*two piano notes play*

>*two piano notes play*

Attached: wild.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*nintentoddlers start crying uncontrollably*

Why is everything so washed out in this game

Check em.

Attached: doublesguy.jpg (248x249, 14K)


Anyone who thinks this game had a bad soundtrack has 100% confirmed shit taste.

Go outside. That's how colors actually look.

>33 seconds
Everytime, bless you double digit raincoat man

The only memorable compositions in this game were the theme playing in the lizard robot and the music that would play when a fully working guardian would show up.

Attached: IMG_20190308_142246.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Why does it have to be so bland? Minecraft's music has a similarly understated feel but it is emotive, atmospheric and memorable, whereas BotW is just boring, mostly toneless piano notes.

I like the music in Vah Medoh, its very dramatic



Attached: Outset_Island.png (1280x960, 1.03M)

This. Only the music out in the wild is actually dull, when you're practically anywhere else like a town or other special location the music is usually great. It has the 3rd best soundtrack of all the 3d Zeldas, only losing to OoT and WW.

>Only the music out in the wild is actually dull
....You mean where you spend a significant portion of the playtime?

seething since 2017

So there's a nicer contrast when it's night or there are clouds.

Where is this?

I dont recognize that bridge

No they don't

Is this the only game in existence that has made Yea Forums seethe everyday for the past 2 years?

its meant to be a post apocalyptic atmospheric world. Do you fucking expect skyrim music you fag? No one complained when rdr2 only had few cowboy music tracks that only played sometimes

I didnt like breath of the wild very much.


Would you prefer it looking like this?

Attached: wild.jpg (1280x720, 429K)

this is awesome cause i know the exact two piano notes lmao
honestly the lack of music and the focus on nature sounds was such a good decision.
also helps the different towns and the castle have their own identity

If that's dueling peaks in the background it's east of Hyrule Field and along the Hylia River.

Unironically yes

I don't even remember the music for a single one of the Divine Beasts and I've played the game at launch and then again about a year later

That does look better yeah. Thank god Cemu exists.

Attached: Noon.jpg (2564x3008, 2.08M)

All those presets look terrible...

I have Kass' theme, the stables music and Calamity Ganon theme frequently stuck in my head

So much better holy shit, i wish i could do that with the Switch

>*random piano notes start playing a bit faster*

Attached: IMG_20190302_153739.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

On a warm sunny day, they kind of do. The game feels warm and comfy like a perfect early summer day.

BotW is a great basis for a game but it needed some refining. There is such a thing as too much freedom. Giving the player everything essential on the beginning plateau is why there is nothing left to find in the game. After you finish those first three shrines you gradually realize there is nothing left to anticipate because nothing is out of your reach.

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>BotW looks ba-

Attached: IMG_20190302_154938.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

That and when the battle music comes on, it feels like the peace of nature is being disturbed. It's good shit yo

I like how it gets really bright just before it stops raining in the game.

I'm glad I can play botw on PC with high framerate, high resolution and even ultrawide.

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2019.03.01 - (2560x1080, 597K)


i have over 200 hours on this game and i absolutely love it but it really doesnt look that great

*windows XP startup theme starts playing*

Gib ihm doch mal wat zu essen alter

>Too much freedom.

The new generation really is being conditioned to be slaves. They literally are incapable of thinking on their own and creating their own path through life.

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I never ride horses long enough to get to hear the elongated overworld theme/Zelda's Lullaby

So why shouldn't all games have noclip?

Botw had a soundtrack???
Seriously tho, the only good song is the stable music. Beyond that its average music or filler pinao notes.

nice ground textures

botw doesn't look anything like real life you actual retard

Suspect it helps mask the shitty textures a little

Cant even remember the music it was so bland, like the game.

your a idiot

>great basis for a game but it needed some refining.
completely agree
>There is such a thing as too much freedom.
damn, you're just retarded

Wasn't Ocarina of time also a apocalyptic with Ganon winning. That shit had memorable music.


Honestly hearing the same nice but repetitious songs would get grating after 100+ hours. I liked that they kept the overworld themes simple and saved the more standard zelda songs for the towns and story segments.

*Eh reh starts playing*

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Does anyone else think that the running cycle looks completely spastic

*mouth gargling in rhythm*

imo one of the biggest problems with BotW is that the world, although huge and filled with little things to find, feels really empty and the sparse very light soundtrack only exacerbates the issue for me.

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They do. CellHunter's one is the best.

There's nothing wrong with a structured challenge, BotW just skips out on it because it's easier to make a game when you can just whip talentless interns harder to push out more stuff instead of having someone fit it all together in a compelling way.
There's more catharsis in the thought of being able to rebel against a designed challenge by overcoming some obstacle that lets you do it out of order rather than just being left to wander in a sandbox with no direction because they didn't feel like providing one.
Completely abolishing structure and just evenly spreading out content caters to the same playtesters that will walk in a loop for hours if given a junction that leads back to the start or who will not go somewhere if they are told not to by an NPC.

And when BotW does offer structured content it's generally rigid and feels excessively designed (Like the Gerudo town infiltration) which contrasts against the freedom you were initially provided. There's a certain lack of pretense when a lot of the game's content in the lore was designed by Japanese game designers to test you so that you can beat Ganon and you do most of your puzzle solving with a Wii U tablet.

It's about the journey not the destination

>There's more catharsis in the thought of being able to rebel against a designed challenge by overcoming some obstacle that lets you do it out of order rather than just being left to wander in a sandbox with no direction because they didn't feel like providing one.
you're describing the entirety of the game.
theres always a quest to be led to, but its up to you how and when you want to do it
>And when BotW does offer structured content it's generally rigid and feels excessively designed (Like the Gerudo town infiltration) which contrasts against the freedom you were initially provided.
completely agree

No it doesn't, you blind retard.

>every Zelda game up to Twilight Princess is full of extremely classic tunes
>Skyward Sword has a bland soundtrack outside of a few exceptions
>BotW has NO soundtrack
What the fuck happened to the music in this series? It used to be one of the most iconic and now it feels completely absent.

Botw is shit and im sad mainline zelda games will have to follow it because its the best selling zelda of all time. Oh well we all move on eventually from franchises we enjoyed.

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The real answer is draw distance. If the colors were more vibrant, the fog used to obscure far-away objects that still need to render would be more noticeable.

It's a great game.
Better on emulator though (obviously).

Attached: Botw Purah.jpg (1920x1080, 595K)

And hates should play something else instead of hating things they have to control in changing.

Attached: Botw Purah2.jpg (1920x1080, 599K)


>I have hunger
German is funny

>Ich hab Hunger
>I have hunger
Is this really how Germans say "I'm hungry"?

>*piano player goes postal*

What's the point of having a giant mountain when I can just spam climb and be at the top in 2 minutes? It's not an obstacle. It's not an accomplishment. What's the point of having a massive chasm when I can glide over it in 30 seconds? It's not an obstacle. It's not an accomplishment.

The best parts of the game are the parts where you can't just fly or climb past anything you see. Great plateau, shrines, rainy Zora's domain. Big rivers when you have low stamina. Etc.

you're adding nothing to the conversation and making those with actual gripes about botw embarrassed.
but you can stick around if you keep posting nice tits

>There's nothing wrong with a structured challenge
Correct but there’s nothing wrong with unstructured challenge

>You hear the other music less so it doesn't exist!
I agree that every region should have had it's own proper music, but don't be dumb.

A game doesn't need sound to be good.

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in hindsight this is more accurate to the joke

I bet many of these presets use shitty shaders when all you need is adaptivesharpen and technicolor2

Could they really not have gotten Koji Kondo to do one track for this game? He did (at least) one for Wind Waker, one for Twilight Princess, and one for Skyward Sword. Now he's done none.

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The glider should have been optional, or able to be turned off like the champion skills. Having to actually think how to descend down something is part of why the great plateau was fun.

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>OOT is post apocalyptic too but it has good music


Both. You can say ich habe hunger or ich bin hungrig which is i have hunger or i am hungry. Both are used equally.

Spanish also says I have hunger
>tengo hambre

I swear I was one of these guys while freeroaming by some waterfalls. Are these the four bosses you have to fight across the map? How do you hurt them?

>OOT is post apocalyptic too but it has good music
ganondorf literally fucked over one town and corrupted 4 dungeons user

The worst part about the music is their reasoning. They wanted it to be like other open world games, for example Skyrim, where the music doesnt play 24/7 and is more like a dramatic background feature. Its especially retarded because in a sense, OoT is also an comparable open world game with the Hyrule Field, Zora's River and Domain, Death Mountain, Gerudo Valley etc and the different songs playing in the background fit the game perfectly.

EH RE! ... EH RE! ... EH REEEE!

Woah, its like translating things directly to english doesn't make sense or something.

>Tengo veintiocho anos
>I have 28 years

BotW's soundtrack really is the ultimate pleb filter.

Was expecting shit and got goosebumps and warm memories

Attached: 8D275A6D-4A91-453D-9848-32557FD27A53.jpg (636x636, 81K)

>It's comparable to OoT
No it's not you retarded brainlet. BOTW is like 100x the size of OoT. Either the music would have been repetitive as fuck being stretched across a region, or there would have been the necessity for so much music that it would have cut down on the overall quality of the soundtrack.
Basically what said. People who complain about BOTW's music are just letting everyone know they're a moron.

It looks like a stylized painted version of real life, like an impressionist painting.

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you can't spam climb unless you have enough stamina. climbing was one of the biggest obstacles in the game early on, you learn how to overcome and adapt.
the massive chasm isn't an obstacle, its a wonder and you have the option to go explore it and find new things just like the top of the mountain.

you're complaining about nothing.

looks like a ps2 game

I look at this picture and think.
>hmm, what can I do in this picture
and I come to the realization that
>I see a shrine I can do and....... idk maybe there's an npc on the bridge that gives me 2 bomb arrows. And....... maybe there's a korok seed here? or maybe a bokoblin behind the bridge....
this game is fucking empty

stamina already capped how long you could use the glider for. fall damage and roll damage is real but the glider IS optional so i don't know what your problem is really

just like botw

also kek

>OoT is also an comparable open world game with the Hyrule Field, Zora's River and Domain, Death Mountain, Gerudo Valley etc and the different songs playing in the background fit the game perfectly.

