What's the last EA game you actually enjoyed?

What's the last EA game you actually enjoyed?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>10 years ago

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>a few weeks ago

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ME3, but 4 years later when I replayed all of them in a row

dungeon keeper

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That Quidditch worldcup game on the ds or was it gameboy? I still don't understand how that game turned out a 10/10.

dead space 1 came out 10 years ago

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Post posting these threads that start with pictures from reddit

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>reminder that it was EA that took down Zynga's IP rebranding theft
>reminder that it was EA that took down California's attempt to censor video games in the US
they might be evil, but they keep other evil people at bay

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it was honestly pretty decent up until the ending

Madden NFL 2003
"He was waiting for something to develop, then wham! He got developed!"


Battlefront 2 isn't too bad these days. Anakin is OP as fuck though and I wish you could filter maps.

what's wrong with it?

After this you bash EA even harder than you were going to.

I mean it's a battleroyale free to play made by EA.
It's hard not to be cancer when your core being consists of it.
F Titanfall devs.

It's popular.

For as long as EA has been around, I can't think of a single game i've played that was developed by them. I never played the Strike series, never played sports games, never played KoTOR, Dead space or Mass effect. I don't think I ever enjoyed EA games.

KOTOR wasn't made by EA

Dismissing a entire genre cause you don't like it is a weak argument

Titanfall 3 died so that game could live. Fuck EA


Man I wish someone would make another arcade Snowboard game, I wanted to like steep so bad but its so fucking dull compared to the old SSX games.

titanfall 2
>bringing Dead Space 1
what about Dead Space 3, stupid artist

I'm totally ok with the game and this shitshtorm just an incels rage


I wonder sometimes what it is like to go into say, fighting game threads, just to post you hate the entire genre. I think he knows that feel.

this or Mass effect 2

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The PS3 SSX was really fun. I still play it pretty often.

honestly battlefield is still an OK series

Yea Forums does this constantly and I'm willing to bet you do it too

I got KoTOR and TORtanic mixed up. You're right.

I had to look at a list to realize I had forgotten about my favorite wrestling game. Def Jam Fight for NY was a god damn masterpiece.

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sims 3

>the PS3 SSX came out 7 years ago

we need some new shit user.

I have mixed feelings about Anakin. People need to give it time to adapt, but I know deep down his power stems from how versatile all FOUR (4) of his moves are. All of them are applicable to HvV and GA, and they’re all really good at what they do.

They could nerf him into oblivion but it wouldn’t change a thing. I don’t think they should, to be honest. I just think once Anakin-mania dies down we won’t have him shitting down our throats 24/7, in every match, all the time.

BF2142 is the last EA game that actually got me excited playing

God awful character designs/art style
Gay shit shoved into the lore
Free to play format with in game currency (b-but cosmetics only doesnt negate this, especially when you can buy characters)
Everyone is a bullet sponge, half the weapons suck
It's a cheap cash in on a meme genre
It encourages people to not talk
Titanfall and any hope for something new or unique died for it.

I enjoyed ME3 multiplayer and SWTOR single player.

Probably Mass Effect 2. That’s the last EA a game I can recall even playing. It was pretty good. Did some things worse than 1 but it did some things better. Didn’t even play ME3 after I started hearing feedback about it.

The Saboteur, I did play it last year or so though


Defending it because you like it is just as bad

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Dead Space 2

If you kill him you'll be just like him!

People die quickly for me. Have you tried aiming?

why is this artist so cringy

This before the killed the franchise.
Tried to play ME Andromeda but the game doesn't run well on my rig and Apex is boring.

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I kinda just wish there was an option to play without heroes.

I'm gonna need some citations buddy

Apex needs a lot of work but I've been enjoting it, and previous to that was Dead Space 3 which I enjoyed as a shooter but hated as a DS game.

>shoot someone 9x with a basic assault rifle and they're still not dead
K bud. Dat some good balance right there!

