What magic type do you usually go for in video games

What magic type do you usually go for in video games
I like Light. Ether is also cool if the game has it

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Dark, I love edgy stuff, plus often it also let's you be a necromancer

a nice boney boi

>mana as a magic type
lol what game does this?
dark and water for me

I assume it is probably like arcane
since light would probably be holy

Water, always

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Autism. But at least you're not calling them elements.
Name 1 game.

Air or light, better if both as one school

I'm not gonna name any

bingus: the reckoning

I go dark because characters who use dark magic tend to be just like me, intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

fire, burn it all.


Lightning/Air is the patrician choice

>No Lightning
>Mana, not Arcane

The fuck is this stupid shit? Anyway, lightning, water, arcane, chaos.

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Light, water, and non-elemental are always my go to choices.

>chooses chaos

The ONLY real types are fire, wind, water and earth. Anything else is pretender special snowflake shit like the people who say 'I'm a spellacrobat!' in character class threads

I'm assuming this is mean to be arcane from an earlier post

Basically telekenetic and telepathic stuff right?

What powers does this entail? See this type all the time, nobody ever really has anything concrete about it from what I've seen

>No Lightning/Thunder/Electricity element
ONE job

>No Ice/Nature/to a lesser extent Sand/Holy/Unholy elements
EASILY could improve these choices my dude.

I associate ether as the opposite of time magic
so something like space magic

How is chaos an element? Honest question

Good base elements but too hipster to limit yourself to the big four in this day and age.

But what is space magic? And how is space opposite of time? Not trying to be nit picky, I'm just trying to understand I guess what you would say would be the "tertiary" elements.

I said ''something like'' aka i'm not entirely sure


>What powers does this entail?
Aether is the classical "fifth element" so people feel obligated to include it alongside Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. Don't expect anyone to have put much thought into how it fits into the magical powers given to characters in a fantasy setting. It's there only for completeness — which is kind of ridiculous, considering that the "elements" theme is immediately derailed by autistic shit like "light" and "dark" anyway.

Tales of Maj'eyal. Give some one a nightmare and then invade his mind to terrorize him in his dream.

Fire, I'm a basic bitch but I've loved fire as an element since I was a kid.


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Persona 5 lol

I'm not really looking for how it "fits" per say, but just what are the actual powers associated with "ether". So far there's nothing really tangible associated with it other than a name compared to the rest of the elements listed in this thread. If it's just energy than you could easily fit it into Arcane, which really is just normal/null type magic. Otherwise I'm definitely interested in knowing what it actually is apart from "something" you know?

Sword is NOT a magic type.
You're thinking of Metal, encompassing all "weapon" magic.

Aether for the aesthetic

Maybe cosmic type energy

Anything but earth. I wipe my fucking ass with earth mages.

Yeah, I get that, I'm just saying nobody has a good answer because it's only included because "durr it's an element too".


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It's usually alien magic/energy, as in something from another world or plane.

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>posting an anime character with some kind of energy sword who isn't Kuwabara
what's the point of even doing this?

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>no electric
Get this gay shit outta my face

>sword is not an element in his magic system
I bet you can't even Imaginary Numbers.

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Time if possible.
Otherwise Darkness.
If neither, Light.
If none of those, Fire.

how the fuck do you win a fight with (-1)^0.5

that's like saying ''what class are you'' and the person says ''gun''
I love it

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Psy. Psychics can do some cool shit and it almost always underutilized or misused entirely. feels bad

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>water mage
>half their skills are healing

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Here's your elements bro, better make the make the gameplay make sense of it.

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oh hell yeah

this is all sorts of fucked up for magic. you already fucked up nigger. its either:




>Elements chart
>etc etc etc

I mean that begs the question of what is cosmic energy haha. Like every other thing has something either tangible (like fire is well... fire) or a concept people get (light being either visible light or holy light) but this is just one derivative after another.

