Filename thread
Keep it vidya
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
op you forgot something
Humans who don't pay attention deserve to be hit by cars.
Also, not videogames
did she die?
Farcry 3 citra ending
good post
>Keep it vidya
Nice filename retard.
>being a pedo
I thought for sure the horse was going to eat the bird like that baby chick.
>Tree of Savior.jpg
this post gave me scoliosis
god i wish that was me
Holy fuck his poor back. Dude is going to end up crippled doing that.
that was actually kind of hot.
>it's a lifting webm
oh god what's this going to be..
>dude lifts with his back
oh, not as bad as I expected but still pretty fucking retarded
What is this?
reboot of Carmen Sandiego cartoon
Carmen is getting beat by her mentor/adoptive mother
>my legs do that
>too scared to use the legpress
What are good substitutes on legday?
jesus i had to look away from my monitor
>Then you better pound harder
See a doctor
Excuse me what the fuck?
I aint watching THAT shit to the end, those machines ALWAYS do the same thing, which is break peoples fucking legs, my knees feel funny as soon as i see one of them fuckin' things
Not today, Jason. Titties are great.
How in the name of all that is sacred, would he not realise that what's happening with his legs ISN'T supposed to happen?!
>niggers in africa without white man's gibsmedat supply
I hate myself for being able to laugh at this. Why was a born with a love for monster girls?
goddamn mongolians are based
i don't get it, where is the joke?
does nobody here know ehat the fuck a filename is
Fuck off.
What are you talking about? The ancients were fucking obsessed with monster girls, there's absolutely nothing weird or abnormal about it. Don't hate yourself, your only mistake was being born into a world that doesn't have any
>this gave me cancer seriously
ahh yes, based reddit bringing their sick burns into the real world
Thank you Monster Girl Prophet. Just wish I was a big enough chad to be open about it. For now it shall remain a hidden love.
>wait a minute, that card...
The instructions are all right fucking there. i'm frustrated every day by the people around me who would be absolutely fucking bamboozled by this machine. You put in your ticket, you have a wealth of options to furnish tender, YOU PICK ONE OF THOSE and you're good.
>mimic level 30
>these punches don't hurt that bad
>let me act badass and just stand there and let him fucking destroy my face
Of course it was a nigger.
>52 years an imbecile
fucking lol
could also be called feminism.
>See gym .webm
Love for the imaginary is closest to the divine love: given freely, with no possibility of requital
That webm is way better with sound.
Tell me this is from a series and not just a one off picture.
meth not even once
>fatuous pauper
I laughed.
MGQ was the one game I came for the porn and stayed for the story.
You fucking idiot
> keep it vidya
> very first post is /an/
fuck off animal fucker
I chuckled, but beyond the two camera setup this is pretty clearly staged. His behavior on the bike is one of awkward apprehension of the imminent crash. He doesn't even really try to put his feet on the pedals, just tries to brace himself against the frame of the bike.
What muscles does that exercise target?
The filenames are supposed to be vidya newfag
>newfags using Yea Forums x and not checking their filenames
purge this thread
>count as female
there were speedrunners in 1801?
>guy doing leg day and it is on Yea Forums
He is going to snap his knees. Ain't gonna watch it bruh.
I'm confused at the fact you have both 1 and 2 arrows pointing at the 'Insert Ticket Here' slot.
But yeah, while the instructions might be technically correct it's just a barrage of information with a poor user interface. It's the carnival funhouse version of a pay machine, the entire thing is distracting.
Where is this from? French animation?
>Dog humping a blanket
>Sniffs its own butt
>Suddenly starts fellating itself
Jesus what the fuck.
>Bro penguin comes over and tries to stop the first penguin
unironically this
>no snap but i'm still uncomfortable after watching that
Looks interesting, what show's this?
That's just extremely depressing
>average United States conservative woman
I usually ignore the Janny Wars shit but that one made me chuckle
Kemono friends.
Jesus that's dark. This show is for fuckin kids?
He couldn't put up his guard cause he already got clipped. The dude got wrecked before he could stand straight.
>he-help usssss
>A great teeerror loooomsss...
What are some kino animals Yea Forums?
The thing about webms like this that weirds me out is how these bystanders always seem to have a camera already rolling.
