitchy feminists and/or trannies
Can someone redpill me on trans people? Like I don't think there is anything wrong respecting everyone, but I literally have no idea why people want to remove their genitals. What do you gain by doing that? Just say you are a very effeminate boy if you like the girl aesthetic.
Catch them all, comrades!
Ughhhhhh this guy's fucking comics piss me off.
I used to follow him because he made a lot of rimworld comics I liked, and then after a while all of his comics were just about being trans, cute anime girls, and all that dumb shit. It was like that stupid comic people keep posting here, about the depressed artist whose anime tulpa wants to be real so he kills himself. Shit's annoying and depressing.
This isn't really that bad of a comic. 5 is the only questionable one here.
Why would you travel to somewhere dangerous?
What are some games where you can murder innocents and every character praises you for it?
Mentally ill idiots and weak-willed men duped into hating themselves enough that they want to become women.
America is folding in on itself and we're all being torn apart in an unending series of interpersonal crises
It's like bulimic girls who think they're fat except here it's söymen who think they're really girls
They feel that they would be happier with the other set of genitals. It's not (just) about how you appear to others.
autogynephiles. They get turned on seeing themselves as women. They also often choose similar names to porn stars and describe themselves in a very fetishy way.
And then reality hits and they have to dilate their wound
You wish you cuck. The reality is people have said the same shit as you since like the 60s, probably way further than that.
A more serious, less autistic answer: It's a personal thing. They can call themselves an effiminate/masculine boy/girl but it doesn't mean they're a boy or girl respectively. The whole point behind the trans surgery, which I think just makes the issue much worse mind you, is that they try to make their bodies align with their self image.
The problem with dysphoria is that your self image is fueled by desire and idealism and not realism, so you end up with a lot of dissatisfaction that you can't undo afterwards. I hope I've given you a satisfactory answer. A lot of people are really cringey and disingenuous about the whole topic.
so you can make a statement about how brown humanoids arent trash and then die by them anyways
Stalin looks comfy
zen pencils is just notoriously pretentious.
If that is the explanation, isn't it super fucked up trans people are going through extremely costly (both money and mentally wise) treatments just for what is basically a gut- feeling?
>will never have a stable 9-5 job with most of it dicking around, paid vacation, have your fellow co-workers be happy when you get an award which is a rolex watch (I'm assuming it's not a Chinese knock off)
I fucking wish I was average.
>spanish and chinese speakers
Why take a perfectly good meme threat and make it about trannies.
They don’t have an insanely high suicide rate for nothing
If my kid ever once says the string, "Pokemon go characters", they're getting the rope
As I understand it, current research indicates that it is one of the more effective things to improve their mental health.
I always love how he calls them "pokemon go characters" and not pokemon. It's just the most ridiculously out of touch thing.
clearly not considering they kill themselves anyways lmao
good riddance if you ask me
>that one strip that unintentionally touched on the subject of male invisibility for why the kid wanted to become female
Trannies are the ultimate irl meme.
That would be extremely problematic.
Research says hormones are effective
The greedy American medical industry says expensive surgery is effective.
I've never understood that problem with fake Rolexes and stuff like that. It's a fucking watch, who gives a shit if it was made in a Rolex factory or not?
Post it
Anonymous 03/10/19(Sun)12:42:15 No.453980381
Anonymous 03/10/19(Sun)12:40:00 No.453980146 If that is the explanation, isn't it super fucked up trans people are going through extremely costly (both money and mentally wise) treatments just for what is basically a gut- feeling?
As I understand it, current research indicates that it is one of the more effective things to improve their mental health.
Anonymous 03/10/19(Sun)12:42:46 No.453980427
I always love how he calls them "pokemon go characters" and not pokemon. It's just the most ridiculously out of touch thing.
>pokemonsters global offensive characters
fucking gringos
Why would you ask a bunch of people who shy away from going outside/human interaction to tell you about any real-world information?
shallow people
Rolexes and fancy luxury items like that make nice assets you can sell off.
I didn't realize hormones could give someone a fully functional gentalia of the sex they want to be...
Build quality
Social status
have sex
Fake ones are made of cheaper metals that scratch easily and the magnifier on the glass is off-center. And you're still paying more than a watch if equal quality since they're a counterfeit version of a luxury item.
Rolexes are a status symbol, like owning a Ferrari or an expensive Armani suit. A Rolex isn’t inherently better than a cheap watch unless you want to flaunt your wealth and even then I think only other rich people would give a shit
casual sex is wrong
There's a sliding scale of dangerousness. Something easy would be like going to Las Vegas or Paris. Something truly dangerous would be like going to Afghanistan or a conflict area in the Congo. You can do things that are more challenging without being that kind of dangerous - scrambling up mountains, doing aid work in 3rd-world countries (that aren't exploding), etc.
My work sent me to west africa a few times, which was a very interesting experience. Everything was arranged so I'd put it on the safer side, but it was still so utterly different than anything I had previously done. Did I enjoy it? No, but it was still worthwhile as an experience.
I don't have have and I don't feel like going diving for it, but it was basically the kid going
>When I was a boy I was always depressed. No one ever noticed me or cared about what I did. But now that I'm a girl, everyone showers me with love and attention. I'm so much happier now!
or something along those lines.