OoT's world is made of separate boxed-off areas. Its easy to add a new music to a new area when each zone only has one exit point.

BotW's world is seamless. Imagine exploring the Gerudo mountains on the edge of the desert and the desert themes fades in and out because you're constantly on the 'border' of the music trigger point.

unfortunately you can't fight them.
you can shoot them with arrows for resources but you can only get one at a time.

Imagine still being assblasted two years later.

Breath Of The Wild has bad mus-


You know you can adjust the color of your TV? Do that and fuck off with your terrible taste

i think most will agree that breath of the wild was a bit too empty and needed to either be slimmed down or refined in content to do besides fucking shrines everywhere, but otherwise why the fuck does BOTW trigger Yea Forums so hard

>i'm going to shit on a game just to get sweet (you)'s on the 4chanz without knowing the slightest bit about ambiance, mood, or music theory. Also i'm going to disregard every other song in the game because shitposters gotta low-effort shitpost. Please, either agree with me or fling shit at me, you're (you)'s are all the same, and they all fill me with that little rush of dopamine that I so desperately need.

For once, the dungeon musics were good. Well, the Stone Fortress in MM is still the best, but we're getting closer.

I hate SS but at least it looked nice (emulated with Dolphin that is)

also known as cat music

Modern """classical""" music in a nutshell

>I hungry [new situation]
woah this literal translation seems so weird in a totally different language to what it was written in!

you're retarded

the ost should've had more pieces like this


I loved it outside of the combat. Weapons breaking each fight got real old real quick.

Then... don,'t use it. You have that freedom too.

yep, we also eating eat

But user, that's only one so—
Okay so that's two that's still not enou—
Three's really not that much ano—
Catchy but you'll need way more to—
Well shi—

Alright I'm already bored. There's plenty more.

Attached: 1541622997881.gif (498x346, 731K)

Though it wasn't exactly a dungeon, the Deku Palace's song was also pretty good.

Is there even a way to play it with M+K or a controller from PS4/Xbox?


Actual modern classical music.

>Molduga Battle Phase 2 and Parasail Minigame didn't make it into Smash

He's just making fun of people like you who are the ones ass blasted

Dungeons sucked, Bosses sucked. You know, just the things that actually constitute a Zelda game, no biggie

Smash hasn't made good music selections since Brawl. It's like Sakurai just gave up. There's one, ONE Tropical Freeze song in Smash Ultimate despite being one of the greatest OSTs in videogame history.

I played it with a Wiimote but you can use a classical controller too, it's pretty janky though

>you can't spam climb unless you have enough stamina
Yeah so maybe 10 hours out of the 80 hour game. It happened early enough that it impacted my experience significantly.

In french too, bucko
>J'ai faim

>it rains while you're climbing a mountain

>he didn't check the weather forecast beforehand
You only have yourself to blame

>mfw the forecast is sometimes wrong

Attached: 1294827230087.jpg (415x417, 49K)

All the romance languages do the same. English seems alone in becoming hunger


Attached: 1549628171142.jpg (717x960, 124K)

He fucked over all the races
>forest infested
>Gorons starving
>Zoras frozen

Shouldn't it be habe

>he didnt play with the pro HUD
nah im just playing youre fine
but i did use the pro HUD and i didnt even know there was a forecast til just now

Attached: 1449002445902.png (697x839, 30K)

and thats the beauty of this game.
I personally liked the challenge of stamina management so I didn't raise my stamina bar.
you did and became good at climbing very fast, I just don't understand why you're being autistic about it on Yea Forums

I hate how grey you made the clouds.

Attached: 1552238148886.jpg (1280x720, 449K)

Learn to spicy pepper jump.

>personally liked the challenge of stamina management so I didn't raise my stamina bar.
How the hell is someone going in blind supposed to realize this? The game encourages you to get upgrades, I thought there would be a challenge curve to go with those upgrades instead of just everything becoming way easier

This gave me a boner.

>destroyed the entirety of Castle Town/Hyrule Castle
>froze the Zoras
>plagues Kokiri Forest with monsters
>Gorons being fed to Volvagia
>Gerudo promised land when he conquers Hyrule, instead brainwashes them to be his minions
>curses every temple, possibly killed previous sages that were living there that we don't see in-game
>has control over Lon Lon Ranch which is how most people got their food
Ganondorf didn't fuck around in Ocarina

Fucking plebs I swear

>mostly toneless
Why do you use terms you dont know the meaning of? You dont know anything about the ingredients of a note

I did... for about five hours. Then I realized that this was the whole game and it got tedious very quickly.

that guy is such a fucking joke and so is his taste in presets
just look at this
what did I expect from someone with a superiority complex and a weak ego anyway? guy gets triggered over the mildest jokes on the yuzu discord
his videos are also clickbait 20 minute trash where he just repeats the same thing over and over again and doesn't get to the point

Attached: 1476275451151.jpg (192x220, 19K)

Breath of the Wild is fucking weird. Some players will have easy experiences because they'll get all the upgrades and gear they can find on their first playthrough which makes Link nigh unkillable and able to scale just about anything. Beating Mipha's dungeon even gets you a free periodic revive for no cost in a game where resources between Blood Moons are semi-finite, and knowing how the system works lets you stack 3 fucking fairies on top.

But some players may rush for Ganon, some players may just explore around but not upgrade themselves much, and some players may try to get by on item recipes and never try to really change their outfits or even discover there's an armor upgrade system in the Great Fairies. The first playthrough can be radically different for everyone, it's just too easy yet time consuming to make Link a demigod if you take the time to invest.

See that mountain? You can go there

It's nice for atmospheric travel, but the actual battle songs, save the guardian, are lame.

Where has the time gone? I miss my Typhlosion.

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1) no they don't
2) when I play videogames I don't care how colors outside look
3) the game looked way better with the vibrant colors in the reveal teaser

>How the hell is someone going in blind supposed to realize this?
..how old are you?
do you not know what health and stamina are? the game is pretty clear about what is what.
on my first playthrough I understood what was what and just didn't upgrade stamina until I had a sizable health bar.
besides it doesn't matter how far you upgrade it there will always be a cliff you can't just power away at.
if anything you should be complaining about food refilling your stamina, your current argument is full of holes

why will there never be another oot bros

>Two Steps from Hell
I don't understand your joke, user

what are clipped forms?

>durr, we have been spamming that out 7/10 game is 11/10 for the last 2 years, why haven't you accepted our retarded opinion yet!!!1

that's a good point
It might be the first good points among many stupid points in this thread


Trying to catch the same lightning in a bottle twice is nigh impossible. Ocarina of Time was born of a late-90's passion, developed by a specific team in a specific mindset with talents relatively new to 3D gaming still, combined with the fact that even the development had to go through hell after the 64 Disk Drive was a failure and forced the game to get heavily reworked. You can't just mimic what was already there when much of that talent has moved in the 21 years since the game's release, and different people will always have different ideas of how to approach the same concepts.

The best you're gonna get when it comes to another Ocarina of Time-style Zelda would probably be like with A Link Between Worlds, a retread and occasional copypaste of Link To the Past that switched some things up and reworked new ideas into the formula for its own unique approach - but doing that for OoT would be far more prone to criticism and claims of bankrupt originality.

Attached: missing in space channel 5.gif (318x287, 782K)

If you truly CANT enjoy Breath of the Wild then yeah you're basically mentally ill, or one of those 'gamers' who are really just depressed habitual gamblers

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Muslim chanting

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I can't get the Disable Health Regen mod to work, but all the other mods work fine. How annoying.

Anyway I modded out fast travel and now the game is good again. To think that I hesitated.

Not everyone is braindead enough to enjoy walking through an open world doing nothing but boring puzzles for toddlers

my childhood!

Attached: 1914778360653.png (632x756, 26K)

wetlands and cave theme are comfy

It's stupid that forecast isn't on the map screen when Pro hud is on. It's the only info you really miss out on when switching Pro on for some reason.

>Anyway I modded out fast travel and now the game is good again.
Why do you need a mod for that when you can literally just never use the warp points?

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its sort of a shame but i dont feel like i missed out on anything
i mean cant you just reset the weather in an area by warping? pretty sure i just did that whenever the rain got in the way of climbing

I don't know. So I don't forget? Why do people comaplin about styles in MHGU when you can just not use them?

Gliding and surfing through a diverse fantasy landscape is awesome. I mean you dont have to love it but if youre really PISSED the game doesnt have more trophies and stickers to find then yeah you're one of these guys who play for the implications and prizes and not the gameplay

You're right, that's why he was talking about BotW and not HZD or GOW.

It's a generic upisoft open world but even the ubishit world games don't have a radial compass.

AC Odyssey has similar game design as BoTW but without the nintendo logo stamped on it it gets an 83 instead of a 97 on metacritic

Didn't you ever get that urge to get off your ass and just go walk in random directions exploring? BotW is for those who have explored every nook and cranny of their IRL surroundings and crave for more.

>I require a video game because I am incapable of using my imagination to dream up scenarios where I blow up fantasy creatures.
>you are the mentally ill person.
This “make your own fun” argument only works with actual simulation games.

never got that far into ALBW, you hit the nail on the head though, it's just sad. reminds me of current Valve

Attached: gerudos fortress.jpg (1192x670, 168K)

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-09 20-21-05.png (1920x1080, 3.36M)

You forgot not to do things you dont enjoy?


