Post the state of your Wii U

Post the state of your Wii U

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I gave it away to my nephew. Honestly I feel like I'm about to do the same with my Switch. I fucking fell for it again and literally bought it only for smash. But the fucking online is so fucking terrible and arenas suck without the ability to choose your character and stage at the beginning of a match that I am completely turned off by it.

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mines alright. I just got back into it after about 2 years. still have botw, DK, TMSFE, Bayo1/2, w101 and a few more to play

Console will be completely dead when Mario Maker2 comes out.

I use the switch way more than I used the Wii U, mainly because of the great handheld mode. Also the library so far is better than the Wii U library was over its entire lifetime. Ultimate is pretty shit though, you're right.

also It's my go to console to play any nintendo game

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What kind of retard buys a $300 console just to play one game?

>The majority of the Switch library is Wii-U ports
>Wii-U gets shit on for some reason

I still use it because it's an easy machine to hack & one that can play a lot. Playing on bed with the Gamepad is pretty comfy.

>Wii-U was a better console and had a better library than Switch
>Wii-U gets shit on while Switch is praised like hell
I really don't get it.

That's one shitty that a PSTV I see? You're alright.

I thought I would get some other games for it later, but the second I lost interest in Smash, I lost interest in the whole console. Especially when Resident Evil 2 came out for PC.

So to answer your question. Me.

I did the same thing as the other user, but I got my switch used. Only games I own are Bayo 2 and Smash.

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Please Nintendo just put WW and TP on the fucking switch already.

why it's right here of course

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Still have it at my desk. Need to play Soul Reavers before it inevitably shuts down

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In a bag next to my blow up couch

Just port all the Wii U exclusives at this point, they'll actually enjoy some success that way