Gotcha gotcha I see where you're coming from now

Same response as the first dude, just more derivative stuff without actual "here's what it is/how it works" haha

lightning, looks fucking cool

>Dbl Star

Might have missed one or two but really how are any of these actual elements?

why can't cosmic be tangible
what is the force that is behind fire

With me it depends on how Dark looks. If it's a bunch of plague shit, purple shit or red shit I don't like it. It has to be blobs of black shit, which is why I like how DaS dark spells look.
They really fucked it up in II and III by making it purple. Dark Weapon would like a million times better if it made your weapon black with a white aura like humanity.

>want to pick ice/water
>its never destructive and usually only healing/debuffs

Light > Lightning > Dark > Fire > Water/Ice > Nature

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>here's what it is/how it works
We're talking about magic though.
Why is shooting fireballs from your hands fine but channeling energy from another plane isn't?

Because That's an obligatory image for elemental threads because it's fucking retarded and clearly made by a Kingdom Hearts autist from DA
But I like it mainly because to make an an actual game with that many elements that wouldn't be needlessly bloated would be a fun challenge.

I get what you're coming from but you should clean up your explanation
>ether is weird, people can only describe it as being ether
>fire is fire btw ''(like fire is well... fire)''

That's why they divided healing between Piers and Jenna in II

Necromancy for army of skelly bois > frost/thunder stun lock > healing magic for any melee character > illusion or mind magic for memes

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>healing magic for any melee character
my nigga

Here's an autistic user's perfect element chart.
Not too complicated, everything not shown is a combination of two or more elements. I think it should work but if you can think of something feel free to point it out.
Also feel free to remove light and dark, but I think they should be included for the fun factor.

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What about
>it's destructive
>but it's just cold magic

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not bad
I like it

I am an eternal gameplayfag so I pick the best one. All things being equal I tend to gravitate toward Light and Earth though.

Cosmic can't be tangible because there's nothing defining what cosmic magic would be. If you or anyone defines it I'll happily accept it no harm no foul. Fire is tangible because fire is fire. We can see it, experience it, and can easily imagine what a fire mage can do with it. But stuff like cosmic or ether, nobody thus far in this thread have define the qualities or characteristics of those elements and therefore can't be considered tangible until someone does.

eh.. nature isn't an element my nigger

>because fire is fire
there you go again
i'm not reading what you say anymore

hes talking about shit like 'Meteo' and 'Comet' although it was basically magic damage that was 'elementless' meaning it couldn't be guarded against. cosmic can be anything from 'astral' meaning stardust like what we're made of or asteroids/meteors. its retarded imo, not an element since meteorites can fall under the 'earth' or 'rock' element.

I have one image that can solve every single one of your questions

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t. persona fag

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>earth is just poison or defensive shit

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>What magic type do you usually go for in video games?

Time magic
Transformation magic
Ice magic

I usually like things that offer the most variety and utility.
pure DPS fireball flinging autists are mostly retards and they give a bad name to the 'scholarly wizard' archetype

Wizards are supposed to be the grandfathers of the group, the ones who have a solution for nearly any problem.

>dark cave
No prob, I got your ass *casts magelight*

Check this shit out *snaps fingers and instantly heals you*

*teleports and casts a portal*

>fast niggers approaching
hold up, *creates aoe hazards and cripples the enemy*

>giganigga approaching
alrite, let me just.. *casts 10 layers of support magic, summons a tank minion and nukes the fuck out of everything*

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Time is a cool concept but usually it's restricted to boring buffs/debuffs like haste and slow.
Not that they aren't usually really useful, but they are super boring compared to all of the shit time magic has the potential to do.

Because fire (element) is fire (release of energy). Better? You can easily tell what I'm talking about and you're just being difficult because I'm not accepting baseless assertions of elements being elements because someone wants them to be.

Absolutely is. What kind of magic do you consider it to be when someone can summon/manipulate vines/leaves/grass/etc?

All the more reason to not consider it an element thank you.

In this day age?