AC is WAY more railroady.

dunno what game you've been playing

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-09 09-08-07.png (1920x1080, 4M)

Makes me realise that no matter the filter, game look like shit

Like I said I assumed there would be a challenge curve. By the time I had a big stamina bar I had already done great plateau, rainy Zora's domain, plenty of shrines, etc, so I assumed the whole game would be built around making climbing and navigating a challenge. But instead the rest was just mind numbing mild inconveniences. Even without using food items, because you can always just stand still and get the stamina back, then continue holding up on the analog stick for 2 minutes.

I already said I played the game for 80 hours, I definitely liked it, but it is not perfect.

I thought you could have up to 5 Fairies

t. literal child

dat copypasted tree

Does Breath of the Wild have horrendous pop in even when playing on Cemu? It's bad on the switch and the Wii U.

I notice that a big chunk of complaints arw basically designed to shit on the Switch, and not the game or lack of ability to play it the way you like. Like, when you blame the game for being 'washed out' while saying you fixed it on PC it kind of reveals you're arguing against the hardware rather than the game

Memory was foggy on that one. I just remember they stop appearing when you have too many, I think I only ever stored 4 at a time.

not that guy but for me after getting around 200 korok poops and half the shrines i realized that there were no unknown rewards to be found in the game and it sort of killed my drive to try to find them all and made it feel less satisfying

works fine in handheld mode

It's called structure, not railroading.

The LoD in Breath of the Wild is terrible, don't even try to deny it.

Think we'll see the sequel at E3 this year? (and by sequel I mean just the next Zelda).

Confirmed Yea Forums for loving piss filters

>i realized that there were no unknown rewards to be found in the game
I mean, there's the armor gear, which might as well be BOTW's equivalent of finding Tunics and Gauntlets. But I can see what you mean.

yeah cells kinda work like that.
I agree though, they should've added different variations of the same tree but oh well whatever to make development easier. Not so many players will stand still to examine all trees. At least they're placed at different angles.

Attached: 13.png (1920x1080, 3.65M)

I agree it's not perfect but think about what you are typing here.
you specialized in stamina, so you have a lot of stamina.
that doesn't lock you into only climbing straight up, follow a path that leads up a mountain, jump off of a different point, use stasis to hitch a ride on a rock or tree.
the whole point of the game is to do what you please, how you please.
if you want to just hold up on the analog stick you're the only one to blame

no, the new zelda will be launch title for switch 2.

So many of you guys are absolutely neurotic about this game. I'm the same way about arguing against people who hate it, I really dont think its sane or mentally healthy to DESPISE this game. People who say its empty and that its ugly are just wrong to me. I really can't see a healthy clear thinking person just saying its SHIT. Makes me think you did one of those 'playes it for an your two years ago' things where you hardly played or remembered it

Yeah, next thing you say is New Vegas was better than F3 because muh structure.

You might have cataracts, bro.

Perhaps a teaser.

i mean the switch is objectively underpowered tbf
youre absolutely right, that shit slipped my mind. in which case, the only "unique" rewards are the armor sets and technically the champion powers. i cant think of any others, anyway

Yes, there is absolutely a thing as too much freedom. If freedom is objectively good and more freedom objectively better, then IDE's are the best game ever made. You can do literally anything with them.

A) She was a hooah.
B) No, they don't look like that.

Attached: 1494132572901.jpg (540x494, 35K)

Did you see the zones? Obviously the game runs out od content at a certain plint and you can basically complete exploring it, but the gameplay cycle of getting to each tower, doing the four dungeons, ans visiting towns and collecting seeds and shrines along the way, make up a completely whole game, and I think people are often just mad they only got forty hours and not 300 out the game

>if you want to just hold up on the analog stick you're the only one to blame
But that's the most efficient way to get anywhere in the game. There are no exceptions.

and you aren't supposed to care because it's a handheld title and it's good enough to not hurt gameplay (until you get on the bike but then you are a sucker for paying a 20 for "dlc").

The real world doesn't look like a mess of shaders and color correction with layers of dust hiding the poor LoD.

IDEs are the best games ever made though. Lack of freedom is a meme created for programmers to sell products to pwople who dont know how to use computers. The greatest game of all time is a blank python document

This game is literally perfect.

Attached: 20190310_133921.jpg (980x1073, 248K)

Its not. It allows you to see the landscape. It works

Not using paraglider (unless shrine) or ever upgrading stamina makes everything much more interesting.

You have 28 anuses?
Dios mio...

any big release game will receive flack, deserved or not.
I could see how some people wouldn't like the game due to the openess and freedom of it all. many people want to be told where to go and what to do and although there is a barebones story the best part of the game is exploration.
its just not everyone's cup of tea to think outside the box, wander around, and try new things
like this fuckin idiot

You're fucking right I'm still assblasted. Assblasted that you can't upgrade the warm doublet.

BOTW's entire problem is a lack of challenge from a thousand smaller issues that all stack up into one giant issue. I'm currently doing a playthrough right now (and made it a 3 heart run just for an additional challenge) and the game has already failed to provide a challenge.

>getting even basic armor will negate most attacks from one shotting you
>no cooldown on food means you can shove your face full constantly
>there's also no limit on how many items you can keep, which is just stupidly baffling when you remember that there are limits on how many weapons you can hold. It's inconsistent as all hell. Why can I hold 100+ moblin fangs and 50+ hinox nails, but I can't hold more than 5 swords? If you want to present a challenge, at least be consistent with it. I should require korok seeds to be able to hold more items. That would make me want to manage my inventory. To mitigate any problems that might come of this, simply let me have a storage space accessible via stables. I can already transfer my horses from one stable to other almost instantly, it's not like the immersion will break
>I keep finding hearty durians and other fruit that increase my hearts beyond max, so I don't even need heart containers
>there isn't a single difficult enemy in the game, even if they gang up on you. The most challenge I felt was from the lynels in the tundra, but they fell to easily executed flurry rushes and button mashing otherwise. Oh, and I do love how you can perma-stunlock them by shooting an arrow in their face. And it's not even that hard. Any other lynel is basically timestop fodder
>puzzles are really braindead. From the koroks to the shrines, it just feels like laziness. Half the time they're just "put rock in certain spot" or "touch the glowing spot"
>Zelda is a bitch and I wouldn't mourn her if she died at any point.

Attached: bored-man-looking-at-a-laptop_1262-719.jpg (626x417, 70K)

>it's supposed to be bad!
Nice coping mechanism
>handheld title
Breath of the Wild is not a handheld game, you fucking inbred retard.

>you specialized in stamina, so you have a lot of stamina
And for the 3rd time, I thought like MOST other games there would be a difficulty curve in the gameplay and it would be balanced accordingly. I.e. the game will get harder and you'll need more power to compensate. What actually happened was I did all the interesting challenging stuff first and then everything was easy. How could I have known any different?

It's like armor upgrading. You'd think it would be to keep up with the tough enemies but in reality it basically just makes you invincible with a full upgraded set. It's more fun to play with worse armor. But how could I have known that on the first playthrough??

what's the point? It only has 1 defence. Upgrade to 3, then 5 then 8?

what do you mean, did i see the zones?
i explored the map quite thoroughly, i think i actually did play for around 300h and despite my earlier complaint i did end up finding every shrine and ~600 poops
and i didnt even do champions ballad

>Monolith helped for a huge chunk of BOTW's world design
>couldn't spare a few composers for the soundtrack

>toneless piano notes

No Zelda game has challenge

>Uh sweetie, if you don't like how all those features make the game braindead easy, then just don't use any of them!!!

>you have a tribe of warrior women via (or should I say vai, hohoho) the gerudo, but you're not allowed to fight them because "that would be mean". Where's the freedom you promised me? why can't I barge in there and tell them to help me? What, am I supposed to be happy to be a cucked white knight who has to bend over for any female who asks? Some freedom you got there.
>much like the lynel example above, minibosses are a joke. Hinox are too slow and formulaic, same with Taluses.
>Blood Moons trivialize resource management by giving you a free refill of any items and weapons on field. It's how I was able to stack up on durians.
>poor enemy variety. I'd like to see something other than moblins, bokoblins and lizalfos once in a while
>the FPS, good sweet mercy, the game lags horribly in any populated area. Every single village is murder, and the korok woods i swear goes down to single digits.
>the expansion pass DLC is pure jewery, and it's not even that good

I get it, there's alot of cool stuff, and I did sink 100+ hours into the game. Please, don't mistake this criticism for me saying that the game is bad. Do you think I would've stuck with it through four divine beasts, 50 shrines and 50 korok seeds if I hated it? So don't take me for a snoy or a "jealous hater". I just think it's overrated and I cannot and will not ignore the various flaws in the game. I'm willing to look at the good stuff, but that means acknowledging the bad stuff too.

NPC design, both those integrated in the storyline as well as the overworld are all great.

Attached: Urbosa.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

>If you truly CANT enjoy Breath of the Wild then yeah you're basically mentally ill, or one of those 'gamers' who are really just depressed habitual gamblers

Attached: co.jpg (480x384, 54K)

I want to fuck that horse

nv was better than f3 for quite a few reason

>not everyone's cup of tea
I've seen you before. You like to lose arguments and then fall back on this statement. Go away.

I don't care. It looks awesome. I'd at least get to use it in more than just the starting area.

I got a lot of enjoyment out of seeing every crazy rock formation and gorge and all the odd things hidden in each zone. Thats all I meant. I think 300+ hours is an ASTOUNDING amount of satisfaction and people who say the game sucks because they completed their cognitive map after 100 hours are retarded

I enjoyed BotW, but only for the puzzle aspect. The shrines had well crafted physics puzzles on a caliber not really attempted since Portal 2.
Every other aspect of the game is a really poorly done version of something every other AAA game out there is doing better, though. I'd much prefer it if it was just shrines and beasts.