I wish I had a stable job and a house and two kids and a loving wife.
>go to college
>end up working in a cubicle
>stay in the cubicle for 40 years
Nobody actually does this.
Sex in general is wrong because it can lead to procreation, which always leads to death.
death is probably the most right thing in existence
fuck fornicators
>but I literally have no idea why people want to remove their genitals
Congratulations you aren’t trans?
Bluto bringing the heat!
It's literally just a mental illness with strong ties to schizophrenia. The whole idea for why we're supposed to accept it now is because of a paedophile that abused two boys until they both later killed themselves.
This sounds truly horrible. Does she not deserve sympathy for the situation she's in? Just because she's a dumb goy shicksa?
Why are you asking a bunch of faggots who are not experts in this field?
>learn another language
Never, ever do this if you don't want to be stuck with the most belligerent scum of an entire nation because nobody else in your company speaks their language fluently.
Because he wants his worldview to be reinforced and experts would give a wrongthink answer.
The first expert in this field raped two little boys and made them both commit suicide.
I prefer Yea Forums myself.
Or just don't write it on your resume you fucking cretin
John Money was a pioneer in this meme field and his idea of science was forcing a male child to be a woman and making said kid engage in weird sexual acts with his brother. Years later, the kid realized he didn't want to be a woman, but the damage was done. Both brothers ended up killing themselves due to Money's """experiments""", yet people unironically laud Money as one of the founding members of the gender identity meme.
Yea Forums experiences Trannies everyday, 100% always in negative ways
Early surgeons mutilated and killed their patients. I guess we shouldn't trust surgeons.
That's not Bluto, in fact I don't know what character that is.
Dr. Money was the guy who came up with the theory of gender being seperate from sex, and used a pair of sibling where 1 would be treated like a girl.
thank goodness that nobody who posts here is a sexual deviant
Surgery has been proven to work. Gender as a concept creeps closer and closer to meaninglessness because it's a spook.
And early doctors though covering a body with leeches to cure blood diseases... does that mean you forgo doctor opinions and ask Yea Forums?
Huh now that you mention it it really doesn't look like Bluto. But who else could it even be.
Vast majority of those "trannies" are cis men baiting retards.
Youre a bigot guy
>Dr. Money was the guy who came up with the theory of gender being seperate from sex
No, he published research about it. The idea of gender being separated from sex is as old as the concept of gender itself.
Two you
>implying Yea Forums trannies are actually trannies and not redditors farming (you)s.
So hypothetically speaking, besides letting them transition how do you help trans people?
Video Games is my Video Gaming
When that doctor's whole field is based on and still wallows in quackery? Yes.
Yell at them until they aren’t trans anymore?
Medication and therapy like every other mental illness.
This comic isn't even wrong.
Therapy so they can become comfortable with who they are and their body instead of encouraging them to go down the massive downward spiral of self mutilation
If it's a kid? Tell them it's likely a phase and they'll get over it. Everyone struggles with their identity as a teen.
An adult? Try and help them sort out any other issues. People seem to transition because they link life will be easier as the other gender. Only it doesn't, and they've already mutilated and sterilized themselves.
>And early doctors though covering a body with leeches to cure blood diseases
We still use leeches today you know
Who was in the wrong here?
The idea of blood letting and purification is a literal medical treatment dumb fuck. Why do you think we have blood transfusions... just because we know not to use animals and that we have to replace it now because it won’t instally replace it’s doesnt mean the idea of replacing blood is faulty...
Neither can expensive surgery.
I don't know, how would you treat someone with BDD or who wishes to commit suicide?
what's wrong with this one? grandma's hobby is baking just like the kids hobby is playing games.
I'm going to fuck you, Shantae. At full force, in your vagina, mouth, and ass.
Sup, steel industry user. Still have to work with chinese?
Blood letting is explicitly not blood replacement, it operates on the idea that you are removing the bad blood and/or excess blood to "Balance the humours"
What about BIID?
haha i wonder what it would feel like to have a leech suck my dick just a thought haha
Does the doctor still rely entirely on his understanding of the humours?
Bloodletting was done based on the idea of balancing out humors you dipshit and removing "bad blood". To say they're like blood transfusions is retarded.
It's jewery, not hard to understand is It?
Not to empty body’s, and not in groups....
wow awesome comic
Most trannies tend to be guys wanting to transition, and if you'll notice a lot of them live sedentary lifestyles and lack any sense of purpose or strong positive male role models in their lives.
"safe" just means that they go somewhere every person goes like the bahamas or aruba or a beach in florida or some shit instead of going outside your comfort zone a bit and traveling to europe or something like that. not necessarily that you're going to fucking somalia or whatever.
simone de beauvoir is probably the first significant person pushing for tranny shit.
I didn’t say that, I said the bases of a transfusion has roots in bloodletting... god damn can you faggots not read?
t. Medical doctor
EST and literally every other strawman they've invented about "transphobes".
>Writing a book or starting a business should be things to strive for if it's something you think about in passing
>You need to go to dangerous locations and learn new languages are mandatory if you don't want to be average
>Just follow your heart! Everyone should be an artist!
You'd never find a leech small enough for it.
Was this made by a millennial who thinks he's a boomer?
kill them
remove the weak
Accept them.
Warn them of complications, but accept their decision if they still want to go through it.