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What is this element called?

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He's probably trying to allocate plant-based spells away from the earth element instead of incorporating it into earth like a lot of games do. That way your earth mage is doing more shit with rocks and crystals than an assload of "roots, vines and nature power" shit.

I would call that Geomancy or just relate it under Earth because they grow from Dirt, and the Dirt is part of Earth. what game has characters that can manipulate plants as entire set of skills that falls directly under magic and not a form of geomancing?

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I've always been a down to earth kind of guy. I don't like hot heads, wet blankets are no fun, and who has time for someone with their head in the clouds?

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I regret making this thread

because actually being able to use time would shit on kids in a fantasy setting, being able to freely manipulate time on a person/area and age them so their skeleton is nothing but dust is probably a bit too god tier overpowered and could lead to some weird bad deus ex machina

yea, i get that, but ive never played ultima or any of that old timey shit. so legit, where are these plant mages ppl speak of

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Usually fire, especially if the game actually has good burning effects and lets you feel like after every fight the earth around you is scorched and burned away.

I loved that about divinity OS

>not liking plague themed magic
I just don’t know where to start.

Druids basically

>just relate it under Earth
I hope you step in a lego, you're everything that is wrong with magic systems

Earth magic is rare enough as a type in RPGs, the only one off the top of my head would be Golden Sun.

Hear me, exalted spirits.
Hear me, be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here: I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge.

I think it should be a seperate category from dark if they must have it, I generally don't like dark being blended with undeath/plague stuff. Yes it would make more sense because we can comprehend what it does to people compared to "black stuff that probably behaves like fire" but aesthetically I don't like it.

fire. woosh. things burn. pretty lights

Same fagging with 2 pepes?

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>Elemental table from Mardek
Damn, sure does bring back memories.

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That is literally the best though especially if it also has planty regen abilities

that game really breaks it down into alot of subcategories because it makes use of environments being actually part of puzzle solving, so it gets a pass indefinitely.
I think you might be retarded. is monsoon also its own element?
and there you go, a geomancer/druid. its own seperate class. thats not 'magic' in the common context that people imagine 'magic' as when your playing a videogame. list every game you've played that lets you play as a druid that isn't an MMO.

i'm not replying to myself retard. quit seething and contribute.

Fuck you and everything that you represent

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Earth magic = control over the inanimate
Nature magic = control over living organisms

>picking one
electric exploding freezing arcane ice wall

I mean with that line of thought you could put lightning under fire because they're both pure energy, or ice under water because they're both chemically the same, etc, despite the items within these pairings acting differently in both the real world and fantasy. Same goes for here, plant stuff acts different than earth stuff hence it warrants it's own element.

Monsoon is wind+water magic, you're a retard

control over living organisms is a type of manipulation, not bending/control of forces. nature magic is complete bullshit.

ok i dont watch fate
what does sword and imaginary number manipulation even mean

Earth is probably rare and made into dumb shit like that because the creators have no idea how to implement shit like Earthquake or feel like modeling rocks.

>Implying bending/control isn't the same as manipulation

well, like i said; we're talking about videogames were the precedents have been kinda ruled out for years with everyone putting their own variation on it in whichever way they choose to when dev'ing. i don't see how this is a hard concept. im not opposed to saying that fire and lightning aren't from the same source, but their not the same thing in real life dumbass. its how particles and molecules are arranged that makes something what it is/gives it form. everyone knows that lightning is technically 'fire' in an extremely concentrated manner i.e extreme temperatures in a given moment. i don't really know what you are arguing. plants ain't shit nigger.
see above dumbass. go play ToS or some shit.

they wouldn't be different words then, now would they? retard.


I hate this shit. Plant based magic is absolutely retarded. Just make it a subdivision of earth, you mongoloids.
Add lightning instead, it's different enough from fire, even though both are plasma based, and both control different aspect of reality.

Light and dark on the floor.

Creation destruction

Spring and fall


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people argue that Wind/Air is where lightning falls under, cause clouds and shit.

