DMC Thread

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Other urls found in this thread: trigger x бью3.mp3?dl=0

>Friend who just got the game is annoyed at the breaker mechanic
>Tell him he's being dumb and it fits the game and character, with statues and random pickups being everywhere, it would homogenise the gameplay as well, plus he hasn't even finished the game
>His response is "Why don't you shut the fuck up and get a job"
That wasn't very cuhrazy, more confusing

he's right get a job lazy fuck

>Me having a job somehow changes gameplay mechanics

Who did Vergil fuck? I played 4, but I don't remember if it said who Nero's mom was or not. Also, when did he get a chance to fuck her... He was a teenager when he died in 3 and was a nerd...

A DMC thread died for this

Real talk: I actually love the final boss theme for Vergil but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have preferred something more akin to DMC3 with the theme

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Vergil Vs. Wesker Vs. Kaiba. Who is the biggest autistic of them all? Who’s the better father out of Vergil & Wesker?

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Doesn't it bother you how the games take from you important gameplay mechanics like dash,double dash,air hike,air hike dash,etc when they should be included from the start and not be part of a style like in DMC3?

>can't wrap my head around V gameplay
>ignore Devil Breaker because "can't waste resources"
>ignore Faust because know I'm gonna fuck it up and lose gorillions of Orbs
>stuck in Sword Master for style points
>can't Royal Guard to save my life
>too retarded to be able to consistently swap between modes for Balrog
>don't have the dexterity anymore to swap Styles mid fight like I could a decade ago in DMC4
>didn't get "Battle For The Ages" trophy on my first playthrough
I feel like an old man who just can't keep up anymore. Are there better controller setups for optimal play? I rebound Griffon and Charge shot to R2, made L1 Devil Trigger and Dpad Break for Nero, and kept Dante on default.

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I see Nero vs Vergil as more of a fight about Nero than Vergil given the circumstances, so a remix of his theme makes sense. But I do kinda wish his fight with Dante had a track more in line with 3's, even if I do like the new one.

It's always annoyed me they make you grind shit instead of giving you stuff at the start
>AoT poster
Every time

i've been trying to do ragtime's arena freeze -> punchline's rocket punch on artemis' charge attack

i've spent 1 hour trying to get it so far since it would be cool as fuck but it doesn't seem possible

How do I consistently avoid the time ball in Urizen's fight in the prologue?

do you guys mission select your way to getting all the fragments/orbs you missed, or do you just move onto SoS and grab them there?

It's just a reaction image I had, fren

Didn't think of it in that light. That actually sounds like it could have been great

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>tfw I'm now using devil breakers like no tomorrow because I'm actually getting my shit a bit pushed in SoS by how quickly they surround you
And to think I wasn't really bothering with them until now

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Jumping to one direction, landing and then running in the other direction worked well for me.

>He doesn't like V

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>I feel like an old man who just can't keep up anymore.

the game literally uses the credits as a tutorial message

i wouldn't worry about it, this game throws so much new shit at you that even series veterans will be overwhelmed

>mission 15
>have to Break Age like 4 in under a minute because I keep getting fucking grabbed


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I don't even want a DMC6. 5 was the perfect way to end the franchise

This game is so boring. It has no energy to it at all. It's so weird coming off Ace Combat 7 where every second is a thrill to this snoorefest.

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Kaiba without a single doubt. His autism transcends space and time in canon. The fucker made a an entire alien civilization create its foundation though cards he sent in space, and in the modern day, the fucking police force and government on earth follow Kaibas rules. Absolutely nothing beats his autism.

As far as who’s the better father, Wesker, since at least he didn’t cut his sons arm off. Yet at least.

>Those sick drums after every fight

Nero's campaign in 4 has him walk through fortuna and this girl turns around to look at him and the camera focuses on her till the cutscene ends. That's who he boned

>it's a V only mission

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>your friend just then

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If there's going to be a DMC6 I want it to be something fresh. I don't see how you can make Dante or Nero better than they are without radically changing their gameplay.

Agreed, 3 is awful but 5 is fucking brilliant


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Seriously, what the fuck was Itsuno thinking?


>dmc6 comes around
>dante gets a wheelchair as a weapon
>fights between vergil and dante need breaks because both of them are suffering from joint pain
>devil may cry becomes a retirement home



>ignore Devil Breaker because "can't waste resources"
fuck that shit, devil breakers are dope as emergency l1 evasions, killing enemies for higher ranks and keeping enemies stunlocked/bouncing them off the ground. Watched a short bit of another playthrough to see how others were playing Nero and saw someone ignoring o and l1 for most of the game. The game gives you plenty. Just don't get hit and don't waste them on enemies between mandatory encounters

am I wrong or does feel Gerbera op? at least it does against bosses, I can just sit in their face and mash combos out and then cancel anything I'm doing with a quick breaker with i-frames if they try to interrupt my masshing and then resume mashing right after

I want to kiss Nico's belly.

Wageslaves can't wrap their head around taking time on their hobbies, as they have no free time.

Brilliant argumentation, truly worthy of Socrates
If you break an arm when there's like 5 enemies on top of you then you get SSS ranks up the ass

>Hey remember the last time I saw you when you were sobbing hysterically in the middle of a library
>heh heh good times

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Is Urizen even easier on Human?
His moves start evaporating my hp as soon as I destroy half his shield

Guys, how do I get the post credits ending with Lady, Trish, and Morrison? I know it exists but for some reason its not activating?

is there any way you can see a description for the "extra bonus" in the results screen?

I love it. Allows me to go balls deep when I really shouldn't. Berserker comes in swinging? L1 instant SS or SSS

Don't get hit by his moves, duh.

>finally got enough extra money to spend on dmc5
>get hit with a huge update as soon as the disc finishes copying data to the ps4
Can I skip this shit without it impacting the gameplay much? I can live without the cameo system until this update finishes downloading.

i think the fight is preset to be a certain difficulty to prevent cheese after you get him down to a certain point, the start seems to scale with difficulty though

I wish we could make the Nightmares' boss music the battle music.

Not sure I wanna replay it so soon Tbqh. Almost every stage looks the exact same

I don't think so, it really annoys me you can't. The gameplay is fantastic but there can absolutely be some QoL changes for menus, like that and a better system for changing arms


Anyone else think V/Urizen/Vergil was kind of wasted potential storywise?

As a concept I thought it was a really cool way to set Vergil up as both as a protagonist and the antagonist, but it felt like the game didn't have time to properly explore this idea since V was one playable character out of three. The way V just suddenly goes fullblown exposition dump on Trish felt awkward to say the least.

