2019 barely started

>2019 barely started
>we already have more blunders than the last 2 years combined

fuck why can't we have good video games again?

Attached: 2019 games.jpg (480x800, 202K)

I see 4 good games
1 meh
And the rest to be shit

Ace Combat 7 has been the highlight of the year.

Attached: ac7.jpg (960x540, 46K)

>I see 4 good games


It really has
Can't stop Playing it

On the chart

How were dmc5 and REmake2 blunders?

Ace combat 7, apex, DMC5 and RE2 are all good games, the rest is garbage i agree

Remove AC7, REmake2 and DMCV. The rest is garbbaccio tho.

Ace Combat 7
RE2 remake


Attached: unnamed (3).jpg (384x384, 14K)