They hate their bodies partly because they are not accepted - every edgy retard keeps REEEEing at them for no reason.
If people didn't expect them to fit in normie box, they wouldn't hate themselves and wouldn't desperately try to find an identity.
It's a well documented thing that people who are uncomfortable with their lives make drastic changes to things.
Piercings, tattoos, bodymod.
Many of the transgenders would not transition if they weren't desperate for acceptance.
Americans are already cutting off a part of their genitals as the norm, what's wrong with going all the way?
>I sold out my country and race to jews and nonwhites and deprived my children of the life I had so I could buy an RV and get cheap shit at walmart, but why are KIDS playing with those CRUMMY POKEMON CREATURES?
gotta love boomers, man.
>okay so ill make this comic but the joke is audio based
Works as well as yelling people not be "x" or do "y"
Telling someone that doing a thing is wrong usually enforces them to do it more. Like making jokes about "problematic" things or usage of drugs. Especially if someone who has no knowledge on topic. Like yelling that cannabis kills you instantly or MDMA makes you go crazy and schizo
Do not misinfo people, you make them think that your view is automatically wrong from the start if they see you lying.
And brain surgery has roots in trepanning. What's your point? That something being practiced means it will inevitably evolve?
Its weird. At one point progressives were trying to push the message that gender is a social construct and that gender roles shouldn't exist but now society pulled a 180 and apparently gender roles are so firm that if you are a man and you like wearing pink or whatever you literally have to cut your dick off to do it.
Simone de Beuvoir was a shitty person with bad ideas. A shitty person because she seduced her students and then passed them off to Sartre when she was done with them. Bad ideas because post-modernist cancer.
You meant to say "was this made by Yea Forums?"
>If people didn't expect them to fit in normie box, they wouldn't hate themselves and wouldn't desperately try to find an identity.
Trannies have a fundamental hatred of themselves and their bodies, so this is wrong.
outward acceptance wont change a damn thing and they all know it
It's 2018.
>shifting the blame because Yea Forums can do no wrong
Ummm yikes you know this guy is a NAZI right!?
I fucking hate boomers
She was also a Vichy France collaborator. I'd still recommend reading The Second Sex, but she was definitely not an angel.
Yes, and you are denying actual progress in medical feels because they have bases in fucked up experments.
Can you do me one (1) time in the last 20 years where a doctor forced a trans patient to subject themselves to a surgery?
>dad says there are no monsters under the bed
>kid asks if there are any Pocket *Monsters*
Wtf is this kid stupid or something?
Circumcision is falling out of favor, thankfully.
>no reason
>brainwashing kids
Yea Forums and redditors are the same thing now. All Yea Forums does is wrong.
>Society is to blame
So an unfixable problem for all eternity with the biggest boogeyman there is.
My favorite comics he did are when he shilled crypto hardcore before the bubble popped.
Certainly. She was also one of those "open relationship" people. Basically the blue haired morbidly obese nu-feminist of her time.
It's a fetish and mentally ill people take it too far
Can you name one transition that was medically necessary?
grass is greener i guess. the thing that bothers me is that if were suddenly a race thing like a black guy wanted to be a white guy they'd think he was insane. sure you can do whatever you want to your own body since it's really the only thing that you own, but whatever happened to being yourself.
Wanna hand me thier medical files?
Shift this rotten fucking culture away from being so sex-focused
These people only think that their sex matters because the average person is disgustingly licentious and can only think about fornicating
Why is it that when people think of transsexuals, they always think of MtF and never FtM?
Can you name a patient situation that would necessitate transitioning and only transitioning?
>but whatever happened to being yourself
Being yourself is no longer cool, being who (or what) you wish you were is virtuous now.
we've all seen the discords, faggot. become part of the statistic now, tranny.
Because the vast majority of trannies are MtF. Really makes one ponder.
Kids are fucking stupid.
Trans are just the vegans of gender
FtM is both less common and easier to accomplish. Point out a gangly neverpass and it'll probably be a MtF.
>if were suddenly a race thing like a black guy wanted to be a white guy they'd think he was insane.
Because we all nearly unanimously believe that race is a social construct and at the core a human is a human at the basic level.
While gender still has a large percent of the population believing that at some natural state that girls must like pink and wear dresses and boys just like blue and roll in the mud.
because being insane is inherently female
so its not as weird
Because MtF is way more common than FtM
Child transitions literally solves the transgender problem. Gamestop hons exist because early treatment is refused. Republicans are against trannies looking and being raised as normal women for some reason.
Can you hand me thier medical files? I haven’t seen them. I am not their doctors so trying to diagnose their condition and treatment without ever interacting with them is as easy as trying to diagnose any condition you may have.
>imminent yeast infection
Trans-race has been argued to be equivalent to transgender. That paper has been screamed down but it was screamed at based on "Not enough transgender sources", not the arguments it made.
So far we have found 0 ways to help them.
>Child transitions literally solves the transgender problem
Bit rude to say that when there's no vegans to defend themselves.
We should be going after the doctors that do these operations. There's never enough discussion on them. It's always blaming the person and nothing about the sick doctors and psychiatrists that encourage this self assisted mutilation.
What is something you used to have fun doing but now use as a crutch to find meaning in life
So do we study this? Or do we just tell them there is no solution and treat them as less than human?