Like, what the fuck? do they just film random passengers or do they have some kind of 6th sense to foresee incoming shit hitting the fan?
this is way funnier with sound
she was probably already acting like a maniac before the phone came out
Holy shit people are still mad about LICD in 2019
Lole sille humens
We need to step up our dominion before the aliens come to stomp us is the message?
please dont post my fetish. thanks.
Not that jannies aren't fags, but you're just a lone autist, user.
Why do you keep making all those retarded Yea Forums threads every single day, all alone, getting 0 replies?
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Hope she has some plasters
maybe prepaid tickets?
I've been trying to find this for a while, thanks. I don't get how it was supposed to be a message against what he's doing, that guy looks like he had a great life.
no human can blame this person
lol :(
>There was a cop there and did nothing until the dude retaliated
>sampler of drugs
>count as female
>grape dryer
Where is the rest?
quads checked
>asuka kazama exists irl
>hey freddie guess what we came into the wrong classroom today
Quality posts right there
uh... sauce??
Carmen Sandiego, the netflix reboot
and yea, it gets pretty fucked up
>Ludwig on BL4 run
Dog just wants to nut
Yeah, but she's stealing to prevent "bad guys" from stealing. I much preferred when she stole for the challenge of it. Not every protagonist needs to be some sort of hero.
I only watched the trailer, is the show any good?
>implying aliens didn't go through the same phase
>implying there aren't a ton of different aliens out there that died out even earlier than our current phase.
>Vibrates through walls
Always gets me
Luck > Skill
I think it's a message about stagnation, we've kinda dominated the planet and only when he stopped to lord over his doing and sit in his throne did the aliens come and kill him, so I think it means we can't stop we need to keep going and even take it to the stars because aliens will be doing the same thing but they wont stop they come to earth and stomp all over us too.
>not partialarts.webm
I wanted to make it Yea Forums-related
>3000 degrees hot boomer
>9 pages
Life is suffering
Thanks, I was looking for somwthing to watch besides the things I put in my to watch list but never was in the mood to watch
Who complains about pretty flowers in their grass?
I don't get it
Well shit i guess that reboot is okay afterall
Thanks for the shill, this comic is pretty based.
the website is trash though holy shit it's so slow and barely functions
How many upvotes did this get on Reddit?
Is this Gundam 00 cosplay?
yeah, hysterical.
This might not be your thing.
Stings like fuck in an open wound
thank you for pointing out the obvious
What was the filename on op
Imagine sticking your hand in that.
How can non fingolians even compete
My favorite kino animal is vidya related file names
Phrum, the dusty mason
>that moment when they recognized each other
holy fuck, muh dickkkkk
Watch again. The kick didn't hit him in the head, it was the chest area, all those punches afterwards just graze and miss him.
He stands up acting badass like people try to do, and he gets fucking rocked for it.
God... i miss my brownfu so much. She got married last year.
Don't horses break an ankle every time they trip?
Do you have context I've seen this so much
probably thought he was doing some assfucking motion
would be so much better without the gay-ass slow mo
>guy acts like a fortfaggot in line
>pubgirl sees his gay ass dance and haymakers him
pretty simple really
She hates Fortnite
That's one bold mouse.
>retard does epic fortnite dance
>girl probably thinks he's pretending to hump her and annihilates him
T-thanks white people.
femishit being a femishit
>implying the Chinese aren't more guilty of this
Honestly wondering, what happens to dead penguins in the Antarctis? There aren't any land predators there, so they aren't eaten, and it is way too cold there for anything to rot away, isn't it?
Do other penguins eat them?
Damn, this takes me back. Good shit!
Justice being served
There are predatory birds and shit.
I watched that episode a few days ago for a the first time and wondered the same thing
Turns out they just stay there. Forever and ever.
There are mummified remains of seals found on the antarctic which have been dated at almost 3000 years old.
She made the smart decision, the cat was retarded.
Save yourself and have another child.
he gets caught a few days later while trying to steal food in broad daylight
Oh yeah, I forgot about that video where some penguin chicks get saved by an adelie from a gull.
no one knows honestly, whole south pole's a fucking mystery.
Whats this guys name?
lmao, nice pretend jawline
Enlarged Enrique
>penguins need to eat
>only food is fish
>swim for fish
>get eaten by seals,whales, and sharks.
