What's their best game, anons?
No Viccy posting allowed however.
What's their best game, anons?
Victoria 2
Stellaris for actual gameplay, CK2 for fun and memes.
Why don't you play superior turn based grand strategy game that has actual tactical combat, economy and gameplay? Why would you play Paradox games over this cool 2D?
for me it's mountain blade warband
I've only ever played Stellaris, can anyone recommend any other game made by paradox?
Glad I'm not the only one who hated HOI IV
Vic2 is no brain
you just set sliders to max
they never made one
Vicky makes OP's brain hurt
Stellaris has the most dysfunctional gameplay out of all Paradox games. It has a lot of nice features to and things to work towards, but the actual gameplay loop is painful.
The opposite is true for Hearts of Iron, a shallow and somewhat pointless game, but very smooth gameplay.
I dunno, the fact that it's both a grand strategy as well as a pseudo RPG is kinda charming.
Plus it feels more personally involving than other Paradox games.
>place units on all ports because the AI doesn't do naval invasions like it did in HOI3
>spam subs, don't even bother with surface combatants
>get just enough planes for air superiority, paratroopers and dive bombing, don't bother with anything else
>spam arty and tanks
>drop paratroops in a 400 km span behind the enemy's front, attack surround destroy
>move forward and abuse the AI's poor pathfinding to move around them
>continue with this until they capitulate
congratulations you are now an expert at HOI4
Why do they get a pass even though they are actually worse than EA at this point.
DLC business model, release games as buggy messes that they never fix and have never been able to develop something even close to reassembling a competent AI
>doesn't work on WIndows 10
>What's their best game?
>Don't post about their best game however
It works on Windows 7 perfectly fine
>russia trying to mobilize
>spends 1 year marching from siberia
>by the time they reach the front the war is already halfway over
>you just set sliders to max
well hello there, would be a damn shame if a revolt would happen
The game of infinite DLC is my favorite ;^)
are EU3 and HOI3 worth playing?
I literally own both with all DLC but got them from bundles and shit after EU4 and HOI4 came out
any good fantasy vicky2 mods or is vicky2 too niche to attract those autists?
Victoria II is the best overall game.
HoI III is the best for the actual combat but the AI can't really play it and you need other people to really enjoy it which is hard for such a long game.
Darkest Hour is more simple than HoI III but the AI can actually kind of play it (still can't handle things like paratroopers though) and is great if you just wanna do some wargaming for an hour or two on and off. That's someone else heavily modding their game though and not really their game.
*melts your CPU*
not now that they added fuel.
>exited to play because I'm starved for grand strat content
>know I'll be disappointed by the EU aspects
Adding fuel only made subs OP due to the AI's complete inability to deal with them
There was a fantasy mod in development in /gsg/ called NEOVICTORIA, but looks like that fell off the map.
Divergences of Darkness isn't fantasy, but it's a pretty farfetched alt-history mod that's really fun to play. Try and find the HPM version that was released recently.
Dude, you are starved to play that shitshow called Imperator. If you like Age of Exploration and imperialism you should give Imperialism series a try.
The second one starts at the discovery of Americas. You can play on realistic map or randomly generated map with redrawn Old and New World. The first one starts after Napoleonic Wars and goes to WWI with tanks being one of the lategame units.
CK2 is based
EU4 is fine
HOI4 is shit
Vicky 2 is for autists
Literally everyone whose first Paradox game was neither CK2, EU4 nor HoI4 hates it.
Unironically what you want to happen if you're playing a vassal.
Why do people not like HPM mod for Viccy?
Darkest Hour (hoi2 based) is better than all those games though. If only it had AoD supply system and brigades weren't useless it would be the perfect ww2 gs game.
I'm too much of a fanboy to hate HoI4 but there are some legit shortcomings.
I believe I have personally exhausted Vic2, CK2 is still a source of endless amusement
>64-bit update for EU4 is announced
>no optimization
>no performance upgrades
>STILL no multithreading
>literally just "nah bro that shit is too hard we're just dropping support for 32-bit version is all"
I fucking hate Paradox so much, goddammit
>Why don't you play superior turn based grand strategy game
oh but I do :)
It's a shame they are the only ones who produce grand strategy games. They've become lazy.
>hey guys what's 1+1?
>and don't you dare say 2
>he thinks EU4 isn't already multi threaded
>he thinks parallelizing something is just telling the computer to use moar coars
Into the trash it goes
It's a wargame, not grand strategy game. You can't even control units during battle and AI is ultra dumb.
Not today, shill
No, for the following reasons
>1 consul
>5 years
>no plebian assembly
>everything powered by magic mana
>Johan thinks players are retards who care only about painting the map and blobbing
>every dev diary shows how simplistic and dull the gameplay has become
>rather than develop a system with depth and complexity we get a watery mix of CK2 and EU4
>Paradox doesn't care about history in their historical games
>typical DLC out the ass model guaranteed
quotes from Johan
>In a decision to make it more into a fun engaging game, where you care about your characters, you only have one consul in rome, and they serve for five years.
>Changing a law costs 250 oratory power
>“It’s a game about painting the map in your colour,” Andersson says. “Whether you’re playing an MMO, or a strategy game, or an FPS, it’s about power fantasies. In this game, you feel powerful by conquering stuff.”
bonus quotes from a member of the creative design team for I:R
>having a fully in-depth, historically authentic roman senate is way out of scope
>actively providing balance, content, and intrigue to do this justice, not only takes time, but takes away a lot of focus from the other aspects of the game you would be playing
I blame the autistic map-painting blobbing redditors for this garbage trend.
>>Johan thinks players are retards who care only about painting the map and blobbing
this is true though
Field of Glory Empires is being developed right now. It will allow you to import battles into FoG2, play them out then feed the results back into the game.
Also see Alea Jacta Est
No, wargames are stuff like in this pic. Dominions is definitely a strategy game, as you're managing your whole nation and managing its resources.
HOI3 fucking sucks though. The only part that is even remotely developed is the battles, and there are tons of games that do that better.
But focus is entirely on war and gathering gems to cast spells for war. In Imperialism you can buy you way into world domination with strong economy, diplomacy and fortifications/defensive army to deter potential enemies. It's not the easiest way to win but it's possible.
Came here to post this. Ignoring the SJW aspects, it's fantastic.
>Doesn't have a non-toaster