We aren't talking about a specific game but magic systems, as I said, you're a retard

>magic systems

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Now this is quality bait

If anyone wants to be a real mage let me know

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and... where do you find these 'magic systems'
lemme guess...
In a game?

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Which is retarded, because winds needs water clouds to form lighting, the wind itself can't do it alone.

Sword basically allows Shirou to use Unlimited Blade Works and, as a consequence of UBW, makes him really good at Projection(object materialization) and Reinforcement magic.
For imaginary numbers, go read the wiki:

too OP for games

i agree man. its a shame vidya isn't very 'accurate' to how magic SHOULD work but it would be a bit too.. demanding on basically everything probably, although it would make the most sense.. you cant use lightning in a cave because theres no cumulonimbus inside etc etc. trust me i feel you.

I've been studying nature magic for almost 30 years now so fuck off with your "nature magic isn't a real school" bullshit.
Now I'm gonna have sex with my plant gf so I won't be so mad.

im officially laughing my ass off. thank you for making this day oneo f the most pleasant in my life

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give me the documents

Because english always has exactly one word to describe a singular thing and nothing more right?

Nothing about plant stuff makes it sense for it to be a subdivision of earth. It's entirely different from earth.

Makes less sense than pairing lightning with fire. A static shock is the same as lightning just on a lesser scale. Does that mean that the static shock is air/wind based?


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>1st reply
you might actually be retarded. lemme guess you went to oxford though, right user?
>2nd reply
at least we agree on one thing user. i don't think it has a place to be its own 'element' though within a game that has a multitude of elements of up to 8, maybe at 12 we could fit it in but by that point we would have to follow chinese spirits and claim Wood and Metal as elements, as they are technically.
mythical lore bullshit man. remember this is all from games. there is no real magic scroll on earth where all this is ruled out. i suppose everyone that develops something thats perceived by someone else has its own level of truth and influence to it. ive seen this specific example of air/wind = lightning sub. in many games before.

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The reason lightning is paired with wind is under the idea that air is "sky" magic rather than pure control of air. This is because other elements do the same shit but it's less varied.
Earth tends to make use of the "land" with things like Earthquake or plants. Water tends to make use of the "sea" in the sense that you have spells based on natural events like tidal waves. Even fire often makes use of the mantel in the form of volcanic attacks, or sometimes makes use of meteorites.

So in this sense, events like lightning make sense for air because air often incorporates weather effects with the exception of snow/hail which is allocated to ice.

Oh wow you're so powerful being able to control and command life based organisms, bro. Yeah control de plants bro. Why control the most simple and pure forces of nature with magic when you can create entire divisions for minute shit like plants, crystals, steam, poison, bones and all that high fantasy, western crap.

I fucking hate discussing elements with Yea Forums, you people are retarded.

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>you people are retarded.
Jee, really

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>We would HAVE to follow
No, we wouldn't. Wood isn't enough to be an element. Metal is a stretch of an element. I can hardly think of enough elements that would be more important/unique in a magic system that would kick nature/plant out of a top 8 spot.

Rounding up elements under single domains doesn't make sense. Each element should be its own thing provided there's enough to it. In this case, Electricity/Thunder/Lightning is enough and therefore warrants its own element. And is the furthest thing from wind/air because power wise they aren't the same.

>psy - Allods Online, Guild Wars 2
>mana - Torchlight 2

I like water, usually because games don't consider water all that often as an element, usually resorting to ice. I have no scientific reason for it. I just like the way it looks.

I WANT a video game where you go into the underworld. Someone to digitally recreate it and make a game where instead of killing things your quest is to help beings become human and do challenging things to kinda resurrect them instead of killing them on the planet which then you can watch their interaction from a distance.

