The final bracket is today
How do we fix Stinky Vikki?
Everytime I've started watching the stream vikki has been on commentary god damn
ZeRo needs to come back for real.
AHYUK, who's hype for finals, guys!
There's nothing wrong with her
Imagine if Samsora actually used his stitch faces and dot eyes properly... He throws them away half the time
Just turned on stream and am hearing leffen. Has he complained about PT yet?
No, just bitching about how broken Peach is
>m2k already out
sasuga m2kbros
Wish I had a switch so I could play this :(
He's in losers bracket
He isn't retard, he has a game against Mango.
Armada won a lot against Zero in .5, so there's a very slim chance he could take it.
Sent ;)
He'll probably beat mango so don't give up hope yasonposter.
Salem vs. MVD game 5 Snake mirror going on right now.
no one cares
The absolute state of MVD.
float cancels, complex combo strings, high iq turnip pressure
hurr durr me press aerial in direction of enemy
Don't you have pre-Johning to do Leffen?
Did Salem win?
based fucking salem the best snake in the world already
You forgot the most important part
gay nigger
Reminder that this doesn't count for PGR
>pick up Snake as a joke
>already the best Snake in the world after a month
Why do we hate Salem?
Were sword characters this boring to watch in the last game?
why should I care about the PGR
Global rankings duh
I actually liked Marth, but that had more to do with the fact that it was cathartic to watch him kill Bayo.
Also Roy and Chrom aren't boring to watch at all.
cloud was
marth was more interesting, he has more complicated combos strings and actually had to space because his moves have more than one hitbox
Because he has pattern recognition :^)
Everyone who pretended he was wrong about the Melee community is a cuck
Marth is interesting due to spacing and hype tippers, lucina is just "dude spam fair lmao"
>Z drop
>Dtilt SHFF float nair repeat for ez 50%
>The whole salem drama started with leffen saying snake is bad
>Salem thinks snake is good and proves it
>Leffen complaining about every character he loses with despite thinking they're better than snake
I really wish salem and leffen could meet in
bracket. Leffen would be btfo so hard
how do you guys feel about Samsora losing?
Feels good man
its leos plot armor, this win doesnt mean anything
Shut the FUCK up, Vikki.
Hes dead to me after losing 3-0 in that japanese crew battle.
Pichu seems like he belongs in a different game. It's pretty ridiculous.
this match looking so much better
pichu is reasonably hype
PT is a pretty counter to Snake desu, though I think Salem would still body Leffen
You do realize plot armor is a joke, right? The universe doesn't literally conspire to make Leo win
>Stream lags
>Have to watch the same stupid Microsoft commercial for every refresh
>implying leo isnt the protagonist
sure pal, sure
>not using Twitch5
It's like you're asking for ads.
My favorite thing about this game is how much of a braindead mouthbreather you look whenever you miss a grab
you only have yourself to blame for not having some sort of adblocker
true. I like nairo but palutena is so boring to watch in my opinion
just use streamlink
How's he getting down throw to back air? I've practiced that combo so much but I can only ever get fairs or bairs in the other direction.
How many times is Nairo going to lose a lead against a top player? First shuton, then Zackray, don't let it happen again.
hopefully every time, Pichu is gay as fuck but at least he needs to do more than nair
>no mafia
not watching boring ass ultimate
might be because palutena is so flowcharty that opponents figure him out
Dabuz beat Zackray pretty handily last time so I hope Zackray can win
Can you RAR or IRA?
why is leffen crossing his legs so tightly?
>the call that saved ultimate
How do you do RAR instantly
he's just swedish, he can't avoid it
Attack Cancel.
small ween
>Leffen dropping PT
Watch him lose to plup as roy
its was game 5 last stock last hit, hardly a "handily" done win
Salem's the antagonist of this season, right?
Reminder that Hyuga died thanks to VikkiKitty.
Was it game 5? I remember Dabuz 3-1'd him at Genesis
>tfw born with manly legs
>couldn't get skinny lefflegs even if i tried
Hyuga died thanks to literal who trannies threatening TO's. Vikki has forgiven Hyuga and the two are apparently now on good terms
I have a wow raid for the next three hours, please tell me one of the melee guys will survive until then
Salem is the dark knight of smash
Unlikely at best.