They die in the water dummy
Not that one.
vastly superior version
Did he lose weight?
Did the horse eat it afterwards? They are known to eat small birds and mammals if they are able to catch them.
It's a meme to start a filename thread without a filename.
I'm dumb please explaim
>into a girl with magic
all is well with the world if they are actually xx
No. That happens frequently in horse racing because racing horses are almost always juveniles. They have a lot of energy and they're lighter than full grown adults, but their bones are much weaker.
They tend to break limbs because the jockies ride them hard for training and constantly sprinting like that just puts a lot of stress on their limbs.
>It's real
it depends on the penguin. most penguins are generally only on land near the coast during breeding season, so their corpses are generally eaten by predators like gulls.
emperor penguins only deal with predators on land during the warmer seasons and those usually are eaten. they have no predators during the hard winters. the penguins that don't make it through the winter are buried under snow and frozen forever.
most penguins deaths happen during childhood, once you make it to adulthood as a penguin you actually have a high survival rate
The sad thing is being this stupid in the modern world leads to success because modern life is so safe. Sure, she gets soaked here, but all the other times she disregards rules she probably comes out ahead of the people who obey them.
>examiner of underclothing
The Brit are truly the undisputed masters of banter.
>kids off having fun doing other things (fortnite) while adults are trying to relive their youth (play nintendo games) even though the weather isnt suited to being in a pool (nintendo games suck these days)
Africa Addio
As much as I loved Halo 2 and 3 it fucking sucked that I could never use the shotgun or energy sword because I'm from Australia. The shotgun would deal no damage even if you snuck up behind someone and shot them from point blank and they weren't moving. The netcode was completely fucked. If it wasn't for melee attacks and assassinations I probably wouldn't have played Halo games.
>the way her right ankle just gives out
I absofuckinglutely wish that was my night out on the town.
mongolian horses are sturdy fat little shits, basically buff ponies
they have denser bones
>Bro aliens are definitely super kind and definitely don't farm non intelligent life as resources lol they just leave them there taking up their own resources
kill yourself tranny
no way would I want to be some mutiliated tranny on drugs all the time
I'd only accept being a perfect trap
just dress the part and walk in a gay bar restroom
based radical larry
Ben Drowned
>Beady Long Legs fight.webm
Raging Rico
well duh
but what does the porch monkey have to do with it
Why is it that birds are damn near impossible to catch, but a horse can just nonchalantly step on one?
>my fucking nigga
Did act 3 ever happen
>Cow banger
"If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine... religious community. "
so THATS how they break a horse's spirit
Francisco Fatso
>video games
i got a chuck outta this one
Birds don't see horses as a danger.
not him, but a lot of games with multiple options for unlockable characters will initially show them as a dark silhouette before you buy or obtain them
it's more a prequel than a reboot
there is literally no academic educational value to the show /assumption based on surface evidence
Is dat sum RE reference?
reminds me of one of the best rants in a videogame playthrough
starts around 5 minutes
They should have poured water on those
Home Owners Associations. Those guys will hound you until you get your yard looking picture perfect 24/7. I hate those pricks.
never ever
>Chair spin
Every time
Are those parasites, or its own offspring?
>hating on barrels
I think its becuase birds dont view horses as a threat like they do with humans.
i had a neighbor who would bitch to the town office about any little thing wrong with my yard. it was super windy one day, lots of broken branches and sticks in my yard. i go out and pick up each of them and stack all the sticks into a neat pile in the alley. if you look down the alley, you'd see garbage bags of leaves, grass piles and other shit. but my sticks and branches were a big no no, and i was fined by the town.
They look like mites on a bee
Fucking extreme case if it is
so did you murder your neighbor yet?
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
Thats how insects make decisions.
thats who insects have more individual members, and more total biomass, and more societal sophistication, and longer total existence, and more sustainability long term, than fucking cats
they are better at life
Does anyone have the Keep Quiet one?
their lives are infinitely less complicated than mammals
if you want to live a bugs life go outside and stay there
probably the april fools video from a while back
Bison's Tuesday?
>he wants a complicated life
ironically that makes you a simple person
Idon't get it.
it should've been me
God I wish that was me.
its still pretty funny
What the fuck is even the point of this "sport"???
There isnt even any prize money involved, is this just an elaborate event for suicidal people?