Ill give you and everyone the tools.
Its not as hard as you think it is

First you watch this video. Meditate kundalini style.
See purple in mind
Feel vibration bring vibration up and down.
Then add hot and cold
Hottest you can feel and coldest.
Do the four elements next
Magnetism gravity electricity is next.
Do colors next
Then vibrations
Then focus on pours and do the same process.
Then body parts.
From individual hairs to your whole body.

After that visualize things and combine it with your teachings.

Say you wanna do water and air feel bubbles rise through you.

This will make you feel something very special most ppl don't know about.

After all this seek out a legit teacher. Like

Asking for money or doesn't talk about this hes fake. Never Get a ego know it all saying he is jesus guy.

Then read this

Congrats your a mage now

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>a literal fucking sage trying to recruit mages in this very thread
a rare encounter

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I pick mathematics

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Ice is my usual choice but it tends to suck, so water or fire depending on the games.

It's magic faggot, the fucking things that count as "elements" aren't even proper definitions.

Didn't know we were back in middle school where we called people fags because they say stuff that we disagree with. Grow up bud, there's better things to be that upset about.

>Didn't know we were back in middle school where we called people fags because they say stuff that we disagree with.
May I remind you where we are

Fire and if I can pick two then couple it with dark

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Here is a little treat.

The book is in the other post.
Called initiation into hermetics.

Life is boring gotta change it up.
Here is the other book
Manly p hall secret teachings of all ages.

Teaches all the history from ancient egypt to every subject how its connected to us as humans.

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I hate how generic they are most of the time.
Atleast TRY to be creative, devs, please, for fuck's sake.
- muh destruction element! rarely ever utilized as a source of light, heat or in the form of magma
- status effect is setting things ablaze, burning shit for pathetic damage while the actual spells are the things actually doing something

- often associated with lightning for no reason
- never vacuum or sonic things
- status effect is knockback

- literally just lightningbolts, stuns and arcing chain attacks - no creativity
- almost no utility ever
- status effect is stun

- boring healing/support shit 99% of the time
- weirdly enough, it rarely gets with ice
- can't extinguish fire in most games
- status effect is almost always some gay defense debuff

- Almost always some defensive tank garbage
- So uh, you can like, make ice armor or freeze and slow your enemy!
- never a true dps element, despite being the most physical out of all magical elements
- status effect is always freeze or slow, cold rarely does damage despite it literally shredding things on a microscopical level

- plant vines & rock shit
- never based magnetism, metals & crystals
- status effect is a debuff to attack or movement

- heals and smites instead of literal laser beams
- practically always considered some kind of "holy" or "celestial" form of magic
- status effect is blinding or other type of damage reduction

- Lifesteals, blood magic and edgy black goop tendrils & shit instead
- associated with corruption, evil or demons, with barely no exception
- sometimes shadow manipulation, but barely ever "void/black hole" stuff
- status effect is weakening debuffs or a curse of some sort

I just want something new.

See im not a sage gave you the wrong link.


I just gave you the most important part of wizardry which is copyright status in the last post

>some kind of energy sword
No, shirou has the ability to conjure swords.

You did miss one bigger, magic is not a magical element.

Good shit. Few suggestions however:
-Magma should be under Earth, not fire. It's rock afterall
-Sonic/Sound could almost be it's own element instead of under air depending on how magic is handled in the game
-Hard to have utility for lightning/electricity beyond paralysis in a fantasy game
-Hard to balance water with extinguishing fire unless there's a balance rock/paper/scissors to it
-Hard to make ice a dps element. Sure the cold hurts but a support/utility element isn't always a bad thing
-Plants/vines belong under nature/plant, not earth
-Magnetism would be more related to gravity/magnetism/metal elements, not earth
-Light and holy powers aren't necessarily the same. Names could be updated in popular usage to reflect that.
-Dark is almost always reflective of evil because that's basically what it is, evil magic. Blood magic/lifesteal warrants it's own element most of the time. Void really isn't an element, black hole stuff technically should be under gravity.
-Status effects seem on par for the elements

Lightning, Light, or Dark depending on the game. Fire can be fun too, but usually too many things resist it for it to be a primary choice.