Post yfw Psycho Siren starts playing

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V is part of Vergil you dumbfuck

Can you unlock Nero wings as a skin?

>Who did Vergil fuck?
Who the fuck knows. Not even Vergil remembers.

Why is it called Sin Devil Trigger anyways?

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sounds cool

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>tfw I did this but with bullet rain

Just finished the game and replaying it on Son of Sparda mode. How do you deal with bosses as Nero? Feel like I play too aggresively and just get smacked here and there by random attacks after I've exhausted my jumps.

In the credits you need to get positive reactions from Nico and Vergil by killing demons fast.

I hate to have taken a break but my left hand refused to cooperate after playing Dante's levels.
Hope this doesn't become a trend. This game is fun as fuck.

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I still can believe that Nico is this faggot's daughter. How did he manage to score?

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>no nelo angelo remix
im still mad

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i think v should have been charactized as more doubtful of his power and filled with more fear since he is the human side of vergil and would characterize vergil's fear of not having the power to protect himself and prevent things like the death of his mother from happening

I do and don't understand why action games do this.
>w101 has you buy dodge and block
I went through too much of the game without knowing I actually had to buy these abilities. What the fuck, Kamiya?

Nell Goldstein heard that Agnus fuuuucks and had to find out firsthand.


DMC5 is brimming with energy, what the fuck are you talking about?

hes probably a bear daddy on the inside and no girl can resist that

DMC1 - Best one ever. Perfect combination of action & Resident Evil shit but for adhd kids who were too brainlet for Resident Evil like me. Great length and areas. One of my top favorite games of all time.

DMC2 - Never even played it because everyone said it was so fucking shit and not even worth playing just to see how bad it is. I remember my friend had it and he literally wouldn't even let me play it to see how shitty it was.

DMC3 - Played it recently and it was really good. However, the craziness was pretty embarassing for me, especially the guitar part and the other obnoxious shit. Also hated Joker so much who wasn't funny at all and cringe. The Vergil fights were pretty amazing and Lady is muh waifu. A great sequel overall.

DMC4 - Pretty mediocre, definitely should've had a year or 2 more of development so you didn't have to play the fuckin game twice. Was really disappointed with that. I remember it being relatively easy because of Nero's devil arm, but still pretty fun. Just could have been so much better, though, so it's just disappointing. Also the first time I saw Lady who is cute!

DmC - Doesn't exist.

Haven't played the DMC 5 yet because I'm saving up for a new car and don't have a ps4 and just have a shitty laptop.

My dream Devil May Cry game would be one where Mundus returns for epin revenge and Dante's son goes to some spooky haunted castle on an island like the first game, though. Just because at the end of Devil May Cry 1 Mundus is all like "I'll be back" and Dante is like "Say hi to my son, will ya!" or something like that. So that would be cool if it actually happened and the setting of the 1st one is my favorite. Then Dante's son could learn shit about his uncle and other family members or whatever like the first one, I don't fucking know. I think Dante should fug Lady because she doesn't look like his own fuckin mom and they should also bring back the lava spider that sounds like a faggot.

Thanks for reading my retarded autism.

because his playstyle is garbage?

I'll keep that in mind, it's just a knee jerk reaction I have to not use "limited" resources even if you get some sort of replenishment later on.

Mission 19 is very difficult, fun but difficult. I can get him to 40-50% but then I die.

>not wanting to fuck Agnus

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Yeah V just laying it bare to Trish felt so damn weird, she doesn't act on it and never tells anyone else so it serves no purpose beyond telling the player what's up. It would have been better to leave it as a twist and have Vergil deliver the recap, letting us see how he's changed ever so slightly from V's influence.

This is pasta now?

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t. dismal player

>However, the craziness was pretty embarassing for me, especially the guitar part and the other obnoxious shit

I don't think DMC is for you bud.

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A V flew around my head before Griffon dropped him into the hole.

use air trick and stinger, dont get greedy, its okay to be a coward

Nah, the intro is very lukewarm. After the first few missions though it picks up.

I posted it in the other thread but that wasn't a DMC thread.

His theme doesn't play enough during the campaign. I swear I heard it only twice and then they stopped playing character themes altogether.

it's literally impossible to get dismal on V's stages because all you have to do is mash

You nigs better be PMing Matt about having co-op on BP.

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alright, so if dante got out of hell after dmc2 because balrog fucked with the yamato fragment
does that mean that dante and vergil can just leave the underworld at any time by opening a dimensional portal with the yamato?
is that why they're chilling together in nico's van in one of the main menu screens?

literally who

Nell is her grandmother

iirc the family tree is

Nell + rich dude -> Nells son
Rich dude divorces Nell, remarries woman who births Nico's mother
Nicos mother moves in with Nell's son, meets Angus in Fortuna

so Nico is not actually related to Nell by blood.

The higher difficulties make a difference. I'm enjoying my second play through more than my first quite honestly.

>Feeling embarrassed from a game

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I really like parrying him though. I can get a full RG bar to knock him into his DT but then that part where he starts flying around just kills me.

>he doesn't know

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I thought V was pretty fun to play. You just have to be comfortable with whipping out Nightmare whenever. Shit gets crazy when you have him out. I love just standing back and watching the battlefield get crazy with all three summons throwing out attacks. I'll usually taunt off to the side like a dumbass.

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>mission called three warriors
>don't have PlayStation plus so it's literally just me the entire mission
Decidedly not cuhrayzee

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>Kalina Ann has moves named Hysteria and Paranoia
>Lady casually mentions that you can never live down killing your own father
>that report by Nico
Lady's fucked in the head real bad, isn't she. Like mental ward patient running free bad.

what is this 9gag bullshit

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Maybe they weren't sure how people would like such a playstyle so they made it a betatest with a character that is only there for 1 game but yet has a plot reason for being able to defeat demons en mass
As it turns out people are pelbians and don't like it so he won't be brought back via some asspull

Are there hidden outfits?

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probably just a little neat detail though they could probably leave at any time

I started with the first one because I'm not underage and it wasn't that ridiculous. I preferred how it was before they changed it into something else because it's just cringe to me, has nothing to do with nostalgia. I don't jerk off over games just because it has epin try hard cutscenes where you ride a motorcycle vertically up a 9000 meter tower or jam out like a rawk star.

fuck this piece of shit blue orb bullshit

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His name is Jester, you ignorant baffoon.