I can guarantee you one of them will survive Losers R1 (since m2k and Mango play against each other), but it's unlikly for them to go much further.
Obviously the protagonist calling out the lies of the evil church.
>can you believe he accused armada? melee is the most tolerant of religions and armada is our paragon!
>meanwhile during armada's sermon
You can't write this shit.
VoiD forgot that he beat Zackray in winners at Genesis LMAO
he's the rocky balboa, the marty mcfly, the luke skywalker, the frodo baggins, the neo, the john mcclane of this season
/ourguy/ zero just finished his tier list
reminder that pretending Salem was wrong about Melee means you're a bootlicking C U C K
Vikki isn't the enemy in this
>tier list by a player who doesn't play competitively
Wolf players and SDing like fucking retards
name a more iconic duo
Pikachu/Pichu Players and SD'ing like fucking retards despite having a great recovery
Good, Toon Link is boring.
Bayo players and SDing like fucking retards in Sm4sh.
dabuz finally got his liquid jersey it seems
No, because Melee players are overrated and vocal.
that's chillin's
PT should be in low tier next to G&W due to Charizard
>Lucas high tier
no way mii sword is better than gunner
Armada is going to grind like a madman and will become the best Ultimate player in 2 years
I sort of get why he thinks the top two tiers are what they are (that lucario bias there) but from mid down it's a total trainwreck.
how are you posting AND commentating at the same time leffen?
>You can't write this shit.
You just did.
that thought crossed my mind but then I noticed the neckline isn't sliding off his shoulders
The only cool top tiers are wario and greninja and they're on the lower end like wtf. This game needs broken dlc.
Armada is going to drop Ultimate around the time 3.0 comes out. Screencap this.
Are they really not doing mafia today? Why?
Spotted the Leff
Does he actually care about Ultimate?
>You just did
I still want ZeRo to go all in on Melee and become a godslayer in a year or two
i think zero is somehow going stream it
>Chillin brings his Liquid jersey despite not being a competitor anymore
what is TL even paying him for
I hope the melee players all drop ultimate so they reveal how shit they really are at any other game but melee. You have smash players adapting from brawl -> sm4sh -> ultimate but so called 'gods' can't even take a single game.
>the fatlipped olimavirgin
>the prodigy wolfchad
chillin has mad dirt on hotbid and nazgul wants to protect hotbid because they are friends
Reminder that EE is based
Rap skills
>drops Ultimate
>already dropped Melee
What will he play?
Zackray SDing to make in a close match instead of just clean 3-0ing Dabuz
what a guy
He will try to make it as a variety streamer with his newfound subs only to realize he's the most boring, uninteresting person in the world and fall into obscurity and a daytime job in a couple months.
because all those games are the fucking same lmao
Greninja is decidedly not cool. He's pretty linear and playing against any decent ones, campy. It's like saying MK was cool in 4. He's one big flowchart. Fox being top tier is iffy as well. He's so damn light vs what he actually gets and he can struggle to kill/can actually be edgeguarded. He's super good, but he just has so many MUs where it's at best even in that "high tier" grouping. People are overrating him due to Light (and ZD) carrying over so much from 4. Did you know that a fox dairing a wolf from above who is nairing will lose that exchange? Fox has no answers to a lot of characters who have hitboxes already out. He just straight up loses to Wolf's nair.
I hope. Melee players have been doing much better than expected.
I'd say the biggest change has been Mango. He was losing HARD to randoms on Elite Smash but now he's got a few competitive sets and his wario is at leats not a total embarassment.
He really need to stop going for raw Wafts and learn some setups.
3-1 but yeah it was based
meleefags, everyone.
Why can't Inkling kill?
At least he speedruns, streams, and makes raps
Liquid has been paying Ken for five years to do literally nothing
well they are
Brawl plays nothing like Ultimate.
don't bully our autistic quadroon
melee is sick, man. lol
Nerfed roller
Damn, surprised Vikki didn't get offended. Shit like that gets people exiled nowadays.
Lucas's frame traps and dair/uair chains are pretty crazy. Plus roll cancel grab lets beat shield pretty handily.