>why cant i make link kill people who did nothing to him
are you being serious
i agree completely


Unironic response, I intentionally tried gimping myself by never getting heart containers. I went through the whole game essentially being a glass cannon. Then I remembered that, even if I died, I don't lose progress. I don't lose anything really. The game autosaves so much that I get reset right back to where I started. I was actually frustrated at how little progress I lost during the rare moments that I died. I felt like the game was babying me.

>mfw patrician enough to appreciate the masterful OST

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>images you can feel

Because N does let Yoshiaki Koizumi direct anymore.

Why? Heck if I know.

fair point. that would have been nice. I'm glad the travelers outfit looks good at least and that we have dye.

Attached: 10.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

You're right, I should get over the fact that some people phased themselves with internet comments or never played in the first place and just repeat what they heard, inaist the game is pure trash because they have a chip on their shoulder.
Im an idort and tney piss me off. The game is quite a feat and is very inspired

I think that's the most that'll spawn in an area, yes. But I've had 5 in my inventory before


>why cant i make link kill people who did nothing to him
I said nothing of the kind. I simply think it's silly that he can't at least challenge them, since they're a tribe of warriors. I dunno, maybe infiltrate their town or I guess you could call it a fortress. Maybe prove his worth and gain their trust through his skill and prowess.

Hmmm, I could swear something like this happened in a previous game. But I can't quite remember which one........

>literally parroting Matthewmatosis

get your own opinion

Traveler's is kinda busy and just as pointless when you get so many armors that have the same or better defense + added attributes. I became partial to angry glam biker Link aka climber's hat/shirt + zora grieves. Also
>using rupees for something nonessential like dying clothes
bitch that's my arrow fund

I dont relate to that feeling lol. I know my post is kind of useless here but I dont know

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>Hmmm, I could swear something like this happened
are you being serious right now

i guess your idea for a scenario where link date rapes a gerudo or something is interesting but i wouldnt say its a valid criticism

>expecting anyone to have their own opinion in the age of metacritic screenshots and smug zelda pepes

>Eric still seething

that's skyward sword

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I guess I can't expect people here to relate. The irony is that most Nintendo fans call me toxic when I ask for challenge in my games. They say it's "degrading to younger fans" if the game is too hard. And then they call me a snoy in the same sentence. I ask when why, and they say "snoys enjoy casual games with no fun".

So apparently I love and hate challenge at the same time, according to these posters. hmmm.....

>not farming arrows
>not farming rupees through luminous stones --> diamonds

Attached: 14.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

is this supposed to be engaging? There's nothing going on in this game in nearly every screenshot i've seen. So much empty nothing. Compare this to something like System Shock or Deus Ex where literally every room has something to look at or engage with.

Attached: breath of the negative space.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

>*three piano notes play*

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Its not supposed to be challenging, its supppsed to be interesting
Again I really feel like people play games to look badass and be impressive as players, and thats fine, but BotW is just not made to be DMC. It bothers me that people argue this exotic hiking game is shit for not being Ninja Gaiden

like clockwork

>only plays during a shitty minigame isolated from 99% of the game

thanks for nothing

Well, I guess Ocarina of Time is a bad game because Link hurts gerudo in it, and that means he's an evil incel who wants to rape them. I thought it was one of the best N64 games, but I guess I was wrong. silly me.

>It's more fun to play with worse armor.
its all about playstyle, not about if more stamina makes it easier or not. maybe to use having less stamina and armor is more fun but not to everyone.
the best thing you can do is to play master mode then then never upgrade your stamina or armor. trust me it's a ton of fun, I just took down ganon but i have much of the map left to explore

Attached: 15192589_628538817352467_5687102373019395264_n.jpg (685x960, 72K)

>hey stwong bad

>its like this in every screenshot I've see
Woah woah woah
Have you played the game?
What dog do you have in this fight?
Because it makes a perverse amount of sense if you think a game youve never played has no content or gameplay

You really just need to bring the shadows down and do some basic color correction

Attached: edit2.jpg (1280x720, 861K)

Challenge is integral to any game, regardless of developer or even genre. You cannot make a casual game and then expect rational people to lap it up mindlessly. They'll rightfully tear into it for lacking challenge.

lol faggot thinks video games are supposed to be fun
fucking loser

What a dishonest and dumbass quip.

you mean so(n)y?


>You cannot make a casual game and then expect rational people to lap it up mindlessly.
Except they do?

Over 700 days and still seething. Meanwhile its competition has 0 threads two weeks after launch. Breath of the Wild is truly a masterpiece on par with the likes of Dark Souls.

>you cannot make a casual game and expect people (to enjoy it)
Lmao no. What makes ypu think this? This game sold GANGBUSTERS and plenty of people love it, so your empty platitude is really not true. It wasnt true before BotW either, people buy digital aquariums and shit, my dude. Fishing games. Fucking EUROPEAN TRUCKER SIMULATOR

lol i was just joking about the date rape user, i wasnt trying to imply anything about OoT
but to be fair, link had a reason to fight the gerudo in OoT and the game was real clear about the connection between ganondorf and the gerudo
whereas their inclusion in botw feels tantamount to fan service and they have no connection to ganon
no hard feelings?

I'm not too keen on how the game looks but literally none of these look good.


It's nice music but it doesn't really feel like a zelda score. Sounds like it belongs more in a Mario game.

Thank you for elaborating on why, instead of just leaving a sentence with no context or explanation.

Key word, rational people. Most of the Nintendo fanbase I've met don't exactly strike me as rational, especially when they say that challenge is a bad thing and all games should be casual.

90% of my love to the Zelda series is the music.
BotW has the weakest soundtrack of the series beside the CD-I titles.
Yeah, the minimalist atmospheric tunes suit the exploration and open world but that's it.

Somebody at Nintendo played Minecraft and realized they could get away with plinky plonky piano music and no real effort.

>whereas their inclusion in botw feels tantamount to fan service and they have no connection to ganon
Except for refusing to help Link stop the divine beast because he's an evil voe, essentially impeding the entire process of stopping Calamity Ganon. They might as well be jerking the king of evil off at that point.

That is my own opinion though, who the fuck is Matthew ? I noticed it when I was climbing the canyon by rito village and then climbing up thundra plateau and how it only took like 5 minutes and was very boring


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dude come on

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Matthewmatosis, he did an hour long BOTW review about a week or so ago

What happened to Koji? Did making a soundtrack for an anime with like a 1000 episodes made him rich enough to not work again?

>5 good themes
woah you sure showed me


I actually ran out of space to BTFO you and your shitty minimalist and pretentious soundtrack

A game can be whatever the hell it wants to be. If it wants to be challenging, that is the choice of the developers behind it. If it wants to be as casual as can be and have no challenge, shit, games like Gone Home and Life is Strange hit it big with casual crowds. If you want to seek challenge in your games, then that's your choice, but coming into other games and complaining that they should be about challenge and aren't difficult enough is the wrong way to go about it. Especially when you use it as a platform and opportunity to claim all of the Nintendo fanbase are just insane casuals.

Hell, there's a reason why the phrase "Nintendo Hard" was invented.

videogames are a visual medium, you don't have to play them to understand them; what you see is quite literally what you get.

That being said i played BOTW for an hour and turned it off out of boredom from the simplicity and the fact that i was staring at the stamina meter for pretty much all of it.

I'm just endlessly fascinated with how much people love and hate this game in equal measure.

Go on, tell me what's wrong with that way of thinking. You shouldn't have warrior women in your game if they're too scared to actually fight. At that point it's brainless fanservice and, in this particular case, actually hurts the game by limiting your choices in what you're allowed to do. I shouldn't have to spend 600 of my hard earned rupees buying a slut outfit from some idiot at the bazaar, just to stop a rampaging camel robot thing.

the music that was there was still fine
they just made it quiet since unlike 15 hour zeldas, this became a 100+ hour zelda to a lot of people
it's harder to get repetitive when it's not playing

For falsely conflating the idea that friendly fire doesnt make the game, to mean that OoT having a hostile town is psychotic murder fantasy. You know youre misrepresenting his simple point, by hysterically exaggerating it into something he never said, and making up a retarded skew idea that the temporary Gerudo hostility in OoT is organic free roam gameplay

>games can be whatever they want to be, they shouldn't be penalized for being casual
>unless they're a sony game

Attached: 1545583464_25ELF1O.gif (310x467, 2.38M)

I have all three consoles, play my Switch the least and a gaming PC, try harder.

>the temporary Gerudo hostility in OoT is organic free roam gameplay
How is it not? What is so bad about it that you hold the entirety of OOT in contempt as a result?

I just think youre working with painfully low information, and you should know that your hpur of meter watching is certainly not what people who enjoyed the game did
I do remember spending my first hour trying and failing to scale a cliff by watching my stamina, but thats not what the game is, of you use its features

holy shit

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look i agree that its brainless fanservice to have them in the game but doing nothing
but the idea of them thinking of calamity ganon as anything but a distant threat is just silly
maybe, MAYBE Riju would have a book or something that implies that the calamity had some kind of origin in the tribe but it certainly wouldnt be public knowledge

Why in god's name would you waste an hour watching a review of a 2 year old game that you've already played

If that was true, you wouldn't be calling me a snoy for simply criticizing BOTW. You'd also ease up on the personal insults when I'm trying to be civil here.

FFS, I even say that the game isn't bad, I just have alot of issues with it. but everyone jumps down my throat, ready to attack me with some classic insults like "snoy nigger" and "incel" and "faggot" and my personal favorite "tryhard". Doesn't sound like anyone wants civil discussion if you ask me.

I see this often as a defense for the soundtrack but what about the towns? What about the boss fights? The flashbacks?
I understand how it can seem repetitive for some people and how Nintendo could do this as a measure to ease that feeling but seems like an uninspired and lazy solution.
I think it's quite baffling that songs made in 1994 MIDI format with cartridge limitations have way more life to them than a current gen title.