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Real talk I drank fucking 8 of these purple ones over the weekend playing 5

they were pretty good

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I came a little.

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Is Nico gay?

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Bisexual, easily. She was a waterfall when Dante showed up.

>exhausted my jumps
Use enemy step/grapple/gerbera to stay in the air. Most bosses are too dumb to hit you if keep jumping around their head without landing.

just run around and jump to avoid, you can RG him in that state, i dunno if it was just a fluke but i was able to avoid damage by using my dt right when he was about to hit me

Steam doesn't support WEBM, phone texting doesn't support WEBM, I converted for personal use. Yea Forums has a 4MB limit for GIFs.

So yeah, sorry.

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Good shit user

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I dont like :
Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
No rolling guard
No inertia
No reversals
No turbo
No distortion
DSD fucking up Swordmaster
Sin DT pretty much gives Dante a no effort I WIN button
Dantes Devil Arm selection is kinda lackluster
My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
Vergil cop out boss
No vergil theme remix for boss vergil

I like:
All the guns

I enjoyed it.
3>4>5 >1>2

5 would top 4 if it had turbo.
M13 is pretty much my bloody palace for now.

I'm gay for Lady's cock

Turns out his dick stutters too and that feels amazing.

He probably fucked some slut at a bar or something.


Doesn’t matt have to add you in order to PM him?

>Just don't get hit
every time

Lady is definitely gay

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Here you go.

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Yeah Ive parried him whe he dives bombs me but those summon swords he puts around me seem to just do tons of damage and I can't tell when to parry or evade.

Nico is a hands-on type who knows what she likes on-sight.

How the hell do I survive King Cerberus's ice rain? It's just deleting my entire health bar.

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Gerbera definitely feels like the most "get out of jail free" of the breakers. It doesn't do a ton of damage, but it lets you fuck off whenever you need to or throw away smaller enemies on a whim. I think I like the GP01 model since the trick-up/down ability is great for being able to vary my combos. The only problems with Gerbera are that outside of small rooms, its charged attacks aren't all that great and and it doesn't really crap out damage or extend your combos like some other arms. Gerbera is great defensively or to increase your air time, but it doesn't have as many offensive capabilities.

>that report by Nico
which report is it? Haven't touched Nico's ones
>Lady's fucked in the head real bad, isn't she
>mum's dead
>father's a nutjob that you put down when you're a teen
>spend the rest of your days murdering demons and her goal is to kill every last one
>probably saw fucked shit during those 20+ years
Makes sense

i think you could air trick at the right time to easily dodge them though i havent tested

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just spam gerbera

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Lady LITERALLY has not done anything since 3

Does the game scale style ranking to how many weapons Dante is carrying?

I was only carrying 3 and now that I threw cerberus into the mix I can't seem to get S ranks overall in encounters. specifically on mission 12 in SoS mode

I'm running Rebellion, Cerberus, Balrog, Cavalire

I guess I need to perfect royal guard on those edgy lizards if I really want high style huh

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>Lady's fucked in the head real bad, isn't she
I think you'd have to be in order to keep up with dante and trish as a normal human
This man will never surrender

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I really want them to just make a bunch of expansions for DMC5. Don't bother making DMC6 for a long time. Build on the mechanics in 5 and make some really solid content out of it. Basically The Frozen Throne/The Old Hunters/etc on steroids. Don't just make DLC for Vergil/Lady/Trish, add extra DLC campaigns for Nero/Dante/V as well. New levels, new enemies, new boss fights, new weapons. I understand that at some point they'll get diminishing returns but DMC5's mechanics are practically perfect, it just needs content that pushes them to their absolute limits.

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Are Lady and Trish playable?

If not, what are the chances they are put in as DLC?

>casually using Mega Buster, nothing special
>then the cutscenes kick in
>"I've got all the power I need RIGHT HERE!"
>Megaman warping in
Best breaker.

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Kay, I'll give it a shot later. Thanks

I would buy a DLC with this premise

Is DT Parry still a thing for Nero? I'm trying to do it, but I don't think I'm timing it right.

did he fucking reflect a fireball with gerbera

Is there a way to get the non-censored parts on PC?

Cool pasta, autismus.

Nero the best. You better accept his excistance Vergil

>old man Dante gets beaten
>Nero steps in and defeats Urizen
>new legend born
>everyone lives happily ever after so V doesn't disintegrate

This is the true ending, right?

I really like the small details that arm adds like the slide or the level intro.

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Why do people think DT Nero is stronger than Sin DT Dante/Vergil?

>stopped bothering about breakers to the point where I accidently break them or bother to never restock ever again
>just use nero's Buster arms now for anything
D-pad DT's fucking horrible when everyone else is L1/LT,
I would've been cool with Dpad being used to swap breakers, but also force a breakage

>Try Cavalier
>shit seems too slow to be viable
>Try it out in the void
>seems decent
>go into a mission
>accidentally finger slips and find out every standard move can get combo-ed into swordmaster
>check skill list, shit has timing too
>Try mission 13 bike only

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You kinda have to be to run in the same pack as Tony "My mom's dead and I killed my brother over my dad's shit" Redgrave and Trish whose entire existence is a joke by Mundus to confuse and manipulate Dante. It doesn't help that Arkham killed her mom, emotionally manipulated her into continuing his fight and buying him time (when she thought he had just died in front of her) only to come back to kick her ass, and then she had to finish him off.

Explains why she's acting kinda slutty in the game. I wouldn't be surprised she and Trish fingered each other while Dante was gone.



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how are you supposed to play V? just spam the buttons and hope for the best? I don't get it

>No vergil

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On one hand, they've said they have no planned DLC past Bloody Palace

On the other hand, the ending scene with Lady and Trish is a very VERY blatant set up for a Lady/Trish DLC.

If you can earn it, sure.

>That weird kid who picks V on M13

From what he says it seems he does, but good luck getting it out of him.

This game makes DMC4's levels look great by comparison, it's either city or hell in this game. Gets so fucking boring

>V is literally Vergil without the angst

>If not, what are the chances they are put in as DLC?

Pretty high but Vergil needs to be in first he's more important.

Is there a fucking time limit on this fight?

Because when i was doing it on SoS I got booted into the cutscene when I didn't even get hit.

So is there actually co-op in this?

Does anyone else feel like they're playing like absolute spaghetti as V but keep getting SSS rankings every fight?

Yes hello did you enjoy my air spins?