Olimar is the puff of Ultimate, fuck off
at this point it's safe to say zackray is the real deal
>didnt get offended
user, she probably got dicked down all weekend, being the only chick there
>le epic summit moment!!
So am I the only one who thought it was a not-funny joke and cringeworthy how they all reacted as if he had said the edgiest thing ever?
Salem sitting pretty in GFs winners side
She definitely gets BLACKED
Frame traps? Do you mean PK Freezing and hoping the opponent just comes into your arms?
There is no remotely safe way to set up dair chains
Lucas is a meme character and people are just in denial that's he's bad for the third time in a row
>man meleefags are such one trick ponies, they can't adapt, they never give the newer smash games a chance!
>Melee players give new smash game a chance, keep games competitive with top 5 players despite only playing on the nu-smash engine for a few months
>lol they can't even beat top smash 4 players yet, what shitters
Cope harder, faggot.
Bad taste, Old.
She's probably confortable with herself being a 7/10 so less issues, she's known EE for a while and she knows he's a goof.
>muteace beats zackray
>salem destroys muteace
Is there an opposite of washed? Is Salem secretly a Melee player?
fuck this bullshit ass funny fart man
cosmos you need to get off the phone and back in to the match
Why is Purple Inkling(Female) the best skin?
No, this whole thing is such a fucking embarrassment. Fuck these "house" events.
Salem is a good player.
Purple is the schoolgirl you dumbo.
nigling is pink
purple is schoolgirl
That's not Agent 3 tho.
Isn't he talking about the school uniform Inkling?
Why would being a top Smash 4 player matter? I thought this was a new game?
Or are we finally admitting that Ultimate is a port?
It should have been obvious from the first Smash direct about it. Sakurai says that all the changes would add up to thousands of differences. That is so needlessly defensive if it truly wasn't a port.
Have there been any mirror matches yet?
Why do NA players main trash like that?
where are the clouds....
Imagine not knowing what a friend is or how jokes from friends get more leniency than jokes from strangers
>Muh engine
I am sick of that excuse.
Nerfed to low high tier
He's a fair character now so no one wants to pick him
I was rooting for MuteAce and CaptainZack ;_;
Cute boys deserve to win!
which anime girl is on that nigs phone case?
Imagine being this obsessed.
mango saying we saved france in ww2 is the most generic unoffensive comment you can make no wonder they reacted to salem the way they did
WTF why are more than 3 characters valid in this game
Give it a rest already Cloudposter.
We don't exist anymore.
waiting until the 26th so they can play FF7 on the switch
Make his limit 30 seconds and his usage in tournaments would skyrocket.
That's what i implied tho. I call my friends faggot all the time and it's all in good fun.
If anyone other than Mango had said it they would have kicked them out and banned them.
well to be fair it's MUCH better than US, Uk and Canada where the one that landed in france rather than letting the russkies get that far south.
Ridley and GW are at least mid. K.Rool is low.
Why can't Inkling kill?
Inklings are good girls who wouldn't hurt a fly.
It feels like if your opponent reads the roller every time you're in trouble
I wanna FUCK Inkling.
what the fuck is this set
based fucking gluttony just giving cosmos free damage cause he feels bad
The Nazi occupation of France is still a shared trauma that the nation shares. Bringing it up at all is like bringing up Hiroshima or 9/11, and making jokes about it is in poor taste. I know, I know. It doesn't matter, who cares, etc.
But remember that the whole world isn't Yea Forums.
>cosmos always choose the worst female inkling skin instead of thr based schoolgirl one because she's black
Same but schoolgirl Inkling
Salem here, ask me anything.
Brown Inkling is best for both genders.
Cosmo needs to use more bombs
It's weird though, as Cosmos strikes me as someone with better taste. He seems like a waifufag to me.
How big is your peepee?
woomy cunny
Can you PLEASE btfo leffen in a tournament ? i wanna see cragface cry.
no it's woomy womby
Because he spoke the truth
Gluttony or Tweek? Who's better?
this guy wasnt even that good of an inkling there were better in this tourney
Gluttony's the real deal.
basé et proutpillulé
Why don't people use Corrin anymore?
Wasn't she good in 4?
Are you gay?