How do we find a solution?
Please, give me just a single hypothetical scenario where transitioning is a treatment you would describe as "Medically necessary". Just a hypothetical, invent your own patient.
if this is true wouldn't the suicide rate be lower if they live and/or grew up in more "progressive" countries?
wasnt that the whole drama in the furry community about ewe-la-la? the comic obviously made it about MJ (black wolf pretending to be a white sheep) and other characters argued they should be proud of who they were instead
trans community was LIVID
How long until retards start advocating for trans-age once transgenders become the norm
Gender dysphoria to the point of greatly affecting ones ability to function
>proving my point
looks like a young woman to me.
Already happening. Shmorky exists.
well that's a fucking colossal of a fucking stretch.
You know, I wonder if the reason people are transitioning isn't because they feel like they were born the wrong gender, but because they're more afraid of being attracted to the same gender they are because of how homophobic people have been for so long now, that they think the only way they can get away with being gay is to be the opposite sex.
to the naysayers routine phlebotomy is the standard treatment for polycythemia Vera
pic related but unironically
>tell them there is no solution and treat them as less than human?
The former does not automatically mean the latter. This is why people think trannies are so whiny.
yeah too bad the young womans intestines fell out of her gaping wound
Would you prescribe limb amputation for a BIID or BDD sufferer with similar difficulties?
I wouldnt mind being like that if I get to play some vidya
46 percent suicide rate.
tick tock!
You know, there are hormonal imbalances in prenatal development that can cause the trans thing. That doesn’t mean in and of itself that the transitioning approach is best thoygh
Often when a man wants to be a woman, it is because of the social power that comes with being a woman. Being desirable and sought after by men, being able to get to the top of society without working, being held up on a pedestal constantly and always being pampered by society and never at fault. They want all those pros that come with being a woman that men do not have.
Very few women want to be men because then they would lose these things. Even the feminists that want men and women to be completely equal, only want equality when it comes to positives, not the negatives.
Lol this faggot doesn't know about Jazz.
Childtransitioning IS ONE OFTHE PROBLEM you moron.
No one would give a shit about trannies if they didn’t force their delusions on kids, went into the wrong bathroom, and have a monopoly on internent moderation
Before the 90s I would've believed that, but not in the 2010s. I think it's just people who hate their gender so much they want to switch to the other side.
I wouldn’t prescribe anything, but if a person came into my practice talking about how they feel they were the wrong sex and that they feel more like the opposite I would refer them to an expert on gender dysphoria just like an expert on gender dysphoria would send them to me if they can’t stop sneezing during the spring (Allergist/Immunologist).
The one place I wouldn’t send them is online to Yea Forums to talk with faggots who are obsessed with trannies.
>gender retardia
does not exist.
It is.
Though the measurement isn't all that good because in ass-backwards countries the suicides are not counted under transsexuals, because revealing self as transsexual is dishonor.
Because they look good
Mental Asylums were a good way to deal with degenerates and idiots who just want attention.
the way the world tries to make everyone feel special and unique and makes up mental conditions to excuse degeneracy and stupidity makes me sick.
Wait a minute, how did this turn into a tranny thread?
Limb amputation is a treatment for BIID though. Like it’s literally a treatment and no one seems to bat an eye at it.
>that one story of a FtM that lost all her female privilege and realized how good she had it
Where should we put you for being retarded? You should be sterilized for even a moment thinking this shit is acceptable.
do you have a single fact to back that up
Sure, we can study it, but so far there has been no solution found, and not due to a lack of trying to find one.
Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies and literally hijack threads all the time.
but suicide rate for "trans people" are about the same in "progressive" countries like sweden and germany compared to the US
>woman wants to be a man
>gets prescribed steroids
>I want to be more of a man
>told I don't need roids but if I want to be a woman I can get some estrogen
Fuck this Jewish corrupted society.
I said describe, not prescribe. See, what you've done here is hint that you don't think it's medically necessary in any situation, so you pawn it off on a field of people who think it is.
more like Yea Forums is being raided by resetera
And your source on that is?
>women who become men have to look like literal hunky gay porn stars in order to feel like a man
Really makes you think.
Social status/ physical asset or even investment if it’s rare
>Get told I have a baby face
>Try to grow facial hair, just can't seem to do it
>All I can grow is a shitty neckbeard
>Have seen FtM's with more facial hair than me
I hate this
Do you have a single fact to back up that it does?
"I want to wear a dress today." is not a fact
Reminder this person sounds like a woman doing a stereotypical gay man voice
The division is almost exactly 50/50. They are just quieter and commune on places like tumblr.
It's a treatment that is near universally frowned upon and only practiced by a select few. It is heavily entrenched in ethics discussions. SRS (or as the new euphemism is, GCS) isn't, why do you think that is?
Do you really not know about Jazz?
Hormonal imbalance, but it can't be cured by giving them extra of a hormone
>Implying the US is less progressive than Sweden or Germany
The US leads the way with ID politics.
Thats because they are getting T injections and you aren't.
I once had someone tell me that disparities between gender in those progressive countries (Sweden especially) are still a problem because "they still don't do enough" Had to stop myself from just going "wat"
That is dumb logic. I don’t prescribe anything because it’s not my field of expertise just like I don’t administer anesthesia or perform surgeries. Holy fuck you got some problems if you aren’t 100% trolling.