Not even worth getting his name right because it's the shittiest character possible. JOKER GONNA SPANK YOUR BUTT XDDDD SOOOO EPIC

I often get the same advice every time I ask:
Mash, read, Nightmare, smug.

trickster or royal guard

Neither are playable. But unlike Kyrie who Capcom didn't want to pay for modeling + rigging, they have a better chance in any DLC. DLC ends with Lady having morning sickness and cursing Dante who's currently in Hell. Nero and Lady and Dante's kid will tag along to free their boomer dads from Hell all while demanding Uncle Vergil pay birthday debts to Nero.

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For 2 or three missions.

Swap the controls you rube

I just used trickster to try and cross to the other side of the arena and it missed me like 90% of the time

Can I actually kill Urizen in the first time I destroy him shield?
Both times I destroyed it I got him really close to death, but he rebuilt his shield. And then he got even more aggressive

As opposed to tower or hell from 3? 4 levels looked dumb and cartoony.

I did it with Gerbera and air taunt to get up there. You can actually take a shortcut. Doing it with Punchline is pure cancer.

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Most of the variety is in the early game. The stretch of missions from around 11 to 16 look pretty similar since it's all about descending the tree. There's decent variety before and after though.

"Yeah, I lust for power, gotta be the best man I can be, you know?

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Yep, that's V. Heaven on a Landslide.

Minor correction, Nico's mom has never been to Fortuna, they met while both working for Uroboros, the company that Arius owned.
In fact, Agnus for some reason didn't want his wife and daughter to follow him to the island when he was ordered to return.

>Vergil's human side takes the form of an emo faggot

I don't get it

The tower had a lot more interesting variety in the way that it looked. Hell in this game looks like reused Monster Hunter World assets, because it probably is

What was the joke when nero was licking up the demon remains for nico but the first thing he's about to pick is a tiny yellow can? What was that? what did I miss?

just dodge

I can't believe Vergil is a hacker.

>this guy was the dude who couldn't even rev back during pre-release
>meanwhile I'm a bigger shitter than he was back then

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The summon swords can be dealt with super easily if you jump and air combo with Dante, it usually gets rid of most of them
I do it when he's divebombing, so I jump, trickster dodge and then do an air combo and most of them are gone

>This game makes DMC4's levels look great
Every stage on here is better than dmc4. I physically get sick trying to look at the forest stage on 4. There is nothing on this game as visually ugly as it.

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The best song is that sick house tune that plays when you're fighting V's boss rush.

its beginning

Or such a great shot.

Fuck I suck at Royal Guard. I keep accidentally doing the perfect block release too

What was he thinking about, Yea Forums?

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thats what i did
fucking taunt has almost no cd

>parry him perfectly the whole fight
>fuck up one RG
>50% of my health gone

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I bet you hate fun too, faggot.

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I did.

>I killed millions and attempted to kill my brother several times because mommy abandoned me (she didn't) so now I use my thirst for power so I'm not vulnerable to my emotions

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Imagine the bananas.

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Jester isn't supposed to be likable, you retard. He was intentionally written to be annoying and obnoxious.


i fucking love this theme

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80% of DMC5 is the rotten veil of mhw
At least dmc4 had diversity, at worse ill see the same shit twice . 5? I see the same shit 18 times

>That first nero combo
>All that work for only an A rank

Disable lens flare

I think it makes decent sense for V to be the way he is. Rather than being Vergil's fear, he's more aware of his limitations and backs off from fights he knows he can't win. Like in the cutscene before Nero's fight with Malphas, we see V just about shit himself when they come upon her. He acts like he's about to try and then chickens out and cowers in fear until Nero bails him out. Just like Vergil, V is painfully aware of his limitations and knows when it's not his fight.

Remap it. I have my blow up breaker button on dpad since that's the button I use least.

>Not getting SS or SSS in some fights triggers my autism
>whatever I will just go back with a checkpoint and repeat
>this fucks my S rank mission
but why

Attached: no longer crazy.png (865x570, 970K)

>that eye movement
Vergil has absolutely no clue what to say to Nero when they're not fighting.

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oh fug, Yea Forums! capcom just released an update for DMC5 that allows you to upload mp3s for a custom battle theme? whats yours?

Attached: boomer dante.jpg (1024x581, 65K)

>The tower had a lot more interesting variety in the way that it looked.

>contrarians trying to say DMC4's levels are better.
Fuck the fuck off, DMC4's campaign is utter shit, it's boring to play through, no matter what difficulty you're on.

What exactly was Vergils endgame? Like, after he got recompleted, what reason did he have to keep fucking around with the tree? If all he wanted was to fight Dante he could have done that right there in the same spot they were already in.

The time has come and so have i

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 2.17M)

>vergil is literally just Vegeta

Probably trying to remember when he had the sex that spawned Nero.

Someone please tell me how to use Gunslinger correctly, I literally only use it for Rainstorm and KA barrages every now and then

Who wouldn't be gay for Lady?

How do you get this?

>players constantly connecting with me in missions
>never see them physically
How the fuck do I find people? I'll hear voices but we're never in the same room and then the mission ends quickly.

Pubic enemy

I could see V being somewhat more comfortable dumping it on Trish since they were both slaves of Mundus for a while. I doubt they interacted much on Mallet island, but he still might feel some kind of sentimentality there. That, and she does look like his mom.

>dmc4 had diversity
Lol 4babs are the worst

>How do humans have conversations again
>My feet hurt
>I wish I was beating up Dante right now

You literally go through the game backward in DMC4 you dumb cunt.
You walk around empty areas with enemies ever so often appearing.
You got shitty puzzles that slow down the game (gyroblades).

this trigger x бью3.mp3?dl=0

I hope someone mods it so you can play whatever music you want. I'm a cuck who bought deluxe and the custom songs barely ever play when you set them.

More like "My goal in life is to become strong and prove I am the strongest"
Nothing wrong with a modest endeavor, sounds like you got some growing up to do...

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The audio in all of my cutscenes is always off by around two seconds. Is there a way to fix this?

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>That enthusiastic cheering for Dante's MJ Dance

Attached: 1545714379207.gif (250x167, 1.21M)

Throat of Glass, Never Surrender, Deathrace

>You can walk up shadow's spike thing
why is that even a thing

>Wait so you're telling me my little bro has been hanging out with these two smoking hot chicks for over 20 years and hes still a virgin?

Not only is that not an argument, it's also wrong.
DMC4 levels were bad, but they're even worse in this game. At least the DMC4 levels had variety.

so, Buster Arm becomes absolutely useless Devil Breaker after you beat the story?

>that mouth and eye movement
>that body language as a whole
he's having a big fucking think if anything.