Cosmos is the best Inkling in the world, it's not even close. He might have played below par in that set but that doesn't negate anything.
I like playing Corrin, but she's outclassed by the other swordies.
Still Tweek
I have never heard a french person speak better english, lmao
Her pin kinda sucks in this game and that was a defining move for her.
Gluttony imo, Tweek gets tilted once and becomes a bitch
She got nerfed since she's not being shilled anymore.
Nerfed too much.
You can't kill for shit, your pin can be easily punished and your counter kills at like 100%+
t. Corn main
she has no recovery
He needs to use more bomb
not cute enough
Tweek prior to Summit, but honestly with how much experience Gluttony's gotten he could take it.
Gluttony gave him no chance to upsmash out of shield either. Roller and Usmash are her only kill options which is why Cosmo was so hungry for the edgeguards.
>tornado spam
>link up-b kills at around 90
okay I'll pass the message along to him
I'm assuming that's what happened when he played ZD, then. I'm willing to see that he lost to Dabuz in genesis because he had to play him, Shuton, and Gluttony back to back.
Nobody comes close to Cosmos. He tilted hard and got desperate for kills and was mistiming rollers that Gluto easily punished.
he was using the yellow one yesterday
Thank you
The most mainstream sitcoms like CHEERS will jokes about USA saving France in WW2
it is not comparable to Hiroshima or 9/11 at all.
9 inches flaccid
Don't worry, I'll put that mutt abomination in his place with my BBC.
Yes and I prefer white butts
Cosmos alternates between nigger Inkling, Agent 3 and Schoolgirl.
>9 inches flaccid
Only losers pick anything besides school girl
Why did Chillin let himself go so hard in the pst two or so years?
It's going to get to the point where you HAVE to ink to open up more kill options since it increases the knockback as well as the damage. This character is still top tier without the ink mechanic but it should really be explored before more people figure out how to avoid bair.
Wario can punish bomb hard thanks to his airspeed.
And the "ledge trap" with bomb isn't real. It's a singly hitbox, that you can negate easily through timing your getup to it. It only works because players get scared seeing it get dropped and you can't see shit when it blows up
Maybe not in America.
They have a Frenchman right there in the room though
salems literally like 5'3 though, no way his dick is even average.
How can you say he's using the worst female Inkling skin when he hardly uses the schoolgirl outfit? If anything, he's uses the best Inkling skin by far and sometimes uses the second best Inkling skin.
>it increases the knockback
No, just damge
>Light vs ZD next
I'm worried for my boy Light. He hasn't been doing as well as usual, hope he pulls through
he's bulking, dude
You are aware that Armada's gonna beat Zero, right?
He's still traumatized by big Leff.
>Picking the worst skin
fucking normie casters
damn ZD vs Light. first time in this tournament when im rooting for both players
zd lost to m2ks bowser and a washed up armada, light has this in the bag
I missed the three sets that happened before Cosmos vs Glutonny
how were they?
If Armada beats ZeRo I'll stick a knife in my vagina
>4 down smashes
Honestly I'd rather have normalfag casters that don't know about Toradora then Scar and Toph going on a 30 minute tangent about anime
Leffen is small than he's ever been. He's about as relevant to this summit as Chillin is.
height has nothing to do with dick size
I'm 5'5" but I have a 6.5in weenie
what the fuck you can down smash recoveries like that?
>fox player on screen
>twitch chat spams MELEE
do these retards not know fox existed before melee?
That "yikes" comment at the end
Is he really? He seemed kind of short but I had no idea he was that short.
yeah because Smash 64 Fox dittos are SO iconic
ZD either loses to lower-level players or takes out top 3 players like Tweek and Zackray.
you have like 2 frames when they grab the ledge
Melee's favorite commentators are fucking cancer
Post it.
Based taste
So his tag's from Toradora then?
do you have autism?
>have luigi in your twitter name
>don't play luigi
its not uncommon, you clearly dont know shit about 64. stop defending braindead retards
How the hell did he do it four times in a row
>Have Mewtwo in your twitter name, smashboards name, etc
>Don't play Mewtwo
zackray vs dabuz had zackray sding multiple times and still winning and void vs nairo was kinda boring desu
Is Light is the most based player in Ultimate?