Who /enby/ here?
I don't have an opinion on this subject (because I am neither a tranny nor do I interact with people) but I just wanted to point out your bad argument in order to help you in the future
post it. i'm not seeing it.
You did it again, you mentally replaced "Describe" with "Prescribe" because you don't want to espouse your opinion of SRS.
>The division is almost exactly 50/50
If only you had a single piece of evidence to back this outrageous claim up with.
>being held up on a pedestal constantly and always being pampered by society and never at fault
international woman's day is a good example of this, i work at a factory where people get paid the same regardless of gender since everyone counts as a number when it comes to paychecks.
The issue is that once hired the women will be forbidden from doing more physical jobs and will always end up in quality control easy going positions.
yet on the international women's day, they get to pat themselves in the back and be given a flower at the entrance of the factory as a reward for their mediocrity.
fuck that. at least you arent a nigger or a faggot.
also, dont even try grow a beard. it doesnt cover a baby face. just embrace it.
Friendly reminder (((they))) support and encourage trannies to weaken us and emasculate our men so we lose the red vote. Trannies all vote blue and are destroying America. Concentration camp for trannies ehen?
Yeah looking online doesn’t pull up any legit place that speaks to limb amputation as a frowned upon final treatment.
if you’re unironically a tranny; kill yourself. you are genuinely hated on here.
There are medical papers first fucking page debating it.
>Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies
>Yea Forums
He wants /pol/ opinion to continue being on a circlejerking and a safeplace to be edgy.
um... wow, sexist much?
Terrible example, women forced to give men presents during some days too, like 14 february in japan when they literally socially pressed to give chocolate every single guy in the office. Shit isn't cheap
Mare's penis. Mares can have penises.
Studies show that that's not true, ftms just pass way, way better.
you only hate circlejerks because you cut your dick off and now you can't jerk off
Hi, sweet Half Genie
>Terrible example, women forced to give men presents during some days too, like 14 february in japan when they literally socially pressed to give chocolate every single guy in the office.
Valentines day in virtually every other country in the world means men have to buy women shit though.
teach them to accept themselves as who they are
Because they are intwinded... I can’t describe because I am not an expert.
Go to a gender expert and have them describe a situation where AAT would be a medical necessity.
White day exists where men give gifts in return that are expected to be more valuable.
theres also twitter/tumblr stuff, but i cant find
>trannies being insane
>people obsessed with trannies and trying to argue with them instead of just allowing them to kill themselves
I just don't care anymore, you're all just a bunch of loud, irritating insects
How do trans people know they're trans and not just really, really gay?
finally something i can relate to
when someone transitions from F to M where do they get the penis from?
so i give an example that affects the whole world and is terrible, yet you provide an example that happens only in japan and it's a good example.
you sound like a femincel weeb
If there are then link them?
Shawn King and Racheal Dozeal are "transracial"
I'm not the user you were replying to. I just felt like jumping in. His argument doesn't look that bad to me. Yours on the other hand...
And in White Day the men are supposed to give shit back that can range to even Jewelry, your point?
fuck i thought that was "this don't matter none of this matters" from the thumbnail
You don't want to know.
either they don't, or you don't wanna know
You can still bee urself, its just a lot of people want to influence how you'll bee urself.
Because I know lots of gay people and none of them want to be the other gender.
gay men don't want to be women. They enjoy men and being men.
From the M to Fs
google images has all the answers
from dead guys, that's why they keep trying to get men to kill themselves.
No one takes Rachael Dolezal seriously, and Shaun King claims that his biological father was black, so if we take his word for it, then he is indeed mixed-race.
now I want to know even more
So what you are saying is that your expertise as a medical professional is entirely superfluous to this debate and we should instead bring the debate over to the field that the debate started by evidencing as a hoax, to see if they agree that their field is based in nothing. Do you also tell people who question religious dogma to go speak to entrenched preachers?
Holy fuck i was like "meh just another horse cock" but that god damn fire pubic hair has me in stitches lol
Sometimes I wonder, is someone more trans if they're gay or if they're a "trans lesbian" like chris-chan?
>His argument doesn't look that bad to me.
He just provided a claim without evidence. That's not a fucking valid argument.
>Yours on the other hand...
I never made an argument. I just told him that he needs to provide citations for his claims.
Chockers are cute tho
Even on cute boys
>that final quote contradicting the entire comic
Huge patch of flesh from their leg. So you get a tortilla burrito dick and a huge fucking square scar on your thigh for no additional cost!
>if we take his word for it
where do you think they can get a fat slab of meat to strap on someone?
So, learn a trade and work with rowdy assholes who make the day more tolerable by telling you about how far behind they are on their child support payments while realizing you have no time to build a meaningful relationship and are loathe to live somewhere where brothels aren't legal?
First link when searching "BIID limb amputation".
>Trans Comic copying a JonTron Meme
>only goes to safe places overseas
As opposed to.. dangerous places?
All I will say is that the FtM surgery worse than the MtF one, and that one is already terrible.
From an MTF trans I would assume
>in return that are expected to be more valuable.