I don't hold Not in contempt. See this is why I call you dishonest, you askdd ehy you cant mirder Kakariko village, a guy says 'really?', then you decide to make some bullshit up about him hating Not or calling friendly fire rape. Youre so fucking off point and are making shit up so you can pretend the people who raised an eyebrow at you are insane
Nobody said OoT was bad, you definsively blew up into that out of nothing because someone basically said 'huh?', and starting playing victim by lying people are calling you a rapist

I didn't call you anything, user. You're deflecting all criticism into console wars for basically no reason other than being in a Zelda thread.

I don't get this meme. MMOs are big thousand hour games and even they bother to put in unique music in all of the zones and cities, even though 99% of the players of that genre just play their own music over it. In a singleplayer game having pathetically weak music should be a cardinal sin.

>but the idea of them thinking of calamity ganon as anything but a distant threat is just silly
He doesn't have to be a direct threat. That little thing called Vah Naboris is right on their doorstep, raining down sandstorms and thunder. And if I'm correct, it's been doing that for quite a while. For them to continue to be arrogant and act like snobs against every man they see is befuddling when the game treats them like innocents who wouldn't hurt a fly.

I actually think it's something to do with the Switch's handheld screen.

>The town music
What the fuck are you talking about? Hateno Village, Rito Village, and Tarrey Town are some of the best songs in the entire series

here u fucking amateurs. I decided to recreate it as good as i could. Not photoshopped, just changed values in monitor through capture card.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-10 20-37-28.png (1920x1080, 3.33M)

The reason why there's no music is because if it had something like hyrule field theme it would get grating fast since most of the game is spent in one location, the overworld. Even if they gave a different theme to each section of the map, it would still get grating with how gargantuan it is. Also, the lack of music helps to emphasize the wild and to make you absorb the natural environments.

Because the contrast is shit, there is no absolute white and absolute black in this pic.

Ambience is all well and good but there could have been way more variety. Like legitimately 20x as much at a minimum. Honestly would have preferred the overworld had no music at all instead of the same repetitive piano ditties.

>BotW is not an open world game because a town of female warriors doesnt field an army
Yeah yeah lol, and Mortal Kombat isnt a fighting game because it doesnt have Muay Thai. Fuck off

So do it like other games and have 10+ ambient songs that play sporadically

dunno, it actually hurts, not to mention the red words in the dialogue text are hard to read unless you move the camera to a darker place

People are DEATHLY afraid of adjusting their monitor gamma to get this effect, and will say the game is garbage because od it

The switch outputs full rgb which isn't represented in screenshots

i mean, i guess? like i said i agree that the games handling of the gerudo is kinda half assed. yeah theyre snobs, but theyre not evil
link still has absolutely no reason to want to fight them though and frankly you dont either

They do have that

I really find the people who hate this game to be brainless. The shit they say is so fucking exaggerated and dishonest its unbearable.

if your monitor supports to save values to profiles i recommend it. game looks infinitely better.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-09 20-33-04.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

>*multiple piano notes play*

Attached: 26815283_1683475905005841_5509166561194002973_n.jpg (772x804, 30K)

>You're deflecting all criticism into console wars
Before you continue with that thought, could you point out where I made this into a console war in my initial posts? These are said posts for reference. Now, I believe I said nothing about the game being bad, I said nothing bad about the fanbase (I might've discussed something I didn't like, but I wasn't calling anyone a ninten-yearold as is the spiel of a typical console war kid). I simply aired out my grievances, as minor as they might've been.

And yet we have guys like this who tell me to quite literaly "fuck off" because I think the game could've benefited from a bit more organic free roaming gameplay that didn't restrict you because "it would hurt someone's feelings if you could fight the gerudo".

>you askdd ehy you cant mirder Kakariko village
The heck? I never brought up Kakariko village. Those people may be distrusting initially, but at least they don't attack you on sight.

>people are calling you a rapist for liking OOT
Yeah, and I'm kinda wondering why. Do people hate that stealth section so much? Is it wrong to attack a woman, even if she's branding two scimitars and is ready to slice you into pieces? What would be the "politically correct" way of handling that? Do I set up a campfire and offer them tea, hoping to reach a peaceful resolution?

Luminous stones by themselves are actually more valuable than diamonds, I believe.

If you sell the number of luminous stones it takes to get a diamond you'll actually get more rupees than if you sold the diamond.

I recently updated my rig but I'm still light on the CPU, is emulating this game easy to set up and how well does it run?

I don't understand the idea of people saying music would be grating in the "overworld"

Like, why not have different music for each region itself like how every other 3D game in the series had? It could stay ambient in a lot of places still, but man, I want some personality to some of these specific areas. Like the desert or icy mountains.

You seriously can't realise how all those songs are just different interpretations of older songs? Rito Village, which is probably one of my favourite songs in the game is just an amalgamation of tracks from OoT (title screen) and WW (Dragon Roost Island theme).
Again, it's lazy and uninspired. At least WW inverted the tracks while making something new with them, which suited the game thematically (Termina is an inversion of Hyrule) and gave us a beatiful song like Song of Healing, which structure is just Saria's song inverted.
Believe me, the reason why I love the Zelda series is their music.

>yeah theyre snobs, but theyre not evil
Except for the part where they threaten to murder any man that gets too close, and the guards will actually attack you if you get too close to them. By this logic you shouldn't be able to kill creatures like frogs and boars for their prime meat and elixir ingredients. It's about freedom, and this is something they could easily make happen. You act like I'm asking for the ability to murder them and burn down their town. I just want something similar to what OOT did, maybe expanded. I shouldn't need a giant roadblock telling me to go back and do it another way, especially with a game that markets itself as above that kind of game design.

You didnt ask for a little more free roaming, you lied that a guy called you a rapist. Cut the victim complex. Youre right the game could always use more scenarios, but someone raising an eyebrow at you saying a Zelda game needs friendly fire is not them calling you a rapist

>could you point out where I made this into a console war in my initial posts?
I cannot. Plain and simple you voiced direct criticism about the game. In this reply chain however I was just talking about how you really shouldn't attack games for not being challenging enough or not having challenge as a focus, seeing as that seemed to be a prime choice of why you're upset with the game. You immediately turned around into thinking I was someone calling you a Sony fanboy for basically no reason other than lightly criticizing you over calling the Nintendo fanbase "irrational".

Meant MM lmao, accidentally inverted the title. Ironic isn't it?

There is a variety of music depending on where you are though.

I thought so too, but only to the vai in the goron city I think. But to anyone else luminous stones are worth more as diamonds.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-04 23-44-07.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)

i hate the overused of generic toyetic looking shapes in videogames. It's really painfully obvious how this game is a commercial for zelda toys and merchandising. Everything was made so the designs translate well into Amibos.

>consumer has to change setting on their end to make it look even half decent

Attached: 59275-0-1434157834.png (393x377, 20K)

welcome to the german language


>BOTW looks washed out.
Nah. You just don't spend enough time outdoors. The simple graphics complement the dry lighting, they got a lot out of the technology powering this. I've spent most of my adult life working outdoors and between BOTW, Far Cry 5 (yuck) and Just Cause 4 (jeeze) BOTW delivers the feeling of a living world, and not 'an outdoor video game' the best.

Pirates stealing this game and then modifying it to suit their fucked-up shut in eyes is hilarious. Go the fuck outside.

this was a huge issue in game design. you couldn't even sneak into the city, this was such a huge flaw for an "open world" game

>Except for the part where they threaten to murder any man that gets too close, and the guards will actually attack you if you get too close to them
thats not evil user
you dont need to keep explaining that you think they shouldve handled the gerudos differently, you already got that point across and i agree with you
im tempted to repeat myself as well but ill leave it at that

Ymhaha yeah and even then it turns a 0/10 into like a .5/10 maybe I mean come on the game looka like poopy doo its so bad like how can they even its so retsrded anyone could so better the game is SO FUCKING UGLY BAD

>rent free for three years
Guys it's just sad now.

Is that real? Where in the game does that happen?

only in docked mode if your monitor doesn't already support game mode or some shit with fixed values that is meant for gaming.

Handheld looks good.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-04 23-00-30.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

>same voe keeps sneaking in and getting thrown out
>that's ALL they do to you

There's actually some dialogue by some of the gerudo that the "no voe" policy is losing popularity and even they think it's pretty stupid at this point. They mostly keep it around nowadays so gerudo have a reason to go out and explore the world.

Like they're not even that serious about it if the "voe" in question isn't someone they think could end up seducing someone, like the gorons they let in.

Attached: BotW Gerudo NPCs.jpg (1280x654, 204K)

Or perhaps that's the game's aesthetic?

i mean its definitely an issue
did it piss me off my first playthrough? yeah
but i feel huge flaw is a bit of an exaggeration

No. They have piano notes that play for 10 seconds.

God, BOTW really is nintentards' first open world game, isn't it?? I mean fucking SKYRIM or ASSCREED even have ambient songs that play for 2+ minutes.

Skyward Sword had an amazing soundtrack and I loved the contextual changes throughout it.


This was one fucking room.

Its not a bad point at all but why did he start pretending we hate Ooh and are calling him a rapist?

Wind waker was open world you literal underageb&

Ghibli meme.

Here's your (you)

Attached: T2uUjnV.gif (256x192, 1.91M)

This was such a shitty, half-assed game. And then it's just over.

Now this is a Nintendo game

Thanks, don't need it when I know I'm right XD

i think the rapist thing was a result of a joke i made i was just being a dick to user

When you go to Lanayru mountain. Walk the path from the great fairy in kakariko, straight and past the Lynel. When you get up that mountain you are met with the dragon.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-09 20-21-42.png (1920x1080, 3.24M)

The lack of music isn't the problem, that was actually pretty well done. The issue is that when there is music, it's shit or just taken from another game but worse.