The last act was probably just padded out so they could have the final fight on the top of the tree and split up Nero and Dante so Nero could break up the fight later.

Pictured: Dante nwfing into Hell and away from Patty's party

>licking up the demon remains for nico
The things that woman makes him do...

Attached: 1552133760510.jpg (1053x895, 121K)

>learned how to effectively switch between rg and sm
holy shit its hard not to always have an s rank

He randomly nutted in a woman he gave 0 fucks about

Of course he doesn’t know what to say, he didn’t even care or wanted him born

His theme plays constantly in every fight. If anything, his theme plays more often than any of the other three. It sounds like you might have the no music bug, as every fight should have music, no exceptions.

>go to DMC5 folder
>open dmc5config.ini
>Change Capability= DirectX12 to 11
TargetPlatform=DirectX12 to 11.

>tfw enjoying all the character variety
I know a lot of people would rather just play 20 missions as Dante, but I really love having all these different playstyles. I hope this becomes the norm for the series. I just hope the new characters are going to be a bit more fun than V

only for this lady

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Hey nogs, I got DMC5 the other day, never played a DMC game before, but I've played Bayo and other Kamiya games. Got it because I'm a massive faggot for anything Mega Man, and hadn't spent any money on games for a couple months
it's fucking great, when I'm done with it what'd be the best one to move onto next?

Attached: Niggroid.png (432x432, 337K)

Shit releases its charge without me even pressing anything but block.

It's fun

>cant set this as a battle theme

Attached: 1519589937947s.jpg (241x250, 7K)

I don't give a fuck about variety, DMC4's levels may be "varied" but they're a fucking slog to playthrough.

Okay that's enough (You)s for you
Have a last one (You)

I feel you, user. I don't have the best circulation in my bony hands, so I have to take a break every few hours or I start cramping. Dante fucking kills my fingers, but he's so fun to play. Dante has never felt so good in any DMC game. Every weapon feels good in some way and has its place. Devil Sword Dante is easily the best sword weapon in the series and I love quick switching in longer combos to pop in a few swordmaster commands before switching back.

the first 1. It's my favorite one and I bet it will be crazy to see how different it is from the latest one.


How many missions does Dante have? Been playing Nero and v for so long now

DMC1 and DMC3
DMC4 isn't really worth playing anymore when this exists, it's okay but the backtracking really hurts it

Play 1,3 and 4.
1 does show it's age given that it was basically RE with a sword, but it's still a great game. 3 is fantastic. 4 could be better but the gameplay holds up.

Only play the reboot if you can do it in the Definitive Edition, and avoid 2.


So, what about datamining? Anything new besides playable Vergil?

5 is debatably the peak of gameplay for the series, so the others might let you down. I'd say start with 3, it exceeds 5 in some aspects. after that do 1, its a rough prototype for the entire genre so it might take some getting used to the differences in how to gain Style. Then do 4, which is a half-finished game. Never touch 2 or DmC.

PSA you can parry the assassin Fury(?) attacks by spamming punch on Balrog to stagger them

holy fuck user he murdered you

Based Capcom shill having no arguments so he resorts to memes

>His response is "Why don't you shut the fuck up and get a job"

Hahahahaha that was a pretty good response

>the entirety of cavaliere
i mean, what the fuck are even the mechanics?
i've tried to read the skill list but i still don't get it
what's the feedback that i'm doing things right?
do i have to press another button but the melee one to activate that gear up thing?

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So in the history of DMC movie did they retcon 2 to come before 4 and handwave Dante leaving hell entirely

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How does end of mission Style rank division work this time? I got no deaths, S, A, and B in mission 18s arenas, and got an A rank. I've also noticed the way you get SSS in combat matters: I get more style doing it with normal weapons and styles, than I do when I use the Luce with Sin DT, despite the same style outcome.

Just unlocked Sin Devil Trigger, is this thing as gimmicky/useless as it seems? Or is it meant to be an alternative to regular DT for those who aren’t scrubs and don’t need the healing? It just seems like too much time is spent charging/activating it.

You're supposed to be switching different gears and wheels, but fuck knows how you do that. What it boils down to is usually me spamming the rad SM move and driving around

Nero is a dumb jock.

What meme graphics settings should I turn off to get perma 60 FPS on a 1060 i5 6500 combo?

>A ranked mission 8

Now I have to play it again fuck shit, I hate the Urizen fights

The red woman in 4.

God I just want to hear the official story of how a woman managed to trick this man into having sex and nutting into her.

Only for Japan.

Do we have a definite list as to what each of the 'Extra Bonus' titles mean at the score screen?

Some are obvious, but stuff like 'Earthbound', 'Sniper', 'Terminator'? No idea.

>pic unrelated

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Anyone see that mission screen with a wet lady peeking at Morrision, Danta and Trish in Nico's van

Nero really got hung up on that "dead weight" Dante said to him. He held a grudge the entire game.

Just time your next attack with when the big blue lights flash, can use either normal attack or swordmaster attack

He got like 7-8 iirc

If it glows purple, press the attack button again.

Read the book.

>Wasn't I pursuing power ?
>What happened with that ?

Vergil's an incel, it was probably rape

I think Matt confirmed 2 is before 4.

If Vergil truly wanted to become strong he would have worked with Dante and sparred instead of picking on small fry that he could have easily beaten. That's the whole point of the ending where they're sparring while simultaneously kicking demon ass.

Up to that point, Vergil was stuck reliving through endless mental trauma. His childhood ptsd, his mind break from Mundus, etc. his thirst for power were surrogates to escape from his emotions.

He took it out on Dante because Dante was saved by Eva and Vergil felt discarded. That's Vergil's entire character arc.

He was an angsty brat that needed his ass kicked by his own son before he got his shit together. Now he's actually becoming stronger with his twin brother with endless sparring and kicking demon ass.

What about it?

I just use it to run over enemies and do donuts with SM.

Yes 2 takes place before 4 now.

The explanation for Dante leaving Hell is now in the Before the Nightmare novel.

Basically a portal opened up for him at some point in his wandering, which turns out to be caused by a stray fragment of Yamato that Angus didn't get a hold of

>tfw considering dropping 60 bucks on a PS4 controller just so I can claw for Dante
Is it worth it? This is legit the only game that makes me feel like I need a DS4 over a 360 pad

My toaster is pushing it on DMC4SE, does it have a chance in hell of running DMC5?

heres one without anyone else in a van except for nico behind the wheel

its when the grils are waiting after chapter 13

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I never used rg before but it’s so fun in 5, now I just have to figure out balrog. Also is there any difference between sparda and rebellion?