Actually not, and jap women are really buttdevastated about this fact every year
Also don't forget that there more men then women
>Men forced to give jewelry to the literally who's from their office every year
Yep, found retard
First, international woman's day isn't celebrated in all word.
Second, your country fault for taking this holiday from soviets, but ignoring male day. It's actually strange that capitalistic pigs ignored it, two holidays 2x time more money spent on presents
>whatever happened to being yourself.
People realized you can't sell dreams to stoic people.
At this point it’s just as valid as yours because you aren’t an expert as well.
The difference being I am telling you that the experts are the ones we should listen to while you think you have all the answers.
Where's the video games?
>Dad there is such thing as monsters
>One of them threw a Dodge ball at my face
>and treat them as less than human?
Why the extreme?
What, haven't you gone hitchhiking through Iraq or backpacking through Venezuela?
So in order to be super duper special you have to:
1. Don't trust anyone
2. Question authority
3. Don't go to college
4. Do manual labor
5. Go vacation in North Korea
6. Live in a communal house
7. Learn a language 0.5% of people around you speak
8. Write a book about, I don't know, something that appeals to dumb people if you want to be on TV
9. Get in debt anyways after not buying a house in order to start a business because of course that will make you rich despite your lack of experience and no college education
10. Dye your hair blue and wear a dress
11. Play Superman 64
>actually not
"Sometimes the term sanbai gaeshi (三倍返し, 'triple the return') is used to describe the generally recited rule for men that the return gift should be two to three times the worth of the Valentine's gift."
Wikipedia is your friend.
>First, international woman's day isn't celebrated in all word.
it still affects more countries than some stupid ass tradition in japan you faggot, that's why it's called "international"
get an education, fool.
Damn, you got mad of getting told your example was bad. How do you even manage to function on Yea Forums?
>tranny shitposting thread
>300 replies no 404
Really makes you think.
up your ass discord tranny
this actually made me laugh
you're a woman aren't you?
yeah because they definitively end up with a real dick and not a slab of meat over their hole
But the "Expertise" of the "Experts" is what is being called into question in the first place.
Check out the book Self Made Man, basically about a lesbian who decided to live life as a male for roughly a year to see how it was.
>intentionally playing on hard mode
>A literal anus has more video games then Yea Forums does
Makes sense I guess.
Imagine being a fit and good looking dude but not having a dick.
Literally just lift.
If nSJW threads are promptly tossed into the trash where they belong they go apeshit and start spamming a board (or even an entire IB, there is about 2000 of them who are at least marginally organized OTI) until it dies and they can overtly make it a "colony".
>instead of curing the issue alternatives should be developed.
Like that link doesn’t state disapproval of limb removal, but just states that researches should be made to find other ways.
I’m fine with that, as long as you are not taking the current treatment away from the current people who need it.
Go talk to any actual transgender for 3 seconds and they will tell you if they could take a pill and not be trans they would in a heartbeat. So yea research alternate ways, but don’t take the treatment they currently have for the dream of something that may never come in thier lifetime.
With steroids and hard doses of T, a clit can pretty much evolve into a penis
>1. Don't trust anyone
No, he's saying to be skeptical of everything and always do your own research.
>2. Question authority
What is wrong with that? Questioning doesn't mean opposing.
>Top Monkey Nigger
Let's fucking goooooooooo
It just turns into a big clit.
It's easier to grow female tits on 'moans alone than to grow a dick on T.
By Yea Forums... and by people that aren’t gender experts. If you started telling me that methods for allergy treatment is wrong I’d ask for your experience and knowlage of immunotherapy and when you told me you had none I’d tell you do go swallow a thousand gallons of bleach.
You wanted evidence of ethical discussion and debate within the medical community, there it is. Also
>If BIID were a neuropsychological disturbance, which includes missing insight into the illness and a specific lack of autonomy, then amputations would be contraindicated and must be evaluated as bodily injuries of mentally disordered patients
Did you literally just read the last line and hope that nothing else in the brief SUMMARY was disapproving?
daily reminder that the jews promote tranny bullshit
guy that does zenpencils is just really full of themselves
>people that aren't gender experts
But the very subject of discussion is that "Gender expertise" is in and of itself is a fucking hoax based in a failed experiment. You are basically telling people that they can't disapprove of scientology because they haven't risen in the ranks of the church.
I didn’t say debate I said frowned upon and your link didn’t supply that. Nothing in that link came off as the practice was frowned upon.
>gender experts
I'm a unicorn engineer bro, trust me. You need to cut off your balls and drink poison, that's the only way to find a unicorn.
If being a female could magically make my life easier I would do it too. But that shit only causes more problems and money issues in reality.
The very fact that there is discussion as to the ethics of the procedure means that it is frowned upon by a segment of the medical community. Also, read the fucking quote again, do you need me to summarize a summary?
>If BIID were a neuropsychological disturbance, which includes missing insight into the illness and a specific lack of autonomy, then amputations would be contraindicated and must be evaluated as bodily injuries of mentally disordered patients.
>If it is X, then amputation will be judged as Y
>Y being an unethical action
>it's perfectly fine for immigrants to flood into your country and refuse to even make an attempt at assimilating, you're just a boring racist sheeple normie for not bending over backwards to accommodate them
Yourself isn't a static thing anyway. Your self is more than a thing you are, it's a thing you're always becoming with life and experience
>last name is V____F
What the fuck kind of name is that, are you a ruskie or something
>The whole idea for why we're supposed to accept it now is because of a paedophile that abused two boys until they both later killed themselves.