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>enemies immune to fire
>kill them with fire anyway

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You'd love elementalist in GW2

>the most you can do is summon three shitty skeletons that die almost instantly

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Fire and Dark combination to form Amaterasu

>Magma should be under Earth, not fire. It's rock afterall
techically it should be both, as you can't melt rock without incredible amount of heat

>Sonic/Sound could almost be it's own element instead of under air depending on how magic is handled in the game
True, sound is vibrations, but air happens to be available everywhere, even under water in small bubbles

>Hard to have utility for lightning/electricity beyond paralysis in a fantasy game
how about lightning themed buffs that increase speed, or electric magnetism?

>Hard to balance water with extinguishing fire
I really just want more synergy between elements, like Divinity 2 for example

>Hard to make ice a dps element. Sure the cold hurts but a support/utility element isn't always a bad thing
I don't see how it's hard to make ice in to a dps element
ice can take almost any form, sheer cold temperatures, ice spikes, icewalls, ice boulders etc - there's practically no form of defense that's immune to ice, where as for example, to protect against lightning, all you need is grounding

>Magnetism would be more related to gravity/magnetism/metal elements, not earth
are you implying that metal wouldn't fit earth? but just a momen't ago you were all about saying magma fits earth element when it's just molten rock and ore (metals)
Earth doesn't have to be just boring old soil or rocks

>Light and holy powers aren't necessarily the same. Names could be updated in popular usage to reflect that
Yeah and I'm saying they need to stop with the generic "light = holy" shit

>Dark is almost always reflective of evil because that's basically what it is
how is darkness or shadows evil? they are merely another aspect of the universe, the absence of light or the direct causality of light hitting an object
There's nothing evil about it, it's just that it's generically associated with evil because fear of dark etc

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yea b im sorry, u retarded.

Time isn't the opposite of space, they're both one same thing.

Wu Xing is the better elemental system.

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The ability to summon and magically manipulate weapons and armor is horribly underutilised in video games. I want shit like Fable 1's magic swords which float around independently from you and fucking decimate fools.

>How is chaos an element? Honest question
I've seen chaos as magic that does random shit. It could be really fun.

I don't really entirely care too much but okay

Basically if you bend space, you bend time. It's pretty fun to learn about that stuff.

I go necromancer because even in gaming I can't get away from managing shit.

Sure, you can't melt rock without heat. But heat != fire. At best fire would just take the heat out of the rock and make it area temperature.

Sound travels through all matter, not just air. Which is more evidence pointing towards it being its own element.

Not sure how speed correlates to lightning enough to make the buffs related to speed.

I get you on the synergy thing, but if we're having different elements like this it's hard to consider them balanced when one completely negates the use of the other.

What you listed as ice abilities are basically just earth/rock abilities but with cold water. Sufficient heat or a thick enough density could protect well enough against ice. Again, not saying it couldn't be more dps-y, but it's better served as a slower wear you down kind of attack style than an all out blitz.

Metal really doesn't fit earth because rocks and soil aren't really metal. Sure, they contain compounds that contain metal elements, but they themselves aren't metal (enough) to be considered metal. And no, I said magma fits earth because it's molten rock, didn't say anything about the ores. Crystals fall under this too, they aren't "earthy" materials so they shouldn't really be affect by earth elemental stuff.

I don't see why we should stop using "light = holy", as it's common usage. It's only a problem when both forms of magic are in the same setting.

Evil always lurks in the shadows and dark powers are always inherently more evil on average. Sure you could make it so shadow/dark element stuff isn't evil, but striking from the shadows only to fall back in right after the attack is seen as dishonorable fighting, hence the "negative connotations" associated with the element.

If we pooled all these elements together under "elemental magic" and had other schools such as summoning/conjuration/alteration/illusion/etc then chaos could go under that, but "random" isn't exactly something that would match the other elements here haha.