>as said by a retard who prefers DMC4's levels over DMC5
>The same levels which have
>The fucking box puzzle
>awful generic looking jungle
>Generic looking castle
>Most of the time you are wandering in these areas, waiting for fights to happen
>Those shitty laser rooms you have to avoid
>The jungle enemies
DMC4 would be thrash without a bloody palace.

fuck its supposed to be coop? i only played the cracked version and was wondering why the mission was such a fucking mess

DMC4 had a dozen of red women, it's a generic people from the crowd model.

What did Nico do to Lady while she was out cold and Nero was fighting demons?

He's looking at the cut in his glove.

Do you really think it will be that interesting of a story?

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Guys, is Vergil smart or is he stupid and just strong?

yeah its the only mission in the game where you can have all 3 in the same room as live co-op partners.

>equip Swordmaster
>press B/O
>win every battle with SSS

>You will NEVER say something that will keep someone assmad for a solid month

Attached: 1552155377241.jpg (390x398, 135K)



Probably Kalina Ann 2.

Dante keeps calling him a dumbass

>doesn't have Credo recolor because didn't pre order
fuck me.

How to farm orbs faster? I heard that mission 13 with Faust level 3 does give you a shit ton of them.

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Is she waiting for Nico to join her?

I thought you said you weren't giving me any more responses, simpleton

>world is literally ending
>people are dying
>can't get over being called dead weight the whole game
He was literally seething

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DMC5's level design is a HUGE improvement over 4. No shitty gimmicks (even the handful of platforming is relatively tame), more secrets, optional fights, generally better pacing, etc.

I do think DMC5's levels THEMATICALLY are fairly mediocre, but gameplay wise they're way better. And 4's environments were generic as fuck for the most part, fairly arbitrary town/castle/forest shit. I would love something with DMC5's gameplay that takes place in a single interconnected locale but that will probably never happen.

Vergil is smart when he doesn't become focused on absolute power. Once the word power clicks in his mind he goes full blown autistic.


5 more or less confirms that the man is running on instinct and actual power high. Is he smart? Well he got tricked by Arkham so probably not.

>They really did make 2 take place before 4
Nice, it was the worst part of the chronology that 2 took place at the end of the games

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You assfuck everything in that form and get sss for nothing

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>no kyrie model
did no one have a big enough ass to model?

ARHH Vietnam flashbacks.

Attached: Shadow.jpg (300x220, 7K)

He takes after his dad who he held a grudge since he was a little boy because he wasn't mommy's favourite

He's an English major, king of the brainlets.

Book smart, maybe. Just not street smart.

Basically this

Attached: 1552225085250.png (638x824, 225K)

it's possible, but it isn't just disabling lens flare

Absolutely agree. The gameplay feels incredibly polished. Turbo would be nice, but that would require time and I'm sure it will come eventually anyway. New mission campaigns and shit would be great.

At work right now. Can someone shoop this as vergil?

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How does the co-op work?
Is it all recordings or is any of it live?
I got Pat from 2 best friends starring in one of my missions yesterday and it was kind of amusing

this is pretty accurate

He's is the son of fucking POWER, of course he would be fuming, during the game he shows various traits from Vergil's personality.

get the lucia dt from dmc2 and it shits on everything its not even funny, you just hold left trigger and everything melts

He literally told Dante that he was too weak from fighting all day and to come back when he was stronger.

DMC5 also has no levels that make you backtrack for no fucking reason like it did when you played with Dante in the forest where those fog gates would just take you back over and over.


>turbo autist super sperg busted a nut
of course

Step 1: farm 500k orbs to get Dr. Fausts level 4
Step 2: do mission 13, get to the divinity statue
Step 3: drop down, Gunslinger Faust and do LB and ***Neutral*** B until no enemies remain.
Step 4: reload checkpoint, rinse repeat

Dante lives in peoples head rent free. Just like daddy.

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Dante and Vergil can break out of hell with the Yamato at any time but Vergil's autism consumes him.

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Can't wait for them to find new insane ways to use all of Dante's different summoned swords

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>womb tattoo
based itsuno

Attached: awww.jpg (1653x1064, 432K)

I hope the battle themes get expanded on in an update. I want to use any theme, even if they arent dynamic.

I can't deal with it any more, anons
I can't just sit here and pretend trish's new face doesn't look fuckin weird

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>how fast can I fill this van with invisible dimension slashes?

He thought the best way to get power was to create big trees.

The novel actually explains why this hurt hit hard. It’s explained that Nero sees Dante as an idol/father figure, who he massively respects. Sofor his father figure to say that to him really makes him feel worthless

Using a revive drops your style by a 0.9 multiplier
Restarting from a checkpoint doesn't give you any multiplier
Restarting the whole mission and clearing it 'first time' gives your final style a 1.2 multiplier


Cutscenes were fucking boring and nothing cool ever happened. Fighting choreography doesn't exist in this game.
Realistic graphics were a mistake.

>Did no one have a big enough ass to model.
Correct, and so they gracefully bowed out rather than make an imperfect Kyrie. We should be grateful.

>sobbing hysterically in the middle of a library

Attached: eh.png (340x427, 274K)

That fan theory that Vergil wanted more power because he blamed himself for not being able to protect his mother really got blown the fuck out. All the people that pretended that Vergil's motivations went beyond some petty shit got blown the fuck out. Vergil is just a mere autist and it's good that way.

She just looks like she got older. but the weird thing is that she SHOULDN'T be able to get older. she just looks odd is all.

I literally cant decide between rebellion and DSD

Attached: D0wV2E_XcAU1xam.jpg (1152x628, 38K)

Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang
Bang bang bang....

Attached: 1552131473427.jpg (647x637, 142K)

>why do i even wait here for?
>ah yes, bloody palace

I still hate that it's "keer-ee-ay" instead of "ki-ree".

You sure? That's how I got it uncensored

Balrog's punch mode allows you to parry everything, it's just too fucking fast and I love it

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>You listen, Dead Weight



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>Using a revive drops your style by a 0.9 multiplier
Only? That seems like barely anything at all, honestly.

>was it that blonde?
>wait, what the shit this can't be right we barely held hands
>did I have drunken sex that one other time...?

I like milf trish :3

Unga Nero is the best thing about his model.