>but someone raising an eyebrow at you saying a Zelda game needs friendly fire is not them calling you a rapist
Friendly fire implies that you're attacking someone who wishes no ill intent of you. I don't think that applies to the gerudo who want to murder men if they get too close to their town.

>I was just talking about how you really shouldn't attack games for not being challenging enough
Why not? Why am I, the paying customer, not allowed to ask for a little more challenge in my games? This isn't like asking for realism from a kirby game, or online multiplayer for a game that's strictly singleplayer. This is something that shouldn't be hard to accomplish. I implied that the fandom is irrational because, in any other given thread, they'll attack games plenty for being casual. Hell, they'll call them movie games if they're on the PS4. The cognitive dissonance required to say that it's okay now that it's a Nintendo game is appalling.

I don't give a shit how 'washed out' the colors look or how 'blah' the textures look or how 'it's using artstyle to mask bad graphics' fact of the matter is despite having ridiculous aaa graphics in gaming since like 2013, breath of the wild and xenoblade chronicles x are the only games I've played where you can see really fucking far to places you can go and actually have the map look as big as it is. They figured something out with the way clouds roll across fields, the way the hill you're standing on is covered in waist-high grass, and the way things in the far distance are softer looking than things further away.

Someone send me a video of a game where a guy is standing on a cliff or something and looking off into the distance at other areas in the game, I thought the first RDR handled it pretty well, GTAV is really close but missing something, and maybe I'm not far enough into Witcher 3 yet but it doesn't quite have it.

XCX and BOTW blew my mind despite their graphics being tied to weak hardware

Posting your meme picture doesn't make the game less shit.

This is slightly off topic, but I got a Switch recently and am waiting for BotW to come in the mail. I've heard a bit about people playing it in docked mode and having the Switch overheat. Is this a common problem or is it more of a loud minority?

Then why the hostility?

I think it's funny that everyone ignored all the other criticisms I made in favor of a "lol you're a rapist" joke. Really does speak volumes about the fanbase.

>I'm too
Never change, ESLs.

>look up the water dungeon theme
>accidentally click some some fanmade shit
>first comment is literally "Why has Nintendo not hired this man yet!!"
Can't unsee these dumb-ass comments anymore now that its kind of a meme

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>le ecksdee maymay face
I guess I took the bait


things in the distance/than things right in front of you

god dammit fuck

What do i tell myself to get over people who smear this game and insist I'm having fake satisfaction with it? I really REALLY am impressed by the total ground up reimagining of 3D Zelda, thats just so fresh as shit and its got enough content to succeed at that for at least 50 hours. It makes me feel like people who call it barren and empty have really inflexible needs for a game and are really closed minded about what a game can be

Thats not even the same thing at all you halfwit mongrels.

2 years and Yea Forums is STILL bitching about it. If that isn't a sign of a quality game I don't know what is.

XCX and BotW are games with shit artstyles that fell for the open world meme. They both pale in comparison to most prior games of their series.

Never heard of that. I played it docked the entire time and never had an issue.

>they mostly keep an archaic rule around for the dumbest reason ever
>and their guards still attack you
>not a single person says anything about this even as a divine beast is rampaging not even a mile away from their home, threatening to murder them all
>"nope, gotta stick to tradition. actually thinking outside the box would be too complex of a thought. beep boop"

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I have had mine feel hot when I leave it docked and play for extended periods, so be mindful of that for sure

these songs are really un-immersive because the arrangement is specific to their locations. They're good songs, but they're disjointed and schizophrenic, and the instruments keep changing between locations, instead of in post apocalyptic Hyrule. Basically it's a totally generic soundtrack that sounds like it belongs in Mario Odyssey instead of a Zelda title.

That's why BoTW has an underwhelming soundtrack. it's not bad, just generic.

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I always play in handheld mode and I'm insanely jealous of this screenshot quality.

>The cognitive dissonance required to say that it's okay now that it's a Nintendo game is appalling.
I listed non-Nintendo games like Life is Strange and Gone Home because "rational" people ate it up. There's many casual and artsy games on Sony platforms that have much the same response that Nintendo casual games get. You are literally turning this into "why can't I complain about Nintendo". I think you have a persecution complex that inherently makes your mindset immediately turn to trying to blast back at people because you're so used to console fanbase arguments that you go super defensive about this shit.

The game looking washed out has absolutely nothing to do with weakness of hardware, it was a shitty design decision by Nintendo and they could easily fix it with an update but they don't probably because the proud gooks don't want to admit they fucked up.

>Receive best armor in the game in the 3rd mission
>have to take a picture to unlock it

>Why am I, the paying customer, not allowed to ask for a little more challenge in my games?
i mean you could
youll just look like an asshole if were talking about zelda games, thats all
see now youre just being shitty

>breath of the wild and xenoblade chronicles x are the only games I've played where you can see really fucking far to places you can go

Really ?
You never played Just Cause, Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed?

huge gaping flaw staring them right in the face.
there's no exaggeration, the whole game is based on playing how you want to with the tools you're given. then for some reason your sneak no longer works for an entire city despite if somebody sees you or not.
its weak as fuck. I love this game but how stupid can you be to let this into the final version

>guy just outlines his criticisms with the game
>doesn't attack the fanbase, doesn't say anyone is "having fake fun" doesn't even call the game bad
>gets called a snoy, a faggot, a rapist, a tryhard, and a million other insults in lieu of an actual argument

Gee user, why would people bitch about a game when you can't even have a rational conversation about it?

>it's not bad, just generic.
People complain about the exact opposite though

>breath of the wild and xenoblade chronicles x are the only games I've played where you can see really fucking far to places you can go and actually have the map look as big as it is
this but with Dark Souls

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yeah it's an impressive tech demo, too bad they forgot to put any actual content in any of it.

>why the hostility
Because you played victim and are STILL using it as a reason to say fans are crazy even though we all actually agree with your core point. More scenarios would be good, but asking for more friendly fire is a little cringy. user's rape joke was an asshole exaggeration of course but you took that and a completely made up idea that people hate OoT to basically call foul and declare yourself de facto winner od an argument thats barely happening.

>I listed non-Nintendo games like Life is Strange and Gone Home because "rational" people ate it up.
And if you said you liked even one of those games, the amount of sony wojaks and console war shit would flood the thread till the next week. There's never been tolerance for a casual game unless a specific company was behind it. That's why it's so dishonest seeing people defend it now.

>youll just look like an asshole if were talking about zelda games, thats all
And it's not looking like an asshole to randomly call someone a rapist for no reason? That isn't being shitty?

i feel like youre making a mountain out of a molehill, user
do you really, truly, sincerely feel this strongly about this issue?
i did address your points you samefag and i didnt call you a rapist, it was an ill conceived joke

Imagine if Aonuma had taken inspiration from Dark Souls instead of Skyrim. We'd be in a period of Zelda Ludo right now.

Perhaps im misinterpreting a lot of the profanity on here to mean people are all seething

it was a joke and you know it
youre just farming yous and im giving them out because i want to talk about this game

Can people just post underrated great music in the series for a while instead?


Xenoblade Chronicles 1.

>Nintendo was retarded to...
Its not that they were retarded, its that they were wrong. Almost every choice is making this game was fair and had reasoning behind it, its just they ensed uo being worse choices than the alternative in the finished product. I cant think of one thing is this game thats an actual 'shit decision', rather things like the deathly low durability rates and absence of music while explorong were shit RESULTS

>but if youre really PISSED the game doesnt have more trophies and stickers to find
Not him either, but that's exactly why people dislike BotW. It sacrificed everything that made the previous games appealing in favour of mindless macguffin hunting. Once you figure out that there's nothing to find in the world that isn't a shrine or a yahaha, all the adventure and wonderment goes away.

generic scores aren't inherently bad by themselves, but Zelda is known for it's good music and BOTW doesn't have any good music so i can see the complaint.

but they *look* fucking fantastic

I'm using my capture card. I started playing botw again and the program lets me change values without changing the monitor values. So it's nice to get these crisp screens without needing to emulate.


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Yeah, this is my beef. I would have been ecstatic to brainstorm scenarios for the game like middle schoolers writing fanfiction, but this rape victim thing was such an irrelevant and unpleasant distraction

I played assassin's creed but I haven't touched it past revelations because ubisoft just got fucking annoying with it. Maybe their most recent title looks great but their earlier games don't hold a candle to botw in terms of visible scale

same with just cause and elder scrolls I haven't played but I'm skeptical it can compare just due to its age. Feel free to post screenshots though I love seeing massive fucking vistas. I feel like if I visited the grand canyon my head would explode and I would die immediately

Can't go wrong with this classic youtu.be/LepGlDFhcKM

I wonder if they would've brought back magic had that been the case

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I'm not, this doesn't impact my real life I don't fundamentally give an actual shit.

but if we're talking about game design yes this is a huge issue that is extremely noticeable. Gerudo is a major town in a major game that came out recently. it's embarrassing they couldn't stick to their guns on the philosophy of their own game design

you should stop taking yourself so seriously
you were the one who started thinking of reasons for link to want to attack the gerudo, not me
>inb4 that wasnt me
im sure

That's what you get when everything has to bend over for the open world meme to work. Balance has been something Nintendo has long forgotten for some reason.

Mostly yes I agree, but absolutely no, finding Koroks and shrines is not 'mindless'. Yes they absolutely and willfully threw certain babies out with the bathwater, eapecially just to look innovative, but no not everyrhing they swapped it out for is as radically bad and brain-dead as people will thoughtlessly say

>I'm sure
It really wasn't. I know its nice to wrap things up and be all confident, but you actually dont know that, and I actually know that I'm not that guy.

>Because you played victim and are STILL using it as a reason to say fans are crazy even though we all actually agree with your core point.
Because calling people rapists accomplishes that? And who could forget the user who posts his "days since v cried about botw" image, not to mention the menagerie of people who act snobby and imply that anyone who criticizes the game is some kind of low IQ incel. Sure sounds like civil discussion alright.