DS2 was the beginning of the end in the same way Mass Effect 2 was.
Clearly the games were both headed into the worst direction and retards like you ate it up

Being a bullet sponge implies the bullets actually hit them, maybe try a but harder with your smart ass comments next time?

the sims

>it's only an EA game on a technicality because they bought Westwood during development
>Yuri's Revenge aside, everything else was distinctly EA flavoured and thus garbage
>EA then proceeds to kill Westwood

>the two characters you can currently purchase are bottom tier, literally two of the worst three in the game
>TTK is sub 2 seconds for most every weapon, aim
>a cheap cash in that is better than the rest of the games in the genre

>It encourages people to not talk
Dude what, good communication is fucking vital in apex

Dead space >>>> 2

Epic comeback bro

>retards like you ate it up
how so? I just played it for the single player campaign and it's a great game
do you think I supported them after they turned DS into a cover shooter?

I enjoyed a bit of Sims 4, but that's because I pirated it.
The amount of money EA asks for the game and all its trillion expansions is ridiculous.

and I would forget the fucking image

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Fucking this.
DS2 was the death of the franchise and I'll never get why retards rate it higher than 1, the plot, atmosphere and almost every chapter is inferior in every way.

Actually the studio already confirmed more titanfall.

This wasn't a westwood game- was made by the same people that did Generals, supervised by WW.

So 2.5 seconds to kill someone with an AR with end game shields? Wow, that's so loooong. -_-
Then why do enemies die quickly for me?


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titanfall 2

No its not. cause they at least have a reason for liking it, while not playing a game cause you don't like a genre is not a good reason

Man. I love that game.

Online gaming has had a no mic problem for as long as its existed, but the ping system in this is just complex enough to make people who might usually use a mic not want to talk, yet it is also still way too limited for a fps. Plus it can easily be abused by spamming shit.

Burnout 3

the whole mid 2000's was peak of EA


I'm a casual so FIFA games, but ignoring those it'd be Battlefield 4.

Titanfall 3 died because of shit marketing with the last game

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

Don't bother remaking it because I'm not interested in a dumbed down game-plays-itself MTX simulator.

NFS Underground

While it was more action oriented and a departure from a lot of things that made the first so memorable it was still an enjoyable game. The devs even gave quotes about it being their take on Resident Evil 4's gameplay. I would have never foresaw an online mode being shoehorned in.

Yeah I suppose you have a point.
Speaking of respawn and microphones why do people so rarely use mic in tf2. is it just because the game is so fast any tactical information becomes quickly outdated.

Nah the only reason I play is to be a cool guy Jedi and style on people.

I hear it's got very poor class balance, is yet another goddamn matchmaking team-based game and those always breed cancer, and runs at a tickrate of 20.

Because EA tanked it on purpose, because they wanted a cheap BR studio, and Respawn fit that requirement after two mediocre titles

Dead Space 2

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>Mirrors edge was 10 fucking years ago
No, I refuse to believe that. It came out like 4 years ago r-right?

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Battle for Middle-Earth was EA, right? If not then Return of the King on PC.

multiplayer was fun




I genuinely believe EA used to be one of the best devs in the buisness and it's really sad to see how they've become in the modern era. They were probably the best US based dev once upon a time and the guys to beat.

Baldur's Gate.

Pretty much this

>My face when this was during the Mass PS3 hackings here and got it for free anyway.

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EA isn't a developer they're a publisher, you're probably thinking of the games Origin Systems made.



"A Way out".
I can't believe it has been so long since I last played a game start to end with a friend.

i'm still sad they threw out actual level deisgn for the open world meme in the sequel
nice trips btw

must be why snoy is pushing their censorship so hard now right


I may have played some of theirs in the time since, but the last EA game I bought at release was Mass Effect 2.
I'm not even particularly smug about it. I would like to live in the timeline where EA still made games I want to play.

Andromeda bizarrely enough the shooting was fun and I enjoyed the world exploran

I'd be glad to see the franchise die like Dead Space did. They were the only EA games I liked.

Probably Mass Effect 3. The game has a million flaws and the worst ending in the history of entertainment but it also has some of the highest highs in the whole franchise so I DID enjoy it. That Tuchanka mission was fucking incredible and the combat is still the best in the franchise (I haven't played Andromeda though).

I haven't played a single EA game since then. Looking at their lineup, I don't think I'm missing anything.