John Money. Still lauded as an expert in so-called "gender theory"
>Edgy Scrotum Massacre
I would expect someone to be an equivalent expert in debasing Scientology to be at least knowledgeable about the believes they are debasing yes. But religion is not really a good analogy of medicine and therapy.
if you're born a woman in a civilized country, you automatically get an easy life for the rest of your life.
if you trans into a woman, it will do the same but it only works in certain industries.
Fucking Spaghetti Deliverer
If acceptance is such a big deal, then why not just identify as the sex you were born? That's easy to accept. Why make acceptance difficult by trying to be the opposite sex?
There is a discussion of ethics in the terms of vaccines...
>Feature-length spaghetti expansion pak
Haha I'm a straight male and I have a high pitched girly voice! You can't bave it all sweetie.
So wait, are you stating that the field of gender is not as these posters are describing it, that it does not support or aid SRS or HRT which to these posters is an unethical action? They seem to know that much, how much expertise is enough until they become able to engage in debate. They have statistics, they have previous experiment results, and these are currently going unchallenged. Medicine and therapy based in nothing is no different than religion.
You are actually Taylor Swift in disguise.
Hate to break it to you.
>whole comic makes the point that living an average life is dull and unhappy
I fucking despise Zen Pencildick
Life is never easy unless you are born rich. Or would you still consider living as a poor trailer trash woman in debt easy?
Not within the fucking medical community there isn't, the person who brought forward his evidence has been disproven and fucking ousted. There's a debate within the community of the country, sure, but soccermoms in California AREN'T the medical community.
Nah. I'm not a faggot. But even worse than that are the retarded /pol/ NPC afraid from doscuss with people with different opinions.
user, please no radical thoughts.
>experimental results
One dudes?
If there weren't any pre conceived notions about how males and females should act or dress in society no one would have these problems.
Dude, fucking read. The very concept of what BIID qualifies as is also up for debate. You've went to school, you took classes on reading comprehension. You can't embarrass yourself like this.
Dangly Ass Smasher
The way to treat the tranny problem is to make it less miserable to be a man when you're middle-class and lower. Being a dude fucking sucks currently in the social climate unless you're loaded and can do whatever the fuck you want.
Oh and give men more fashion styles to wear because it's really unfair that women can not only wear everything including mens shit too, but you can only wear like 4 things or you're a fag/tranny.
post it
The math checks out
>brainlet can't read
"It's okay if I tell other people how to live their lives"
i hate commies with my entire soul, but that stalin looks comfy af
I don't know, the epic 40% suicide rate being thrown around probably comes from somewhere, and as there have been no further experiments that I'm aware of into the field like John Money's, merely patient observations, it seems like the Money experiment is the best thing to attack, as it forms the foundation.
single parent households
feelings over facts
validation through victimization
But your link which you cherry picked one part of isn’t debating the treatment they are debating if BIID is Neurological or neuropsychological. If it is Neurological than limb removal is not unethical.
Like you left the most important part in your quote.
not the same user but wtf are you talking about
you deserve 2 (you)s for that one
this edit was never funny
That's not even remotely the same thing. Advice isn't dictation.
Their legs sure aren't OK
It comes from this study which shows that women have a higher suicide attempt rate than mtf trans. And men are only slightly lower. In fact crossdressers seem to be the most stable.
not really if the route isnt a perfectly straight line and even then the earth's curvature would cause the destination to be slightly closer
But men crossdressing is far more accepted in society. I'm sure that's still hard, but much less difficult than insisting everyone share the delusion that you(the example person) is female.
If you just said that you like dresses, because it makes you feel pretty, that's a lot easier to digest than saying you're actually a woman.
the last 100 years have been dedicated to letting women do "men things", while we still get newspaper headlines making fun of men for doing "women things" such as crying, and showing emotion.
FtM is marginally more accepted than MtF. MtF causes more outrage while FtM manages to fly under the radar.
>Because we all nearly unanimously believe that race is a social construct and at the core a human is a human at the basic level.
How do you know "we" all nearly unanimously believe that?
Btw, what is sickle cell?
Nobody argues that other races aren't human. To claim there are no biological differences between people from different regions on earth, that it's all a social construct, is just lunacy though.
well its not really a mental illness according to the american psychiatric association
I fucking love water, especially when it's in pails on top of hills.
I wonder how that occurred, when BIID is still qualified.
It's much easier to say you are female to wear dresses since society only wants females to wear dresses.
Transgenderism is cancer but being this much of a cunt to them is even worse. Fuck off you edgy faggot.
It's a wapo article
Not giving them views
>It's much easier to say you are female to wear dresses
If you're delusional, sure.
We are the worst board
They aren't fighting it, they are trying to blend into the system and people(real females) don't like that.
If it's neurological, it's debatably unethical. If it's neuropsychological, it is inherently unthical.
unless they notice the 5 oclock shadow
That's not true at all. Drag has been a thing for a long time. The seeds have already been planted and watered.
Care to elaborate?
Fun story, I was actually on pimozide for a while for unrelated medical reasons, did jack all to solve my tranny issues sadly.