Thrillseekers, bragging rights
Should have just started a big ass fire in your backyard
that's what I do with all my flammable garbage
>in 2019
that comic is years old
holy shit this is the best thing I've ever fucking seen
thanks for telling me about that
HOAs are run by old boomers who try to keep a solid hold on any power they have left so they can feel relevant (and rich) before they die.
>Do you feel in charge.webm
jesus those things will tear you to shreds
>Fifty-two years an imbecile
wtf I hate civilization now
I'm not saying something like this couldn't happen, because many weirder things have happened, but I will say this is obviously faked.
I think that milk is off
maybe don't drink that
look down
Yes, it was made for an animation festival back in 2002, by the same people who made the cartoons in Heavy Rain.
yeah I still don't get it
Japanese honey bees vibrating so intensely that they cook the hornet to death.
The same reason Filipinos like to crucify themselves. Culture is a hell of a drug.
I hate that the thicc meme has been skewed to mean "fat" under a different less vilified word, I really do.
Now it makes things even more confusing.
Looks like a fucking black oscar statue
>He obviously goes down from being knocked out.
>Just keep hitting him
What? Are you supposed to do that or does he lack discipline?
Youre suppose to do that. What if he went down and then got back up user, you just lost the one chance you had to win. relax, they get paid to get the shit kicked out of them, they know what theyre in for.
>He did not use his hands, like a smart man he used a tool.
I've seen dumbass horses jump into railings and fall from cliffs and be completely fine.
They're retarded animals but they're sturdy as hell.
notice the twitching and how it tries to fly.
If it was its own children it would walk fine and would know by instinct that it can't fly
>people praised this for being an extremely well choreographed fight scene
You can hear him before you see him.
Horses step on birds all the time. Reason why they don't mesh well with poultry.
This guy is a superfan of identity kill/brainwashing.
Damn you're ugly!
>vibrates through walls
If I hold him can I also vibrate through walls? Might come in handy
No that's how you break a pony
>made on a computer manufactured by baby asians
Pussy ass nigga
So if you put a bunch of chickens into a paddock with a horse and came back later it would be a blood bath?
What a chad
What the fuck does the fucking car crash have to do with it. Fucking rustles my jimmies.
look closely at who exactly died in the crash
are you serious? the 2 hypnosis guys died in a crash before they could undo the prank
Jamie, pull that up.
>Liking tits
>Being a pedo
They don't add up, Pedro.
>Proprietor of midgets
>Fifty two years an imbecile
>Count as female
I don't have a reaction image that properly represents how much I fucking laughed at that.
their marketing team is trying really hard
literal retards
i unironically wish the fatalities during the running of the bulls were much, much higher
Still my favorite song of theirs. I'M BREAAAKING OUT OF HEERE TONIIGHT
Jesus fuck
Hordor and Radical Larry get me every time
>i recoginze that gif
>Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
goddamn judo is so gay, even gayer than regular wrassling and they finger each others in the ass as a distraction.
What the hell. This the first time Ive ever gotten a boner from a woman getting beat up wtf.
Fucking hell, sumo I meant to type. I'm tired.
literally wrong
>sad penguin gets consoled by another penguin
Penguins are the best animals.
Artist is tanaka kusao.
bluepilled insecure closet faggot
you aint a real nigga if you cant run with the bulls
Its because they eat hermit crabs. One coming into frame broke its cover so it could make the kill, one on the right didn't want to die so it showed itself too.
Not today fucker
>not "I can almost hear.."
looks like FEB 2019
looks like cheese too
>I sure love watching fat guys in their underwear hug while giving each others wedgies
i feel like i could dumpster someone half my weight
no real death dealing strikes in that sport though
Old video. He's put on a ton of weight.
>south pole is like 20% frozen penguins
I haven't played Payday 2 in forever, but if I remember, those green parts on the circuit breaker shows where the correct tiles on the floor are to walk across. You have a minute to cross the path correctly otherwise the alarm goes off. Guy got lucky because it just so happened to be a straight line.
Oh shit, so you telling me Marvel movies aren't documentaries?!
WELL google that's not quite what I was looking for
>"Wait a minute, isn't anyone here a real sheep?"
filename should be something from spec ops the line like "I JUST WANTED TO HELP" or "WE'RE GONNA MAKE THEM PAY FOR THIS"
Google's reverse search is so dogshit
It probably dick eat it afterwards.