Yes, his pinned tweet actually shows this
Considering he has pinned fanart of him as Taiga on his twitter, yes.
is that blob seriously not going to win a game
Aren't ZD and Light only in their early 20s?
Why do they look like 40 year olds?
link me to any Fox ditto in a top 8 at a major in like the past 3 years retard lmao just stfu loser
No one likes Toph and Scar they are the McDonalds of commentary duos they're everywhere and no one likes talking about it.
Light's 19 iirc
Of all the players in Summit, I certainly didn't expect ZD to go 0-4.
Both are still teenagers (18 and 19 respectively)
He seems like a kind of goofy guy but I like him. He's relateable.
Smash players are seeing some 3S mixups in Ultimate with these parries.
ZD is 18 and Light is 19
>Zd 0-4
>Mango will probably go 0-4
Being a mango sub is a punishment.
the price of playing Fox
Oh no leff....
ZD looks like your 40 year old balding uncle. Light looks like that dude from Counting Crows, so your brain automatically ties him to the 90's.
Light didn't even need to roll up his sleeves to beat him
I feel bad for him desu, I don't think he was palying like he usually does
ngl Light is fucking hot
MDVA sucks
Why are they in the basement?
>Already balding
>looks like a 30 years old
>fat as fuck
>doesn't seem to have alot of friends in the house
poor ZD
Liking that obnoxious tryhard. You have to be older than 18 to post on this site.
A-At least we have Chillin.
The Melee matches are gonna be the best.
But you literally lied right there, maybe if he was 30 pounds lighter and got rid of the shit stache
WAIT WHAT? I thought he was over 25 or something. I take the hot part back :/
Fuck these niggers. We could have gotten an actual good player instead of le 40 year old looking 18 year old man.
not on 4channel!
>he doesnt know about isai vs taimai
yep, you dont know shit about 64
also fox was prominent in brawl and 4 as well. melee fags are we wuzzers thinking they have a monopoly on fox just because its the one game where hes the tierwhore pick
>Gatekeeps Tweek
>Out of the tourney all ready
Being ZD is suffering
ZD went from beating Zackray and Tweek to losing to M2K and Armada
ZeRo was right again, this game is inconsistent trash
ZD is 18?
He looks like an amorphous balding blob in his 40s already.
Poor guy.
I'm sorry for wanting entertaining matches
Light does not look like a 40 year old. He just looks like one of those kids that matured physically faster than everyone else.
Well happa trash do love to do shootings, especially craterface losers like leffen,
Shouldn’t have wasted time playing Melee at .5
>doesn't post a link
yeah just keep your made up names to yourself my man, you got rekt lol
upload it somewhere else and link it here
Because it's a port of Smash 4
also he's fat and balding at 18
pray for my man
Leffen vs Plup
I don't want either of them to lose...
but it's gay if I let other boys see my dick user, as a religious man I can't do that
>its inconsistent because its a port of a game where a guy won 50 tournaments in a row
Then why is Zero so shit at it?
here you go dumbfuck, i understand even a google search can confuse a rats iq like yours so ill spoonfeed ya
it's not gay at all
this thread might be full of cute girls and you might be the only boy
3stocked lol
I feel so bad for Plup.
How did Leffen switch from Charizard straight to Ivysaur?
this. leffen is my all time favorite player but seeing plup lose always breaks my heart
can confirm, cute girl here
>Leffen STILL playing PT
Fuck this whining cunt he doesn't learn.
Gargantuan Leff getting the three stock
What Leffen fails to understand is that even though PT isn't a top-tier, so many players have barely any experience against the character that he's at an inherent advantage.
>not wanting to see leffen fucking destroyed.
You gay?
how was last night's mafia?
Just got here from yesterday, what did I miss
Leff is going to be convinced to stick with PT if he wins this, which he probably will. Then he'll lose to better players and post more salt on twitter
nothing this is the first nonsmash4 set of the day so you good
that's the leffen
nice meme but ZeRo was the exception. Below him, everything was chaos.