>ill conceived joke
user, the entire thread ignored my criticisms in favor of your "joke". That alone tells me how little the fandom wants to listen to actual criticism.

>Spend 2 years trying to make it look and play like a PC game

youre right, it is extremely noticeable. i disagree about it being embarrassing, but i can tell im not gonna change your mind
im pretty sure youre the only one who called you a rapist but hey thats ok you can ignore reality here



Bethesda open world games looked revolutionary for their time as well, but they aged twice as fast.

Open world games seem to get old looking faster than singleplayer games because they're not very dense. BOTW is already starting to look tired and dated.

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Honestly, it's not even that it's a rapist joke. It could've been a fat joke or a joke about nationality. the point is that it's a shitpost designed to steer discussion away from the other criticisms I laid out. And it has been a constant for 2 years now.

I hate how people who have never designed a game in their lives feel confident enough to act like they're authorities on game design and make stupid fucking shit like this. I blame Youtube for this. You have that Mark Brown faggot going around talking about "Game Maker's Toolkit" when he's literally admitted repeatedly to not being a game designer and everyone thinks he's a genius. Fuck off you brainlet fucking retard.
Yeah, but whose cooking opinions would you take more seriously? Some random guy who's never even grilled a hamburger before or Gordon Ramsay?
Fuck you, hang yourself. You dense, brainlet fuck. Never post on this board again.

>Takes deep breath

>let's say fuck

>can't fight dragons

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Thats why, ever since you started whining about a rape joke and lyi g people hate OoT, it seemed you were arguing in bad faith. Your argument is an ad hominem against posts from a fanbase you have both cherrypicked and made up. Your complaint about lack of scenarios is fair and we mostly agree, you concluding BotW fans all hate OoT is a farce. The guy was picking on you for sounding like the meatheads who play RPGs only to murder their own party. If you want to use that as an excuse to call the fans mentally ill forever then fine, but autists like me right now will follow the conversation and explain where we think youre being full of shit

youre right that i ignored your essay, sorry about that
i honestly wasnt trying to shitpost, but i guess i did make a kinda shitty post

do gorons even have more than one gender?

You know you make a good point, I can't put my fucking finger on it but I fired up guildwars 2 and compared to ffxiv their areas looked way more wide open in a satisfying way. I don't get what it is

you can't even begin to get on my level so you start strawmaning food analogies. Get lost angry crab.

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>dragons fight you
I'm ok with this but it would've been nice to attempt a fight with them, even if their health would be impossible to weigh down.

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Any more buzzwords that mean nothing?

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but non of the trees are the same

Wow, just like real life!

Shoot yourself in the head with a gun. I don't care if it actually kills you or if it just puts you in a coma, but go ahead and do it so we don't have to deal with your dumb fucking ass anymore.

If I explore I want to find shit that's actually interesting, that isn't the case in BotW. It's that simple

>im sure
Do you very frequently accuse multiple posters of bwing the same person, and get told you're wrong? Does this happen often enough that you actually >inb4 and prepare for the response?

seems like you know the answers to your own questions

To all the complete retards who never played the game but complain about it looking washed out - it's just time of day. Botw lighting changes by time of day. These screenshots are just taken at the worst time possible.

GoW has many interesting side stories to find, you retarded console warrior. Stop talking about games you never played, 10yo drone

How long did you play? I'm not blaming you I'm just curious. I think some people are disappointed the game only has a couple dozen hours in it

>I'm too
I am too

As in
>I am as well

When I saw places that looked interesting at the distance like a giant hollow three, an abandoned town, even a named lake on the map, a lonely fortress guarded by robots, etc I was looking forward to find something interesting. Instead it was just a Korok if I was lucky, or a tower but who cares about those?

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Where oh where do I begin?

>Thats why, ever since you started whining about a rape joke and lyi g people hate OoT
Was it a smart idea to discard two entire posts of discussion just to zero in on one part and call me a rapist for it? That isn't an argument made in bad faith?

>Your argument is an ad hominem against posts from a fanbase you have both cherrypicked and made up.
We're close to 404 and there STILL isn't any discussion that isn't abound with shitposts. My attempt to bring in some discussion was met with hostility. So not exactly proving me wrong here.

>Your complaint about lack of scenarios is fair and we mostly agree,
Gee user, calling me a rapist sure doesn't sound like you agree. Is this an international phrase?

>The guy was picking on you for sounding like the meatheads who play RPGs only to murder their own party
And for the last time, I didn't bring murder into this once. I just asked why you can't at least challenge these strong independent yas queen slay feminist gerudo. That's all I was saying.

Question: Are we all high or drunk? I doubt we're all using our full reading comprehension

let me guess there's aliasing everywhere outside too right?

It really shows how many retards have a TV/monitor calibrated like shit

you can disagree but that's not really debatable, something as simple as having your own game mechanics actually work is embarrassing for any professional gaming company, especially nintendo.
I guess you could try to change my mind, you haven't yet. but it would probably be fruitless as I don't see how this argument isn't simply black and white

The most interesting segments are where you're thrown into a situation and told to think fast, like thygros ruins and fighting that hinox in the dark. far more challenging than his other counterparts.

+100 hours, but over 50 of them were a pain, I just seeked for cool stuff and found shit.
>I think some people are disappointed the game only has a couple dozen hours in it
If you like exploring, the game is only good for the first 20 hours or so. If you enjoy a sandbox then you're going to have fun. I like to explore though, something BotW barely offers

You are one of those people looking for your games to be a Skinner box. You might as well play call of duty, they will offer you plenty of extrinsic rewards. Pair in some mountain dew and some Doritos and you'll get all that easy dopamine you're looking for.

What do you think washed out means?

>Playing with the hud on

how utterly soulless...

When I noclipped through one of the dragons I just turned the game off and haven't touched it since. What a shitshow. The absolute definition of "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle".
So which part of BoTW did you guys like better, the part where you fight the red colored enemies in the fire area or the part where you fight the white colored enemies in the snow area?

Not him but I played around 130 hours more or less trying to explore all I could, find stuff and such. But most of my time was wasted finding nothing. I could play for 2 hours and find just a single shrine. The sidequests weren't anything special either, it was just collecting stuff for mere rupees.

To give some praise because I did enjoy aspects of the game, hidden shrines that made you do stuff outside on the field to reveal them were the most fun IMO. But it's a dissapointing experience overall, and a huge time waster.

dunno about you but im having a nice acidic trip

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do you not understand how technology works? If everyone was content with things never innovating we'd all still be living in caves and musing at the way campfires flicker.

Time moves forward and things get better and faster and more efficient, so things in the past start to look old. They're not buzzwords, they describe real phenomena.


Im not that guy who made the rape joke (i know you dont believe me but I cant really be accountable for your lack of understanding), but at this point we (including the guy who made the joke, who is responding on his own) have made clear more content is better. The only real question is if we're offended at the amount there is. Me personally I am not. I wish a BotW came out every day and had infinite content, but at some point I have to let myself be satisfied.
As for me I've had great discussion on this game in this thread.

Yeah, who wants to find actually interesting stuff when exploring. All you need is the same korok with the same line and reward. Unique enemies, questlines? Fuck that shit, just give me garbage copy&paste "content"

yeah thats why i didnt try to change your mind or debate you on that
dude your posts were in desperate need of a tl;dr, thats why i latched on to the one point about gerudos
do you want to talk about the game or just yell about the fandom being shitty

I'm going to sound like a fag here, but time spent exploring and surveying the world isnt wasted. That is actually the core content of the game

you still get notifications for when your weapons are about the break with the hud off

>dude your posts were in desperate need of a tl;dr,

So let me get this straight. You're literally penalizing me because I didn't just drop a 5 word post about how BOTW is shit?

Having high contrast colors are too easy, all kids likes it, nintendo have already done this in the 64 era many times, so they are trying something new. its inspired by the ghibli palette or impressionism movment, which is probably where ghibli got their colors from. Also if you play the game you will notice the contrast and colors changes throughout the day, so your eyes wont get bored about the same visuals.

fortnite uses high vibrant colors and high contrast as a way of making everyone want to play it, youtubers makes their thumbnails colorfull and high contrast to make people click it. high contrast is like nudity and other cheap ways for making people to like it. fruits have it to make you eat them. but its not interesting in the long term, its too simple and you like it because of primtive evolutionary reasons. A patrician and schoolar would want more challenging aestetchis for their eyes. and a game like zelda will give them that, not take the easy route to get $ from kids.

But you do find plenty of interesting things, just not extrinsic rewards. You might as well say hiking is pointless because you don't find treasure doing it.if the only thing you care about in life is seeking rewards aka dopamine you are a degenerate. Why even play games at all? Go have sex and smoke weed if that's all you care about.

I agree. The whole dark ruins was pretty interesting and gave me a sense of wonder. As well as the whole path towards Zora's domain. First time trying to figure out the way to the Kokiri forest was also interesting.
Don't be stupid. I love exploration, but you have to have meaningful content to make it interesting. Running around doing nothing but collecting materials for HOURS is the real skinner box. Complete waste of anyone's time.

>its inspired by ghibli
Fucking THIS
Really wish this was the first post. A post like this instantly reveals how absolutely retarded this whole thread is

Yeah, fuck actually finding interesting lore, enemies and ruins of the old world that you can actually explore, right? Not like this is an adventure game or something.

>But you do find plenty of interesting things
No, you don't. Shrines, koroks and badly written fetch quests aren't interesting.
>You might as well say hiking is pointless because you don't find treasure doing it.if the only thing you care about in life is seeking rewards aka dopamine you are a degenerate. Why even play games at all? Go have sex and smoke weed if that's all you care about.
Nice strawman argument, retard

>this post
You don't even deserve a reply with any thought. You're just a goddamn idiot.