It's rooted in gender dysphoria. The easiest way to put it is they feel like the opposite sex and not their "true selves," which leads to depression, anxiety, etc. etc.
Unfortunately, there's no cure for it. That's why they crossdress, get surgery, do HRT, whatever they can do to feel more like the opposite sex- it's basically to fight off their dysphoria so they can hopefully lead normal lives. While it's obvious plenty of people do it for attention there's actual science behind the way genuine transgender people feel about themselves.
I feel bad for actual trannies because I'm friends with one, but transtrenders can fuck right off.
90% of posters in this thread aren't from Yea Forums
Oh god I only just realized how badly you fucked up reading that chart.
Wolfenstein 2
Prove it
Crummy water?
There should only be Pokémon creatures
>Dank Dong Expander
>listening to that shitty song willingly
Based. Laughing at all these triggered NPCs.
The context here is she lives in bumfuck nowhere and she can't even imagine traveling this kind of distance, for her 50km/h is just an abstract measure of speed
Read it then.
Women 43%
Trannies mtf 42%
Men 42%
Cross dressers 24%
Top nut blaster
Thats overpowered
>I'm transexual
no you're not
>okay, I'm transgender
that's not a thing
>well I'll make it up and define it to be exactly what I need it to be while simultaneously burning the records of transexuals so my personal brand of crazy is untainted by old men in wigs and nobody can tell me I need therapy or antipsychotics I AM VALID
All people in that study were trans. Do you honestly believe 38% of males and 44% of women attempt suicide? "Sex assigned at birth" is the birth sex of the transgender individual. Primary gender identity today is the current identity of the transgender individual. You couldn't have fucked that up worse.
Investment value
Nice watches are worth money and retain value
Fake ones are worth nothing and are worth nothing.
That beartato comic managed to pull this quite well
Everyone is assigned a gender at birth.
Yes, and that study was EXCLUSIVELY transgender individuals, you idiot. Do you not understand that if this wasn't the case, all people in the second category would be cross contaminating one another? The male assigned at birth that now identify as men are in the same category as the females assigned at birth that are now FtM.
he is white as fuck man, he aint "mixed race"
dude is a wigger
what the fuck is this garbage
Dank Scrotum Pleb
Nice comic.
a crummy pail? they should be fetching pokemon creatures!
Totally going to use this one.
I don't get it
Women are a money pit.
Why does the dad look like he just ate a whole lemon?
toilet paper - toilet
wipes - bin
>Long cunt fucker
>muh voice
>implying nobody sees the headphones
Also why the fuck would you be singing in a classroom anyway
I gotta try
This comic never even mention immigration. What's wrong with you?
only acceptable for literal babies.
>Long Tit Sucker
This chart doesn't have an "Ä" so i just went with an A
>only babies are allowed to have a clean anus
nigger that dry shit isn't going to get everything
The type of women who use those kinds of mobile dating apps are black pits devoid of personality.
Meta, I fucking love it.
Raping children is like coffee, at least 5 times a day during work days.
use a smaller brush size retard
Literally me.
Ah so they're just mentally fucked people. Got it.
Oppenheimer, get the nukes.
Gamers rise up
>words are violence
Damn jews, trying to sneak into our gas chambers when we're not looking!
hes not promoting abortion, hes promoting not having children
Nah. The context is that anime is trash, weebs are cringe, and you need to kill yourself.
even if you pass, your voice will give it away lmao
buy a bidet it will change you're life
I wish that artists were like this
Every time they open their mouths/keyboards it's always something awful
>seven keychains for a keyring with two keys
>This projection
Just transition already
>literally no U
Yikes, wish I had seen this two hours ago.
>wanting to become a manlet
Its Ronnie, what do you expect?
Me too dude.
What shithole 3rd world country are you from?
My dad did but he has to work more than 40 years because even though he was born at the right time, is in an well above average paying job and has been investing for a long time he still can't afford to lose the company healthcare to take care of my sick mom.
This needs a crop
>But this was my idea... What do you mean "it'll ruin it if I'm here"?
Or you could uh, you know, shower.
I am genuinely worried about Ronnie.
This is the only response that actually nails it, I'm happy to see someone giving a real answer and not an edgelord meme response.
This guy is probably the only normie comic guy who doesn't seem like a cringey retard and a dickhead
Literally what
the difference in suicide rate is unknown, but the rest of the information there is interesting
i havnt, show me
We don't have a solution yet sadly, it would be nice if we could make progress in the future so transitioning isn't the only option available to them though.
It has to be out of style for two years before they notice it
That's why he wanted a lot of key chains, so it was bulkier and he couldn't lose them.
meh, everyone shits on living that cookie cutter life but i dream for such an existence. happiness > freedom
Nora also has a video on youtube about that as well.
>that fucking ESSAY
>life says it gets better for 80%+
>directly contradictory for thew actual statistics we DO have
>literally "Pat me on the back and validate me"
>hate groups like the American College of Pediatricians
Fucking moot
>Tell them it's likely a phase and they'll get over it
thats fucking retarded, when that has ever worked for anything?
>Try and help them sort out any other issues
this is the correct response for both, and what psychologists and psychiatrists actually do before they consider signing off on treatment. and treatment requires multiple doctors to sign off on it in this case