Also let's not forget that during that streak he lost to unranked players like Seagull Joe, and later he would do shit like lose to Palutena or lose to unranked ZSS (his most-practiced matchup) to get 65th
Because he didn't practice any Smash game seriously for over a year
half of town was pretending to be retarded but they somehow won anyway
dabuz made the highest IQ play possible and it was so smart people thought he was an idiot
Literally like clockwork
It's annoying because I think that Plup is easily the best of the melee players in Ultimate and he could easily be a top tier player if he kept at it. Instead leffen is gimping him on no MU experience.
Damn Ivysaur is so much better than the other two that it's not even close.
that's probably because leffen is better than plup
>top 64
>when I asked for top 8
I know this concept might be difficult for you to grasp. But 64 is not the same number as 8.
But nice try just posting some random set where Isai is sandbagging. Get rekt kiddo
I wish Leffen could dominate Plup this hard in Melee and in bed
but he does understand that
Dabuz was so high IQ it came full circle and came off as retarded
really sad to see Plup lose but at least this will somewhat shut up all the people who are SO convinced that Plup is the best Melee player in Ultimate simply because they don't like Leffen
I doubt it actually will though
wtf Plup became handsome
What did he do?
I don't even understand why Melee players are at the summit.
You know they'll job to the winner bracket, what's fun in that?
Also most of them are here for the money and AW.
I can't stop laughing at this image
Something about it just kills me
>isais fox
yep youre definitely baiting, this set is legendary and fox is one of the better chara in 64. heres your final (You) numbnuts
Because they want viewers and none of these ultimate guys have an audience yet.
They're literally there for marketing purposes. They even added a rule specifically so you'd be allowed to vote for someone with as shit results as Mang0. Basically Leffen in this tournament might as well be Pewdiepie.
Brawl Battlefield was the best version
because they wanted people to actually watch
>still can't post a single top 8 set in LITERALLY YEARS
it feels like Plup was better with Mega Man
>beating plup meaning a lot to him
I highly doubt that. He thinks Pokemon Trainer is shit and beating another Melee player won't change his opinion.
ZeRo has more subs than Mango or Leffen
why does leffen talk shit about hbox spamming bair if all hes gonna do is spam razor leaf?
He's better with Mega Man.
nobody would be watching if it wasn't for the melee guys. summit is an event about personality, melee has the personality. sm4.5h kiddos are all unfunny robots.
How much dick is Vikki getting a night there?
Leffen doesn't know what hipocresy is
I wouldn't be surprised if mango passed him
humongous hjelte strikes again
only Zackray's shota cock
not comparable
Post your best thicc chillin's
I've had the stream in the background and I thought the voice of the chick was a young boy, is she a he?
Don't you know? If Leffen wins something it's in spite of his character but if he loses it's because of his character
She likes black men, tho.
sure leffen, keep telling yourself that
why doesn't smUsh have good memes like chillinposting?
Did any of the Stinkling boys lose?
>This HxH music
He doesn't. he's been bledding and stopped showing his sub count
rate this fit
big house 4 rerun coming up
Why do streamers do this? Hide their sub count?
>losers round 1
well at least we're getting the match at all
>implying the chillin show isn't based
Nah I play puff in melee and agree with that user. Puff's bair is just so good in almost every situation. Incredibly fast, knocks down, can kill eventually, sets up for edge guarding. Razor leaf is just a meh projectile
Sounds like you don't either, Pablo
the game is garbage so everything relating to it is too
nice tits
what event was this? EVO 2018?
Most streamers do. If anything it's unusual to show your sub count.
Hope mew2king goes with bowser this time. God is incineroar is shit
>People complaining for 50 bucks 3d printed dock that works as a gc adapter
>When Nintendo sells you the awful original dock for like $70
I'd be confused, but I realized they are children.
the real question is why doesn't Twitch just show sub count next to viewers and followers?
cosmos got rekt by gluto
armada will likely get destroyed by scarflard
I like both Mango and Mew3King, who should I root for here?
ive never seen you play puff leffen, are you lying for credit?
But does Melee have Blast Zone?
>esports jersey with formal jacket
Christ, that's worse than when game devs wear nerd culture t shirts underneath formal jackets when they make presentations at e3 or the vgas.
at 0.5 m2k's lucina did best against mango
then bowser
then wolf
Yep. Cosmos lost to Wario because Inkling sucks at killing(and Glutonny destroyed Cosmos by utilizing it).