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Would you say hiking is pointless because you don't get a rare sword walking through the woods? Does everything you do in life need to come with a reward?

im not trying to penalize you, this isnt a hockey match
i was explaining why i only addressed one point out of your many
do you have anything at all to say about the game

Nigger the dragon hurts you and knocks you out of the sky if you touch it. Quit spreading lies.

Based UKucklet

Here's your boss fight, bro

the dragons have (or at least had at launch) some large areas near the end of their body that you can (could) clip right through

Why would I lie about something so mundane that can apparently be easily fact checked? That's what happened to me, I just up and phased through the fucking thing.
Either way the game was massively disappointing

In vidya yes. Exploring in BotW is as productive as lying in bed. Might as well go and explore in real life.

Fucking this. As someone who does a lot of hiking in the mountains for multiple days with my tent on the back, BotW was a treat. I felt like I was hiking, and that alone made it more rewarding than any other open world meme game.

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>that hinox in the dark
That shit was so fucking spooky, I was carrying a torch the whole way until I got stuck in a ditch and the only way out was to climb, meaning I had to ditch my torch. It was pitch black and I had wolves around me and I could hear the hinox snoozing.

I ended up using the 3x thunder skill thing (I forgot the name, from one of the beasts) which both lit up the area, and managed to kill the hinox from afar. In retrospective it was way too easy, but in the moment I was scared shitless.

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which shadow of the colossus boss is this?

Hysteresis, retard.

The point isn't that korok seeds are worthless you fucking moron. People would much rather find something INTERESTING because finding INTERESTING things feels REWARDING. Finding a fucking questline with no reward would feel rewarding if it's a questline that's actually good and fun


how many other open world games have you played? be honest now.

git gud faggot

>dont have glider
>can get hurt
>will get tierd


Look, either you consider exploring, environment, and movement content, or you don't. End of story.

let him be, user
he's a retard that would just be happy beta testing an ubisoft game without gameplay mechanics because it's pretty

I've said my part about the game, and I maintain that challenge is integral to all games, with no exception. And again, this isn't like realistic graphics or blood and gore, or even having a heavy focus on story. Those things don't work in every game. Difficulty can be applied everywhere.

i dont know if id describe this as a secret boss fight considering its just sitting out in the world on top of a mountain and you can just walk up to it and fight it once youve talked to Impa (pretty sure thats the trigger that spawns the dragons)

But you have to admit BotW has SOME mechanics, even interactable nodes

pussy ass bitch

this game is just a shitty shadow of the colossus. even the music sucks.

He'll just his "whY DO YOU WANT TO FIND TRINKETS AS A REWARD??" strawman again. He can't seem to understand that content can mean lore, interesting characters with interesting quests, smaller unique areas with their own different exploration and enemy types (mini dungeons/dungeons), etc.

That's cool for you, but it's just not actually true, you know? How do you feel about Forklift Simulator?

>difficulty can be applied everywhere
yeah, i get that user
you know i do really wish theyd handled master mode better
did you try it?

As a PC/PS4/Switch Idort, I appreciate that Cemu exists, but prefer to play it on the switch.

This. I've sunk more hours than I care to admit to just seeing where a particular mountain path takes me, only to find I've stumbled onto the goddamn road and walked right out of the province. The sheer breadth of BotW's Hyrule is its greatest selling point for a reason.

your opinion does not really matter

>holding down a button in a virtual world with shitty graphics and boring landscape is the same as hiking through a forest, exercising, and actively embracing nature with all your sense including smell and touch

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based retard who never played the game

I'm gonna need some exact settings, user.

Everyone wishes the game had more content, but some let them by satisfied by less because of the presentation and a sense of innovation. Thats all this is. Thats why everyone has to strawman eachother, because its pretty much up to will and interpretation whether or not to like this game

Korok seeds buy slots. Objectively one of the more important resources in the game, next to spirit orbs.

What, you want to see the words "but your inventory is full" after you went through all the trouble to do that extra shrine puzzle for the chest? No? Then FIND SOME GODDAMN KOROKS. YAHAHA!

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i did play it, mong

Holy shit this looks bad

Whats the point of flooding the game with mechanics and tools if none of them are very efficient or useful except for puzzles where you're explicitly supposed to use them?

i mean i like to think about what a given area smells like when im riding my horse
or i did back when i was still playing the game anyway
i imagine akkala smells damp and kinda musty like autumn

This is honestly my favorite song in the game. I absolutely ADORE riding my horsey across Hyrule.


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I enjoyed the game but honestly it should've been 1/4th of the size in map, remove all the retarded random encounters (the ninjas and the recycled enemies that spawn at night can FUCK RIGHT OFF), remove or at least severely reduce the weapon breaking mechanic (or at least let us repair the weapons before they break), and get rid of a huge amount of random enemy encampments which literally all look the same and are just copypasted from each other.

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If you like botw comes 100% down to if you consider intrinsic or extrinsic rewards more important, that's it period. Botw provides very few extrinsic rewards, far fewer than any other Zelda game. If that's the main draw to a videogame for you (accomplish task be given a prize) then don't buy botw. But please don't assume your perspective on what makes a game fun is the same for everyone.


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I'm still mad that that was the only decent dragon boss fight. I remember seeing the other dragons in the distance and thinking "I can't wait to be geared up enough to fight those" but then when I finally attempted to fight one, it just instantly shits out an item and fucks off

Its true the tools become less useful as you farm stamina and hearts. Most mechanics are useful before then tho

if it's not fun, why bother. you'd be better off learning a trade like carpentry if what you're looking for is intrinsic joy.

So basically what youre saying is BotW fans are wise and based and haters are bluepilled jewish gambers

Let me ask you this: would anyone like Forklift Simulator if it was just pressing one button and the game played itself after that? Even that kind of game can have challenge put into it. The reason I take offense at games like Gone Home is because the devs went out of their way to remove any challenge. Infact, I recall a bit of commentary on Gone Home where the dev literally, and I mean LITERALLY, says the following:

>"I didn't want you to have to find more than 2 pieces for this puzzle, otherwise it would've felt too *ugh* videogamey

That "ugh" shows you how much disgust the dev has for the medium.

I'm not a fan of it. Regenerating health feels like a cheap gimmick.

Whether you like the game comes down to this --

60 hours into the game you stumble upon Lurelin Village. Just out of fucking nowhere you find this small fishing village. There's only one minigame here, a shrine quest, and a regular quest.
Do you consider that an amazing discovery? Some might say no, because the content is overall slim and there's not much to do in the village itself besides chat a bit with the people there.
Some will say yes, it's the feeling of the world itself seeming to live outside of your actions that makes it all feel more like 'an adventure', and the meager content of the village itself is good enough and doesn't really change your perspective on it.

That's the difference between people who love BOTW and people who don't. Neither option is wrong, mind you.

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If it is fun, bother.
What can I say I had fun

I can agree with this, but I think Nintendo's advertisement mislead a lot of people, myself included. If they had told people it was just moving around for the sake of it, I believe less people would be disappointed.

>If you like botw comes 100% down to if you consider intrinsic or extrinsic rewards more important
a game can have both and intrinsic rewards are subjective as fuck
might as well defend MN9 because the bad level design provides a special challenge and the bad story and characters help with creative writing
so fuck off

I change values through my elgato, hope this helps.

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>Neither option is wrong, mind you.
except yours

user, important=/=interesting
>that pic
what about dogs?
ive got the tism dont i
>health regen feels cheap
couldnt agree more
if the combat wasnt so barebones i wouldnt mind as much but whittling down enemies health just feels like a chore with this links shitty moveset

That level of argument is petty because it can go both ways. You can also argue you would be bertter off seeking extrinsic rewards from real life too, like having sex with women or working hard to achiueve a promotion. In the end people play games because they can't achieve the entertainment they want from life to the level they can in a game.

based cataracts poster

>People posting music
>No one posting the best village theme

Fucking tasteless retards.

Attached: 1550919714282.jpg (442x429, 60K)

>just pressing one button
BotW is not literally pressing one button. This is just another 'most efficient path' dispute though, and I know I did actually use the controls in this game

Just a downgrade of a song from another game. Hateno is real village kino.

>ive got the tism dont i
no, you just sound 14

Relativist arguments don't please anyone user, and frankly nobody cares. People like you are why nothing in government ever gets done and the status quo ruins everything over time.

Attached: 1548786243268.png (687x663, 345K)

>best village music is a remix
says a lot t b h

Hateno Village's theme is so amazing I feel it's horribly underrated. The night theme makes me feel things.

Oh, so we have to take a hardline stance on BotW huh? And always fight? Then fuck you BotW is a treasure and you cant criticize it you dick

This song is trying to hard to be ghibli but not ghibli at the same time.

This is fucking hilarious. Good post, and unironically true. I saw Nintendo fan cry over the Link's Awakening Remake.

Sounds more like modern day politics than your post. I agree saying 'both ways are good' is the easy way out, but this isn't a fucking civil rights movement here, it's entertainment.

no need to be so angry buddy
youve got good taste though
yeah i used to capitalize my sentences and use more punctuation and worry about how people here would think of me based on my posts
then i realized thats silly, people here will conclude im a child or a woman or a black person regardless of my grammar

>BotW is not literally pressing one button.
That wasn't the implication. I was simply implying that Forklift wouldn't be a good game if it was as toned down and simple as possible. People like it because, as a simulator, it's quite complex with 500+ buttons and levers and switches you need to handle. They wouldn't like it if the game was automated to a single button press.

My problem with BOTW was, as I've said 100 times before, it's too easy. The game rains down crutches for you to insta-win. I had to force myself into a 3 heart run just so I could occasionally die to something, but even then most enemies aren't a challenge since you can button mash the -blins and lizalfos, and the lynels give you too many flurry rush openings, and that's not taking into account upgraded timestop, or infinite food recovery, champion abilities, you name it. The game feels like it wasn't balanced around these things.

that's better. Your opinion is still wrong though.