>Not Scroll of Icarian Flight
long story short
some dumbass tried to shimmy from the top of one building to another using a powerline and for some reason right in the middle of the act he let go and fell, quite possibly to his death
It used to work fine, for a good year. Then they fucked it up real bad for whatever reason. I used to be able to reverse search about 85% of black and white images on Yea Forums, and 90+% images that were in color on Yea Forums. These days it's closer to 60% simply because it insists on trying to attach a word to the search like "cartoon"
This is a doll right?
I mean I assumed he was dead but yeah thanks I was wondering if he fell from a plane and why they were filming, that makes sense
It is something far more soulless than a doll, my friend.
This shit just makes me laugh.
Nigger BTFOd
yea the webm creator (deliberately) started the clip late in order to get (you)s
it's pretty effective too because on it's own it's very strange to watch
They're called POAs in my state and they have a lot of power. Sometimes I go outside and play saxophone and the guy next door called and complained (the reason he did is because he went to a rival university, even though my school doesn't really consider them rivals) so they sent me a letter and I called them up and said I wasn't violating any noise ordinances under the rules stipulating in the homeowner's agreement and was completely in compliance and they should back down or I'll have an attorney continue correspondence.
So now I play nothing but Yakety Sax. I don't do it as often since he's getting old, but every now and then I'll go blow the horn while he's tending to his garden.
Google changed it's algorithms because the reverse image search kept getting mixed with up black people and gorillas.
poor gorillas
Like I said, it used to be a lot more accurate
He was already out by that point. Standing upright was a reflex that was triggered from falling over.
Similar to this;
Watch a few times and you can see when his lights really go out, he might not have been completely knocked out but he wasn't aware of where he was at the very least.
>primitive/inhibitory reflexes are cool
>t. Physical therapy fag
it would be extremely painful
an insect?
>1 second in
>Is this excalibur?
>It is excalibur
Sometimes I impress even myself.
Kek, got me
I did not expect that
Unless you are like escaping from an angry husband whose wife you've just banged I see no reason to do this. Even then I really don't see a reason to do this. It would even be faster to just walk.
and table shake
Imagine unironically owning one of these retarded, slobbering, gay male-humping, shit-eating mutts over a based kot.
This exact bug happened to me. Pretty sure it's more common in that battle because the environment dips the framerate a little, and that causes the frame with the flag for auron to stop, turn around and complete the attack to sometimes get skipped.
>body slams a horse
FUcking sabin over here
>Payday 2
I know about that, never happens, the fag probably modded and rigged it, all the fucking "pros" do the same shit and its annoying
sleepyhead-kun is a qt.
Fatuous pauper sounds like a name for a Souls character.
>cromartie high school.webm
buying gf
MXC was fucking amazing. I have to find a torrent of that somewhere.
What the fuck.
that's what the ref is for. Unless you know you already killed the guy it's better to keep going until the ref jumps in
I want to watch a cartoon based on this.
>the left is a cretin
>the next is a mongolian idiot
fucking holy keke
What movie is this
Wait I recognice it now, that's happy death day.
no it was probably a video of baiting niggers to steal bikes
Martha is gonna be so pissed when she gets back
god i wish that were me
in all my years of filename threads I'd never seen a filename so perfect
*slow clap*
>Tfw silence suzuka was like 3
fear not, dude. in this (albeit very rare) case, this is actually a girl cosplaying as a trap. thats not a dick in those panties, just a sock.
What care insurance commercial is this?
My alcohol and marijuana intake has doubled since starting XCOM 2 vanilla
She cute
did the kid just paralize itself for life
I see this pic in a thumbnail of a youtube recommended video every fucking day. I refuse to click that shit
nah the slope made sure he didn't land on his neck or head
what the hell, please explain
Nah I've seen people walk away from much worse than that, he just looked like an idiot.
What I wonder about is that gif of the fat guy dropping from a balcony and his spine crumpling like an accordion.
then go live in fucking China you subhuman chinklover
Fat Mexican who y ells about vidya
Realistically, what are you supposed to do at this point on a stealth run? You only have a few seconds to run across the platforms after the last light lights up and I can't memorize the pattern and run across in time.
fuck you