Not Nintendo's fault that it keeps getting scalped
If MKLeo beats nairo and Zackray beats Gluto we could get MKLeo vs Zackray which would be hype
I dont blame him I was similarly upset that leffen won
as soon as all melee competitors are eliminated i'm turning the stream off
and, bare minimum, half of the viewership is going with me
Mango looks like he is about to die.
>m2k finally accepted his baldness
pretty based desu
get fucked
Turn the commentators way the fuck down and turb the music up so we can't hear them
Same here, I couldn't care less about scarflard and the others that I don't even know the name
>Not Nintendo's fault that they underproduce and sell at an already high pricepoint
fun game
Ya'll ever think about how Mew2King has a weird dick that makes it hard to cum and he has suicidal thoughts because of this?
M2K should watch some Magister. his Incineroar looks kinda simple
>Leffen and M2K killing their Melee brothers by cheesing them with matchup unfamiliarity
what a sad day
Nice zoom in on the move not hitting
>went to some shitty local instead of summit
The dock is free if you're not an idiot and just buy the console new
Said the meleegro with his garbage taste
he was having a panic attack
Never even watched a single second I'm only here to catch highlighted cringe moments.
Mango really is washed
daylight savings time is a bitch
>not nintendo's fault
fuck off Nintendo
>Zero needs to pick the most OP character to do well
>game is too balanced for this to be an option
I can't imagine what the atmosphere would have been like if Salem had made it
we need NEO! back this instant
The real sad day was when mango was accepted despite sucking so bad. This summit proves how much of a washed up fraud he is. The fruit is rotting and needs to be trashed once and for all.
why do some of these players look absolutely washed up and not enjoying shit at all?
plup and mango are prime examples of this, others too but goddamit, plup looked like he was literally about to cry
i used to love these dudes, but its getting awkward watching them like this every single tournament they look suicidal
>Incineroar winning
Esam put up a better fight at melee summit than mankek at ult summit
>about to win $6000
Mango just wants this to be over asap
leffen would have provoked salem into slapping him so mango would have started norwalk stomping salem
would have been hilarious with the first two days of loud ass melee chants
Mango looks depressed as fuck
He should just stick to melee
Hence why he shits on it as often as he does and clings to melee even though he doesn't play that either
It's a $15k tourney lmao
$6k for 1st
I can't tell if this is the result of slightly-alright matchup for Incineroar (doesn't get carried off-stage, heavy so he dies later) or Mango is just getting outplayed/matchup experience.
because they have to come to terms with the fact that they suck dick at ultimate and melee is slowly getting left behind
They're too used to success, so now that they have to grind again, they dread the whole thing
>plup looked like he was literally about to cry
wouldn't be the first time
the alcoholism memes are not just memes user
...instead of a 50k pot tourney
They are only there to keep their fan's money rolling in.
incineroar is top tier if you run at him
and mango always holds w
>That move kills pretty well
>Doesn't kill incin at 150% with max rage wario
mango v m2k looking like a fucking smash 4 set
that's because it's a port
Is this gonna be ANOTHER 3-0?
He was consistently ranked #1 in Smash 4, long after Diddy Kong was nerfed to be fair and eventually lost his #1 best character slot
I feel like I'm watching a wifi battle.
less but more fun matchups > more matchups
mostly because the games are extremely similar
>losing to Incineroar as Wario
The absolute STATE of Melee (((players)))
lol last few matches have been 3-0 nice
nah it's just mango whiffing fucking everything and playing like ass and m2k just spamming command grab/nair
Guys, this game really is basically just smash 4
ESAM went 0-2
press S to spit on melees grave
first round of loser's is gonna be all 3-0 stomps
What did Mang0 say?
which is why ZeRo is dominating
>Guess who doesn't have to play Dabuz?
Diddy was insane even after they finally nerfed him. He only quit Smash 4 because he made the mistake of not switching to Bayo.
reading comprehension, meleecuck
>melee player vs melee player match ends
>nu Yea Forums erupts
what did they mean by this?
Thats actually pretty funny
I hope Zero bodies that Stinking. Our guy can pull it off