>ice can take almost any form, sheer cold temperatures, ice spikes, icewalls, ice boulders etc - there's practically no form of defense that's immune to ice, where as for example, to protect against lightning, all you need is grounding
Get a connector to ground and round a billion amps through it it will burn like fuck it and everything about it

W=R*I*I doubleposting im drunk and don't care

Light magic is always fucking holy stuff. I want lasers and lightspeed movements.

Attached: kizaru.png (1280x720, 864K)

>Chaos damage is calculated against a random resistance for each hit.
>Also utilizes random elemental affects separate from the resistance calculation.
That's basically how you do chaos damage right.

There's a few games out there that have magic users with "random" powers. There's the ecaflips in dofus or the chaos school in shroud of the avatar. It doesn't need to be an element, just a magic type like OP said.

Or boost a random stats of your character for example.
There's a class that uses chaos randomness in the secret world iirc.

Basically imitates the 4 elements without resistances and buffs

Green lantern, construct shit with your will, maybe some time and space shit too

agree with the rest

Heavy Metal.

"my dragons beats your devil fag"
also the magic school of magic

Magicka is best Spellcasting game. Only brainlets disagree

Attached: 1469746252772.png (632x1756, 615K)

I kind of like non-elemental stuff, like magic missiles.

Attached: Neverwinter Nights magic missile storm.jpg (640x512, 70K)

An easy way of making this autims work is for some elements to be "better" versions of other elements, calculated against the priors resistance but by like half. So like Devil is improved shadow, is calculated against a little over half of ones shadow resistance. So you would need more shadow resistance to avoid walling against devil. Or like, Star and Double star.

To slay a god. Can you imagine, Mithras, the sense of power?

This. It might be super buggy on multiplayer and have stupid humor at times, but it's unchallenged in spellcasting. I kept learning how to use new combinations 30 hours in.

For generic elemental destruction magic either fire or thunder.
If the game has a faith based magic I to full priest or dark cultist depending the karma run I'm doing.

Attached: 1522378990776.gif (290x411, 1.53M)

What are games with elemental shit like this?


say what

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10 ToME Tips - Talents - Celestial.png (803x341, 18K)

The attention to detail in the Recommended consuption section of that picture is astounding. Somebody studied the fuck out of George Costanza.

wut game ?

Also it doesn't look like a real laser, more like holy/sun kind of stuff.

Tales of Maj'Eyal, a tilebased, turn based game with no real graphics.
Celestial magic is still considered arcane magic, it just doesn't require mana to use.


penis magic

Fire = Basic Bitches
Water = Boring Bitches that just like the color blue
Electric = Edgelords
Ice = Edgelords The cool kind
Earth = Bros
Wind = Literally who

Attached: 1417738516707.jpg (184x184, 8K)

WEW. Insecure earth mage detected. Maybe you could learn some real magic if you ever stopped fucking trees.

>average one

Or because earthquakes are lame. Earth magic is only cool when it's plant or life based, rocks are boring.

>no fucking time magic
what the fuck

jesus christ im retarded

Air because it usually gives speed or extra movement options

Arcane, Prime, or whatever it's called, as long as it let's me bend reality and change it's laws.

>Insecure earth mage detected.
Nah man I'm an Icechad all the way. Earthbros are just bros you can't deny that.

Just call it fucking parallel dimensions holy shit
Why is Fate so autistic

>Dividing magic by element rather than spell school
Pleb detected.

Attached: 1551612034579.png (446x435, 74K)

Magicka deals with some but not all of these issues, mostly though the spell shapes
>lighting is the key to the best single target damage spells
>water has extreme knockback and counters fire
>ice has a good AoE attack, can be used for a shotgun blast or rapid fire projectiles, can be combined with arcane and shield for exploding ice shards
>earth combines with any other element for a hefty projectile

I always liked this in Dark Souls. The different schools had radically different means of achieving their desired effects. All of them had an array of aggressive and defensive spells, but each excelled in one thing.