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>one of Vergil's nightmares is a shit hawk

Break Away is technically the most fitting for the D-pad, since it swaps styles on Dante, and Break Away is one of the only ways you can swap Breakers, so in both cases, the D-pad swaps "styles"

What is Vergil’s obsession with creating massive towers and trees that end humanity?

She seems a little emotionally sensitive. She gets a little tear-eyed sounding at the mention of Nero fighting his dad.

Ignore any combos posted in the Void

yep, tried it yesterday
I managed to do it by using a different dmc5config gile


(Same nig from )
Thanks fellas, I'll probably end up getting the HD collection or something, just so I get a good slice of it, also I was wondering, I've heard DMC:DMC isn't actually as bad as people say? like, it looks like shit still, but apparently the gameplay's just fine, no clue on it, just was wondering

it's powerful neungh

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How did Nico get this tummy tatoo of guns she has? It seems like it goes pretty low down her torso......

Hold the fuck up, what's the post-game that the trophies talk about?

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I'm honestly not sure, it feels like it's all ghost data since no one ever reacts to my presence, but I've seen webms of players interacting.

Why was the trish demon so bootyblasted over sparda?

That's just JYB's long anime history and proper pronunciation showing.

He's probably more like Nero when we give him credit for. He can be witty and he's got book smarts, but he's easily duped and relies on his skill with a sword more than his head. He's probably a big dumb jock who happens to like poetry and reading.

There is no reason not to use DSD

Did this for three hours last night and I’ve got everything unlocked except for the Dante move that requires you to beat Son of Sparda. Easy peasy

>played the demo last night
>bought the game today
>30k red orbs have been deposited to your account
>start the fucking game on mission 2 with over half of the red queen moveset, two devil bringer slots, a blue rose upgrade, etc.
why the fuck did they think this was a good idea

Attached: 1540928783958.jpg (1076x743, 129K)

>loses to dante everytime
>loses to mundus
>loses to his own son
He's a cuck

In the fight Dante vs Vergil
>I don't care about my son
After that fight
>Nero is my son?
Really doesn't make any sense.

The reboot definitive edition is a fun action game with really interesting level design, people got mad because of vanilla and some reddit drama

Its the best western Character Action game, but that really isn't saying much. Its aggressively mid.

So who’s the strongest out of Nero Dante and Vergil now?

Urizen putting Dante in a coma made me mad

Honestly she just needs a better haircut and a slightly tweaked nose.

>I have a son?
>I have a son...

There were a few moves I tried parrying with it and didn't work, I couldn't tell if it's because you need more damage to break a certain threshold or if it's a timing thingy, every time I used punch against the sonic the hedgehog spin move attack they'd just bounce back rather than fall and stagger

He wasn't, had you paid attention you'd notice he was given orders by Malphas to retrieve the sword.

>2 days since release
>not playing with Turbo Mode
No excuse now.

>two smoking hot chicks

Attached: Vergil_win_quote_Trish.jpg (1366x768, 173K)

DT gives you i-frames when you activate it.

When does that scene happen?


Attached: Motivated.gif (624x335, 2.55M)

Power, user.

The worst part of each game is waiting to get your move set. Also there are three characters and you don't get refunded orbs when you switch between them.

>button mash like crazy as dante just switching between trick and sword trying not to stay in one place for too long
>SSS 50% of the time

If you care so much about your faggot twink why don't go twitter and ask Itsuno if V could comeback or he was just one time thing?

Even with 130k starting red orbs there ain't enough kesh to buy what you want.

Is there a single movie in video games that is as satisfying as Real Impact? The hit stop makes me cum every single time

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>playful banter from uncle o nephew makes him mad for an entire game

Yeah, he's Vergil's son alright.

Attached: 1552203328826.jpg (1024x991, 122K)

He clearly wasn't thinking straight, he was just tryin' to whoops some ass.
You've never been focused on something and not caught something someone said, or merely tossed it in the back of your mind because "NOT IMPORTANT"

30k is not a lot and Nero actually feels very limited even with half his moveset unlocked. Nero feels limited till post game.

This is the funniest picture I've seen in a long time. I don't know why it's making me laugh so hard.


idk what you're trying to say, you won't even have full movesets for all 3 until probably the end of SoS

I think Sparda might do more damage. Not sure, but it certainly felt like it.
Also Balrog is fun as fuck. Just use blow mode until you fire up and then initiate infinite kicking. Swordmaster gets crazy as fuck with it. Balrog feels stupid strong. Easily my favorite fist weapon in the series.

dante threw the fight to add to the drama because he knows beating the villain in the first act isn't cool
plus he needed a nap
drank too much pop

Yeah they were pretty lenient about it, i guess trying to encourage people to use as many as they can so they can buy more

>Dante & Vergil have to hitchhike a ride in hell by doing your pic related
>Dante uses the Faust hat
>Vergil rattles with Summoned Swords

I know how you feel. I can't run it either on this 8 year old laptop but I paid 2000 dollars for it back then so it's just gay because I thought it might last longer.

Vergil is cute

Did Itsuno manage to exceed expectations, Yea Forums?

how corn didn't pop?

There's one with Trish too.

Attached: Trish_Shower.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

i actually think the normal speed is just fine til turbo gets officially added

I got the 100k orbs from the deluxe edition and told myself I would not use them until the end of my first playthrough.

I gave up once I got to Dante, there was just so much fucking good shit to unlock.

>people say she doesn't have feelings for Dante
>"Why does she call herself Lady?"
>been calling herself Lady for 20+ years because Dante called her that once

Vergil is in denial over wanting mommygf, thats why he will never beat dante

Attached: 62E3CCB2-A2D8-4F9D-B7E9-25E345B4BB9F.jpg (584x368, 40K)

Yeah, poor Lady and Trish are going to be on Morrison's "mission" for a while

In the main menu van

How did Nero know that soldier had a crew cut?

It’s one of the main menu backgrounds

Fun fact: if you use hat trick you cut down farming time by 1/3.

I win button


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Could sparda use summoned swords?
At this point his family can in various ways. Makes you wonder about how his would work if sparda isn't just another dante skin

he looks like clancy brown

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>bought the deluxe edition
how do i change my battle music and announcer? i dont see a jukebox in the van i can interact with before i start a mission.