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Skate 3

Bought SimCity 4 Deluxe since I knew I would be travelling and I love to play it on the go.

They used to develop games in the 90's like Jungle Strike and the original Need for Speed.

Anthem and Apex

Titanfall2 was alright.
I genuinely believe you are fucking retarded. EA is a publisher, and always was god danm cancer since back in the 1990 when they already were buying and dismantling studios just so the competition wouldn't have them.

>Developer: High Score Productions
Granite Bay Software

Fuck, I always thought they did that one in house. Were all their old 80's DOS games only published too?

>currently a sale on origin
>was in the mood for a mindless shootan
>Battlefield 4 for 5 euros alright
>buy it
>boot it up
>can hardly join any servers because missing expansion packs
>check store for dlc
>it costs around 60-70 euros for everything

Sasuga ea.

They gave them for free for months, I dunno if they still are.

I played NHL 19 last week at a friends house, used to hate sports games but it's actually really fucking fun if you have friends to play with and you at least try to understand the rules. Other than that A Way Out was great with a friend too. EA has some really terrible business practices but it's not like any game they publish is automatically bad.

That offer ended
>give it away free earlier
>anyone who wants to get into the game after the fact HAS to stump up because everyone else got it free


If we ignore the random fluke that is Apex.

Last game I enjoyed really enjoyed was Dragon Age 1.

I'm old very old. I remember when seeing the EA logo was a mark of quality.

Let's start with 1989 when I got my first DOS PC. Some games that had the EA logo that I remembr well.

LHX Attack Helicopter
Centurion: Defender of Rome
Populous 2
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
SimCity 2000
Jungle Strike
Urban Strike
Road Rash
Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet 2
FIFA Soccer 96
Extreme Pinball
Soviet Strike
Wing Commander IV
Need for Speed
Syndicate Wars
I know it's hard to imagine but soccer games back then were fucking amazing and each had something new!
1997 - This is where the real memories start for me of simply amazing EA games
Ultima Online
Theme Hospital
Nuclear Strike
Need for Speed II
Fifa 98 RTWC
KKND: Krush, Kill 'N' Destroy
Dungeon Keeper
Populous: The Beginning
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit
Dune 2000
System Shock 2
SimCity 3000
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Need for Speed: High Stakes
Medal of Honor
FIFA 2000
F-22 Lightning 3
Dungeon Keeper 2
The Sims
SimCity 3000 Unlimited
Shogun: Total War
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed - Hated this one
Medal of Honor: Underground
FIFA 2001
Delta Force: Land Warrior
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

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Apex legends, but only because it fucked epic in the asshole

BF4, but if I bought Titanfall 2, I'd probably mention it instead.

PvZ Garden Warfare

daily reminder that DK mobile exists

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Battlefront 2017 is pretty fun

the "EA bad" meme is total normie shit now. It's not like Valve, Capcom, Nintendo, Sony, MS, Ubisoft etc. are better

Anakin was fucking awful but the game is playable again after the hotfix

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Is this the only good game they put out in the last 10 years?

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>Low ttk makes a game balanced

how about dismissing an entire genre because it literally causes brain damage

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A Way Out was pretty kino. Pretty ballsy making a game require co OP and the way local splutscreen used all kinds of cool cinematography and constantly changed the screen size was at least something I've never seen before.

Battlefield 3
Parts of it atleast

Titanfall 2 and Apex. Before that probably Battlefield 4.

>this triggers the incel

3v3 is kino

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Apex Legends yesterday

I played the whole Dead Space franchise for the first time last summer. Was pretty cool.

yeah, their sports games are fun... but they basically the same shit every year, not even updated graphics

Its only fun when its actually stable which is never

or just pay for ea access, I think you get the complete edition that way and is like 5 burgers


Spore when I didn't know what EA did to it.

The last game non-EA game I enjoyed was Momodora.

>1 result
BASED user!

It was hot garbage - the other snowboarders were literally time trial ghosts

Titanfall 2. I bought it for £4 off PSN a couple days ago. The single player is fun.

Sims 4 and Apex Legends


Populous 1