Attached: drilldo.jpg (2048x1152, 180K)

Needs an edit with the style meter going up

Attached: BANG BANG BANG.webm (900x506, 2M)

I've never minded normal speed. People who say it's "slow" are crazy, obviously it's literally slower than turbo but in the grand scheme of video games DMC on normal speed is pretty fast.

jukebox is on the title screen

Obviously Dante but the ending heavily implies they are getting equal which may imply that Vergil's human side is starting to grow.

god using all the weapons you have feel so good and satisfying in this game, balrog is so fun in the air

>no family dinner
>no vergil JUDGEMENT CUT'd food for everyone


That's how we know Itsuno faps to Alina Li
>just noticed how comically bad her tattoo is

Attached: 13dee36f6045622ca746a33a07fd37db.jpg (620x930, 55K)

Which one, "I'll be damned"?
Beat the prologue.

Does it at least drop you everytime you revive?

Dance Macabre is alright

Does Sweet Surrender actually do anything? You have to finish the game first

We've only see Vergil when he was on his "muh, power" crusades or as a puppet of Mundus.

Turns out he was a poetry dork as a kid before the whole family dying trauma.

Foolishness Dante, foolishness.

Attached: YagE0E7.png (607x808, 840K)

No, A New Job

A cutscene with Lady and Trish I dunno the conditions for getting it, probably kill all the enemies as Dante before it ends.

No, because him saying it would exceed expectations made my expectations go up a fuckton. It still met my expectations though.

Is this an attempt at a black’d shitpost

>lock framerate to 60
>for some reason the entire game starts running at 50% speed

Attached: 1552127189405.jpg (636x564, 43K)

Morrison says she's absolutely stunning and capcom couldn't create a woman that beautiful in re engine.

No but I have this

Attached: vergil smug.png (427x327, 127K)

this tbqhwyf
Literally just make her nose straighter/less hooked and a bit smaller, give her Eva's hair and maybe a little bit of lipstick (kinda like what Lady has in her alt costume) and she'd be fine.

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I use Balrog/Cav/Faust as my three main weapons with a little Sparda mixed in between them. Switching between trickster to weave in and out of enemies and then going in with Blow Mode, hitting that swordstyle stance and switching to Kick mode and breakdancing on fags with max style feels great. Then you mix the hat in after launches and randomly grind on kids with Cav... Dante is too fun in this game. Makes me dread playing as Nero and V honestly, they're so boring in comparison

It heals you when you activate it, either a slow heal or a fast heal when you break it.

So basically worthless

i pressed it once and it healed me when active

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KEK, someone do this shit.

Get a gf who looks at you like Lady looks at Nico

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Secret ending Nero.

>Local confused japanese salaryman is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY
Keep on rocking Itsuno

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that fake vergil theme user posted is pretty gud

Reference to DMC1 where you could do that to enemy shadows to finish them off quickly.

Also could possibly have some decent set ups.

The look in her eyes, you just KNOW they banged

I think no one expected a completely traditional DMC game so he exceeded expectations in that regard. Was there something in the game that truly exceeded expectations? Except for the character development Vergil got trough V, not really. I guess Dante plays even better than expected but they promised too much with V's gameplay which eventually is worse than expected. The multiplayer is also quite worthless at the moment.

We will see with bloody palace and the vergil dlc how much they can continue to improve the game. Personally I would love more options in the void menu like seeing damage for every single attack you, total damage is quite a worthless stat.

I don't exactly understand what the "photos of dying enemies" or whatever it's called that unlocked at the end of the game is.

Is this the latest meme pairing?

Royal Release

both brothers are massive retards

So is Sparda still alive or is that just demons and people thinking Dante is Sparda? Also is there any costumes or modes like permanent DT or SDT and can you make Dante look like his father again?

Sparda didn't have summoned swords, the swords summoned HIM.

I swear this Urizen form really looks like its supposed to be Balrog. Acts the same, looks the same, the whole works

I'm still mad we didn't get a balrog fight. Could have been the next A&R

Nero no, think of Kyrie

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glad im not the only one who noticed how wet Nico gets for Lady

I'm not sure, I only used a max of one per mission thrice I'm still so ashamed of that, and each time it was 0.9
Maybe if you use 2 it goes down, I'm not sure

>Y'all just gonna trickster dash by without saying howdy?

I think it's one of the unlockable post-credit scenes.

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SDT is Dante becoming stronger then Sparda

I don't really get how all those devils can be alive although they are weapons in the previous games. Personally would have loved to fight Pandora.

Has anyone unlocked the super taunt? Is it the meme dance?

>This is how Sparda hitchhiked to get out of the demon world

Dance Macabre can't keep up with all the new crazy shit, unfortunately. They should've upgraded it.

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Here's how I play:
>Griffon on L2
>You should never have L2 unpressed for longer than two seconds
>Shadow is the one you're styling with, directional inputs, pause combos, etc.
>Charge moves like Hedgehog are great, alternate how you're using them. Shadow should cover a charging Griffon and vice versa
>You should be reading all the time
>Side dodges trump back dodges. Your thumb has to stop using Shadow to dodge, don't lose use of Griffon by back dodging, instead, use Shadow to dodge
>As long as there isn't two enemies left, you should be activating Nightmare as soon as possible
>Promotion is neat but you should just let Nightmare do his thing. I haven't found much use for Promotion moves, he moves so slow. If anyone has tips for that I'm happy to hear them.
>Taunt as per usual
>Don't go too far back, your summons will lose health faster if you're far and if they warp to you they'll be far.

It really is the secret. Just TRICKSWORD your way to victory while occasionally switching to Gunslinger for a Rainstorm or Gunstinger (the latter just feels great).

>V cycles through 3 different poems
Epic. I'm already sick of hearing them.

Careful pointing this out, theres an autist around here who wont stand for such comparisons

He does. He thinks about her all the time.

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REALISTICALLY what are the chances Nico is a 100% pure virgin???

nico varies from la goblina to cute tier

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Super Deep Throat?


We're not sure. Considering that Dante, Vergil and Nero can pull it off. As well as the Angelos who were imitating him like Credo I'd think he did.

The Sparda sword in DMC1 I remember had a massively sized laser blade at least when DTed IIRC.

I think Nero actually takes after him strongly.
Because DMC1's sparda DT summoned Astral dragons and Nero's just summoning Astral wings/arms.

I don't know what my expectations were. I'd say the game did almost everything I wanted it to do. The combat is amazing and all three characters are really distinct and fun to use. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed by the story though. V getting erased from the game was a shame, and it felt like the plot was only just getting started with Vergil's revival. There's nothing wrong with a Vergil fight but there should have been some grander antagonist that everyone had to team up against. I was expecting Mundus. Maybe the DLC will deliver.

Though if I'm being frank, DMC5's story is still second best (behind 3 obviously), that's how little I care for 1/2/4's stories.